Got into 2 arguments at work in 2 days

The comment about weapons is revealing. It has always seemed apparent to me that someday someone in command of nukes or other wmd will use them out of frustration with life. It is the major reason for eliminating these things.
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
You are a real crowd pleaser, no doubt. Having trouble finding help for customer service?

I have fired several employees in 2 yrs for incompetence
My new employee even has far worse people skills than me
I have gone to hell
Perhaps a relocation, possibly out of an ant hill city known for risky gambles is worth considering?

I won’t leave until 2025 !!!
4.5 yrs
Good for you, running a business is crazy hard. Do yourself a favor though and take it down a notch for your own sake. You will burn out from the stress.
Nah. Deal with it. You can do 4 1/2 more years. You got this. Last thing I want is a doctor that cannot handle stress. If I actually need one, I'll be stressed enough for both of us. I'll want one with his $hit together, smooth on the outside no matter what he feels inside, but knowing everything thing in the world about what is wrong with the inside of me.
The doctor was a joke only
Unless I can run the chair !!!!
In that case, not everybody is cut out for customer relations. If you cannot hack. Get out, as the customers are probably not going to change in the area you are in. I go back to my original position, Perhaps a relocation, possibly out of an ant hill city known for risky gambles is worth considering.
I can’t hack anything !!
It’s not like i can just become an engineer ??
I am totally screwed ???
I am 44 yrs old
Way too old for school

However my job sucks but I have no kids and I have aquirred some wealth
I don’t have enough to retire until 55??
I am selling This business in 2022-24
The comment about weapons is revealing. It has always seemed apparent to me that someday someone in command of nukes or other wmd will use them out of frustration with life. It is the major reason for eliminating these things.
Good thing I have zero :aargh::45::45:
My younger brother already has 5 million in the bank and kills me at everything
Customers suck.

They really do!

I try to be a descent customer & I usually don't complain...I just wont go back to that store if I'm pissed off enough.
2 things...

I am a descent customer until my service expectations are not met
My son dreads going out with me

Just tonight my son and I went to get tacos and stopped in 7 11
There was a sale sign on the ice cream case for King Cones, $2
I grabbed 2, when I went to check out I asked the cashier to make sure
the ice cream was ringing up for $2 cuz I've had this problem before there

Sure enough, they ring up for $2.98
She leaves the register and heads for the ice cream case
While she is making her way to the case she says....
it's probably a reward member item

I told her no, it's not
So, she's looking at the sign,...uh, yeah, this is a reward member item

I asked me where it stipulates that

She looks at me and gets snippy....
It doesn't, it's not ringing up $2 and your not a reward member
turns around, walks away and heads back to the register

Without me even responding, yet, my son already knew....

Mom, please....don't

So, I'm back at the register and in that snippy tone she says...
do you want to sign up to get the reward member price

Mom, please...

see, my son already knows how I feel about that shit
I shouldn't have to give my phone # and email addy in exchange for a sale price
so a company can monitor my spending/shopping habits
and sell that info to third parties that flood my inbox
and telemarketers that want to sell me shit

I already knew this little girl was wrong,
so I kept my mouth shut and entered a phony number and email addy

Didn't she look stupid in front of everyone and change her tone and tune with me

So, she ended up having to do WHAT SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE
Override the price to HONOR THE SALE SIGN

I too, will not shop at certain stores or spend my money with certain companies
and I always compliment employees who exhibit the kind of customer service
and work ethics that at one time was the norm

I ask for a manager to compliment an employee
I have to be flaming to complain to a manager
And totally beside myself to call corporate
I have fired several employees in 2 yrs for incompetence
My new employee even has far worse people skills than me
I have gone to hell
You should have hidden cameras around and start collecting footage for a documentary about American workers.

Or you could start a podcast called Worst Employee of the Week and another about bad customers.
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My younger brother already has 5 million in the bank and kills me at everything
Can't he let his bro have, say, 10%? Wouldn't that fix you up enough?
His kids have more toys than Amazon
each one has a room the size of my apartment lol

Last time we Meet I had to box him and that ended bad
My nose was F up for weeks .
I have fired several employees in 2 yrs for incompetence
My new employee even has far worse people skills than me
I have gone to hell
You should have hidden cameras around and start collecting footage for a documentary about American workers.

Or you could start a podcast called Worst Employee of the Week.

my whole store has cameras and sound

Last year ..a lady accused me of violently threatening her !!! I never did !’
Well nice try ..I had it all on video and sound to play for my bosses
I never said a single word ..she was trying to destroy me and Bait me
My younger brother already has 5 million in the bank and kills me at everything
Can't he let his bro have, say, 10%? Wouldn't that fix you up enough?
His kids have more toys than Amazon
each one has a room the size of my apartment lol

Last time we Meet I had to box him and that ended bad
My nose was F up for weeks .
My condolences.

if it was kick boxing it would be even
He said boxing and I got rocked into outer space lol
I have fired several employees in 2 yrs for incompetence
My new employee even has far worse people skills than me
I have gone to hell
You should have hidden cameras around and start collecting footage for a documentary about American workers.

Or you could start a podcast called Worst Employee of the Week.

my whole store has cameras and sound

Last year ..a lady accused me of violently threatening her !!! I never did !’
Well nice try ..I had it all on video and sound to play for my bosses
I never said a single word ..she was trying to destroy me and Bait me
I thought you were the boss
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???

Transcendental meditation: It's better than Xanax.
Last edited:
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???
This is the part of getting back to normal that I was not looking forward to - the general public who it seems is getting more obnoxious, rude and crazy every day.
I own a crappy franchise in a Rough part of Vegas
. It’s the Lowest sewer filth you can imagine

1) angry German Guy - he is very nice and kind until the slightest thing sets him off . Very typical
Of Germa
Well ...he is next in line then briefly left the line so I help the next one . Then he comes screaming back at me saying he was next and calling me names . I get very defense and yell back saying in this country if you leave the line you restart . I tell him to lower his hostility and we go bsck n forth

2) next day angry black lady - she ask me to help her and then she is not ready . She says really nasty that she needs more time . So I go back to help next in line . Then she launched in a tirade that I am rude and a racist lol
I told her you were not ready and I don’t appreciate such silly comments .
Then she keeps yelling and leaves

I am trying my best to ignore but everyday I am feeling more squeeze and pressure

I hope it’s ok to post this ???

Transcendental meditation: It's better than Xanax.

As a Jewish guy I won’t be bullied by some “Himmler”
I have fired several employees in 2 yrs for incompetence
My new employee even has far worse people skills than me
I have gone to hell
You should have hidden cameras around and start collecting footage for a documentary about American workers.

Or you could start a podcast called Worst Employee of the Week.

my whole store has cameras and sound

Last year ..a lady accused me of violently threatening her !!! I never did !’
Well nice try ..I had it all on video and sound to play for my bosses
I never said a single word ..she was trying to destroy me and Bait me
I thought you were the boss

I am but it’s a crappy franchise
I may be the Capo of my store but I have a city underboss witch and a boss in San Diego

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