Gov. Nikki Haley Calls For Removal Of Confederate Flag From Capitol Grounds

Now fess up, Sunni, you don't think a woman ought to be allowed to lead do you? Or maybe its them damn Hundus that need to stay the hell of of your America?
I assume that you are saying this because I am a muslim.

Actually, have nothing against Hindus or women being in elected leadership position.

In fact, there has been women presidents in 4 muslim countries......Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, and Bangladesh.

And America has had how many women presidents? ...... :cool:

Sunni, we've had no women have me there. Though, I seem to remember that you all (Muslims) blew up the one in Pakistan.

But perhaps we can agree that this next election is definitely NOT the time to start electing women...unless its Fiorina.

Could you deal with it if Bill's Clintons bogus gross lying corrupt unhealthy wife was the Grand Mufti?
I say she's flailing after her stupidity about not flying the con flag at half mast. But if she is sincere, kudos to her.
I say she's flailing after her stupidity about not flying the con flag at half mast. But if she is sincere, kudos to her.
She couldn't fly it at half mast.
there is no mechanism to lower it to half mast.
It has 2 positions, up, and down.

It takes a 2/3s vote by the General Assembly to move it from one position to the other.

All the governor can do is REQUEST they take that vote.
I say she's flailing after her stupidity about not flying the con flag at half mast. But if she is sincere, kudos to her.
She couldn't fly it at half mast.
there is no mechanism to lower it to half mast.
It has 2 positions, up, and down.

It takes a 2/3s vote by the General Assembly to move it from one position to the other.

All the governor can do is REQUEST they take that vote.

Heard on radio that it takes a simple majority to do away with the 2/3s provision. Just what I heard on radio and since I didn't check into it myself, I yield back the remainder of my time.
Yo, can`t beat The Tea Party, the only sane Party!
View attachment 42979
Symbol of insane white racists everywhere.


I say she's flailing after her stupidity about not flying the con flag at half mast. But if she is sincere, kudos to her.
She couldn't fly it at half mast.
there is no mechanism to lower it to half mast.
It has 2 positions, up, and down.

It takes a 2/3s vote by the General Assembly to move it from one position to the other.

All the governor can do is REQUEST they take that vote.

Heard on radio that it takes a simple majority to do away with the 2/3s provision. Just what I heard on radio and since I didn't check into it myself, I yield back the remainder of my time.

I've seen the 2/3s at 2-3 different news sources. (CNN, WaPo, Reuters).

But, they may not have all the info.
Could you deal with it if Bill's Clintons bogus gross lying corrupt unhealthy wife was the Grand Mufti?
Islam is like the Catholic church.

Only men can be in leadership positions.

Sorry Hillary....... :cool:

Sunni, on another matter, your opinion, please? You realize, I expect, that the Democrats are courting you Muslims...they want your votes real bad.

But can you tell why Muslims would ever want to be Democrats?

You think they'll have your back when you toss a homosexual off the top floor of a mosque?
Gov. Haley's birth name is Nimrata Nikki Randhawa and her parents are from India.

She doesn't have an ancestral heritage to South Carolina or the Civil War.

So she should butt out of the flag issue and let the bonafide SC citizens decide the issue. ..... :cool:

She was born in South Carolina, and has lived there her entire life. Her parents created a multi-million dollar business in the state. She has held public office in the state for over 10 years. At what point do you become a "bonafide citizen?"
She's an Anchor Baby, like Michelle Malkin.
Do any of you remember when it wasn't a racist flag? The Duke boys had it on display on top of their car every episode. It was famous! What year did we decide that it was racist? It was still cool in the 90s for sure. It must have happened in the past 10 years.

How long has Lynyrd Skynard been using it as a backdrop?

I think he still is.
They've been dead since 1978.
Another freedom lost to liberal PC nonsense. ...... :cool:

The freedom to fly a loser's flag? Aren't conservatives supposed to be such "Patriots"....since when does a patriot root for the losers that tried to take down his country?
I guess conservatives are just not right in the head?
Those who fly the American flag have already been disparaged by ignorant arrogant lefties as being too jingoistic.
Do any of you remember when it wasn't a racist flag? The Duke boys had it on display on top of their car every episode. It was famous! What year did we decide that it was racist? It was still cool in the 90s for sure. It must have happened in the past 10 years.

How long has Lynyrd Skynard been using it as a backdrop?

I think he still is.
They've been dead since 1978.

Not the entire band, and they seem to still be making gigs.

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