Got a Favorite "Far Side" Cartoon? Let's Hear It!

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
Los Angeles area.
We all have one or two favorite Gary Larson cartoons. Here are two of mine:

The Floating Head of Death

We are looking at a two-story house from outside. It is night time. We can see into little Kevin's room, upstairs. His mother is standing in the doorway. Little Kevin is in bed, pulling the covers up around his chin. He is obviously scared to death.

Downstairs, Kevin's father is in the living room, which is directly below Kevin's room. He is holding a long string in his hand. The string runs out of the window and is attached to a large balloon, which is hovering just below Kevin's bedroom window. On the balloon is painted a horribly scary face.

Kevin's mother is speaking: "Now go to sleep Kevin - or, once again, I'll have to knock three times and summon the Floating Head of Death!"

Trouble Brewing

On the left we see a building with a chain link fence around it. Directly next door to it is another building, also surrounded by a chain link fence. There is a common, chain link fence between the two properties. In the yard of the building on the left, we see several strange looking animals. They look like some kind of dog. In the yard of the building on the right, we see several babies, crawling around on the grass.

There is are signs on both buildings. The sign on the building with the dogs says: "Ed's Dingo Farm." The sign on the building with the babies says: "Doreen's Nursery."

The caption of the cartoon reads simply: "Trouble Brewing."

Those are a couple of mine. I've got lots more. How about you?

Note: I figure this is kind of an all or nothing thread. Either it will take off or fall splat. It takes some patience to sit down and describe cartoons such as these - but I think it's worth it. Hope y'all do too!
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There is a giant vat of fudge.

There is an escalator going up the side of the vat.

The escalator is filled with crazy and deranged looking people.

At the top of the escalator is a giant mechanical boxing glove knocking the people into the vat of fudge as they get to the top of the escalator.

The title of the cartoon is, "Making Nut Fudge".
My absolute favorites were:

Aerobics in Hell where they are doing something like over a 1 million leg lifts

Hell's Angels type of guy with his Chopped Espresso Maker

Aliens watching the Earth from space - two mushroom clouds appear and they say "oooo prettty"

Two alligators lying on a beach with full bellies; a pair of glasses and a back pack are nearby. One alligator says: "That was wonderful, no fur, claws, scales...just soft and pink".

Two female warhogs are in a bar looking at a male warthog. One female says "he thinks he's God's gift to warthogs".
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Two deer are standing in the woods. One of them has markings that look like a bull's eye target. The other says: Bummer of a birthmark, Hal.

How did you do that? I tried to find copies of my favorites - figured I could just paste them in to a post here. Couldn't do it. I can find the cartoons all right. I right click and select "Copy Image." I come her, open up a post, right click and "Paste" is grayed out.

Tell me how you did it, por favor.
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How can I pick just one? I am a huge fan of the single panel comic, from Wilson to Addams, to Larson. It takes a special talent to make people laugh with one picture.






See? They're all good. You can't pick just one.

When do we discuss Gahan Wilson or Charles Addams?
Albert Einstein at a blackboard filled with equations the last of which are an equal sign and dollar sign.

Caption: Einstein discovers time is money
I cant find it online but they had one that was of a bunch of flying insects sitting in a movie theater....on the movie screen it was just a giant windshield and I beleive the title was "Windsheild Of Death" and all the bugs were looking scared as they watched the movie. :lol:

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