Got a real serious question for white folk....honestly


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Time and time again, its being said that Obama is responsible for the racist tension we have in this country, that he and he alone has somehow created the environment for all this racial discard. It is fact, since Obama took office, gun sales in this nation soured to unprecedented levels, mostly in white communities, waiting and hoping for a race war. I've always contended however, with who? Since 80% of black men in this country is sleeping with thier daughters, but that's another here's my question:

Please remind us all, exactly when was race relations in the this country ever good? Yaw acting like prior to Obama, we was all holding hands and singing happy christian songs while embracing the american do remind those of us who blinked and missed those moments, when was race relations ever ever ever good in this country?????



I think there have been random incidences (mostly in the South) forever, but this stuff in the North sounds "new" to me. I'll even entertain that perhaps this problem was an undercurrent in those cities and town's. I'll even go so far as to say that maybe it hit a... boiling point because of the shitty economy overall.

However, one cannot deny that Obama, Sharpton, and the Media are falling over themselves to make pretty much every incident into a racial issue, one cannot deny that the "leaders" across the board of African American relations are fanning the flames trying to twist shit into their agenda. Normally that's "typical" in political arenas, but there is a different dynamic with African American's than there has been with other "agenda" matters in this country; more destruction and hate than should be tolerated and encouraged - regardless of if the issue exists or not. That is where you lose a bit of faith from the majority of the country, sorry.

African American leaders should be encouraging peaceful demonstrations, they should be acknowledging at least on /some/ level what /HAS/ been done to try to fix shit - but they choose not to, they choose instead to claim that /nothing/ is being done, which is a lie and everyone knows it. When one has to lie to make an argument, the worth of their argument plummets. That is the way it goes, the way it has /always/ gone.

And the worst part, the worst part, is that when reasonable people attempt to assess if it is an issue that needs to be addressed or merely a perception gone wrong, our attempts to discuss the matter are shut down immediately by proclamations of racism. I am called a racist constantly because I refuse to personally apologize and make personal reparations for slavery that occurred long before I was born, because I refuse to excuse crime, rioting, looting, burning, and what equates to gang culture in my mind, simply because slavery existed.

Unfortunately, that appears to be what these modern black leaders want, regardless of evidence, regardless of other factors. It seems to me that those who lead and stand up for the African American community /want/ it to be a racism issue, they don't care to look at any other factors because their minds are made up that it is racism and nothing will change their mind.

When you reach that level of disconnect, that stage of refusal to look at anything but /one/ factor, then there is quite simply no point to discussing anything really. This tactic only drives us reasonable people to feel that the great experiment has failed and that racial coexistence with African American's is never going to be completely peaceful... Which in the long run merely continues the circle of racism in the undereducated on /both/ sides...

On a more personal note, I actually find it somewhat insulting that "I" am asked to apologize for anything, that I should "make up for" anything to do with slavery. NONE of my ancestors were in this country when that shit happened. My ancestors were fleeing their own demons, and their home countries "racism" - The German Occupation of Norway in 1941, and Germany itself in 1944. I will /never/ apologize for slavery in America, ever.

I also doubt I am the only one who feels that way... The population of the USA in 1860 was around 31million, 3million of whom were slaves. Current population of the united states 314million. Take a guess at how many people African American leaders falsely attempt to "hold accountable" for slavery today.

Obama's election to office has created a new level of entitlement for minorities. They have become much more disrespectful towards Whites, more prone to violence and demonstration, less willing to participate in the workforce, and much more quick to the draw when it comes to playing the race card.
Serious question, and I've never gotten a straight answer from ANY Black person:

If those LA Cops hated Black people so much then WHY didn't they take the TWO Black guys in the back of Rodney Kings car and beat their asses too?

Oh, you didn't know that there were two more in the back? Well why didn't you?

I went to grade school with one of those cops. Ted didn't do any shit-kicking and he testified against his fellow officers.
How's that for Negro-hatin'? :dunno:
You have a serious question for "white folk"? Is it 1815, or 2015? Do you have any idea how out of touch you sound when you use an old time term like "white folk" or "black folk"? Get a fucking clue you idiot.
Time and time again, its being said that Obama is responsible for the racist tension we have in this country, that he and he alone has somehow created the environment for all this racial discard.

Just who is saying this, besides you?
Please remind us all, exactly when was race relations in the this country ever good? Yaw acting like prior to Obama, we was all holding hands and singing happy christian songs while embracing the american do remind those of us who blinked and missed those moments, when was race relations ever ever ever good in this country?
It's not a matter of good versus bad, it's a matter of better versus worse.

The US is a nation where both blacks and whites are fed up. White Americans are fed up with Affirmative Action, with being blamed, with the perpetual social demands of "dealing with" urban blacks (e.g. poverty, violence, criminality, rioting), and with the rhetoric of black leaders. Black Americans are fed up with societal prejudices against them, with increasing police brutality, with a society that expects nothing from them and acts like it, and with the statistical realities of being an urban black in America.

Any US President finds himself in the untenable position of trying to broker peace between the two sides without appearing to "sell out" to either side. Although I'm no fan of many of Pres. Obama's appointments (Eric Holder comes to mind as a particularly bad pick), it seems to me the man himself has done as good a job as can be expected.

The bad news is that "as good as can be expected" really isn't all that much. The deterioration has accelerated since 2001.
It would be nice if the OP would do us the courtesy of a reply to our posts.

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