Gosar's Sister Claims He's Mentally Ill

Considering that most of my self-hating, LibBot relatives have the collective IQ of a Hydrogen Atom, I would presume that the person in the minority is the sane one.

I suggest that we create a pool to send Goober Gosar a nice Thanksgiving dinner with some plastic figurines he can pretend are family & others who actually like him :)

What do you do when you have ben elected to congress and you are a success but your sister calls you crazy? Don't invite her to Thanksgiving because she is probably a trouble making agnostic vegan anyway.
What do you do when you have ben elected to congress and you are a success but your sister calls you crazy? Don't invite her to Thanksgiving because she is probably a trouble making agnostic vegan anyway.
Well since the rest of his family agrees, you might want to consider the idea that he is an actual nutcase.
What do you do when you have ben elected to congress and you are a success but your sister calls you crazy? Don't invite her to Thanksgiving because she is probably a trouble making agnostic vegan anyway.

Ain’t just his sister pal. All SIX of his siblings think he’s nuttier than a fruitcake :)

There are no constitutional provisions to recall a member of congress.

True, but he CAN be expelled. Of course Kevin and Company have no spines so that won’t happen.
Hopefully the sagebrush who voted for his sad ass are embarrassed at this point.
Says someone who obviously did not watch the video in the OP.

You like manufacturing bullshit on the fly.
Provide the exact time when Gosar allegedly kills Cortez in this video. I've watched and can't see
what is alleged despite seeing the video several times. Thanks in advance.
Actually I was, I speak out against them from both sides, what is what makes you and I different
You assume much. Please show me where I defended the moron. I defended free speech and questioned how any reasonable person saw a threat in the garbage video. I call out violence regardless of party and you have not demonstrated that in the slightest.
Get back to me when you have the supermajority to do that.
Oh yes, that will be never, I know.

Make a similar video with you and 2 coworkers you are known by everyone to dislike. Tweet it. Report back with the results.

We just keep lowering the bar for them.
Oh yes, that will be never, I know.

Make a similar video with you and 2 coworkers you are known by everyone to dislike. Tweet it. Report back with the results.

We just keep lowering the bar for them.

And at the rate you commies are going the republicans are more likely to have a supermajority before you. LMAO

BTW, I'm retired, I don't have coworkers and this board is as close as I get to any social media.

She didn't asshole. Not just his sister either. His entire family thinks he's fuckin' nuts. Don't respond until you actually watch or read something. Too hard? :rolleyes:

Six of them.
The brothers and sisters — Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan, Grace and David — appeared in campaign advertisements for David Brill, the Democrat hoping to unseat Gosar in Arizona’s 4th Congressional District in the midterm election.​
The Gosar siblings framed their endorsement of Brill as a matter of values, saying their brother, who has long drawn headlines for his far-right views, and his politics were simply too much for them to stomach.​
“We gotta stand up for our good name,” David Gosar said in the advertisement. “This is not who we are.”​
“I couldn’t be quiet any longer, nor should any of us be,” Grace Gosar said.​

The commie bitch in the video doesn't even live in AZ, no wonder she isn't married.

Provide the exact time when Gosar allegedly kills Cortez in this video. I've watched and can't see
what is alleged despite seeing the video several times. Thanks in advance.
The claim was that the OP did not substantiate the topic title.

The claimant obviously didn't watch the video.

Try again.
The claim was that the OP did not substantiate the topic title.

The claimant obviously didn't watch the video.

Try again.
I did watch the video and saw nothing that would justify a claim that Goser supposedly killed AOC or Biden.
You are ducking and dancing away from my request so it looks like you can't find any evidence of this
claim either.

As least be honest enough to come out and say so.

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