"Gott Mit Uns!"

Maxine Waters very well represents the scum of the Democrat Party. Hateful and dumber than a door knob.

The stupid Liberals in this country should be ashamed of what the Democrat Party has become.


Agree Republicans and independent's watch this stuff and they will shove it up the was of democrats once again.

Liberals are dumbshits.

They learned nothing from Crooked Hillary's "deplorable" hatefest.

That did as much to rally opposition as any other stupid thing she did like demonize the NRA and call for increased taxes, open borders and .bring in a million Muslim refugees.
The democrats are becoming the scum of the earth, no class what so ever.

Fighting for human rights is not being scum.

You are scum for believing & supporting that oversized orange POS as he lies & profits from being POTUS>
The silent majority of people is watching and hearing all the crap that these idiot libs are doing and saying. And come to the Nov midterm elections, they will vote accordingly.
How many will vote for the party that imprisons children as political pawns. The party that can't even get an infrastructure bill passed. The party that borrowed 1.5 trillion to fund Trump & other wealthy people. The party that is increasing the deficit?

You did. You voted for that Obama asshole that put children in cages.

Want to see the pictures of it?
Maxine Waters very well represents the scum of the Democrat Party. Hateful and dumber than a door knob.

The stupid Liberals in this country should be ashamed of what the Democrat Party has become.


Agree Republicans and independent's watch this stuff and they will shove it up the was of democrats once again.
Only the dumb ones believe this crap.

We watch it and guess who really votes, remember who is in the white house.
You mean who is sometimes in the White House. Now its campaigning & golfing.

Watching the videos of Trump spewing hate & lie s & watching your ilk go nutso is very disturbing.

You guys are going nuts , I can predict a lot of stuff and this will backfire on you.
The silent majority of people is watching and hearing all the crap that these idiot libs are doing and saying. And come to the Nov midterm elections, they will vote accordingly.
How many will vote for the party that imprisons children as political pawns. The party that can't even get an infrastructure bill passed. The party that borrowed 1.5 trillion to fund Trump & other wealthy people. The party that is increasing the deficit?

No they are using children as pawns to skirt the law.

Bullshit. They are bringing their children with the hopes oif a better life.

Trump separated families in hopes he could force a bill that would include his stupid wall.
'Everyone with a brain knows this. Probably why you evidently don't.

As this crisis continues for the next several months with stories of lost children & how unprepared Trump was to handle it, Even a total dumbfuck like you can't spin it into a plus.
The silent majority of people is watching and hearing all the crap that these idiot libs are doing and saying. And come to the Nov midterm elections, they will vote accordingly.
How many will vote for the party that imprisons children as political pawns. The party that can't even get an infrastructure bill passed. The party that borrowed 1.5 trillion to fund Trump & other wealthy people. The party that is increasing the deficit?

No they are using children as pawns to skirt the law.

Bullshit. They are bringing their children with the hopes oif a better life.

Trump separated families in hopes he could force a bill that would include his stupid wall.
'Everyone with a brain knows this. Probably why you evidently don't.

As this crisis continues for the next several months with stories of lost children & how unprepared Trump was to handle it, Even a total dumbfuck like you can't spin it into a plus.

They are using their children as pawns to skirt the US laws and you are buying it...
If you think following the law is running wild then you're facilitating criminal behavior.

I guess following the law, to you, is stupid.
Tell that to a cop next time you get pulled over. Tell him you think traffic laws are racist. :iagree:
:aug08_031:I still have no idea what you're talking about. I suppose if you bothered to make a connection with the subjact your feeble argument would fall apart?:laugh:
:huh1:I'm the OP, YOU FUCKING RETARD!!!!
Nope. Not any clearer an argument.
.......Rump supporters - the only think they know how to you is the caps lock.
That's enough of your stupidity.
Permanent Ignore asshole!
From now on, I'm referring to the Prog Rage Mobs as the Blue Guards.

The really are the Dem's equivalent of the Maoist thugs:

Attacks on culture quickly descended into attacks on people. Ignoring guidelines in the 'Sixteen Articles' that stipulated that persuasion rather than force were to be used to bring about the Cultural Revolution, officials in positions of authority and perceived 'bourgeois elements' were denounced and suffered physical and psychological attacks.[12] On August 22, 1966, a central directive was issued to stop police intervention in Red Guard activities.[20] Those in the police force who defied this notice were labeled "counter-revolutionaries." Mao's praise for rebellion was effectively an endorsement for the actions of the Red Guards, which grew increasingly violent.[21]

Public security in China deteriorated rapidly as a result of central officials lifting restraints on violent behavior.[22]Xie Fuzhi, the national police chief, said it was "no big deal" if Red Guards were beating "bad people" to death.[23] The police relayed Xie's remarks to the Red Guards and they acted accordingly.[23] In the course of about two weeks, the violence left some one hundred teachers, school officials, and educated cadres dead in Beijing's western district alone. The number injured was "too large to be calculated."[22]

The most gruesome aspects of the campaign included numerous incidents of torture, murder, and public humiliation. Many people who were targets of 'struggle' could no longer bear the stress and committed suicide. In August and September 1966, there were 1,772 people murdered in Beijing alone. In Shanghai there were 704 suicides and 534 deaths related to the Cultural Revolution in September. In Wuhan there were 62 suicides and 32 murders during the same period.[24]...

Red Guards - Wikipedia
The democrats are becoming the scum of the earth, no class what so ever.

Fighting for human rights is not being scum.

You are scum for believing & supporting that oversized orange POS as he lies & profits from being POTUS>

Once again was my daughter in jail with me?

I committed a crime and did my time.

It was a misdemeanor & families kept together.

Only if you are a us citizen....

I guess following the law, to you, is stupid.
Tell that to a cop next time you get pulled over. Tell him you think traffic laws are racist. :iagree:
:aug08_031:I still have no idea what you're talking about. I suppose if you bothered to make a connection with the subjact your feeble argument would fall apart?:laugh:
:huh1:I'm the OP, YOU FUCKING RETARD!!!!
Nope. Not any clearer an argument.
.......Rump supporters - the only think they know how to you is the caps lock.
That's enough of your stupidity.
Permanent Ignore asshole!
It is past time to start jailing some of these insane, rabid, seditious 'domestic enemies'.

Maxine should be the 1st...
The democrats are becoming the scum of the earth, no class what so ever.

Fighting for human rights is not being scum.

You are scum for believing & supporting that oversized orange POS as he lies & profits from being POTUS>

Once again was my daughter in jail with me?

I committed a crime and did my time.

It was a misdemeanor & families kept together.

Only if you are a us citizen....

You keep thinking the US constitution applies to the world and love to bitch we are not the world's policeman, you can't have it both ways, I wouldn't want to be a democrat right now, you are so screwed.

Maxine is up to it again, but this time she's gone too far:

MAXINE WATERS Tells MSNBC Viewers to Continue to Harass Republicans at Restaurants (VIDEO)


This past week Democrats have harassed and abused DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant and forced her to flee. An unhinged Democrat mob then threatened the female DHS Secretary at her home.

Democrats booted White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family from a Little Liberal Red Hen restaurant.

On Saturday Democrats harassed and heckled Florida AG Pam Bondi and chased her from a movie theater.

Maxine Waters wants more of this.

During her MSNBC interview on Saturday Democrat mouthpiece Maxine Waters called on supporters to “harass” and “resist” Trump officials out in public.

Waters said, “I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it’s wrong for what they’re doing on so many fronts. They tend to not want to confront this president or even leave, but they know what they’re doing is wrong. I want to tell you, these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re absolutely going to harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the president, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’ This is wrong. This is unconscionable. We can’t keep doing this to children.”

It seems shaming people for being liars is now forbidden, and an incitement to violence.

I wonder how the OP's author feels about those who shame women and girls who go to Planned Parenthood and show them pictures of aborted fetuses. Or if he believes the Congresswomen is seeking to incite an Eric Rudolph or a Scott Roeder?

The OP's author is a great fan of hyperbole and character assassinations - and thus not to be taken seriously.
The silent majority of people is watching and hearing all the crap that these idiot libs are doing and saying. And come to the Nov midterm elections, they will vote accordingly.
How many will vote for the party that imprisons children as political pawns. The party that can't even get an infrastructure bill passed. The party that borrowed 1.5 trillion to fund Trump & other wealthy people. The party that is increasing the deficit?

No they are using children as pawns to skirt the law.

Bullshit. They are bringing their children with the hopes oif a better life.

Trump separated families in hopes he could force a bill that would include his stupid wall.
'Everyone with a brain knows this. Probably why you evidently don't.

As this crisis continues for the next several months with stories of lost children & how unprepared Trump was to handle it, Even a total dumbfuck like you can't spin it into a plus.

I am sorry Moon Bat asshole but they don't get to do that.

Congress passed immigration laws and it is a Federal crime to have unlawful entry into this country.

If they really cared about freedom they wouldn't be pussies and run away instead instead of fixing what was wrong where they came from. Instead they export their poverty to the US and that is despicable.

You liberals don't give a shit about the children. You never have and you never will. If you cared about children you would not vote for Liberals that support the killing of a million children a year on demand. You would not vote for Democrats that have failed economic policies that increase poverty, decrease family income, really increase the children's debt and have dismal economic growth like we saw when that asshole Obama was President.

The only reason you cry your silly crocodile tears over the little Beaner kids is because you want them to come here and vote for Democrats to make this country that socialist shithole you desire so much.

Shame on you for not supporting the securing of our borders and the sovereignty of the United State. In fact piss on you for being such a sicko demented hateful asshole.
The silent majority of people is watching and hearing all the crap that these idiot libs are doing and saying. And come to the Nov midterm elections, they will vote accordingly.
How many will vote for the party that imprisons children as political pawns. The party that can't even get an infrastructure bill passed. The party that borrowed 1.5 trillion to fund Trump & other wealthy people. The party that is increasing the deficit?

No they are using children as pawns to skirt the law.

Bullshit. They are bringing their children with the hopes oif a better life.

Trump separated families in hopes he could force a bill that would include his stupid wall.
'Everyone with a brain knows this. Probably why you evidently don't.

As this crisis continues for the next several months with stories of lost children & how unprepared Trump was to handle it, Even a total dumbfuck like you can't spin it into a plus.

I am sorry Moon Bat asshole but they don't get to do that.

Congress passed immigration laws and it is a Federal crime to have unlawful entry into this country.

If they really cared about freedom they wouldn't be pussies and run away instead instead of fixing what was wrong where they came from. Instead they export their poverty to the US and that is despicable.

You liberals don't give a shit about the children. You never have and you never will. If you cared about children you would not vote for Liberals that support the killing of a million children a year on demand. You would not vote for Democrats that have failed economic policies that increase poverty, decrease family income, really increase the children's debt and have dismal economic growth like we saw when that asshole Obama was President.

The only reason you cry your silly crocodile tears over the little Beaner kids is because you want them to come here and vote for Democrats to make this country that socialist shithole you desire so much.

Shame on you for not supporting the securing of our borders and the sovereignty of the United State. In fact piss on you for being such a sicko demented hateful asshole.

The only reason you cry your silly crocodile tears over the little Beaner kids is because you want them to come here and vote for Democrats to make this country that socialist shithole you desire so much.

Exactly and we know it

It seems shaming people for being liars is now forbidden, and an incitement to violence.

I will say the same thing to you that Nancy Pelosi said to Waters: "STFU!"

You're such a lying, deceitful POS protecting even bigger pieces of fecal matter who are calling for children and women to be caged, beaten, and raped because America is not bending over to kiss the asses of and to reward criminals invading our country, like the Democrats continue to do.

Water's inciting violence, Democrats calling women 'gash'es, and their calling for the President of the United State's son and for women to he kidnapped, caged, and raped has NOTHING to do with 'shaming liars'. If it was, people would be calling for YOU to be kidnapped, caged, and raped.

There has NEVER been a time before in this country when the level of rabid, extremist, intolerance, disrespect and hate for a President and anyone associated with him has been escalated to such a hostile, violent vile level as now.

Democrats / snowflakes have list their dann minds ... or perhaps the loss by their felon candidate drove them to the point where they just can't hide who they really are anymore.

ANYONE, though, who calls for the kidnapping, caging, and raping of the son of the President of the United States, who calls for the caging, beating, and raping of women associated / working for him is no longer just a 'citizen of the US - they have publicly declared themselves to be the DOMESTIC ENEMY of the United States.

Hillary Clinton herself declared, "Anyone who does not accept the outcome of elections are threats to our democracy!"

We have now witnessed the fulfillment of that PROPHECY by the radical Leftist Extremists and members of / within the Democratic Party!

The Democratic Party hand-picked the most criminal, most corrupt politician in their ranks, one who was proven to have committed crimes and belonged in prison instead of on a ballot, one who could not even win her party's nomination and could not win the WH despite rigging primaries, cheating in debates, election fraud, violating Election and Campaign Finance laws, and treasonously colluding and paying foreign spies and Russians in an attempt to steal the WH.

Hillary ' The Felon' Clinton LOST the 2016 election IN HER OWN, after running the worst, most criminal and incompetent campaign in US history.

America rejected her AGAIN.


And ever since that tearful, weeping night of dreams dashed and mental breakdiwns, Liberals have continued to melt down into the most deplorable, vicious, vile, hate-driven, butt-hurt cry-babies throwing tantrums for not getting their way.

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