Gov. Christie to his constituents - Mind Your Own Business!

However it is the correct answer. Our educational system is not pay as you go. Society pays to educate it's members and benefits from an educated workforce. When you and I went to school, our parents did not pay for our education......the community did

When we become taxpaying adults, the obligation to educate others passes on to us whether we have kids or not
So the Techer's unions can grab more of it...right? Per-capita? WE spend more per student than anywhere in the world, and have a high failure rate to show for it.

Care to explain? And WHY would anyone want to pay for continued failure?

You have NO explination for it, do you? Of course you don't. Only excuses.

Repeat after me: The DOE MUST BE OBLITERATED. Control must be given back to the States...

WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
*Everything* Educate yourself you fucking TOAD.
So the Techer's unions can grab more of it...right? Per-capita? WE spend more per student than anywhere in the world, and have a high failure rate to show for it.

Care to explain? And WHY would anyone want to pay for continued failure?

You have NO explination for it, do you? Of course you don't. Only excuses.

Repeat after me: The DOE MUST BE OBLITERATED. Control must be given back to the States...

WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
*Everything* Educate yourself you fucking TOAD.

WTF does that have to do with what I posted? Try your best to keep up
Also, there is a difference between constituents, and constituent, one being plural that is.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?
Why aren't gubmint schools good enough for their biggest political pimps?

Ever see a D.C. public school? I have. Many of them. They're about 10 notches down from a ghetto. D.C. - our nation's capital - should be the shining star example of model public schools. They are indeed some of the worse in the country.

The Wash DC public school system which by the way is just too large, has the highest per pupil spending rate of any public school system in the US. And it has one of the lowest graduation rates, lowest SAT and ACT scores and has one of the highest rates of violence.
Vouchers are taxpayer subsidies that go to parents who want to put their kids in private schools.

Why should I have to pay for that?
Question...DO you think it proper for tax dollars to follow a child if the child attends a Charter School?

Implicit in your question is the false premise that a voucher is a transfer of funds out of the school tax pool into a voucher.

It's not. A voucher is a tax funded payment to parents above and beyond the collected school tax revenue.
Ahh once again a liberal unable to answer a question decides it is not the question to be asked.
You want me to ask the questions YOU want to answer.
Sorry Charlie...It doesn't work that way.
You obviously do not know how Charter School funding works..
Every property owner pays their school taxes. However, for each child that attends a Charter School, the local public district "loses" that money to the Charter School.
A voucher in turn does the same thing. The taxes are still paid to the local taxing authority. The government entity whether it is local state or federal issues a voucher to the parents of a child attending a school other than the local public school.
It's a partial wash for the parent depending on the amount of the voucher or credit. The local school district still gets it's money. The parents of the children attending school elsewhere receive the relief.
Charter Schools have become quite the bone of contention among supporters of the captive govco schools. The teachers unions hate any move to allow parents and students school choice.
It's time we took a long hard look at the captive market that is the public school system.
At one time public schools were paces of learning, achievement and development of character. Now public schools are places of social engineering and indoctrination to the liberal agenda where achievement and success are countermanded by theories such as outcome based education ( Johnny gets a A because while he performed poorly but tried real hard) English is now "language arts" History is now "social studies". All this politically correct nonsense has transformed our public schools into glorified baby sitting institutions.
My taxes pay for county golf courses. I don't like to play on public courses because private courses are better and I don't have to play with the riff-raff. Given my dissatisfaction with the public golf courses, I should be able to get a $20 voucher that I can take to any course I please
Non sequitur....Golf is recreation. Education of our kids is life changing.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Obama doesn't pay school taxes on the White House and then send his kids to private school. And, many of the DC schools are mostly black kids and no way does obama want his little girls to go to a segregated school.

Christie pays $38,000 in property taxes to finance the local schools and then doesn't send his kids there. The New Jersey schools come out way ahead don't they!

He also stated that he wanted his kids to be exposed to religion, so he sends them to a Catholic school, just as MILLIONS of other Catholics do.

Telling the lady that it is none of your business is merely a nice way of saying fuck off bitch.
Obama pays Chicago property taxes even though his kids don't attend school in Chicago. And Cristie doesn't pay $38,000 to finance the local schools, only a part of property taxes goes to the schools.

This is just another example of the abrasive and abusive nature of CON$ervative bullies.
in NJ roughly 60% of property taxes go to fund schools.
Do I get a choice of my police or fire protection? If I don't like the police in my area, why can't I get a voucher to hire private police? All school vouchers do is take money from the public system and result in higher taxes.

The money that is given to the public school is meant to pay for educating a child. Taking that money and giving it to a private school means the public school does not have to educate that child. Was that too complicated for you?

Wish it were that simple..

Private schools will draw off the low maintenance students who do not require extra instruction, are not behavior problems and are not handicapped. This leaves the taxpayers to pay extra to educate the children turned away by private schools

But it does meet the conservative agenda of creating a two tier education system for the haves and the have nots

Ahh the brain drain straw man argument...Doesn't wash.
So high achieving students who are usually the first victims of violence on school property should be held captive as pawns? To achieve some sort of altruistic goal?
As far as I am concerned, high achieving students and students with high potential should be offered to the opportunity to attend schools whether funded publicly or privately where they can be in a learning first environment with student safety as a priority.
Let the juvenile delinquents and other miscreants who don't give a shit about school waste their time until their old enough to quit school. They are going to do that anyway.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Because he chose to tell everyone. I, personally, would have understood if he simply chose not to answer that question. I do find it particularly telling that you are calling out Christie for cutting funding to schools, but not Obama for doing the exact same thing in DC.
Having observed Christie for seven years that is his Achilles heel. He does not take criticism very well and goes into attack dog mode when challenged

He pulled it off as federal prosecutor, but will not bode well for a Presidential candidate

Good thing he is not running for president, isn't it?
Very poor answer, but also very typical of you lately.

However it is the correct answer. Our educational system is not pay as you go. Society pays to educate it's members and benefits from an educated workforce. When you and I went to school, our parents did not pay for our education......the community did

When we become taxpaying adults, the obligation to educate others passes on to us whether we have kids or not
So the Techer's unions can grab more of it...right? Per-capita? WE spend more per student than anywhere in the world, and have a high failure rate to show for it.

Care to explain? And WHY would anyone want to pay for continued failure?

You have NO explination for it, do you? Of course you don't. Only excuses.

Repeat after me: The DOE MUST BE OBLITERATED. Control must be given back to the States...

How will kids get a better education if teachers are paid less?
"Where do you send your kids to school?" A classic (i.e., quite stale) old "gotchya" type question.

It is disingenuous and packed with lots of false logic.

The PROPER reply from ANY politician to such a cheap-ass "question" is EXACTLY the one Gov. Christie gave.

Well, perhaps a hearty, "fuck off." That one kinda works, too.
"Where do you send your kids to school?" A classic (i.e., quite stale) old "gotchya" type question.

It is disingenuous and packed with lots of false logic.

The PROPER reply from ANY politician to such a cheap-ass "question" is EXACTLY the one Gov. Christie gave.

Well, perhaps a hearty, "fuck off." That one kinda works, too.

except that ISN'T what was asked... what was asked was why he's cutting public schools while sending HIS children to private school.

THAT was the question and THAT was the context... hence "none of your business" being the absolute stupidest answer that christie could have given.

... hardly a "gotcha" question.
"Where do you send your kids to school?" A classic (i.e., quite stale) old "gotchya" type question.

It is disingenuous and packed with lots of false logic.

The PROPER reply from ANY politician to such a cheap-ass "question" is EXACTLY the one Gov. Christie gave.

Well, perhaps a hearty, "fuck off." That one kinda works, too.

except that ISN'T what was asked... what was asked was why he's cutting public schools while sending HIS children to private school.

THAT was the question and THAT was the context... hence "none of your business" being the absolute stupidest answer that christie could have given.

... hardly a "gotcha" question.

It's the same fucking bullshit question in a slightly different package and everybody and his Aunt Esther damn well knows it.

It was first last and forever intended as a "gotchya" question.

He MIGHT have said, "Where I send my kids, given my ability to provide for them in a manner I deem best suited to their needs, is exactly and precisely none of your goddamned business. And WHY I am trying to stop the hemorrhage of red ink is also a pretty goddamned fucking ignorant foolish question. So when you combine those two things in one spectacularly stupid question, you highlight yourself as a flaming jackass. So, please feel obligated to go fuck yourself."

He MIGHT have said that to her, but that would be a little bit rude.

His actual answer was fine.

And if the faux liberal "outwage" reaction provides him with another opportunity to call bullshit on the question and the stale thinking which lies beneath that bogus question, GREAT!

I hereby join the call for Gov. Christie to EXPAND upon his answer!

Having observed Christie for seven years that is his Achilles heel. He does not take criticism very well and goes into attack dog mode when challenged

He pulled it off as federal prosecutor, but will not bode well for a Presidential candidate

Good thing he is not running for president, isn't it?

But the conservatives are drooling over him. if and when he decides to run, these soundbites and terse retorts will not bode well with the electorate

Christie is doing a great job in NJ, but still needs some refinement
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Obama doesn't pay school taxes on the White House and then send his kids to private school. And, many of the DC schools are mostly black kids and no way does obama want his little girls to go to a segregated school.

Christie pays $38,000 in property taxes to finance the local schools and then doesn't send his kids there. The New Jersey schools come out way ahead don't they!

He also stated that he wanted his kids to be exposed to religion, so he sends them to a Catholic school, just as MILLIONS of other Catholics do.

Telling the lady that it is none of your business is merely a nice way of saying fuck off bitch.

So everyone who doesn't have kids in the public school system shouldn't have to pay taxes?

Exactly right.
Obama doesn't pay school taxes on the White House and then send his kids to private school. And, many of the DC schools are mostly black kids and no way does obama want his little girls to go to a segregated school.

Christie pays $38,000 in property taxes to finance the local schools and then doesn't send his kids there. The New Jersey schools come out way ahead don't they!

He also stated that he wanted his kids to be exposed to religion, so he sends them to a Catholic school, just as MILLIONS of other Catholics do.

Telling the lady that it is none of your business is merely a nice way of saying fuck off bitch.

So everyone who doesn't have kids in the public school system shouldn't have to pay taxes?

Exactly right.

Who do you think paid for you to go to school? It wasn't your parents
So everyone who doesn't have kids in the public school system shouldn't have to pay taxes?

Exactly right.

Who do you think paid for you to go to school? It wasn't your parents

My parents paid school taxes and taxes to repay the bonds issued to build the schools and I worked my way through college with help from the GI bill. Who paid for you to go to school?

I was under the impression that liberals demand fairness. Why should someone that owns property and has no children in school be required to pay school taxes? Case in point. In Georgia there are several counties that exempt people over the age of 65 from paying school taxes. The rational used is that most people that age do not have children in school.
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