Gotta Love Radford, Va. - Stay The Fuck Out Biden....

Sometimes you just cannot win. Like with Truthmatters for instance. Some people will never ever see the light. You could slap them upside the head with a duffel bag full of logic, reason, and facts and they won't care. they will just lie, and dodge, and deflect, and derail. Some will run, some will pile a lie on top of the lie, some will go to another thread and repeat the same lie that you just debunked a few seconds ago.

Sometimes it's just hopeless. All you can really do is give it your best shot, drop a few f-bombs on them and then dismiss them. Who cares if the idiot thinks he's(she's) won.
I just heard some clips on radio about this business owner. Kudos. And the latest has his bakery "Crumb and Get It" selling out of food today.

Nice to see someone having the testicular fortitude to turn down a photo op and instead standing by their principles.

Kudos! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
In other words... I win. Your capitulation is noted.

In more meaningful truthfull words I had to go to the store and buy some Ice Cream for me and the dogs. It's gonna hit in the low 90's here today.

I bet you do that alot though... Assume that when someone walks away from you shaking their head that you THINK you have won. No Sport...THEY won... they won more meaningful time left in their lives that you won't be able to polute with your stupidity.

No, when morons like you walk away shaking their heads and refuse to discuss the topic at hand rationally, I kNOW I've won.

You aren't very bright.
Fuck him. I'm sure there's hundreds of family owned restaurants that will be thrilled for the free press.

Cuz free is mo betta., they pay for their own ads..they don't need the prez's corps of propagandists to prop them up.
I just heard some clips on radio about this business owner. Kudos. And the latest has his bakery "Crumb and Get It" selling out of food today.

Nice to see someone having the testicular fortitude to turn down a photo op and instead standing by their principles.

Kudos! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

How appropriate. Another protest for the obese.
Pouty little store owner....applauded by pouty little posters. Classic! :lol:
do you really think so?

Ask the beer stand owner in Iowa just how much business he lost when the SS shut down his business so that the Anointed One could get a photo op, and get back to Me.

Having a President visit your business is BAD for your business. When that President is a pouty little prick like Obama, it just becomes a pleasure to stick a thumb in his eye.
I just heard some clips on radio about this business owner. Kudos. And the latest has his bakery "Crumb and Get It" selling out of food today.

Nice to see someone having the testicular fortitude to turn down a photo op and instead standing by their principles.

Kudos! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

How appropriate. Another protest for the obese.

Are you just trying to up your post count because you are just posting gibberish?
The only thing "honest" about the store owner is that he makes no effort to hide his stupidity.

No the stupidity is allowing a administration that insults and attacks small business in to your small business.

You morons have worn that made up talking point out. It was a stupid lie when it was "new". It is still a stupid lie. Obama nor Beiden have done anything to harm the small business owner. He is a victim of his own hack ignorance as are you. The "visit" of Beiden would have done nothing but benefit the store owner and it's bottom line regardless of the man's political leanings. It has nothing to do with his "right" to refuse service to someone which is usually reserved for situations where a customer is doing something illegal or excessively rude like if the customer is drunk or verbally abusive.

So if this store owner is "true" to his convictions he should stop selling to the public altogether and call his business a "private club" where he can issue private memberships and control his clientelle to only morons like himself.

That would be a stupid business model...but it would in fact be honest.

So we shouldnt take them at their word ????? Is that what your saying?
This shit stains principle is to screw his family, because he believes a right wing lie. That's not principled, that's stupid.

Obama said "if you have a business, you didn't build that", it's not a right wing lie, no matter how many times you repeat that left wing lie...... :thup:

Lying little pussy. He said if you have a business, you didn't do it on your own, you had help.

Aww look at you say he lied when there is evidence he isnt

Obama: If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That - YouTube

You are a troll that need to stop tooling for anus in a political discussion forum.
No the stupidity is allowing a administration that insults and attacks small business in to your small business.

You morons have worn that made up talking point out. It was a stupid lie when it was "new". It is still a stupid lie. Obama nor Beiden have done anything to harm the small business owner. He is a victim of his own hack ignorance as are you. The "visit" of Beiden would have done nothing but benefit the store owner and it's bottom line regardless of the man's political leanings. It has nothing to do with his "right" to refuse service to someone which is usually reserved for situations where a customer is doing something illegal or excessively rude like if the customer is drunk or verbally abusive.

So if this store owner is "true" to his convictions he should stop selling to the public altogether and call his business a "private club" where he can issue private memberships and control his clientelle to only morons like himself.

That would be a stupid business model...but it would in fact be honest.

So we shouldnt take them at their word ????? Is that what your saying?

You can do anything you want. Spelling cops roam the internets getting their jollies pointing out the small mistakes of those that don't take the time to edit carefully or just don't care as long as the reader can tell what the sending member meant.

What is clear is what Obama meant to say..and even more clear who are the assholes that also know it and act like these minor gaffs mean anything.

Nobody speaks PERFECTLY ALL OF THE TIME. Not you...not Obama..not anyone.

Me, I'm more concerned with liars and those that want to tear down our government proving their montra that government doesn't work.
You morons have worn that made up talking point out. It was a stupid lie when it was "new". It is still a stupid lie. Obama nor Beiden have done anything to harm the small business owner. He is a victim of his own hack ignorance as are you. The "visit" of Beiden would have done nothing but benefit the store owner and it's bottom line regardless of the man's political leanings. It has nothing to do with his "right" to refuse service to someone which is usually reserved for situations where a customer is doing something illegal or excessively rude like if the customer is drunk or verbally abusive.

So if this store owner is "true" to his convictions he should stop selling to the public altogether and call his business a "private club" where he can issue private memberships and control his clientelle to only morons like himself.

That would be a stupid business model...but it would in fact be honest.

So we shouldnt take them at their word ????? Is that what your saying?

You can do anything you want. Spelling cops roam the internets getting their jollies pointing out the small mistakes of those that don't take the time to edit carefully or just don't care as long as the reader can tell what the sending member meant.

What is clear is what Obama meant to say..and even more clear who are the assholes that also know it and act like these minor gaffs mean anything.

Nobody speaks PERFECTLY ALL OF THE TIME. Not you...not Obama..not anyone.

Me, I'm more concerned with liars and those that want to tear down our government proving their montra that government doesn't work.
the big three to five letter words must make you head hurt.
Pouty little store owner....applauded by pouty little posters. Classic! :lol:
do you really think so?

Ask the beer stand owner in Iowa just how much business he lost when the SS shut down his business so that the Anointed One could get a photo op, and get back to Me.

Having a President visit your business is BAD for your business. When that President is a pouty little prick like Obama, it just becomes a pleasure to stick a thumb in his eye.

Tell Five Guys that. :lol::lol::lol:
As a business owner I will never understand other owners doing stupid shit like this. It's not smart business. All you are doing is alienating future customers. I dislike Romny but if he wanted to shop in a store I owned I would not tell him he cannot come in.

Sorry, but tell that to the owners of Chik-fil-a. It seems to me that bucking the liberal goon sqauds can be very good for business.

Think I will stop and pay a visit to "Crumb and Get It" if I ever drive through Radford, VA. Think I'll go look for it on the map now.

As a business owner I will never understand other owners doing stupid shit like this. It's not smart business. All you are doing is alienating future customers. I dislike Romny but if he wanted to shop in a store I owned I would not tell him he cannot come in.

Maybe the guy has balls and principles that he puts above money...unlike some!

wait you mean money isnt the most important thing? If you listen to liberals it fixes everything
As a business owner I will never understand other owners doing stupid shit like this. It's not smart business. All you are doing is alienating future customers. I dislike Romny but if he wanted to shop in a store I owned I would not tell him he cannot come in.

Maybe the guy has balls and principles that he puts above money...unlike some!

wait you mean money isnt the most important thing? If you listen to liberals it fixes everything

Well, more like... other people's money fixes everything.

Fuck him. I'm sure there's hundreds of family owned restaurants that will be thrilled for the free press.

This one GOT free press for being white trash, his customers are most likely ex cons that don't want law enforcement or cameras around. As low class as they come, a perfect Ryan boy.
As a business owner I will never understand other owners doing stupid shit like this. It's not smart business. All you are doing is alienating future customers. I dislike Romny but if he wanted to shop in a store I owned I would not tell him he cannot come in.

Think of the business he will gain by people who agree with him... I'd even venture to say there'd be more stopping in because oif his statement then there would be because Biden stopped by...

Pretty smart of him to publicize this...


I love when I'm right....:lol:

Radford bakery that turned Biden away sells out of 'freedom cookies' -

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