Gov. Nikki Haley Calls For Removal Of Confederate Flag From Capitol Grounds

Do any of you remember when it wasn't a racist flag? The Duke boys had it on display on top of their car every episode. It was famous! What year did we decide that it was racist? It was still cool in the 90s for sure. It must have happened in the past 10 years.

Mainly because the television show "Dukes Of Hazard" poked fun at Southern rednecks; politicians; and police, therefore, nobody, particularly the Black community, complained about it on the "General Lee" car which they used to outrun cops and trouble, almost every episode. It was making fun of whites and the "Cracker" South mentality.

I believe the South Carolina Legislature has to vote on removing the flag from the Confederate Memorial, which is located on state grounds of the capital in Columbia. That is because of a Black boycott a few years ago against that flag flying atop the State Capital building. The boycott was aimed at South Carolina's retail gasoline and tourism industry, encouraging tourists and long-haul truckers to drive across the state without refueling, or taking advantage of the state's many tourism attractions. Surprised they didn't ban it from the privately run (if they are still doing it) - "Dixie Stampede" rodeo-type event in Myrtle Beach, S.C.? When Virginia Beach, Virginia was considering holding the same type of attraction, the politicians and community decided against it because of its Confederate bias.

The S.C. tourism boycott was successful and they came to an agreement with South Carolina politicians, that the Confederate Flag would be removed from the capital building, however, it would continue to fly over the Confederate memorial on state grounds.

As Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush had the Confederate flag removed from the State Capital building in Tallahassee, without fanfare during his time in office. It isn't a real big deal. Anybody who wants to fly or display that flag privately, or on a non-government cemetery memorial, or graves of Confederate dead from the Civil War, can do so. Although it is bowing to Political Correctness, it is a small price to pay for racial harmony. The real problem's might come when the Black community attempts to ban the display of that flag in any location, public or private. NASCAR racetracks in the South come to mind in Florida; Alabama; Virginia; Georgia; that is eight races in the South, and there also are two up in Delaware at Dover, known as "The Monster Mile." Since NASCAR is mostly a white sport for competitor's and fans, are we going to see a Black boycott attempting to eliminate that flag from racetracks in the South? It flies from every one of those tracks I mentioned, and NASCAR is a private enterprise.

I also happen to be acquainted with some veteran's, who in Vietnam, and also Iraq, carried that Confederate flag banner into combat with them, and had it painted on aircraft, tanks, military hardware, and on their person(s). Southern sympathizers who read history, understand displaying the flag is not an arrogant act to inflame the Black community, but to honor those who gave their lives, however misguided, fighting under that banner from 1861-1865. Wal Mart already has announced it will no longer sell Confederate flag materials. No big deal, the Black community understands and is angered because the flag also was used as a symbol of oppression throughout the South by the KKK and other terrorist groups, intent on maintaining segregation in American, even to beatings, kidnapping's and murder's. It's fine displayed privately - or in a museum - as long as there is no "official" state sponsorship of the place it is displayed, IMHO..........
Do any of you remember when it wasn't a racist flag? The Duke boys had it on display on top of their car every episode. It was famous! What year did we decide that it was racist? It was still cool in the 90s for sure. It must have happened in the past 10 years.

How long has Lynyrd Skynard been using it as a backdrop?

I think he still is.

They! Lynyrd Skynard is a Southern rockabilly band, most famous for their songs "Freebird" and "Sweet Home Alabama." The band still tours, but is actually semi-retired. Four member's of the band died in an airplane accident years ago, including lead singer Ronnie Van Zant, when somebody forgot to put gas in the airplane they were flying to a tour date in. The band is from Florida - named after a High School teacher that every member of the band despised in their HS years. Using it as a backdrop at a concert? Fine - as long as the concert isn't held on government property. BTW, I have never seen a person of color attending a Lynyrd Skynard concert, and have actually worked their concert's a number of times.......
Pulling down that flag will piss off Dylann Root

Anyone who defends the flag is making Dylann happy
. Southern sympathizers who read history, understand displaying the flag is not an arrogant act to inflame the Black community,

The flag was flown over the statehouse in 1962 as a protest against federal civil rights legislation. It is indeed flown to inflame the black community. And to assert white supremacy.

It is, therefore, a hate flag.
If the flag comes down it will become part of the roiling, bubbling resentment. Which isn't always a bad thing. Another crack in the body politic.

Which makes all the rhetoric about unity incomprehensible.
Another freedom lost to liberal PC nonsense. ...... :cool:
What a shame that individuals won't be able to fly the racist, wait.

Is the British flag racist? People were enslaved under it. They fought wars to keep it that way and lost. And it still flies.

You will never see that flag flying in Ireland - India or Palestine...........

You wont'?

Why do Italian soccer fans and other foreigners fly the Confederate flag - The Washington Post

Seems to be flying quite a few places overseas.
The only thing removing the flag will promote is another fissure of resentment.
That's true. The retards will keep pretending it doesn't mean what it means and probably kill some more black people because of it. But it still needs to go. The traitors should have never been encouraged to continue flying it after they were defeated.

Well, it can be outlawed. That flag and symbol are the legal property of the United States government, not any state. That flag was duly surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse Virginia in April 1865, as the second condition of the surrender terms General Lee was granted by General Grant.

Surrender Your Arms

Surrender Your Flags (The Confederate States of America, illegal to begin with, went out of existence with this requirement)

Take an oath not to take up arms against the government of the United States again, and you are paroled and may go home.

Officially, by an Act of Congress or as happens in this particular administration, by Executive Order, that Confederate Flag can be outlawed as a hate symbol, and no longer be copied or manufactured. Doubt it will happen, but that is the flag's history...........
If the flag comes down it will become part of the roiling, bubbling resentment. Which isn't always a bad thing. Another crack in the body politic.

Which makes all the rhetoric about unity incomprehensible.
IOW all the inbred hill billies will be stressed out right?
They are crying and moaning way more about their flag than the murders of 9 innocent churchgoers.
I say she's flailing after her stupidity about not flying the con flag at half mast. But if she is sincere, kudos to her.
She couldn't fly it at half mast.
there is no mechanism to lower it to half mast.
It has 2 positions, up, and down.

It takes a 2/3s vote by the General Assembly to move it from one position to the other.

All the governor can do is REQUEST they take that vote.
And she didn't even do that. Personally I would have gone out and lit it on fire if I were her and taken my lumps.
That's what hitler would have done, too.
Get real. He would have flown the confederate flag. He hated black people as much as our cons do.

Why is it with all your babbling bull shit, that anyone would think that you are nothing but a hater and divider.
The only thing removing the flag will promote is another fissure of resentment.
That's true. The retards will keep pretending it doesn't mean what it means and probably kill some more black people because of it. But it still needs to go. The traitors should have never been encouraged to continue flying it after they were defeated.

Well, it can be outlawed. That flag and symbol are the legal property of the United States government, not any state. That flag was duly surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse Virginia in April 1865, as the second condition of the surrender terms General Lee was granted by General Grant.

Surrender Your Arms

Surrender Your Flags (The Confederate States of America, illegal to begin with, went out of existence with this requirement)

Take an oath not to take up arms against the government of the United States again, and you are paroled and may go home.

Officially, by an Act of Congress or as happens in this particular administration, by Executive Order, that Confederate Flag can be outlawed as a hate symbol, and no longer be copied or manufactured. Doubt it will happen, but that is the flag's history...........
Thank you. I did not know that. I don't think it should be outlawed. But it should be removed from public monuments, etc.
I say she's flailing after her stupidity about not flying the con flag at half mast. But if she is sincere, kudos to her.
She couldn't fly it at half mast.
there is no mechanism to lower it to half mast.
It has 2 positions, up, and down.

It takes a 2/3s vote by the General Assembly to move it from one position to the other.

All the governor can do is REQUEST they take that vote.
And she didn't even do that. Personally I would have gone out and lit it on fire if I were her and taken my lumps.
That's what hitler would have done, too.
Get real. He would have flown the confederate flag. He hated black people as much as our cons do.

Why is it with all your babbling bull shit, that anyone would think that you are nothing but a hater and divider.
What are you babbling about?
Gov. Haley's birth name is Nimrata Nikki Randhawa and her parents are from India.

She doesn't have an ancestral heritage to South Carolina or the Civil War.

So she should butt out of the flag issue and let the bonafide SC citizens decide the issue. ..... :cool:

Sorry, but she's the Gov. That makes her more S.C. than grandpa joe.
And, like I said, it takes a vote by the General Assembly, and they need a 2/3s majority.

The GA won't get to it til next Tuesday at the earliest, because they are in closed session working on the budget, and they wont' let anything interfere with that.

Why South Carolina s Confederate flag might not come down this year after all and how it could - The Washington Post

Yeah, no rush.... it's been a shameful episode drawn out 150 years... why not wait until next Tues.

Or just order some maintenance worker to go out there and take it down.

Rent a fucking Bulldozzer you dumb rednecks.

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