Gov. Christie to his constituents - Mind Your Own Business!

Student achievement at the end of high school has stagnated or declined, depending on the subject, since we started keeping track around 1970. Over that period, the cost of sending a child through the K-12 public system tripled, even after adjusting for inflation. Public school employee unions, the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers, are partly to blame for this, but the attention focused on collective bargaining in particular has been misplaced. The unions' success in driving up costs and protecting even low-performing teachers stems less from their power at the bargaining table than from the monopoly status of their employer. Taxpayers, and most families, have no place else to go.

More at this link: The American Spectator : A Less Perfect Union
I think you are starting to get it. Parents do not pay for their childrens education, it is the taxpayers as a whole. Your obligation does not end when you do not have children in school

Socialism in action......America, what a country

Oh Puhleeze. I've heard this line of reasoning before. It comes straight from the teachers union. It has to be one of the most idiotic arguments ever conceived. Somehow the fact that a middleman is involved means the parents aren't paying for it. Sorry, but only dolts like you swallow that "logic." I won't even bother to argue against it because I know you will stupidly repeat it over and over again no matter what facts and logic are presented to you.

All you prove is that your a dumbfuck who is immune to facts and logic.

All right then genius...

Explain who pays for our children to be educated. This should be interesting. What will be more interesting is you explaining how education should be funded
You give out government vouchers for private education on a widespread basis and private schools will jack up their tuitions.

Economics 101.

That's liberal numskull economics 101. According to your theory, the price of a computer should be 10 times what you actually pay for one.

So spending trillions on government education doesn't cause government teachers and administrators to jack up their salaries?

The facts are this: in the private sector, prices always trend down to the cost of producing the service. That's a result of having to compete with other schools that are more efficient. Government schools have no competition. Their costs are bloated and grossly inflated. Half the money is spent on administration. Government school teacher salaries are twice what teachers in private schools get paid.

So your position is that if a private school wakes up one day and discovers that every one of its customers or potential customers is 3000 dollars per child per year richer, but their newfound wealth can only be spent on private school education,

that no private school would see that as a golden opportunity to hike tuition?
Then explain why, generally, the more liberal states in the nation are also the best educated.

why has California dropped from a top ten State in Education to the bottom five?....

That doesn't answer my question.

California is an exception. Most liberal states are among the best educated. They must be doing something right that the conservative states aren't doing.
Then explain why, generally, the more liberal states in the nation are also the best educated.

why has California dropped from a top ten State in Education to the bottom five?....

That doesn't answer my question.

California is an exception. Most liberal states are among the best educated. They must be doing something right that the conservative states aren't doing.

No, they are not the best educated. Indoctrination and education are different. Why is the dropout rate so high?
why has California dropped from a top ten State in Education to the bottom five?....

That doesn't answer my question.

California is an exception. Most liberal states are among the best educated. They must be doing something right that the conservative states aren't doing.

No, they are not the best educated. Indoctrination and education are different. Why is the dropout rate so high?

That doesn't answer my question.

California is an exception. Most liberal states are among the best educated. They must be doing something right that the conservative states aren't doing.

No, they are not the best educated. Indoctrination and education are different. Why is the dropout rate so high?


Why is the dropout rate higher now than it was 30 years ago? We are spending more money, smaller classrooms, higher salaries and benefits and pensions than private school teachers. Why the poor performace for all that money?
I'm glad the Governor told that idiot to stifle. The man has backbone which is MORE than I can say of you deany.[/I]
You mistake aggressive arrogance for "backbone."

That woman's question called for an intelligent response, not contemptuous dismissal. By choosing to become a public figure one forfeits the right to such ordinarily private concerns as preference of private schools for one's children. That is a very relevant issue in his case.

Christie has shown himself to be an arrogant bully and those who think that's a good thing reflect an authoritarian/submissive orientation, which is precisely what brought Hitler and Mussolini to power.
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No, they are not the best educated. Indoctrination and education are different. Why is the dropout rate so high?


Why is the dropout rate higher now than it was 30 years ago? We are spending more money, smaller classrooms, higher salaries and benefits and pensions than private school teachers. Why the poor performace for all that money?

Because parents aren't sending the schools the quality of raw material they used to.
I'm glad the Governor told that idiot to stifle. The man has backbone which is MORE than I can say of you deany.[/I]
You mistake aggressive arrogance for "backbone."

That woman's question called for an intelligent response, not contemptuous dismissal. By choosing to become a public figure one forfeits the right to such ordinarily private concerns as preference of private schools for one's children. That is a very relevant issue in his case.

Christie has shown himself to be an arrogant bully and those who think that's a good thing reflect an authoritarian/submissive orientation, which is precisely what brought Hitler and Mussolini to power.

What a crock of juvenile emotional BS. No one is buying that scary BS any more.
Having observed Christie for seven years that is his Achilles heel. He does not take criticism very well and goes into attack dog mode when challenged

He pulled it off as federal prosecutor, but will not bode well for a Presidential candidate

He's too temperamental, just like McCain :D :

“Wait a second here,” Cornyn said to McCain. “I’ve been sitting in here for all of these negotiations and you just parachute in here on the last day. You’re out of line.” [...]
“[Expletive] you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room,” shouted McCain at Cornyn.
Having observed Christie for seven years that is his Achilles heel. He does not take criticism very well and goes into attack dog mode when challenged

He pulled it off as federal prosecutor, but will not bode well for a Presidential candidate

He's too temperamental, just like McCain
Authoritarian/dominant is what he is. Which is compatible with fascism, not democracy.

Where fascism is concerned it takes two to tango -- the dictator and those who are receptive to dictatorial rule. And many of the responses in this thread clearly show there is no shortage of authoritarian/submissives.

Comprehending the relationship between the authoritarian/dominant and authoritarian/submissive personalities is easier when one realizes there are people who pay to have others dress up in Gestapo costumes and mistreat them. In the complete sexual expression this relationship includes the use of whips and brutal forms of humiliation.

Briefly stated, it is a perverse love relationship and it finds superficial expression in contemporary neo-Conservative politics.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.
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Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

No he didn't. He comes off as petulant and angry.

"Mind your own business?" Really? Christie is in public life..and is a public servant.
Why wasn't where Obama sent his kids nobody's business?

Well, Obama supports public schools but he would never stoop so low to even dare to put his kids in one.

Advocacy demands a certain amount of accountability.

If want to profess you support all of the wasted cash they pump into public schools you'd better damned well use them yourself, otherwise you open yourself to criticism.

The questioner seemed to want to score political points but instead Christie made it boomerang on her.

He supports private schools and he's using one partly because of his religion but also because he wants his kids to get the best education, not the rotten one you'll get if you use the public school system.

No he didn't. He comes off as petulant and angry.

"Mind your own business?" Really? Christie is in public life..and is a public servant.

Christie has the right to send his kids to any school he chooses. He pays his property taxes to support public school. You have no business asking where he sends his kids to school.
You give out government vouchers for private education on a widespread basis and private schools will jack up their tuitions.

Economics 101.
Random assumption that COMPLETELY ignores anything other than your assumption. Did you even consider competition?

Why is the dropout rate higher now than it was 30 years ago? We are spending more money, smaller classrooms, higher salaries and benefits and pensions than private school teachers. Why the poor performace for all that money?

Because parents aren't sending the schools the quality of raw material they used to.
So that is a complete evasion of the answer while using nothing that can be substantiated.
How will kids get a better education if teachers are paid less?
How will they get a better education if they are paid more? As salaries have increased, quality of education has decreased. Perhaps, there is more than just raising salaries that we need…

Maybe like requiring actual PERFORMACE for the increase in salaries/spending. But THAT would be a tragedy, would it not.

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