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Got a Mom and a Dad? well under this system they are to die early

The OP is pure bull. And considering it does nothing to back up it's claim that's all that needs to be said right now

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03MZG9vK0W8]Bill Gates: End-of-Life Care vs. Saving Teachers' Jobs - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdMtF2NJILc&list=UU2o_YlayYtnjwoqO7ihwNEw&index=6&feature=plcp]Mark Levin, a Neurosurgeon Calls In About Death Panels From Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
To many people watch TV and believe it, to many people believe what they are sold.

I am not sure what to make of someone who says this and posts pictures from rense.

Death panels are active under Obama Care.

Would you please quote from the relevant provision in the health care act which creates death panels, please?
To many people watch TV and believe it, to many people believe what they are sold.

I am not sure what to make of someone who says this and posts pictures from rense.

Death panels are active under Obama Care.

Would you please quote from the relevant provision in the health care act which creates death panels, please?

They put the panels in the stimulas bill to hide it!

A provision for an end-of-life “death panel” in Barack Obama’s health care reform plan, brought to light by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, already exists in legislation passed earlier this year under the Stimulus Bill.

H.R. 1 (more commonly known as the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or the Stimulus Bill) contains US $1.1 billion in funding for the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. The Council is the brain child of Tom Daschle, who lost the nomination for Health and Human Services Secretary due to an unpaid tax scandal. Daschle is also co-author of the book Critical: What we can do about the Health Care Crisis, in which he not only outlines the details of the Council but advocates for the rationing of medical care based on age and other qualifiers. He also argues that Americans ought to be more like Europeans who passively accept “hopeless diagnoses.”
Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

Daschle’s stated purpose (and therefore President Obama’s purpose) for creating the Council is to empower an unelected bureaucracy to make the hard decisions about health care rationing that elected politicians are politically unable to make. The end result is to slow costly medical advancement and consumption.

To many people watch TV and believe it, to many people believe what they are sold.

I am not sure what to make of someone who says this and posts pictures from rense.

Death panels are active under Obama Care.

Would you please quote from the relevant provision in the health care act which creates death panels, please?

They put the panels in the stimulas bill to hide it!

A provision for an end-of-life “death panel” in Barack Obama’s health care reform plan, brought to light by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, already exists in legislation passed earlier this year under the Stimulus Bill.

H.R. 1 (more commonly known as the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or the Stimulus Bill) contains US $1.1 billion in funding for the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. The Council is the brain child of Tom Daschle, who lost the nomination for Health and Human Services Secretary due to an unpaid tax scandal. Daschle is also co-author of the book Critical: What we can do about the Health Care Crisis, in which he not only outlines the details of the Council but advocates for the rationing of medical care based on age and other qualifiers. He also argues that Americans ought to be more like Europeans who passively accept “hopeless diagnoses.”
Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

Daschle’s stated purpose (and therefore President Obama’s purpose) for creating the Council is to empower an unelected bureaucracy to make the hard decisions about health care rationing that elected politicians are politically unable to make. The end result is to slow costly medical advancement and consumption.


I asked for the death panels in ObamaCare. The article you wrote is rewriting history. Sarah Palin and the "death panel" crowd specificially said the death panels were in the health reform act, not the stimulus bill.

Nice try.

Do you know when the "death panel" idiocy started? It started when Congressman Blumenauer of Oregon added a provision to have the federal government pay for end of life counseling for seniors. That way, when someone went to their doctor to get advice about how to make a living will or whatnot, they did not have to pay for the visit out of their own pocket. The doctor visit would be paid for by Medicare.

How freaking hard is it to understand that? How retarded would you have to be to be against the idea of someone making their own informed decisions ahead of time about their own care in case they are incapacitated?

But the retards completely misunderstood this very simple concept and said it was a "death panel" provision. Palin's understanding of that provision was the EXACT OPPPOSITE of what she claimed.

The retards got SO retarded that Blumenauer wrote a memo saying their profound stupidity would probably end up killing the provision. And he turned out to be correct in his assessment of their stupidity, because they took his memo to mean THEY were right about it being a "death panel" provision.

We're talking a seven-pounds-of-brain-damage level of retardation here.

Now that their retarded misinterpretation of the provision has been made clear to them, rather than admitting they totally failed in reading comprehension, they are rewriting history to say "death panels" are something else altogether now.

You started this topic by saying, "To (sic) many people watch TV and believe it, to (sic) many people believe what they are sold."

Looks like you are the one drinking the bongwater.
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Now. Let's talk about this Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research.

It is exactly like it sounds. But once again, the profoundly retarded cannot comprehend words of more than one syllable. So they have doubled down and created "Death Panels II: This Time We Really Mean It".

This is a council which is supposed to be comprised of medical experts. Doctors and shit. People who know WTF they are talking about when it comes to medical care.

They are supposed to research all the methods of care for all the various illnesses and diseases out there and determine which ones show the most promise and which treatments are bogus. You don't want your tax dollars being wasted paying for bogus flim-flam, right?

You know. Double-blind studies. Peer review. Shit like that. I don't know, maybe that flies over some people's heads. "Death panel" parrots, certainly.

Regardless of ObamaCare, we do have tax dollars already being spent on Medicaid and Medicare. So it is probably a GOOD idea to find out which treatments our tax dollars are best spent on, right?



And guess what? Insurance companies do the same thing!

And everyone knows private insurance companies are real bastards when it comes to paying your medical bills sometimes. When your cancer-ridden mother's hospital stay has exceeded the actuarials, they kick her ass out of the hospital bed and make her move to a hospice, regardless of her doctor's opinion on the matter.

Don't pretend that such abuses are solely in the realm of government. Private enterprise has been doing it for far, far longer.
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There are plenty of good reasons to oppose ObamaCare. ObamaCare is chock full of threats. But when you let the retards take over the conversation with their idiotic "death panels" shit, then you lose the war.

And that is exactly what happened. When you blow up your own credibility, you lose. You need to shoot Sarah Palin like a rabid dog in the street.

When the fuck are the assholes who have taken over the conservative movement going to finally figure that out?
There are plenty of good reasons to oppose ObamaCare. ObamaCare is chock full of threats. But when you let the retards take over the conversation with their idiotic "death panels" shit, then you lose the war.

And that is exactly what happened. When you blow up your own credibility, you lose. You need to shoot Sarah Palin like a rabid dog in the street.

When the fuck are the assholes who have taken over the conservative movement going to finally figure that out?

Well said. It becomes even worse when the idiots insist that you're criticizing their flawed mentality because you are a raging liberal who is in love with Obama. They can't get it through their heads that they are Obama's best weapon to protect his agenda, and that some of us just want the rational reasons to oppose it to shine through, so that just maybe we might have a chance.
What pisses me off is that they hid the funding for health-care items like this Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research in the stimulus bill to hide the true cost of the health-care plan. Private insurance companies & other government health-care systems already have Comparative Effectiveness Research information. They could have just looked at those.

They also promised to rid the Medicare system of fraud waste & abuse & use that savings to fund this new system. The opposite has happened. Medicare's fraud waste & abuse has grown by 30% since they passed the bill to $125 billion annually. Also using 10 years worth of taxes to fund 6 years worth of health-care is such a scam. They may as well have just started the health-care immediately as way to spend money to stimulate the economy.

This whole system was a con job from the word go. At least this compromised law lets you keep your private provider instead of that huge first socialist draft.
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I am not sure what to make of someone who says this and posts pictures from rense.

Would you please quote from the relevant provision in the health care act which creates death panels, please?

They put the panels in the stimulas bill to hide it!

A provision for an end-of-life “death panel” in Barack Obama’s health care reform plan, brought to light by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, already exists in legislation passed earlier this year under the Stimulus Bill.

H.R. 1 (more commonly known as the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or the Stimulus Bill) contains US $1.1 billion in funding for the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. The Council is the brain child of Tom Daschle, who lost the nomination for Health and Human Services Secretary due to an unpaid tax scandal. Daschle is also co-author of the book Critical: What we can do about the Health Care Crisis, in which he not only outlines the details of the Council but advocates for the rationing of medical care based on age and other qualifiers. He also argues that Americans ought to be more like Europeans who passively accept “hopeless diagnoses.”
Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

Daschle’s stated purpose (and therefore President Obama’s purpose) for creating the Council is to empower an unelected bureaucracy to make the hard decisions about health care rationing that elected politicians are politically unable to make. The end result is to slow costly medical advancement and consumption.


I asked for the death panels in ObamaCare. The article you wrote is rewriting history. Sarah Palin and the "death panel" crowd specificially said the death panels were in the health reform act, not the stimulus bill.

Nice try.

Do you know when the "death panel" idiocy started? It started when Congressman Blumenauer of Oregon added a provision to have the federal government pay for end of life counseling for seniors. That way, when someone went to their doctor to get advice about how to make a living will or whatnot, they did not have to pay for the visit out of their own pocket. The doctor visit would be paid for by Medicare.

How freaking hard is it to understand that? How retarded would you have to be to be against the idea of someone making their own informed decisions ahead of time about their own care in case they are incapacitated?

But the retards completely misunderstood this very simple concept and said it was a "death panel" provision. Palin's understanding of that provision was the EXACT OPPPOSITE of what she claimed.

The retards got SO retarded that Blumenauer wrote a memo saying their profound stupidity would probably end up killing the provision. And he turned out to be correct in his assessment of their stupidity, because they took his memo to mean THEY were right about it being a "death panel" provision.

We're talking a seven-pounds-of-brain-damage level of retardation here.

Now that their retarded misinterpretation of the provision has been made clear to them, rather than admitting they totally failed in reading comprehension, they are rewriting history to say "death panels" are something else altogether now.

You started this topic by saying, "To (sic) many people watch TV and believe it, to (sic) many people believe what they are sold."

Looks like you are the one drinking the bongwater.

LOL, you don't get it do you? Obamacare isn't about health care, its about socialism and Fascism and its goals. Death panels are part of hard core socialism, but they try and hide it from the people. I just posted a doctor talking about the death panels under Obamacare, now its not in the bill but it is part of it. Do you understand people being tricky to fool their prey?

“…under Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not the character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possible be executed in a kindly manner…”
The Intelligent Woman’s guide to Socialism and Capitalism 1928
Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw
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Yay!! Death panels again! :thup:

“…under Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not the character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possible be executed in a kindly manner…”
The Intelligent Woman’s guide to Socialism and Capitalism 1928
Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw

Which proves that the ACA has death panels, how exactly? :eusa_whistle:
What pisses me off is that they hid the funding for health-care items like this Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research in the stimulus bill to hide the true cost of the health-care plan.

Yes, the full costs were spread out over several legislative acts. Good point.

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