Gov. Walker seeks help from Pres. Obama on propane shortage

Anyone on here heat with propane besides me? I was below 15% yesterday and did manage to get 200 gallons delivered.

I was talking with the delivery driver about the shortage and future availability of propane. And Obama's name didn't come up a single time.

What did come up was the wet corn harvest that was taken out of the fields last fall and required an unusual amount of propane for the corn dryers. So that depleted what was available.

Then the extreme cold hit and that really depleted the propane supply.

And still Obama's name didn't come up.

About the only thing I heard that Obama did was relax the rules allowing drivers to spend more time behind the wheel so that deliveries could be made quicker.

You all blame whoever you want. Blame some stupid fucking Republican for not knowing that the winter was going to be very, very cold and that the corn harvest was going to be very wet.

Makes about as much sense to blame a stupid Republican as it does to blame Obama.

Just think edgy, with all your fucking supposed brilliance, you should have made a fortune in propane.
The price has doubled. What happened?

As you say, there's no blame. But if wisconsinites need some extra energy assistance, why would the governor propose a tax cut that gives 44% to roughly the top 20% earners?
Conservatives should be cheering this situation. The market at work!! Propane is in short supply the price goes up. Propane producers,additionally, can use their 'liberty' to decide how much product to make available,

thus getting higher prices for smaller amounts by manipulating supply.

What's to complain about, conservatives? This is how you want the world to work.

That is the truth. The market failed to take into account the wet corn and the cold winter and a shortage was created. And here the Republicans are crying for the hated Federal Government to bail their asses out.

Fucking hypocrites.

I wasn't asking Obama to send me some propane. I just went out and cut some more wood.
And called my free market propane supplier.
Really? Because it sounds like Obama set aside $450 million for Walker. You stupid bitch.

Interstate Commerce, you stupid fuck. ONLY the Federal Government.

No wonder you're a dimocrap. You're too stupid to walk and chew gum

Dumbass, I'm a Republican. You don't know what you're talking about, and you aren't making any damned sense.

My understanding is the Dept. of Commerce is the only one that can approve longer working hours and larger than specified carriage of propane which is needed right now to fulfill the need between states. And with the US govt approving the reversal of 2 pipelines that previously carried propane in that area now do not, is a big reason for the shortages.
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Anyone on here heat with propane besides me? I was below 15% yesterday and did manage to get 200 gallons delivered.

I was talking with the delivery driver about the shortage and future availability of propane. And Obama's name didn't come up a single time.

What did come up was the wet corn harvest that was taken out of the fields last fall and required an unusual amount of propane for the corn dryers. So that depleted what was available.

Then the extreme cold hit and that really depleted the propane supply.

And still Obama's name didn't come up.

About the only thing I heard that Obama did was relax the rules allowing drivers to spend more time behind the wheel so that deliveries could be made quicker.

You all blame whoever you want. Blame some stupid fucking Republican for not knowing that the winter was going to be very, very cold and that the corn harvest was going to be very wet.

Makes about as much sense to blame a stupid Republican as it does to blame Obama.

Just think edgy, with all your fucking supposed brilliance, you should have made a fortune in propane.
The price has doubled. What happened?

As you say, there's no blame. But if wisconsinites need some extra energy assistance, why would the governor propose a tax cut that gives 44% to roughly the top 20% earners?

That is a fine question for those fine people in Wisconsin to ask their asshole for a governor that they elected. I would like to think that Obama would tell ole Scott to eat shit and pay for whatever he needs out of the state surplus.

But Obama does not have the balls to do that. Unfortunately.
Conservatives should be cheering this situation. The market at work!! Propane is in short supply the price goes up. Propane producers,additionally, can use their 'liberty' to decide how much product to make available,

thus getting higher prices for smaller amounts by manipulating supply.

What's to complain about, conservatives? This is how you want the world to work.

That is the truth. The market failed to take into account the wet corn and the cold winter and a shortage was created. And here the Republicans are crying for the hated Federal Government to bail their asses out.

Fucking hypocrites.

I wasn't asking Obama to send me some propane. I just went out and cut some more wood.
And called my free market propane supplier.

No it isn't. :lmao:

You can not have it both ways, people. You want to talk about regulation, regulation, regulation which is what we have, and then in times of its complete abject failure, you want to point to "the market" as the cause for blame.


The information on the reasons for the shortage and subsequent price gouging have been posted here. The real failure here is that of government regulation, contract and produciton regarding interstate commerce.
Really? Because it sounds like Obama set aside $450 million for Walker. You stupid bitch.

Interstate Commerce, you stupid fuck. ONLY the Federal Government.

No wonder you're a dimocrap. You're too stupid to walk and chew gum

Dumbass, I'm a Republican. You don't know what you're talking about, and you aren't making any damned sense.

Walker wants more and better rail lines serving the propane centers of the State.

ONLY the Federal Government can authorize that because the Rail Lines cross State Borders. In the article itself Walker says “The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions

Which includes pipelines. ONLY the Federal Government can authorize the building of pipelines across State Lines.

As to LIHEAP? So what? It's about time obama did his freaking job for a change. And LIHEAP is a Federal Program established under President of The United States of America, Ronald Wilson Reagan.

None of this is as the scumbag OP suggested.... That Walker is asking for 'help'. He is, in fact, asking the Federal Government to do its job.... Allow rail and pipeline transportation of gas to and through Wisconsin and, in the short term, provide assistance as prescribed in the LIHEAP legislation.

Just another lie-fest from our dimocrap posters
My understanding is the Dept. of Commerce is the only one that can approve longer working hours and larger than specified carriage of propane which is needed right now to fulfill the need between states. And with the US govt approving the reversal of 2 pipelines that previously carried propane in that area now do not, is a big reason for the shortages.

What are you talking about?

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

That is $450 million of federal money going to the state of Wisconsin. Right after the state dished out a $1 billion surplus. There is absolutely no reason why they should get a single penny of federal money.
That is $450 million of federal money going to the state of Wisconsin. Right after the state dished out a $1 billion surplus. There is absolutely no reason why they should get a single penny of federal money.
it is the federal government's enumerated job (although i disagree with it) to handle interstate commerce affairs. This costs money. Fuck. EVERYTHING the Feds do costs money. The state is not responsible for federal cost covering simply because you think they should be. I think they should be too, but that isn't how it works. The Fed has to deal with this because they are the ones who impose restrictions in the first place.

Walker is asking the feds to do their job on behalf of a state in the "union".

LOLberals are fuckin' dumb.
Conservatives should be cheering this situation. The market at work!! Propane is in short supply the price goes up. Propane producers,additionally, can use their 'liberty' to decide how much product to make available,

thus getting higher prices for smaller amounts by manipulating supply.

What's to complain about, conservatives? This is how you want the world to work.

That is the truth. The market failed to take into account the wet corn and the cold winter and a shortage was created. And here the Republicans are crying for the hated Federal Government to bail their asses out.

Fucking hypocrites.

I wasn't asking Obama to send me some propane. I just went out and cut some more wood.
And called my free market propane supplier.

No it isn't. :lmao:

You can not have it both ways, people. You want to talk about regulation, regulation, regulation which is what we have, and then in times of its complete abject failure, you want to point to "the market" as the cause for blame.


The information on the reasons for the shortage and subsequent price gouging have been posted here. The real failure here is that of government regulation, contract and produciton regarding interstate commerce.

You are full of shit dude. The market didn't know that the corn harvest would be especially wet and the market didn't know that the winter would be extremely cold and long.
The market failed.

But again, who cares what you believe. It has nothing to do with reality from what I read.

I talked with the delivery driver and the operation manager of the propane company. Government regs, production and contracts never were mentioned as to the cause of the shortage.

I bet Obama pays them to say that. And I bet you believe that as well. Don't you? You think Obama had all the propane suppliers called and threatened to lie about the shortage.

That sound about ridiculous enough for you?
That is $450 million of federal money going to the state of Wisconsin. Right after the state dished out a $1 billion surplus. There is absolutely no reason why they should get a single penny of federal money.
it is the federal government's enumerated job (although i disagree with it) to handle interstate commerce affairs. This costs money. Fuck. EVERYTHING the Feds do costs money. The state is not responsible for federal cost covering simply because you think they should be. I think they should be too, but that isn't how it works. The Fed has to deal with this because they are the ones who impose restrictions in the first place.

Walker is asking the feds to do their job on behalf of a state in the "union".

LOLberals are fuckin' dumb.

This isn't interstate commerce. This is the federal government giving Wisconsin extra money to pay for it's own welfare program.
That is the truth. The market failed to take into account the wet corn and the cold winter and a shortage was created. And here the Republicans are crying for the hated Federal Government to bail their asses out.

Fucking hypocrites.

I wasn't asking Obama to send me some propane. I just went out and cut some more wood.
And called my free market propane supplier.

No it isn't. :lmao:

You can not have it both ways, people. You want to talk about regulation, regulation, regulation which is what we have, and then in times of its complete abject failure, you want to point to "the market" as the cause for blame.


The information on the reasons for the shortage and subsequent price gouging have been posted here. The real failure here is that of government regulation, contract and produciton regarding interstate commerce.

You are full of shit dude. The market didn't know that the corn harvest would be especially wet and the market didn't know that the winter would be extremely cold and long.
The market failed.

But again, who cares what you believe. It has nothing to do with reality from what I read.

I talked with the delivery driver and the operation manager of the propane company. Government regs, production and contracts never were mentioned as to the cause of the shortage.

I bet Obama pays them to say that. And I bet you believe that as well. Don't you? You think Obama had all the propane suppliers called and threatened to lie about the shortage.

That sound about ridiculous enough for you?

The corn harvest isn't the only reaon for the shortage. But you fail at reading and comprehension, so I understand why some of us have to play fuckin' repeater 20 times in a thread. Read the thread. This is a government failure, not a market one. The only ones full of shit here are the ones drooling about what they didn't even bother to read about. You talked to a delivery driver and are now an expert on the issue. :coocoo:
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My understanding is the Dept. of Commerce is the only one that can approve longer working hours and larger than specified carriage of propane which is needed right now to fulfill the need between states. And with the US govt approving the reversal of 2 pipelines that previously carried propane in that area now do not, is a big reason for the shortages.

What are you talking about?

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

That is $450 million of federal money going to the state of Wisconsin. Right after the state dished out a $1 billion surplus. There is absolutely no reason why they should get a single penny of federal money.

So States that do a good job of keeping their fiscal house in order should be punished by having funds withheld from them?

The fund is there. It is doled out by the POTUS to States in time of short-term crises PRECISELY like the one Wisconsin is experiencing...

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Congress also provides the President of the United States with limited contingency funds each year, which are reserved for emergency situations and released at the President's discretion.

So, what you're saying is that only States who are irresponsible should receive help from the Feds?

I know you don't mean that, but that's what it sounds like to me.

To each according to his need, from each......

Think about it.
My understanding is the Dept. of Commerce is the only one that can approve longer working hours and larger than specified carriage of propane which is needed right now to fulfill the need between states. And with the US govt approving the reversal of 2 pipelines that previously carried propane in that area now do not, is a big reason for the shortages.

What are you talking about?

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

That is $450 million of federal money going to the state of Wisconsin. Right after the state dished out a $1 billion surplus. There is absolutely no reason why they should get a single penny of federal money.

are you telling me that the state's residents have not paid into that federal fund which is set up for that reason? And that was not all Walker was asking for. It is only one point of the issue.
And, if you will note, the title of the thread is about the shortage.
That is $450 million of federal money going to the state of Wisconsin. Right after the state dished out a $1 billion surplus. There is absolutely no reason why they should get a single penny of federal money.
it is the federal government's enumerated job (although i disagree with it) to handle interstate commerce affairs. This costs money. Fuck. EVERYTHING the Feds do costs money. The state is not responsible for federal cost covering simply because you think they should be. I think they should be too, but that isn't how it works. The Fed has to deal with this because they are the ones who impose restrictions in the first place.

Walker is asking the feds to do their job on behalf of a state in the "union".

LOLberals are fuckin' dumb.

This isn't interstate commerce. This is the federal government giving Wisconsin extra money to pay for it's own welfare program.

Is that a federal program, or a state program?
it is the federal government's enumerated job (although i disagree with it) to handle interstate commerce affairs. This costs money. Fuck. EVERYTHING the Feds do costs money. The state is not responsible for federal cost covering simply because you think they should be. I think they should be too, but that isn't how it works. The Fed has to deal with this because they are the ones who impose restrictions in the first place.

Walker is asking the feds to do their job on behalf of a state in the "union".

LOLberals are fuckin' dumb.

This isn't interstate commerce. This is the federal government giving Wisconsin extra money to pay for it's own welfare program.

Is that a federal program, or a state program?

It's Federal Program but each State has it's own bureaucracy to administrate it.
Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

All this liberal entitlement bullshit in this thread is sickening.
Conservatives should be cheering this situation. The market at work!! Propane is in short supply the price goes up. Propane producers,additionally, can use their 'liberty' to decide how much product to make available,

thus getting higher prices for smaller amounts by manipulating supply.

What's to complain about, conservatives? This is how you want the world to work.

That is the truth. The market failed to take into account the wet corn and the cold winter and a shortage was created. And here the Republicans are crying for the hated Federal Government to bail their asses out.

Fucking hypocrites.

I wasn't asking Obama to send me some propane. I just went out and cut some more wood.
And called my free market propane supplier.

No it isn't. :lmao:

You can not have it both ways, people. You want to talk about regulation, regulation, regulation which is what we have, and then in times of its complete abject failure, you want to point to "the market" as the cause for blame.


The information on the reasons for the shortage and subsequent price gouging have been posted here. The real failure here is that of government regulation, contract and produciton regarding interstate commerce.

So your assessment is that government regulation wasn't sufficient to overcome the fluctuations of price/supply/demand in the free market?

That is the truth. The market failed to take into account the wet corn and the cold winter and a shortage was created. And here the Republicans are crying for the hated Federal Government to bail their asses out.

Fucking hypocrites.

I wasn't asking Obama to send me some propane. I just went out and cut some more wood.
And called my free market propane supplier.

No it isn't. :lmao:

You can not have it both ways, people. You want to talk about regulation, regulation, regulation which is what we have, and then in times of its complete abject failure, you want to point to "the market" as the cause for blame.


The information on the reasons for the shortage and subsequent price gouging have been posted here. The real failure here is that of government regulation, contract and produciton regarding interstate commerce.

So your assessment is that government regulation wasn't sufficient to overcome the fluctuations of price/supply/demand in the free market?


You're not intelligent enough for this discussion, sorry. I'm not going to spell it out for you since you wouldn't get it even if I did.
What part of obamas policies have raised the cost of propane to dangerous levels is over your head?

Are you happy obama has impoverished people like this?

Soaring fuel prices coupled with food prices coupled with the aca nightmare is the trifecta of evil.

And liberals are cheering the misery.

but it's ok, cuz most of those people are white and it's Bushs fault

Obama seized the propane industry?


It's a fossil fuel, liberals hate fossil fuels, obama is a liberal

1 + 1 = obama fucked them over

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