Gov. Christie to his constituents - Mind Your Own Business!

Who do you think paid for you to go to school? It wasn't your parents

Yes it was, dolt. My parents are still paying for my education.

Your parents?

What is the matter with you paying for it?

Typical conservative relying on mommy and daddy. What ever happened to self reliance? My parents had no college bills when I graduated. You ever hear of WORKING your way through college?
Obama doesn't pay school taxes on the White House and then send his kids to private school. And, many of the DC schools are mostly black kids and no way does obama want his little girls to go to a segregated school.

Christie pays $38,000 in property taxes to finance the local schools and then doesn't send his kids there. The New Jersey schools come out way ahead don't they!

He also stated that he wanted his kids to be exposed to religion, so he sends them to a Catholic school, just as MILLIONS of other Catholics do.

Telling the lady that it is none of your business is merely a nice way of saying fuck off bitch.

So everyone who doesn't have kids in the public school system shouldn't have to pay taxes?

Exactly right.

And how would that make America better educated and more competitive in the global economy?
Exactly right.

Who do you think paid for you to go to school? It wasn't your parents

My parents paid school taxes and taxes to repay the bonds issued to build the schools and I worked my way through college with help from the GI bill. Who paid for you to go to school?

I was under the impression that liberals demand fairness. Why should someone that owns property and has no children in school be required to pay school taxes? Case in point. In Georgia there are several counties that exempt people over the age of 65 from paying school taxes. The rational used is that most people that age do not have children in school.

What your parents paid in school taxes did not come close to paying what your brothers and sisters and you cost to educate. I sent two kids through public schools. I paid an average of $3000 to $4000 in school taxes. It cost $9000 per student to send kids to school in NJ. What I paid in taxes did not come close to what it cost to educate my kids

Whether you have kids or not, you still have a moral obligation to pay school taxes. Someone paid for YOU to get educated so you have an obligation to pay back for the rest of your life. Plus, society as a whole benefits from an educated populance
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Having observed Christie for seven years that is his Achilles heel. He does not take criticism very well and goes into attack dog mode when challenged

He pulled it off as federal prosecutor, but will not bode well for a Presidential candidate

Good thing he is not running for president, isn't it?

But the conservatives are drooling over him. if and when he decides to run, these soundbites and terse retorts will not bode well with the electorate

Christie is doing a great job in NJ, but still needs some refinement

The Christian Right is not particularly enamored with Christie, given that he is/was/might be/could be pro-choice on abortion.
Question...DO you think it proper for tax dollars to follow a child if the child attends a Charter School?

Implicit in your question is the false premise that a voucher is a transfer of funds out of the school tax pool into a voucher.

It's not. A voucher is a tax funded payment to parents above and beyond the collected school tax revenue.
Ahh once again a liberal unable to answer a question decides it is not the question to be asked.
You want me to ask the questions YOU want to answer.
Sorry Charlie...It doesn't work that way.
You obviously do not know how Charter School funding works..
Every property owner pays their school taxes. However, for each child that attends a Charter School, the local public district "loses" that money to the Charter School.
A voucher in turn does the same thing. The taxes are still paid to the local taxing authority. The government entity whether it is local state or federal issues a voucher to the parents of a child attending a school other than the local public school.
It's a partial wash for the parent depending on the amount of the voucher or credit. The local school district still gets it's money. The parents of the children attending school elsewhere receive the relief.
Charter Schools have become quite the bone of contention among supporters of the captive govco schools. The teachers unions hate any move to allow parents and students school choice.
It's time we took a long hard look at the captive market that is the public school system.
At one time public schools were paces of learning, achievement and development of character. Now public schools are places of social engineering and indoctrination to the liberal agenda where achievement and success are countermanded by theories such as outcome based education ( Johnny gets a A because while he performed poorly but tried real hard) English is now "language arts" History is now "social studies". All this politically correct nonsense has transformed our public schools into glorified baby sitting institutions.

Then explain why, generally, the more liberal states in the nation are also the best educated.
Good thing he is not running for president, isn't it?

But the conservatives are drooling over him. if and when he decides to run, these soundbites and terse retorts will not bode well with the electorate

Christie is doing a great job in NJ, but still needs some refinement

The Christian Right is not particularly enamored with Christie, given that he is/was/might be/could be pro-choice on abortion.

He's definately pro-life Pro-Life Governor Christie Defunds Planned Parenthood in New Jersey

Perhaps you should educate yourself and not worry about Christie's kid's education.

Freaking dolt.
Question...DO you think it proper for tax dollars to follow a child if the child attends a Charter School?

Implicit in your question is the false premise that a voucher is a transfer of funds out of the school tax pool into a voucher.

It's not. A voucher is a tax funded payment to parents above and beyond the collected school tax revenue.
Ahh once again a liberal unable to answer a question decides it is not the question to be asked.
You want me to ask the questions YOU want to answer.
Sorry Charlie...It doesn't work that way.
You obviously do not know how Charter School funding works..
Every property owner pays their school taxes. However, for each child that attends a Charter School, the local public district "loses" that money to the Charter School.
A voucher in turn does the same thing. The taxes are still paid to the local taxing authority. The government entity whether it is local state or federal issues a voucher to the parents of a child attending a school other than the local public school.
It's a partial wash for the parent depending on the amount of the voucher or credit. The local school district still gets it's money. The parents of the children attending school elsewhere receive the relief.
Charter Schools have become quite the bone of contention among supporters of the captive govco schools. The teachers unions hate any move to allow parents and students school choice.
It's time we took a long hard look at the captive market that is the public school system.
At one time public schools were paces of learning, achievement and development of character. Now public schools are places of social engineering and indoctrination to the liberal agenda where achievement and success are countermanded by theories such as outcome based education ( Johnny gets a A because while he performed poorly but tried real hard) English is now "language arts" History is now "social studies". All this politically correct nonsense has transformed our public schools into glorified baby sitting institutions.

How does a two or three thousand dollar voucher, issued to a low income family, RENTING, get paid for?
But the conservatives are drooling over him. if and when he decides to run, these soundbites and terse retorts will not bode well with the electorate

Christie is doing a great job in NJ, but still needs some refinement

The Christian Right is not particularly enamored with Christie, given that he is/was/might be/could be pro-choice on abortion.

He's definately pro-life Pro-Life Governor Christie Defunds Planned Parenthood in New Jersey

Perhaps you should educate yourself and not worry about Christie's kid's education.

Freaking dolt.

You give out government vouchers for private education on a widespread basis and private schools will jack up their tuitions.

Economics 101.
The Christian Right is not particularly enamored with Christie, given that he is/was/might be/could be pro-choice on abortion.

He's definately pro-life Pro-Life Governor Christie Defunds Planned Parenthood in New Jersey

Perhaps you should educate yourself and not worry about Christie's kid's education.

Freaking dolt.


Disengage your brain from "Stupid."

He's pro-choice. No further need to argue this FACT.
Who do you think paid for you to go to school? It wasn't your parents

My parents paid school taxes and taxes to repay the bonds issued to build the schools and I worked my way through college with help from the GI bill. Who paid for you to go to school?

I was under the impression that liberals demand fairness. Why should someone that owns property and has no children in school be required to pay school taxes? Case in point. In Georgia there are several counties that exempt people over the age of 65 from paying school taxes. The rational used is that most people that age do not have children in school.

What your parents paid in school taxes did not come close to paying what your brothers and sisters and you cost to educate. I sent two kids through public schools. I paid an average of $3000 to $4000 in school taxes. It cost $9000 per student to send kids to school in NJ. What I paid in taxes did not come close to what it cost to educate my kids

Whether you have kids or not, you still have a moral obligation to pay school taxes. Someone paid for YOU to get educated so you have an obligation to pay back for the rest of your life. Plus, society as a whole benefits from an educated populance

Your assumption that the only source of revenue for the PUBLIC schools are property taxes. The very fact that they are PUBLIC school means they are paid for from PUBLIC funds that include City, County State and Federal governments. Three guesses where they get their money? The taxpayers is the answer.
But the conservatives are drooling over him. if and when he decides to run, these soundbites and terse retorts will not bode well with the electorate

Christie is doing a great job in NJ, but still needs some refinement

The Christian Right is not particularly enamored with Christie, given that he is/was/might be/could be pro-choice on abortion.

He's definately pro-life Pro-Life Governor Christie Defunds Planned Parenthood in New Jersey

Perhaps you should educate yourself and not worry about Christie's kid's education.

Freaking dolt.

Yea, get them born and then "fuck 'em". After all, it's not MY kid. Why should I have to help take care of it? I forced that poor women to have the kid. MY part is done! (brushes hands together)
The Christian Right is not particularly enamored with Christie, given that he is/was/might be/could be pro-choice on abortion.

He's definately pro-life Pro-Life Governor Christie Defunds Planned Parenthood in New Jersey

Perhaps you should educate yourself and not worry about Christie's kid's education.

Freaking dolt.

Yea, get them born and then "fuck 'em". After all, it's not MY kid. Why should I have to help take care of it? I forced that poor women to have the kid. MY part is done! (brushes hands together)

Yep - there are a lot of single Mothers in those government funded ghettos. MILLIONS of them.
He's definately pro-life Pro-Life Governor Christie Defunds Planned Parenthood in New Jersey

Perhaps you should educate yourself and not worry about Christie's kid's education.

Freaking dolt.


Disengage your brain from "Stupid."

He's pro-choice. No further need to argue this FACT.

Are you arguing with yourself now?
That's the Christie effect. Exactly what I said.
You give out government vouchers for private education on a widespread basis and private schools will jack up their tuitions.

Economics 101.

That's liberal numskull economics 101. According to your theory, the price of a computer should be 10 times what you actually pay for one.

So spending trillions on government education doesn't cause government teachers and administrators to jack up their salaries?

The facts are this: in the private sector, prices always trend down to the cost of producing the service. That's a result of having to compete with other schools that are more efficient. Government schools have no competition. Their costs are bloated and grossly inflated. Half the money is spent on administration. Government school teacher salaries are twice what teachers in private schools get paid.
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My parents paid school taxes and taxes to repay the bonds issued to build the schools and I worked my way through college with help from the GI bill. Who paid for you to go to school?

I was under the impression that liberals demand fairness. Why should someone that owns property and has no children in school be required to pay school taxes? Case in point. In Georgia there are several counties that exempt people over the age of 65 from paying school taxes. The rational used is that most people that age do not have children in school.

What your parents paid in school taxes did not come close to paying what your brothers and sisters and you cost to educate. I sent two kids through public schools. I paid an average of $3000 to $4000 in school taxes. It cost $9000 per student to send kids to school in NJ. What I paid in taxes did not come close to what it cost to educate my kids

Whether you have kids or not, you still have a moral obligation to pay school taxes. Someone paid for YOU to get educated so you have an obligation to pay back for the rest of your life. Plus, society as a whole benefits from an educated populance

Your assumption that the only source of revenue for the PUBLIC schools are property taxes. The very fact that they are PUBLIC school means they are paid for from PUBLIC funds that include City, County State and Federal governments. Three guesses where they get their money? The taxpayers is the answer.

I think you are starting to get it. Parents do not pay for their childrens education, it is the taxpayers as a whole. Your obligation does not end when you do not have children in school

Socialism in action......America, what a country
I think you are starting to get it. Parents do not pay for their childrens education, it is the taxpayers as a whole. Your obligation does not end when you do not have children in school

Socialism in action......America, what a country

Oh Puhleeze. I've heard this line of reasoning before. It comes straight from the teachers union. It has to be one of the most idiotic arguments ever conceived. Somehow the fact that a middleman is involved means the parents aren't paying for it. Sorry, but only dolts like you swallow that "logic." I won't even bother to argue against it because I know you will stupidly repeat it over and over again no matter what facts and logic are presented to you.

All you prove is that your a dumbfuck who is immune to facts and logic.
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Gov. Christie was right on. It's none of her business where he sends his kids to school. He pays his property taxes like everyone else does for public school so they're getting his money, yet he CHOOSES to send his kids to a school he and his wife like.

That's none of anyone's damn business.

It's not a "plot", it's policy. If you go to school in a wealthy neighborhoods the schools are far superior then ones in a poor neighborhood.

In each and every way.

and it wasnt like that in the 60's and 70's?....just askin....

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