Gov. Christie to his constituents - Mind Your Own Business!

Having observed Christie for seven years that is his Achilles heel. He does not take criticism very well and goes into attack dog mode when challenged

He pulled it off as federal prosecutor, but will not bode well for a Presidential candidate

Good thing he is not running for president, isn't it?

But the conservatives are drooling over him. if and when he decides to run, these soundbites and terse retorts will not bode well with the electorate

Christie is doing a great job in NJ, but still needs some refinement

The liberals drooled over Obama for years, and none of the soundbites of him saying he was not qualified to be president made a bit of difference. Why do you think the other side will be more discerning?

You can destroy Christie with the conservatives a lot easier by quoting him on gun rights than trying to upset the people who like him with quotes showing that he has a temper. His temper is what most people like about him.
He's definately pro-life Pro-Life Governor Christie Defunds Planned Parenthood in New Jersey

Perhaps you should educate yourself and not worry about Christie's kid's education.

Freaking dolt.


Disengage your brain from "Stupid."

He's pro-choice. No further need to argue this FACT.

Caribiner has a reflexive need to argue with anyone who is a conservative, even if he agrees with him. I think it has something to do with him being raised by the public school system in the US.
Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

No he didn't. He comes off as petulant and angry.

"Mind your own business?" Really? Christie is in public life..and is a public servant.

Christie has the right to send his kids to any school he chooses. He pays his property taxes to support public school. You have no business asking where he sends his kids to school.

No one has any business about asking about people's kids, their religion, their ethnicity, and a host of other things..

Limbaugh mocks Malia Obama, adds "We've got a boy -- We've got a child here playing president" | Media Matters for America
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Glenn Beck Busted For Attacking Obama's Daughter‬‏[/ame]
“What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?” Gingrich asks. “That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior.”
Gingrich: Obama
Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

No he didn't. He comes off as petulant and angry.

"Mind your own business?" Really? Christie is in public life..and is a public servant.

Christie has the right to send his kids to any school he chooses. He pays his property taxes to support public school. You have no business asking where he sends his kids to school.
Hey dumbass, the arrogant POS was not asked WHERE he sends his kids, he was asked why he thinks it fair to cut funding to public schools since it won't effect his kids. He couldn't answer honestly, that he doesn't give a shit about public schools since it doesn't effect him personally, so he attacked the questioner.

“You don’t send your children to public schools. You send them to private schools, so I was wondering why you think it’s fair to be cutting funding to public schools?”
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

No he didn't. He comes off as petulant and angry.

"Mind your own business?" Really? Christie is in public life..and is a public servant.

Almost as arrogant as "The police acted stupidly."
I agree - public SERVANTS are just that.
Shut up and serve
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

New Jersey has some of the best public schools in the nation. Especially where Christie lives. I sent my kids to public school here and they received an outstanding education
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

No he didn't. He comes off as petulant and angry.

"Mind your own business?" Really? Christie is in public life..and is a public servant.

Only petulant to you.

Christie is a public servant but his private life is his, not ours. I don't need to remind you of what the Left has said about this issue.

It's his right to tell anyone who wants to pry into his private life to go to hell. Obama doesn't want anyone finding out about his, which is his right. Too bad if you don't like it when someone on the right feels the same about it.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

New Jersey has some of the best public schools in the nation. Especially where Christie lives. I sent my kids to public school here and they received an outstanding education

That may be, but then if he has to have a jet or a chopper to fly his kids to school half-way across the state, this may seem like a total waste of taxpayers' cash.
I'm glad the Governor told that idiot to stifle. The man has backbone which is MORE than I can say of you deany.[/I]
You mistake aggressive arrogance for "backbone."

That woman's question called for an intelligent response, not contemptuous dismissal. By choosing to become a public figure one forfeits the right to such ordinarily private concerns as preference of private schools for one's children. That is a very relevant issue in his case.

Christie has shown himself to be an arrogant bully and those who think that's a good thing reflect an authoritarian/submissive orientation, which is precisely what brought Hitler and Mussolini to power.
Her question was presumptuous and inappropriate.
In Christie's shoes, that would have been my response.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

New Jersey has some of the best public schools in the nation. Especially where Christie lives. I sent my kids to public school here and they received an outstanding education
As a product of NJ Public Schools, I can say these are among the finest in the nation.
However this applies only to suburban districts. As with other places, NJ's urban schools are a mess. The film "Lean on Me" starring Morgan Freeman depicted an example of inner city schools in NJ...
Now, the main reason why NJ has great schools is "Home Rule"...Save for maintaining state mandated standards in achievement and curriculum, NJ schools are otherwise under 100% local control. Also, school districts are small and thus far easier to manage.

You can destroy Christie with the conservatives a lot easier by quoting him on gun rights than trying to upset the people who like him with quotes showing that he has a temper.
That is true.

His temper is what most people like about him.
It's what authoritarian/submissives like about him. Displays of temperament are appropriate for dictators but not for elected officials.
I'm glad the Governor told that idiot to stifle. The man has backbone which is MORE than I can say of you deany.[/I]
You mistake aggressive arrogance for "backbone."

That woman's question called for an intelligent response, not contemptuous dismissal. By choosing to become a public figure one forfeits the right to such ordinarily private concerns as preference of private schools for one's children. That is a very relevant issue in his case.

Christie has shown himself to be an arrogant bully and those who think that's a good thing reflect an authoritarian/submissive orientation, which is precisely what brought Hitler and Mussolini to power.
Her question was presumptuous and inappropriate.
In Christie's shoes, that would have been my response.

I can’t say that the question was presumptuous but I can’t see that his answer was all that bad either. He has attacked public education on the ground that it is failing. I can’t see how that is in conflict with his decision. It should be obvious. The idea that throwing money at the problem will solve it has been shown to be false. There is no connection with reality that the libs are attacking him for cutting expenditures in a financial crunch on a system that he does not use. No matter where he cuts it is unlikely that he uses those services.
Her question was presumptuous and inappropriate.
In Christie's shoes, that would have been my response.
Even if the woman's question was presumptuous and inappropriate, which I don't think it was, under the (public forum) circumstances the governor is obliged by the simple rules of protocol to demonstrate the level of noblesse oblige his Office calls for. The only time the level of rudeness he displayed would be appropriate would be if responding to an official equal or a political opponent.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

Where were you educated?
You give out government vouchers for private education on a widespread basis and private schools will jack up their tuitions.

Economics 101.
Random assumption that COMPLETELY ignores anything other than your assumption. Did you even consider competition?
Because parents aren't sending the schools the quality of raw material they used to.
So that is a complete evasion of the answer while using nothing that can be substantiated.
How will kids get a better education if teachers are paid less?
How will they get a better education if they are paid more? As salaries have increased, quality of education has decreased. Perhaps, there is more than just raising salaries that we need…

Maybe like requiring actual PERFORMACE for the increase in salaries/spending. But THAT would be a tragedy, would it not.

Let me repeat the question. How will kids get a better education if teachers are paid less?

Try not to dodge it this time.
You give out government vouchers for private education on a widespread basis and private schools will jack up their tuitions.

Economics 101.
Random assumption that COMPLETELY ignores anything other than your assumption. Did you even consider competition?

Yes demand competition increases if every parent becomes several thousand dollars richer but can only spend the money on private school. That makes private school a sellers
' market which creates the opportunity to raise prices.

Disengage your brain from "Stupid."

He's pro-choice. No further need to argue this FACT.

Caribiner has a reflexive need to argue with anyone who is a conservative, even if he agrees with him. I think it has something to do with him being raised by the public school system in the US.

There's no evidence Christie wants to see Roe v Wade overturned, nor any evidence he wants to amend the Constitution to outlaw abortion.

That makes him pro-choice.

You can destroy Christie with the conservatives a lot easier by quoting him on gun rights than trying to upset the people who like him with quotes showing that he has a temper.
That is true.

His temper is what most people like about him.
It's what authoritarian/submissives like about him. Displays of temperament are appropriate for dictators but not for elected officials.
No. Christie is part of a growing movement which includes people who are just sick to death of political correctness.
True statement. Most politicians regardless of political affiliation, have their primary focus on doing just enough to not piss people off. That is no way to govern.
Problem is so many of us want our asses kissed. The smallest of personal slights gets a politician in the newspaper. So they walk on eggshells instead of making choices based on logic and common sense. Christie does not worry about stepping on toes. He was elected to represent ALL of the people of New Jersey. He promised the taxpayers he would rein in the high cost of government and rein in skyrocketing taxes.
For example, the NJ's public worker unions opposed and protested the 2% annual tax levy cap. The union people's complaint....."What about our raises?"....HUH?.....People are losing jobs left and right, businesses leaving the state in droves and these people have the gall to demand to know about their raises? Eat shit and die you greedy pricks.

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