Got into 2 arguments at work in 2 days

Customers suck.

I deal in antiques and collectibles at a couple of markets.

MOST of my customers are very nice!

lots of them are REGULARS and we always chat about stuff...I

all very pleasant

and we are a microcosm of the US!

some lib, some con, some dem, some repub, some black or hispanic, most white, some gay, most straight....

we set up next to each other and we all get along fine
I miss poking around markets looking at antiques and collectibles! This is the time of year they're all open down around Belfast. It's worth the drive.
The only thing I can't stand about you antique and collectible dealers is that you set a higher price than you expect, because you expect the customer to dicker, and I'm too shy to do that, so people keep telling me I paid too much, I should have offered something lower, you would have taken it.
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
That’s the biz
Customers suck.

They really do!

I try to be a descent customer & I usually don't complain...I just wont go back to that store if I'm pissed off enough.
2 things...

I am a descent customer until my service expectations are not met
My son dreads going out with me

Just tonight my son and I went to get tacos and stopped in 7 11
There was a sale sign on the ice cream case for King Cones, $2
I grabbed 2, when I went to check out I asked the cashier to make sure
the ice cream was ringing up for $2 cuz I've had this problem before there

Sure enough, they ring up for $2.98
She leaves the register and heads for the ice cream case
While she is making her way to the case she says....
it's probably a reward member item

I told her no, it's not
So, she's looking at the sign,...uh, yeah, this is a reward member item

I asked me where it stipulates that

She looks at me and gets snippy....
It doesn't, it's not ringing up $2 and your not a reward member
turns around, walks away and heads back to the register

Without me even responding, yet, my son already knew....

Mom, please....don't

So, I'm back at the register and in that snippy tone she says...
do you want to sign up to get the reward member price

Mom, please...

see, my son already knows how I feel about that shit
I shouldn't have to give my phone # and email addy in exchange for a sale price
so a company can monitor my spending/shopping habits
and sell that info to third parties that flood my inbox
and telemarketers that want to sell me shit

I already knew this little girl was wrong,
so I kept my mouth shut and entered a phony number and email addy

Didn't she look stupid in front of everyone and change her tone and tune with me

So, she ended up having to do WHAT SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE
Override the price to HONOR THE SALE SIGN

I too, will not shop at certain stores or spend my money with certain companies
and I always compliment employees who exhibit the kind of customer service
and work ethics that at one time was the norm

I ask for a manager to compliment an employee
I have to be flaming to complain to a manager
And totally beside myself to call corporate
. . . . and what the FUCK is with this younger generation being so mortified of conflict? It is like they have all become Englishmen in a generation. . .

None of them want to have a disagreement in public, it "embarrasses" them? WTF?

If an establishment, the government, or institution is WRONG, you need to stand the hell up for yourself.

Otherwise. . . they will put you on a train and haul your ass of somewhere when they all feel like it, and you will just roll over.
Customers suck.

You always hear the saying "the customer is always right". What a retarded fucking saying. The customer is wrong all the fucking time.
First thing I was taught at 15 when I started working at the local 5 & 10. Even had to be polite when customers tried sneaking jewelry through the checkout line in skeins of yarn or a purse pocket. "Oh, did you want to buy this today?" Then they'd say "How did that get there?"
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
You are a real crowd pleaser, no doubt. Having trouble finding help for customer service?

I have fired several employees in 2 yrs for incompetence
My new employee even has far worse people skills than me
I have gone to hell
Perhaps a relocation, possibly out of an ant hill city known for risky gambles is worth considering?

I won’t leave until 2025 !!!
4.5 yrs
Good for you, running a business is crazy hard. Do yourself a favor though and take it down a notch for your own sake. You will burn out from the stress.
Nah. Deal with it. You can do 4 1/2 more years. You got this. Last thing I want is a doctor that cannot handle stress. If I actually need one, I'll be stressed enough for both of us. I'll want one with his $hit together, smooth on the outside no matter what he feels inside, but knowing everything thing in the world about what is wrong with the inside of me.
The doctor was a joke only
Unless I can run the chair !!!!
In that case, not everybody is cut out for customer relations. If you cannot hack. Get out, as the customers are probably not going to change in the area you are in. I go back to my original position, Perhaps a relocation, possibly out of an ant hill city known for risky gambles is worth considering.
I can’t hack anything !!
It’s not like i can just become an engineer ??
I am totally screwed ???
I am 44 yrs old
Way too old for school

However my job sucks but I have no kids and I have aquirred some wealth
I don’t have enough to retire until 55??
I am selling This business in 2022-24
As someone running a franchise, you've got wicked skills. You just don't realize it. You should sit down with a real career counselor and go through what you know how to do, then see what jobs use those skills. You might be able to start a new career after just a few online courses.
Customers suck.

I deal in antiques and collectibles at a couple of markets.

MOST of my customers are very nice!

lots of them are REGULARS and we always chat about stuff...I

all very pleasant

and we are a microcosm of the US!

some lib, some con, some dem, some repub, some black or hispanic, most white, some gay, most straight....

we set up next to each other and we all get along fine
I miss poking around markets looking at antiques and collectibles! This is the time of year they're all open down around Belfast. It's worth the drive.
The only thing I can't stand about you antique and collectible dealers is that you set a higher price than you expect, because you expect the customer to dicker, and I'm too shy to do that, so people keep telling me I paid too much, I should have offered something lower, you would have taken it.

"The only thing I can't stand about you antique and collectible dealers is that you set a higher price than you expect, because you expect the customer to dicker, and I'm too shy to do that, so people keep telling me I paid too much, I should have offered something lower, you would have taken it."

some do that

or...many do that....

but we are all different..

my wife sets the price she actually wants (x) and is willing to take 10-20% off of (X)

very few people ever pay her the price she actually wants because (from MY perspective; EVERYONE WANTS IT FOR LESS!

I go a different route;

I estimate what it is worth (tough to do, really, because it is worth MORE on 26th street than it is on the coast of maine), START at 30% LOWER than that, then get insulted by people all day long who want it for NOTHING until finally a dealer I know buys it for $10 more than I paid for it.....

some people just do $5 and $10 dollar tables....

also; remember....lots of dealers have NO IDEA what they have or what it is really worth;

I KNOW buttons;

saw a guy with a tubfull of NO VALUE buttons.

even selling them to crafts-people would only get you (in bunches) $100...

the guy had $600 on the tubfull! of CRAP!

I KNOW guitars;

I see people WAY OVER VALUING guitars on the field all the time;

$150 for something that doesn't even play! and isn't a decent wall-hanger.

I am a specialist in antiquarian and decorative art books...

I see people selling NO VALUE books (1870's, 1880's fiction that nobody wants!) for $20-50 bucks because (as they will tell you; "it is OLD!")
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
“A Message to García”: Elbert Hubbard’s Paean to Perseverance
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
You are a real crowd pleaser, no doubt. Having trouble finding help for customer service?

I have fired several employees in 2 yrs for incompetence
My new employee even has far worse people skills than me
I have gone to hell
Perhaps a relocation, possibly out of an ant hill city known for risky gambles is worth considering?

I won’t leave until 2025 !!!
4.5 yrs
Good for you, running a business is crazy hard. Do yourself a favor though and take it down a notch for your own sake. You will burn out from the stress.
Nah. Deal with it. You can do 4 1/2 more years. You got this. Last thing I want is a doctor that cannot handle stress. If I actually need one, I'll be stressed enough for both of us. I'll want one with his $hit together, smooth on the outside no matter what he feels inside, but knowing everything thing in the world about what is wrong with the inside of me.
The doctor was a joke only
Unless I can run the chair !!!!
In that case, not everybody is cut out for customer relations. If you cannot hack. Get out, as the customers are probably not going to change in the area you are in. I go back to my original position, Perhaps a relocation, possibly out of an ant hill city known for risky gambles is worth considering.
I can’t hack anything !!
It’s not like i can just become an engineer ??
I am totally screwed ???
I am 44 yrs old
Way too old for school

However my job sucks but I have no kids and I have aquirred some wealth
I don’t have enough to retire until 55??
I am selling This business in 2022-24
Learned in taking classes in counciling, not to indulge. You are starting to sound like "I would if I could, but I can't, so I won't". If that is a possibility, only you can make the mental leap to the next level of self awareness, but be advised, the next step is out their for you to take, as the only one that can hold you back is inside. So, I will leave you with a country philosopher, Sturgill Simpson, particular attention to the second song.
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
Where are you from, anyway?

i originally grew up in metro Detroit!!
Spent several years all over Arizona
A full decade in Portland, OR
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
Where are you from, anyway?

i originally grew up in metro Detroit!!
Spent several years all over Arizona
A full decade in Portland, OR
Wow if you grew up in Detroit, you can handle anything. Just try to minimize the confrontations with customers it's not good for you or your business IMO.
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
Where are you from, anyway?

i originally grew up in metro Detroit!!
Spent several years all over Arizona
A full decade in Portland, OR
Wow if you grew up in Detroit, you can handle anything. Just try to minimize the confrontations with customers it's not good for you or your business IMO.

I grew up in the Jewish section!!
Big difference
I worked in customer service for years, even a complaint line (I hated full moon).
Customers suck.

I deal in antiques and collectibles at a couple of markets.

MOST of my customers are very nice!

lots of them are REGULARS and we always chat about stuff...I

all very pleasant

and we are a microcosm of the US!

some lib, some con, some dem, some repub, some black or hispanic, most white, some gay, most straight....

we set up next to each other and we all get along fine
I miss poking around markets looking at antiques and collectibles! This is the time of year they're all open down around Belfast. It's worth the drive.
The only thing I can't stand about you antique and collectible dealers is that you set a higher price than you expect, because you expect the customer to dicker, and I'm too shy to do that, so people keep telling me I paid too much, I should have offered something lower, you would have taken it.

"The only thing I can't stand about you antique and collectible dealers is that you set a higher price than you expect, because you expect the customer to dicker, and I'm too shy to do that, so people keep telling me I paid too much, I should have offered something lower, you would have taken it."

some do that

or...many do that....

but we are all different..

my wife sets the price she actually wants (x) and is willing to take 10-20% off of (X)

very few people ever pay her the price she actually wants because (from MY perspective; EVERYONE WANTS IT FOR LESS!

I go a different route;

I estimate what it is worth (tough to do, really, because it is worth MORE on 26th street than it is on the coast of maine), START at 30% LOWER than that, then get insulted by people all day long who want it for NOTHING until finally a dealer I know buys it for $10 more than I paid for it.....

some people just do $5 and $10 dollar tables....

also; remember....lots of dealers have NO IDEA what they have or what it is really worth;

I KNOW buttons;

saw a guy with a tubfull of NO VALUE buttons.

even selling them to crafts-people would only get you (in bunches) $100...

the guy had $600 on the tubfull! of CRAP!

I KNOW guitars;

I see people WAY OVER VALUING guitars on the field all the time;

$150 for something that doesn't even play! and isn't a decent wall-hanger.

I am a specialist in antiquarian and decorative art books...

I see people selling NO VALUE books (1870's, 1880's fiction that nobody wants!) for $20-50 bucks because (as they will tell you; "it is OLD!")
I've sold stuff for a lot less than it was worth, I guess--you can see the dealer's eyes light up and dive for his wallet real fast. But it's just odds and ends; once or twice I've bought something and made a good profit on it, once I knew what it was. But usually I buy stuff because it's inexpensive and interesting to me, and I hang on to it.
Customers suck.

I deal in antiques and collectibles at a couple of markets.

MOST of my customers are very nice!

lots of them are REGULARS and we always chat about stuff...I

all very pleasant

and we are a microcosm of the US!

some lib, some con, some dem, some repub, some black or hispanic, most white, some gay, most straight....

we set up next to each other and we all get along fine
I miss poking around markets looking at antiques and collectibles! This is the time of year they're all open down around Belfast. It's worth the drive.
The only thing I can't stand about you antique and collectible dealers is that you set a higher price than you expect, because you expect the customer to dicker, and I'm too shy to do that, so people keep telling me I paid too much, I should have offered something lower, you would have taken it.

"The only thing I can't stand about you antique and collectible dealers is that you set a higher price than you expect, because you expect the customer to dicker, and I'm too shy to do that, so people keep telling me I paid too much, I should have offered something lower, you would have taken it."

some do that

or...many do that....

but we are all different..

my wife sets the price she actually wants (x) and is willing to take 10-20% off of (X)

very few people ever pay her the price she actually wants because (from MY perspective; EVERYONE WANTS IT FOR LESS!

I go a different route;

I estimate what it is worth (tough to do, really, because it is worth MORE on 26th street than it is on the coast of maine), START at 30% LOWER than that, then get insulted by people all day long who want it for NOTHING until finally a dealer I know buys it for $10 more than I paid for it.....

some people just do $5 and $10 dollar tables....

also; remember....lots of dealers have NO IDEA what they have or what it is really worth;

I KNOW buttons;

saw a guy with a tubfull of NO VALUE buttons.

even selling them to crafts-people would only get you (in bunches) $100...

the guy had $600 on the tubfull! of CRAP!

I KNOW guitars;

I see people WAY OVER VALUING guitars on the field all the time;

$150 for something that doesn't even play! and isn't a decent wall-hanger.

I am a specialist in antiquarian and decorative art books...

I see people selling NO VALUE books (1870's, 1880's fiction that nobody wants!) for $20-50 bucks because (as they will tell you; "it is OLD!")
I've sold stuff for a lot less than it was worth, I guess--you can see the dealer's eyes light up and dive for his wallet real fast. But it's just odds and ends; once or twice I've bought something and made a good profit on it, once I knew what it was. But usually I buy stuff because it's inexpensive and interesting to me, and I hang on to it.

" But usually I buy stuff because it's inexpensive and interesting to me, and I hang on to it. "

best way to do it!

buy what you like and find interesting....
I worked in customer service for years, even a complaint line (I hated full moon).
Love it!
The Clinton administration certainly didn't love it. Nor did Attorney General Janet Reno. Some people down in Waco Texas would order inert defused war surplus hand grenades in bulk and fashion them into those funny joke novelty items, such as the one pictured above, that were sold via mail order and at novelty gift shops in various shopping malls.

Apparently, a UPS driver accidentally broke open a box of those harmless but scary-looking objects. Which indirectly led to the crooked cops in the crooked Clinton administration obtaining a bogus search warrant under false pretenses. Crooked cops doing crooked shit.

This is what the Democrats did to them for that heinous "crime".

73 innocent Americans died in the Waco massacre, including many small children.

And in response, Timothy McVeigh bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City.
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
They will find you and burn your store down, that said should you have posted this?

I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
You are a real crowd pleaser, no doubt. Having trouble finding help for customer service?

I have fired several employees in 2 yrs for incompetence
My new employee even has far worse people skills than me
I have gone to hell
What's it like down there? You see Epstein by any chance?

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