Gov. Walker seeks help from Pres. Obama on propane shortage

Sounds like the Governor is availing himself to all the options open to him on behalf
of the people of his State....

Good job Governor....
Amazing how much of a good and right man of the people Chris Christie was when he did so, but Walker not so much. :lol:

Christie called for Federal Aid when one of the biggest storms in history was approaching and devastated New Jersey. He wasn't bragging about surpluses at the time.
Sounds like the Governor is availing himself to all the options open to him on behalf
of the people of his State....

Good job Governor....

He just better not be pictured with the President when he's "availing himself"...then you get called a RINO...:lol:
What part of obamas policies have raised the cost of propane to dangerous levels is over your head?


Which policies?

Please be very specific so you prove to us that you know how the propane market works, okay?

I very much want to know what is causing the propane prices to rise when there is a GLUT of propane coming out of the natural gas being FRACKED right now.

Show us that you know what the fuck you're talking about.

Thanks in advance for educating us.

When it comes right down to it even the most economic small Haiti government like politician will ask for help.

Deep down in side the tea party is nuts.
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

we already know these people will lie cheat and do anything for power.

they have no shame
Sounds like the Governor is availing himself to all the options open to him on behalf
of the people of his State....

Good job Governor....
Amazing how much of a good and right man of the people Chris Christie was when he did so, but Walker not so much. :lol:

Christie called for Federal Aid when one of the biggest storms in history was approaching and devastated New Jersey. He wasn't bragging about surpluses at the time.

This is what any governor should do. Only the tea party nuts believe everyone should live on the streets and work 3 jobs.:evil:
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

Look up the term, "Interstate Commerce" to see who's in charge of it.

Here's a quick Multiple Choice answer list for you:

a) Martians

b) The UN

c) The NFL Commissioner

d) The Justice Department

e) The Federal Government

f) The State that borders the State that wants a new Interstate Transportation system

g) libturds are too stupid to understand questions like this


There is only one acceptable answer other than 'g'
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Well, most civilized first world nation invest and advance towards working things out....

Idiotic fools that believe in 1781 are totally foolish.
note he has nothing but blather and insults in his arsenal?

it why they have to cheat in elections to win
government is as good as the people.

Unless of course you have a faction that CHEATS the people out of their rights to vote to steal power.

this country will be fine if we just STOP the republican party from cheating us in elections

You guys have read the polls, huh?

You know that dimocrap scum are going to get shellacked in November, don't you?

It's why you're being so shrill. So defensive, so offensive, actually.

You've heard about the Republicans being afraid of winning 'too big' haven't you?

Your schtick is old, boys. Real old. It don't work anymore.

The rest of the world is watching while our Stock Market falls off a cliff because nobody has any confidence in dimocrap scumbags.

They're watching while the DJIA fell over 326 points yesterday and the S&P got hurt even worse.

They're also watching as the DJIA has fallen by over 1,200 points since the beginning of the year.

That's One-Thousand-Two-Hundred points. In a Month.

Your shit is getting old boys. We're hip to your lies.

Say good-bye to liberalism. The Country tried it, it didn't work, and they're ready to move on.

Keep on with your foolish dedication to your sick lies and we can say goodby to the entire dimocrap party.

Believe it or not (you won't) but the Republican Party is actually concerned about winning TOO big this November. fer real.

Makes no sense to me either, but it's the reality.

Stop lying. Nobody's listening anymore
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

So, should Walker NOT go to the federal government to get some of that government cheese that the feds are taking from everyone and redistributing around to those that ask?

Should he ignore that resource that is available to him which HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM HIS PEOPLE THROUGH FEDERAL TAXES?

Sick. You push and push for an ever increasing federal government, demand that all pay for that government (which they do) and then get all surprised when those within that system try and actually use it.

We call that a double standard. Sorry but the people in that states are no more required to shoot themselves in the foot by refusing to partake in federal programs that they are still required to be a part of in financing.

We push?

That's a plane no one needs, by the way.

Along with plenty of exotic weapons systems that have no function in the sorts of wars we have been fighting lately.

That's mostly conservative driven, since many conservative states are dependent on the defense industry.

Walker's been cutting taxes like crazy. He's starving the school system of funding. And yet? He's "giving" money back to the wealthy.

Taxes are revenue that the government receives to run things. If you can't provision revenue and expenses correctly? You are doing it wrong.

And this is an example of that.
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GUVMENT IS BAD...BBBBBBAAAADDDDD....Unless of course it helping a Republican.

Helping more than republicans??!!,when your out of gas party doesn't matter much,except for people like yourself.

This is how stupid dimocrap drones are....

Wisconsin hasn't gone for a Republican since Reagan.

They're a Blue State.

They elected Walker to clean the place up.

Funny how that works, huh? They want a Republican in THEIR State to cleanse the place of the vermin in the dimocrap party, but think a dimocrap scumbag is just fine for the rest of the Country...

And don't tell me it's "The Candidate". I won't believe you. :)
Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

So, should Walker NOT go to the federal government to get some of that government cheese that the feds are taking from everyone and redistributing around to those that ask?

Should he ignore that resource that is available to him which HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM HIS PEOPLE THROUGH FEDERAL TAXES?

Sick. You push and push for an ever increasing federal government, demand that all pay for that government (which they do) and then get all surprised when those within that system try and actually use it.

We call that a double standard. Sorry but the people in that states are no more required to shoot themselves in the foot by refusing to partake in federal programs that they are still required to be a part of in financing.

We push?

That's a plane no one needs, by the way.

Along with plenty of exotic weapons systems that have no function in the sorts of wars we have been fighting lately.

That's mostly conservative driven, since many conservative states are dependent on the defense industry.

Walker's been cutting taxes like crazy. He's starving the school system of funding. And yet? He's "giving" money back to the wealthy.

Taxes are revenue that the government receives to run things. If you can't provision revenue and expenses correctly? You are doing it wrong.

And this is an example of that.

First off... Stupid. Look into the term "Interstate Commerce" to see who's in charge of it.

Second, he's hardly 'starving' the school system. Although I would favor doing just that.

All it is anymore is just a taxpayer-subsidized baby-sitting service. Turning out THE worst performing students in the Industrialized world.

And don't tell me it's because of 'minorities' either. Because we're performing even worse in electives like advanced calculus, advanced Physics, advanced Trig, advanced Algebra....

The American Education public school system is a joke. A fucking joke.

Believe me, I know. I had to work with Teachers every now and then and, I swear to you that, as a group..... Dumb as a box of fucking rocks. I 'm telling you, I mean downright fucking incapable of grasping anything new, anything they weren't taught in College.... Useless.

And if you knew about how Teachers are 'educated' you'd understand. or not. Probably not.
We want government to be able to fix things and work things out. This is why we vote for a government...

Regulating the private sector is part of this.
Maybe if we stopped exporting propane we'd have more of it for use here at home.
With all the huffing and puffing from both sides, has anyone taken the time out to consider what kind of help Walker is asking for when it comes tot he shortage? Has anyone figured out why that shortage exists?

Yeah, a republican asking the federal government that the state pays into to help and everyone acts like the typical moron when discussing Ayn Rand and SS. Fascism seems more contageous than ever before...

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