Gov. DeSantis leads way in Covid fight, creates mobile units delivering antibody treatment to patients


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: DeSantis creates mobile units to provide antibody treatments for COVID-19

AUG 12, 2021

”Gov. Ron DeSantis revealed Thursday the creation of mobile rapid response units to deliver the COVID-19 antibody treatment Regeneron to Floridians at higher risk for the virus.”

The article continues: “COVID’s not going to go away,” DeSantis said. “So the question is how are we going to approach it. You can approach it on the front end by protecting yourself, but of course, if you end up in a situation where you are infected and at high risk, getting in here early, this is the best shot we’ve got right now to keep people out of the hospital and keep them safe.”

The units are already operating in northeast Florida, and being setup throughout the state.

Thank you Governor DeSantis for not fearmongering, handwringing and trampling on our liberties, but instead, showing us the way to deal with the Chinese created pandemic.


President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a profit to be made here. These are republicans after all.
Yeah, Biden is a republican and the republicans are all for paying people to get big pharma's BS vaccine. SMH They've got animal crackers at your grocery store--get a box and see if you can gather some brains--there are more in that box than you have.
SEE: DeSantis creates mobile units to provide antibody treatments for COVID-19

AUG 12, 2021

”Gov. Ron DeSantis revealed Thursday the creation of mobile rapid response units to deliver the COVID-19 antibody treatment Regeneron to Floridians at higher risk for the virus.”

The article continues: “COVID’s not going to go away,” DeSantis said. “So the question is how are we going to approach it. You can approach it on the front end by protecting yourself, but of course, if you end up in a situation where you are infected and at high risk, getting in here early, this is the best shot we’ve got right now to keep people out of the hospital and keep them safe.”

The units are already operating in northeast Florida, and being setup throughout the state.

Thank you Governor DeSantis for not fearmongering, handwringing and trampling on our liberties, but instead, showing us the way to deal with the Chinese created pandemic.


President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border
Why is this better, cheaper or more effective than simply encouraging vaccinations?
SEE: DeSantis creates mobile units to provide antibody treatments for COVID-19

AUG 12, 2021

”Gov. Ron DeSantis revealed Thursday the creation of mobile rapid response units to deliver the COVID-19 antibody treatment Regeneron to Floridians at higher risk for the virus.”

The article continues: “COVID’s not going to go away,” DeSantis said. “So the question is how are we going to approach it. You can approach it on the front end by protecting yourself, but of course, if you end up in a situation where you are infected and at high risk, getting in here early, this is the best shot we’ve got right now to keep people out of the hospital and keep them safe.”

The units are already operating in northeast Florida, and being setup throughout the state.

Thank you Governor DeSantis for not fearmongering, handwringing and trampling on our liberties, but instead, showing us the way to deal with the Chinese created pandemic.


President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border
Isn't that special, most people believe this is a first in Florida when in fact (although not mobile) hospitals have been giving these treatments for months.
You should change your name to mentally impaired American
Your retort was not responsive to my post--your mental impairment was evident. I responded to your link with further info. Newsweek reported that they had 94 ICU patients in a city of 929K. That is roughly 1 in 1000 people. All of those patients are not covid patients. This is gross sensationalism meant to politicize the flu and if you are too obtuse to realize it then you definitely have a problem. You are dismissed as all you have to offer is profanity and unsubstantiated opinion.
Regeneron’s epitopes should link to antibody epitopes of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRSV). First, the report from India:

Dec 2020 India: PPRSV and SARS-CoV-2 Zoonotic Evolution
’....The evolutionary tree of SARS-CoV-2 revealed that porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 2, which belongs to the beta Arterivirus genus from the Arteriviridae family is possibly the most ancient ancestral origin of SARS-CoV-2 and other Coronaviridae.’

Keffaber was among the first to describe outbreaks in the U.S., originating in Iowa, North Carolina, and Minnesota:

Keffaber, et al
’....An outbreak of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), formerly called swine infeertility and reproductive syndrome or mystery swine disease, occurred on 18 farms in Wabash County, Indiana, in spring of 1989. An extensive diagnostic investigation conducted at Purdue’s Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory and diagnostic testing at a number of other laboratories did not result in a conclusive etiologic diagnosis.’

This virus killed 20 million Chinese pigs, and Wuhan published the 2006 outbreak:

Wuhan, China: 2006 PRRSV Outbreak
‘Our results suggest that Chinese PRRSV has undergone rapid evolution and can circumvent immune responses induced by currently used vaccines.’
Your retort was not responsive to my post--your mental impairment was evident. I responded to your link with further info. Newsweek reported that they had 94 ICU patients in a city of 929K. That is roughly 1 in 1000 people. All of those patients are not covid patients. This is gross sensationalism meant to politicize the flu and if you are too obtuse to realize it then you definitely have a problem. You are dismissed as all you have to offer is profanity and unsubstantiated opinion.
Then you only read a tiny snippet from the article before shitting out your nonsense. You should change your name to intellectually fucked American.

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