Gorsuch Voted Out Of Committee...

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Straight party-line vote 11-9 which sends the confirmation process to the Senate floor for a vote on cloture (no further debate). This is where Sobbing Charlie Schumer will try to filibuster the nomination because Gorsuch won't get 8 democrat votes to reach 60. McConnell will then began a series of votes designed to throw out the 60 vote threshold (there is nothing in the Constitution requiring 60 votes) and finally bring the nomination to the floor for an up or down vote. Since two democrats fearing for their political lives in Trump states will join the majority, Judge Gorsuch will be an Associate USSC Justice by end of business Friday. No word on whether Putin-puppet Schumer will lose promised campaign funds from Vlad. :eusa_doh:

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The unmasking happened BEFORE Trump was the Republican Candidate. It was done for political reasons. Every person unmasked is innocent of any crime, and Obama/Rice are guilty and should be prosecuted.

Uh, this is a thread about Gorsuch.
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One Senator explained the true nature of the opposition to Gorsuch by the Rats. They're clinging to the hope that Trump can be impeached for violation of the "take care" clause which requires a USSC ruling. With Gorsuch being a deciding 4-3 vote, no impeachment would be possible unless Trump strangles a writer from the NYTimes on national TV and even then might not be impeached because it was a justifiable homicide. :lol:
I for one am glad to see the filibuster rule going to die.

If it had been gone in 2010, the conservative Dems would not have been able to stop a free-bid single payer system.
I for one am glad to see the filibuster rule going to die.

If it had been gone in 2010, the conservative Dems would not have been able to stop a free-bid single payer system.

Eliminating the filibuster for judicial nominees would have no effect on single payer
I for one am glad to see the filibuster rule going to die.

If it had been gone in 2010, the conservative Dems would not have been able to stop a free-bid single payer system.

Eliminating the filibuster for judicial nominees would have no effect on single payer
You have not been reading then.

This means that the majority party can suspend filibuster rules at the beginning of the term for any reason. Good.
The filibuster procedure is simply a Senate tradition not constitutional nor statutory law.

McConnell will likely change the senate rule for SCOTUS nominees the same as Harry Reid changed it for Federal Judges below the level of SCOTUS nominees.

Then the new senate rule will remain in effect until somebody changes it.

Because the GOP had been holding up Federal judge appointments for many years under Orrin Porter Rockwell Hatch, therefore Harry Reid changed it before.

Changing it further now for SCOTUS as well makes perfect sense.

I am looking forward to it.

Should happen any day now.

Then when RB Ginsberg croaks, DJ Trump can nominate his #2 choice next.

And when Kennedy and Thomas retire then Trump can nominate #3 and #4.

That should make the SCOTUS far right "strict constructionist" for the next 20 years.
Straight party-line vote 11-9 which sends the confirmation process to the Senate floor for a vote on cloture (no further debate). This is where Sobbing Charlie Schumer will try to filibuster the nomination because Grouch won't get 8 democrat votes to reach 60. McConnell will then began a series of votes designed to throw out the 60 vote threshold (there is nothing in the Constitution requiring 60 votes) and finally bring the nomination to the floor for an up or down vote. Since two democrats fearing for their political lives in Trump states will join the majority, Judge Gorsuch will be an Associate USSC Justice by end of business Friday. No word on whether Putin-puppet Schumer will lose promised campaign funds from Vlad. :eusa_doh:

Yes, you're correct. It's very easy for the Senate majority to end a filibuster for Supreme Court Nominees and other presidential appointment.

However, Republicans may come to regret this action as did the Democrats in 2013. If Democrats do what the Republicans did in 2013 after Democrats forced closure, it will freeze the Senate for thousands of hours, preventing Republicans from advancing their agenda. With Corporate Tax cuts coming up and possibly Obamacare replace and repeal, this may not be a good idea.

Gorsuch is a far more palatable nominees to Democrats than most of the others on Trump's list. Given time, deals could be made to get enough Democrats to approve the nomination without the nuclear option.
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Yes, you're correct. It's very easy for the Senate majority to end a filibuster for Supreme Court Nominees and other presidential appointment.

However, Republicans may come to regret this action as did the Democrats in 2013. If Democrats do what the Republicans did in 2013 after Democrats forced closure, it will freeze the Senate for thousands of hours, preventing Republicans from advancing their agenda. With Corporate Tax cuts coming up and possibly Obamacare replace and repeal, this may not be a good idea.
The DEM's only regret it now.

Before they did not regret it.

It allowed the DEM's to appoint many Fed judges in defiance of Orrin Porter Rockwell Hatch as an obstructionist before.

Now McConnell will simply do the same thing.
Yes, you're correct. It's very easy for the Senate majority to end a filibuster for Supreme Court Nominees and other presidential appointment.

However, Republicans may come to regret this action as did the Democrats in 2013. If Democrats do what the Republicans did in 2013 after Democrats forced closure, it will freeze the Senate for thousands of hours, preventing Republicans from advancing their agenda. With Corporate Tax cuts coming up and possibly Obamacare replace and repeal, this may not be a good idea.
The DEM's only regret it now.

Before they did not regret it.

It allowed the DEM's to appoint many Fed judges in defiance of Orrin Porter Rockwell Hatch as an obstructionist before.

Now McConnell will simply do the same thing.
Oh, I think many democrats regretted using the nuclear option because after that Obama could not get any legislation passed the senate even thou they had control of it at that time.

Possibly, McConnell believed that Democrats would filibusterer all republican legislation so he just as well use the nuclear option.

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