Steve Scalise Says He Has No Plans Of Dropping Out, But Insiders Say That's Not True

And Hamas wins when we have no one in charge of the House to vote funds to Israel.
I really don't see that happening. Several reasons.

Without congress the president has authority to order the military to do, loan equipment, or be wherever he wants them to be. It's the congressional oversight of him that actually are the checks and balances to stop any branch of the government from over reaching.
And right now the HOR is not going to check or balance anyone....including the needed budget that hasn't been approved but the clock is ticking on.
I really don't see that happening. Several reasons.

Without congress the president has authority to order the military to do, loan equipment, or be wherever he wants them to be. It's the congressional oversight of him that actually are the checks and balances to stop any branch of the government from over reaching.
And right now the HOR is not going to check or balance anyone....including the needed budget that hasn't been approved but the clock is ticking on.
So...since the Hamas attack, how much has the House voted in additional aid to Israel?
So...since the Hamas attack, how much has the House voted in additional aid to Israel?
But they don't need to for the President to act. Now they can limit what the President can do or give him latitude to do more...even though every piece of equipment we loan (or use in the Israeli presence) has a dollar value which congress usually has approved or not approved.

This is no different from what has happened with helping Ukraine currently or the UK during WW2. In the case of Ukraine the used equipment is usually sold to various nations and private militaries....but instead the equipment was handed to Ukraine and one day Ukraine will have to pay the US back for the equipment we are retiring and replacing with new. (Despite all the press and rhetoric)
Just as soon as they get the majority.

You aren’t thinking. Every day this drags on it becomes more apparent that Republicans can’t lead in Congress. In fact it becomes apparent that Republicans can’t lead Nun’s in Silent Prayer.

There isn’t a single Republican who can get the votes needed for the Speakership. Any acceptable to the Radical RW like Boebert and Gaetz, is so radical that too many others oppose them. If the rest approve the Obstruction Caucus opposes.

At this point in time the Democrats and sitting back and laughing. And with good reason. The idiots have formed a circular firing squad. Every day demonstrates how inept the Republicans are.

In the Army we used to say. Lead, Follow, or get out of the way. The Republicans can’t lead. They won’t follow even one of their own. So they need to get out of the way.
You aren’t thinking. Every day this drags on it becomes more apparent that Republicans can’t lead in Congress. In fact it becomes apparent that Republicans can’t lead Nun’s in Silent Prayer.

There isn’t a single Republican who can get the votes needed for the Speakership. Any acceptable to the Radical RW like Boebert and Gaetz, is so radical that too many others oppose them. If the rest approve the Obstruction Caucus opposes.

At this point in time the Democrats and sitting back and laughing. And with good reason. The idiots have formed a circular firing squad. Every day demonstrates how inept the Republicans are.

In the Army we used to say. Lead, Follow, or get out of the way. The Republicans can’t lead. They won’t follow even one of their own. So they need to get out of the way.
democrats are in the minority. think Jeffries has a chance with congress as partisan as it is?
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, “emerged from a contentious closed-door meeting of House Republicans to tell reporters that Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries should spell out what concessions he would require to help the GOP elect a speaker.”... They put us in this ditch along with eight traitors. We’re still the majority party, we’re willing to work with them, but they gotta tell us what they need.”


(Emphasis mine)

democrats are in the minority. think Jeffries has a chance with congress as partisan as it is?

Realistically speaking the Republican Majority is so razor thin that they must walk in lock step to accomplish anything. Deep divisions in the party are plainly obvious. It took bipartisanship to get the lousy CR through and that cost McCarthy the Speakership.

The longer this drags out the worse it looks for the Republicans. If McCarthy had governed in a more bipartisan manner he could still be speaker. But he focused on party loyalty and lost it all because the party isn’t loyal. Not to him. Not to any Republican.

Gaetz won’t vote for anyone but himself. MTG will vote for anyone Trump tells her to. Boebert will vote for anyone who will let her run amok in hearings.

The problem is that you need all but four Republicans to agree. And you can’t get it. You can’t get it with anyone.

The Radicals continue to demand the unreasonable and irrational. The rest won’t get locked in to that kind of radical agenda. Not when they know the Senate is working in a bipartisan manner. It has to in order to work.

So anything that meets the approval of the radicals won’t pass the Senate. Anything that would pass the senate is dead on arrival in the House. So the choice is obvious. A weak Democratic speaker who has to constantly work to herd cats through the legislative process. Or a nonexistent Republican speaker who even if he manages to get votes can’t do anything. The first thing that the radicals don’t like the guy is out too.
Realistically speaking the Republican Majority is so razor thin that they must walk in lock step to accomplish anything. Deep divisions in the party are plainly obvious. It took bipartisanship to get the lousy CR through and that cost McCarthy the Speakership.

The longer this drags out the worse it looks for the Republicans. If McCarthy had governed in a more bipartisan manner he could still be speaker. But he focused on party loyalty and lost it all because the party isn’t loyal. Not to him. Not to any Republican.

Gaetz won’t vote for anyone but himself. MTG will vote for anyone Trump tells her to. Boebert will vote for anyone who will let her run amok in hearings.

The problem is that you need all but four Republicans to agree. And you can’t get it. You can’t get it with anyone.

The Radicals continue to demand the unreasonable and irrational. The rest won’t get locked in to that kind of radical agenda. Not when they know the Senate is working in a bipartisan manner. It has to in order to work.

So anything that meets the approval of the radicals won’t pass the Senate. Anything that would pass the senate is dead on arrival in the House. So the choice is obvious. A weak Democratic speaker who has to constantly work to herd cats through the legislative process. Or a nonexistent Republican speaker who even if he manages to get votes can’t do anything. The first thing that the radicals don’t like the guy is out too.
The longer this drags out the worse it looks for the Republicans.
the longer this drags out, the more partisan democrats look.
Realistically speaking the Republican Majority is so razor thin that they must walk in lock step to accomplish anything. Deep divisions in the party are plainly obvious. It took bipartisanship to get the lousy CR through and that cost McCarthy the Speakership.

The longer this drags out the worse it looks for the Republicans. If McCarthy had governed in a more bipartisan manner he could still be speaker. But he focused on party loyalty and lost it all because the party isn’t loyal. Not to him. Not to any Republican.

Gaetz won’t vote for anyone but himself. MTG will vote for anyone Trump tells her to. Boebert will vote for anyone who will let her run amok in hearings.

The problem is that you need all but four Republicans to agree. And you can’t get it. You can’t get it with anyone.

The Radicals continue to demand the unreasonable and irrational. The rest won’t get locked in to that kind of radical agenda. Not when they know the Senate is working in a bipartisan manner. It has to in order to work.

So anything that meets the approval of the radicals won’t pass the Senate. Anything that would pass the senate is dead on arrival in the House. So the choice is obvious. A weak Democratic speaker who has to constantly work to herd cats through the legislative process. Or a nonexistent Republican speaker who even if he manages to get votes can’t do anything. The first thing that the radicals don’t like the guy is out too.

A bipartisan group of roughly ten House lawmakers is quietly holding "very" serious discussions, a moderate Republican involved in the discussions told Axios on the condition of anonymity.
  • "The question is who gets you to the largest minority of the majority," the GOP lawmaker said. "Is it Don Bacon, who gets 20 [GOP] votes and 200 Democrats? Is it French Hill who gets 100 votes from Republicans? And the fewer Republicans, the more dangerous this is – not just politically, but structurally."
Thing is, how many Republicans in red districts will have the stones to vote for any bipartisan approach, out of fear of being primaried?
no, it shows they don't march in lockstep like democrats.
As if Dems should have to step in to help the GOP majority select a Speaker. If they can't do their job and elect a Speaker, then clearly, they ain't fit to keep the majority.

Americans are seeing how the GOP governs.
the longer this drags out, the more partisan democrats look.

If a Quarterback calls a play and none of the team follows it. Does that show the problems with the defensive team? If the Quarterback can’t make up his mind and gets called for delay of game, does that make the defense look bad?

An army without a general who can make decisions doesn’t make the enemy look bad. The Soviets got humiliated in the Winter War because they had shit Generals. All the good ones were either dead or in the Gulag. It didn’t show problems in Finland. It showed problems in Moscow.

The Republicans are screaming that they will get what they want because they are the majority. That majority is what? Six seats? Six seats flip and they’re the minority. So you need smart leadership. Smart leadership that recognizes the reality. The Republicans in the House need to work with the bipartisan Senate. That is the reality.

Now. It’s one thing to stand up like Mohammad Ali and pronounce you are the greatest. But there comes a time when you have to step into the ring and prove it. The Republicans pronounce it often. We are the majority. We decide what the rules are. We decide what will happen. And the first real test came up. The budget.

This one was actually pretty easy. Second down and three. Nice easy first down. The Senate handed the House a bipartisan bill with wide support from both parties.

McCarthy fumbled. He couldn’t get the ball across the line. The Right kept changing the play and the reason became obvious. They wanted the shutdown to placate the radicals.

McCarthy punted. And then was taken out of the game.

If Republicans declare that the bill from the senate is dead they need something in hand to pass and send back. They didn’t have anything. As I said this was an easy one. Second down and three to go. Pass the budget and go back to blaming Biden for Acne and Daylight Savings time. Impeach him because he is the wrong party. Denounce him because he won an election against the god Trump.

None of this makes the Democrats look bad. It can’t. The republicans are too busy shouting that they are the majority and they are in charge.

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