"Gott Mit Uns!"


Maxine is up to it again, but this time she's gone too far:

MAXINE WATERS Tells MSNBC Viewers to Continue to Harass Republicans at Restaurants (VIDEO)


This past week Democrats have harassed and abused DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant and forced her to flee. An unhinged Democrat mob then threatened the female DHS Secretary at her home.

Democrats booted White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family from a Little Liberal Red Hen restaurant.

On Saturday Democrats harassed and heckled Florida AG Pam Bondi and chased her from a movie theater.

Maxine Waters wants more of this.

During her MSNBC interview on Saturday Democrat mouthpiece Maxine Waters called on supporters to “harass” and “resist” Trump officials out in public.

Waters said, “I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it’s wrong for what they’re doing on so many fronts. They tend to not want to confront this president or even leave, but they know what they’re doing is wrong. I want to tell you, these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re absolutely going to harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the president, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’ This is wrong. This is unconscionable. We can’t keep doing this to children.”

This bitch is going crazy


Maxine is up to it again, but this time she's gone too far:

MAXINE WATERS Tells MSNBC Viewers to Continue to Harass Republicans at Restaurants (VIDEO)


This past week Democrats have harassed and abused DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant and forced her to flee. An unhinged Democrat mob then threatened the female DHS Secretary at her home.

Democrats booted White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family from a Little Liberal Red Hen restaurant.

On Saturday Democrats harassed and heckled Florida AG Pam Bondi and chased her from a movie theater.

Maxine Waters wants more of this.

During her MSNBC interview on Saturday Democrat mouthpiece Maxine Waters called on supporters to “harass” and “resist” Trump officials out in public.

Waters said, “I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it’s wrong for what they’re doing on so many fronts. They tend to not want to confront this president or even leave, but they know what they’re doing is wrong. I want to tell you, these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re absolutely going to harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the president, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’ This is wrong. This is unconscionable. We can’t keep doing this to children.”
So, people can not call for a protest, Mr Nazi fuck?

There was no call for violence.

Trumpettes = liars

Maxine is up to it again, but this time she's gone too far:

MAXINE WATERS Tells MSNBC Viewers to Continue to Harass Republicans at Restaurants (VIDEO)


This past week Democrats have harassed and abused DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant and forced her to flee. An unhinged Democrat mob then threatened the female DHS Secretary at her home.

Democrats booted White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family from a Little Liberal Red Hen restaurant.

On Saturday Democrats harassed and heckled Florida AG Pam Bondi and chased her from a movie theater.

Maxine Waters wants more of this.

During her MSNBC interview on Saturday Democrat mouthpiece Maxine Waters called on supporters to “harass” and “resist” Trump officials out in public.

Waters said, “I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it’s wrong for what they’re doing on so many fronts. They tend to not want to confront this president or even leave, but they know what they’re doing is wrong. I want to tell you, these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re absolutely going to harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the president, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’ This is wrong. This is unconscionable. We can’t keep doing this to children.”

Nobody “attacked” Neilsen. She was not accosted other than verbally, and she had security with her.

So? Does that make the behavior from protestors any more decent? This isn't the way adults go about instilling change.

No “mob” attacked her home. Protestors are protesting peacefully outside her home

See above. The situation is made even worse when they're camped outside her home.

The lying bitch should be arrested for crimes against humanity. No wonder Trump pulled out of the Human Rights Council.

Perhaps with due process she will. However, this current behavior from the left will end up getting people killed.

Waters is right. Every Republican in government should be harassed daily until they put a stop to the concentration camps, separating children from families and putting babies into cages.

I respectfully disagree. See above.

They should be hounded in public each and every day until all of those children are back with their parents.

Once again, a spectacularly bad idea. This behavior has never solved anything. It only breeds contempt.

How in the heck else, short of violence, can you get filth like sanders out of our society?

Your waking up a sleeping dragon , this shit is going to back fire on you

Maxine is up to it again, but this time she's gone too far:

MAXINE WATERS Tells MSNBC Viewers to Continue to Harass Republicans at Restaurants (VIDEO)


This past week Democrats have harassed and abused DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant and forced her to flee. An unhinged Democrat mob then threatened the female DHS Secretary at her home.

Democrats booted White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family from a Little Liberal Red Hen restaurant.

On Saturday Democrats harassed and heckled Florida AG Pam Bondi and chased her from a movie theater.

Maxine Waters wants more of this.

During her MSNBC interview on Saturday Democrat mouthpiece Maxine Waters called on supporters to “harass” and “resist” Trump officials out in public.

Waters said, “I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it’s wrong for what they’re doing on so many fronts. They tend to not want to confront this president or even leave, but they know what they’re doing is wrong. I want to tell you, these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re absolutely going to harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the president, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’ This is wrong. This is unconscionable. We can’t keep doing this to children.”
So, people can not call for a protest, Mr Nazi fuck?

There was no call for violence.

Trumpettes = liars

You going to lose bad again...
Funny chgit.
Let them do it, and every restaurant and gas stations that do will soon close down. Also it will guarantee a red wave in November. Liberals please keep this up!
It figures that you fuckwads would support the idea that the administration lies all the time.
It is OK to not to serve someone because they are gay but OMG OMG OMG you can't serve someone because they decided to be an asshole & lie to the American people & lock up children.
Maxine Waters very well represents the scum of the Democrat Party. Hateful and dumber than a door knob.

The stupid Liberals in this country should be ashamed of what the Democrat Party has become.

Funny chgit.
Let them do it, and every restaurant and gas stations that do will soon close down. Also it will guarantee a red wave in November. Liberals please keep this up!
It figures that you fuckwads would support the idea that the administration lies all the time.
It is OK to not to serve someone because they are gay but OMG OMG OMG you can't serve someone because they decided to be an asshole & lie to the American people & lock up children.

This is not a good idea, if I was a democrat , we still have the numbers, that vote
Maxine Waters very well represents the scum of the Democrat Party. Hateful and dumber than a door knob.

The stupid Liberals in this country should be ashamed of what the Democrat Party has become.


Agree Republicans and independent's watch this stuff and they will shove it up the was of democrats once again.
Maxine Waters very well represents the scum of the Democrat Party. Hateful and dumber than a door knob.

The stupid Liberals in this country should be ashamed of what the Democrat Party has become.


You have to love when an ignorant uneducated POS Trumpette calls someone with a college degree dumb.

There is no shame in protesting Trump. The sham,e is in supported that fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser who is using his position to line his own pockets,.
The silent majority of people is watching and hearing all the crap that these idiot libs are doing and saying. And come to the Nov midterm elections, they will vote accordingly.
Maxine Waters very well represents the scum of the Democrat Party. Hateful and dumber than a door knob.

The stupid Liberals in this country should be ashamed of what the Democrat Party has become.


Agree Republicans and independent's watch this stuff and they will shove it up the was of democrats once again.
Only the dumb ones believe this crap.
Maxine Waters very well represents the scum of the Democrat Party. Hateful and dumber than a door knob.

The stupid Liberals in this country should be ashamed of what the Democrat Party has become.


Agree Republicans and independent's watch this stuff and they will shove it up the was of democrats once again.
Only the dumb ones believe this crap.

We watch it and guess who really votes, remember who is in the white house.
Funny chgit.
Let them do it, and every restaurant and gas stations that do will soon close down. Also it will guarantee a red wave in November. Liberals please keep this up!
It figures that you fuckwads would support the idea that the administration lies all the time.
It is OK to not to serve someone because they are gay but OMG OMG OMG you can't serve someone because they decided to be an asshole & lie to the American people & lock up children.
Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it, he also thinks you're stupid. And you defended him. The baker sold the queer couple things off the shelf, but didn't want to make their wedding cake. But the servers at the restaurant wouldn't serve Sanders at all, then the owner of the restaurant followed them across the street to harass them at another restaurant. Like I said please keep this up.
The silent majority of people is watching and hearing all the crap that these idiot libs are doing and saying. And come to the Nov midterm elections, they will vote accordingly.
How many will vote for the party that imprisons children as political pawns. The party that can't even get an infrastructure bill passed. The party that borrowed 1.5 trillion to fund Trump & other wealthy people. The party that is increasing the deficit?
Maxine Waters very well represents the scum of the Democrat Party. Hateful and dumber than a door knob.

The stupid Liberals in this country should be ashamed of what the Democrat Party has become.


Agree Republicans and independent's watch this stuff and they will shove it up the was of democrats once again.
Only the dumb ones believe this crap.

We watch it and guess who really votes, remember who is in the white house.
You mean who is sometimes in the White House. Now its campaigning & golfing.

Watching the videos of Trump spewing hate & lie s & watching your ilk go nutso is very disturbing.
The silent majority of people is watching and hearing all the crap that these idiot libs are doing and saying. And come to the Nov midterm elections, they will vote accordingly.
How many will vote for the party that imprisons children as political pawns. The party that can't even get an infrastructure bill passed. The party that borrowed 1.5 trillion to fund Trump & other wealthy people. The party that is increasing the deficit?

No they are using children as pawns to skirt the law.

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