Gov. Christie to his constituents - Mind Your Own Business!

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

New Jersey has some of the best public schools in the nation. Especially where Christie lives. I sent my kids to public school here and they received an outstanding education

That may be, but then if he has to have a jet or a chopper to fly his kids to school half-way across the state, this may seem like a total waste of taxpayers' cash.

I must have missed that. When did Gov Christie have a jet or a chopper fly his kids to school, or anywhere else?

You can destroy Christie with the conservatives a lot easier by quoting him on gun rights than trying to upset the people who like him with quotes showing that he has a temper.
That is true.

His temper is what most people like about him.
It's what authoritarian/submissives like about him. Displays of temperament are appropriate for dictators but not for elected officials.
No. Christie is part of a growing movement which includes people who are just sick to death of political correctness.
True statement. Most politicians regardless of political affiliation, have their primary focus on doing just enough to not piss people off. That is no way to govern.
Problem is so many of us want our asses kissed. The smallest of personal slights gets a politician in the newspaper. So they walk on eggshells instead of making choices based on logic and common sense. Christie does not worry about stepping on toes. He was elected to represent ALL of the people of New Jersey. He promised the taxpayers he would rein in the high cost of government and rein in skyrocketing taxes.
For example, the NJ's public worker unions opposed and protested the 2% annual tax levy cap. The union people's complaint....."What about our raises?"....HUH?.....People are losing jobs left and right, businesses leaving the state in droves and these people have the gall to demand to know about their raises? Eat shit and die you greedy pricks.

The deal with Christies 2% tax cap was that he cut what the state used to pay to municipalities and then told municipalities they could not raise taxes to make up for lost state revenue
You mistake aggressive arrogance for "backbone."

That woman's question called for an intelligent response, not contemptuous dismissal. By choosing to become a public figure one forfeits the right to such ordinarily private concerns as preference of private schools for one's children. That is a very relevant issue in his case.

Christie has shown himself to be an arrogant bully and those who think that's a good thing reflect an authoritarian/submissive orientation, which is precisely what brought Hitler and Mussolini to power.
Her question was presumptuous and inappropriate.
In Christie's shoes, that would have been my response.

I can’t say that the question was presumptuous but I can’t see that his answer was all that bad either. He has attacked public education on the ground that it is failing. I can’t see how that is in conflict with his decision. It should be obvious. The idea that throwing money at the problem will solve it has been shown to be false. There is no connection with reality that the libs are attacking him for cutting expenditures in a financial crunch on a system that he does not use. No matter where he cuts it is unlikely that he uses those services.
Christie has not "attacked" NJ public education. The word "Attack" is the pat response offered up by liberals and teacher's unions.
He is fulfilling a promise to the NJ taxpayers that he would rein in taxes and the cost of government. He started with the tax cap and then the public worker unions.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

If he is sending his kids to a school that is teaching "magical creation", then they are NOT getting the best education.

You wanna bet his kids act just like him? Probably the most despised kids in school.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

If he is sending his kids to a school that is teaching "magical creation", then they are NOT getting the best education.

You wanna bet his kids act just like him? Probably the most despised kids in school.

Maybe not, but they are getting a better education that you did.
Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

If he is sending his kids to a school that is teaching "magical creation", then they are NOT getting the best education.

You wanna bet his kids act just like him? Probably the most despised kids in school.

Maybe not, but they are getting a better education that you did.

It all comes down to what you consider a "good" education.

Only 2% of scientists believe in "magical creation". I go with the other 98%.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

If he is sending his kids to a school that is teaching "magical creation", then they are NOT getting the best education.

You wanna bet his kids act just like him? Probably the most despised kids in school.

In the United States, 95 percent of the population "believe in God."

Of course there are the 5% that don't. - How many people believe in God
Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

If he is sending his kids to a school that is teaching "magical creation", then they are NOT getting the best education.

You wanna bet his kids act just like him? Probably the most despised kids in school.

In the United States, 95 percent of the population "believe in God."

Of course there are the 5% that don't. - How many people believe in God

Seriously? That's your link?
Disengage your brain from "Stupid."

He's pro-choice. No further need to argue this FACT.

Caribiner has a reflexive need to argue with anyone who is a conservative, even if he agrees with him. I think it has something to do with him being raised by the public school system in the US.

There's no evidence Christie wants to see Roe v Wade overturned, nor any evidence he wants to amend the Constitution to outlaw abortion.

That makes him pro-choice.

That is incorrect. He is anti-choice. That is what his campaign website said... at least according to On The Issues

Chris Christie on Abortion
Is Christie for or against vouchers ?

Obama and most democrats are against them, so who are the real hypocrites again? ......

Vouchers are taxpayer subsidies that go to parents who want to put their kids in private schools.

Why should I have to pay for that?

You don't have a problem continuing to throw money into the shitty public schools, but you have a problem with tax money going for vouchers?.....:cuckoo:
Caribiner has a reflexive need to argue with anyone who is a conservative, even if he agrees with him. I think it has something to do with him being raised by the public school system in the US.

There's no evidence Christie wants to see Roe v Wade overturned, nor any evidence he wants to amend the Constitution to outlaw abortion.

That makes him pro-choice.

That is incorrect. He is anti-choice. That is what his campaign website said... at least according to On The Issues

Chris Christie on Abortion
ON the issues..not a legitimate news source, but a left wing blog..
Gov. Chris Christie backs anti-abortion activists, says 'every life is precious and a gift from God' |
In this article no where in Christie's statements does he say abortion should be illegal.
In this link we see that Christie said during his campaign that Roe v Wade is the law of the land and as governor he would enforce the law.
I'm glad the Governor told that idiot to stifle. The man has backbone which is MORE than I can say of you deany.[/I]
You mistake aggressive arrogance for "backbone."

That woman's question called for an intelligent response, not contemptuous dismissal. By choosing to become a public figure one forfeits the right to such ordinarily private concerns as preference of private schools for one's children. That is a very relevant issue in his case.

Christie has shown himself to be an arrogant bully and those who think that's a good thing reflect an authoritarian/submissive orientation, which is precisely what brought Hitler and Mussolini to power.

Or this guy ?

This blog I'm posting is actually from TX. But this particular posting is so damn funny I thought I would share it.

Governor Chris Christie Makes New Jersey Proud

Oh, this is good. It’s even goofy Republican good.

It seems that New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie, who is so rotund that he should have John Deere stamped on his butt, arrived at his son’s little league baseball game in a state helicopter.

No, seriously. They have pictures.

A state helicopter and a full squad of Lord only knows how many other people are needed to fly the Governor around on a helicopter. Man, I hope they had some rocket fuel in that sucker because Christi once fell down and rocked himself to sleep trying to get up.

But, it gets better —

Christie arrived shortly before 4 p.m. to watch his son Andrew play baseball for Delbarton School. He was driven from the helicopter about 100 yards to the field in a black car with tinted windows.

Really? He couldn’t walk 100 yards?

Good Lord, the man’s shadow weights 17 pounds. He looks like he ate his brother in the limo.

Juanita Jean's | Governor Chris Christie Makes New Jersey Proud, Honey

I hope this gives everyone a good laugh. :razz:
Is Christie for or against vouchers ?

Obama and most democrats are against them, so who are the real hypocrites again? ......

Vouchers are taxpayer subsidies that go to parents who want to put their kids in private schools.

Why should I have to pay for that?

You don't have a problem continuing to throw money into the shitty public schools, but you have a problem with tax money going for vouchers?.....:cuckoo:

Why should I have to do both? Our public schools are great btw.
Vouchers are taxpayer subsidies that go to parents who want to put their kids in private schools.

Why should I have to pay for that?

You don't have a problem continuing to throw money into the shitty public schools, but you have a problem with tax money going for vouchers?.....:cuckoo:

Why should I have to do both? Our public schools are great btw.

Good for you, but there are a lot that aren't, but the kids are forced to go to them. The vouchers give parents freedom of choice, which liberals like you hate of course.......
ON the issues..not a legitimate news source, but a left wing blog..
Gov. Chris Christie backs anti-abortion activists, says 'every life is precious and a gift from God' |
In this article no where in Christie's statements does he say abortion should be illegal.
In this link we see that Christie said during his campaign that Roe v Wade is the law of the land and as governor he would enforce the law.

Where did you get the idea that On The Issues was a LW blog? So far I have never known them to pass along any misinformation. In the portion about Christie it simply quoted him. And here is a good article about him speaking at a pro-life rally.

NJ Governor Chris Christie speaks at anti-abortion rally -
There's no evidence Christie wants to see Roe v Wade overturned, nor any evidence he wants to amend the Constitution to outlaw abortion.

That makes him pro-choice.

That is incorrect. He is anti-choice. That is what his campaign website said... at least according to On The Issues

Chris Christie on Abortion
ON the issues..not a legitimate news source, but a left wing blog..
Gov. Chris Christie backs anti-abortion activists, says 'every life is precious and a gift from God' |
In this article no where in Christie's statements does he say abortion should be illegal.
In this link we see that Christie said during his campaign that Roe v Wade is the law of the land and as governor he would enforce the law.

He doesn't state his support of overturning it because that would a massively unpopular move in New Jersey. It's not really hard to read between the lines though. If he thinks abortion is murder, he supports outlawing or he's okay with murder. Take your pick.
You don't have a problem continuing to throw money into the shitty public schools, but you have a problem with tax money going for vouchers?.....:cuckoo:

Why should I have to do both? Our public schools are great btw.

Good for you, but there are a lot that aren't, but the kids are forced to go to them. The vouchers give parents freedom of choice, which liberals like you hate of course.......

Vouchers don't create any real choice. It's just a subsidy to existing private schools.
Having observed Christie for seven years that is his Achilles heel. He does not take criticism very well and goes into attack dog mode when challenged

He pulled it off as federal prosecutor, but will not bode well for a Presidential candidate

Well said. I agree completely.

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