Gov. Walker seeks help from Pres. Obama on propane shortage

We want government to be able to fix things and work things out. This is why we vote for a government...

Regulating the private sector is part of this.

Great explanation for your 2nd Grade Class to ponder.

Here it is dimocraps.... The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was written SPECIFICALLY for dealing with Railroads.

The Interstate Commerce Commission was formed SPECIFICALLY to enforce that SPECIFIC Law regulating Railroads.

The Supreme Court Of The United States has SPECIFICALLY ruled against ANY STATE LAWS REGARDING RAILROADS. IOW, they can't do shit with Railroads.

What happened here is that some dimocrap scumbag printed this bullshit in some bullshit liberal rag. Odds are good that either he/she and/or his/her Editor knew it was a pile of shit but printed it anyway knowing that dimocraps are too stupid to know that if you want anything done REGARDING RAIL TRANSPORTATION it has to go through the ICC.

Ergo the Governor of Wisconsin asking the lying scumbag-in-chief to do his fucking job for a change.

God DAYUM but you people are stupid.

Find a new gig fer chrissakes
For those who want to actually understand the situation instead of the Shallow version, this link as most of the story.
So, should Walker NOT go to the federal government to get some of that government cheese that the feds are taking from everyone and redistributing around to those that ask?

Should he ignore that resource that is available to him which HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM HIS PEOPLE THROUGH FEDERAL TAXES?

Sick. You push and push for an ever increasing federal government, demand that all pay for that government (which they do) and then get all surprised when those within that system try and actually use it.

We call that a double standard. Sorry but the people in that states are no more required to shoot themselves in the foot by refusing to partake in federal programs that they are still required to be a part of in financing.

We push?

That's a plane no one needs, by the way.

Along with plenty of exotic weapons systems that have no function in the sorts of wars we have been fighting lately.

That's mostly conservative driven, since many conservative states are dependent on the defense industry.

Walker's been cutting taxes like crazy. He's starving the school system of funding. And yet? He's "giving" money back to the wealthy.

Taxes are revenue that the government receives to run things. If you can't provision revenue and expenses correctly? You are doing it wrong.

And this is an example of that.

First off... Stupid. Look into the term "Interstate Commerce" to see who's in charge of it.

Second, he's hardly 'starving' the school system. Although I would favor doing just that.

All it is anymore is just a taxpayer-subsidized baby-sitting service. Turning out THE worst performing students in the Industrialized world.

And don't tell me it's because of 'minorities' either. Because we're performing even worse in electives like advanced calculus, advanced Physics, advanced Trig, advanced Algebra....

The American Education public school system is a joke. A fucking joke.

Believe me, I know. I had to work with Teachers every now and then and, I swear to you that, as a group..... Dumb as a box of fucking rocks. I 'm telling you, I mean downright fucking incapable of grasping anything new, anything they weren't taught in College.... Useless.

And if you knew about how Teachers are 'educated' you'd understand. or not. Probably not.


Well I probably pay more in taxes in one year than you made in the last 10 years.

Now let someone else at the library use the computer. There is a line.
What part of obamas policies have raised the cost of propane to dangerous levels is over your head?

Are you happy obama has impoverished people like this?

Soaring fuel prices coupled with food prices coupled with the aca nightmare is the trifecta of evil.

And liberals are cheering the misery.

but it's ok, cuz most of those people are white and it's Bushs fault

You and a few others of the worst of the worst Obama derangees appear to be the only ones trying to blame the president for the propane shortage.
The government is trying to do something. Those who use propane for heating generally live in rural areas. The government intends to put an end to living in rural areas. Therefore the government has an interest in unafforable propane costs.
Sounds like the Governor is availing himself to all the options open to him on behalf
of the people of his State....

Good job Governor....

Shouldn't get a penny of federal money. Let them build their own damn rail.
we cant punish the people of his state because scot cheated his way into power
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

Where else would you go to for a bunch of hot air? (I had to, I just did.)
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

Where else would you go to for a bunch of hot air? (I had to, I just did.)

He should visit all his gasbag pals at Foxnews and the rest of the rightwing propaganda machine. They should be able to fix him right up.
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

so obama is screwing the poor again
Conservatives should be cheering this situation. The market at work!! Propane is in short supply the price goes up. Propane producers,additionally, can use their 'liberty' to decide how much product to make available,

thus getting higher prices for smaller amounts by manipulating supply.

What's to complain about, conservatives? This is how you want the world to work.
here ya go, seems this may be much of the problem as to why there are shortages, the adm approved a reversal pipeline project which was started back in December. If they had just approved the Keystone, maybe this wouldn't have happened...

Propane industry group says it doesn't understand shortages either
The Propane Education and Research Council says it is interested in exploring the causes behind factors related to the supply shortage.

"At a time when U.S. propane production is at an all-time high, PERC wants to know what can be done to ensure that propane can be quickly and affordably put to use here at home, even during times of extreme weather," the group said.

To do that, PERC says it will examine:

• Transportation Infrastructure: The December shutdown of the Cochin pipeline in the upper Midwest coupled with the reversal of another Midwest pipeline that previously transported propane contributed to that region's tight propane supplies. As supplies from natural gas and crude oil increase, so has competition for pipeline access and resources.

"Measures must be taken to ensure that the proper infrastructure is available to move propane from large national storage facilities to local propane retailers, especially in the winter," PERC said.

Fuel Industry, Lawmakers Want Answers on Propane Issues - Farm Futures

Unfortunately for the propane industry in Minnesota, as well as the six other states that have direct access to Cochin, the pipeline will no longer be a supply option starting in mid-2014. Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, which runs the pipeline, is currently modifying Cochin to move light condensate westbound from a new terminal in Kankakee County, Ill. Kinder Morgan is connecting Cochin in Kankakee County to Explorer Pipeline Co.’s pipeline, and product will instead flow toward terminals near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada.

Cochin reversal project creates pipeline pressures : LP Gas

Obama Approves Major Border-Crossing Fracked Gas Pipeline Used to Dilute Tar Sands
Although TransCanada's Keystone XL tar sands pipeline has received the lion's share of media attention, another key border-crossing pipeline benefitting tar sands producers was approved on November 19 by the U.S. State Department.

Enter Cochin, Kinder Morgan's 1,900-mile proposed pipeline to transport gas produced via the controversial hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") of the Eagle Ford Shale basin in Texas north through Kankakee, Illinois, and eventually into Alberta, Canada, the home of the tar sands.

Cochin Reversal Project | DeSmogBlog
Anyone on here heat with propane besides me? I was below 15% yesterday and did manage to get 200 gallons delivered.

I was talking with the delivery driver about the shortage and future availability of propane. And Obama's name didn't come up a single time.

What did come up was the wet corn harvest that was taken out of the fields last fall and required an unusual amount of propane for the corn dryers. So that depleted what was available.

Then the extreme cold hit and that really depleted the propane supply.

And still Obama's name didn't come up.

About the only thing I heard that Obama did was relax the rules allowing drivers to spend more time behind the wheel so that deliveries could be made quicker.

You all blame whoever you want. Blame some stupid fucking Republican for not knowing that the winter was going to be very, very cold and that the corn harvest was going to be very wet.

Makes about as much sense to blame a stupid Republican as it does to blame Obama.

Just think edgy, with all your fucking supposed brilliance, you should have made a fortune in propane.
The price has doubled. What happened?

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