Gov. Walker seeks help from Pres. Obama on propane shortage

MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

It couldn't possibly be because the Federal government is partly responsible for the propane shortage? Nah, that couldn't be, because Obama is not responsible for anything that goes awry.
This Federal Government, especially under the control of Obama and his comrades in arm's have become..... a DANGER to us

How sad a Governor has to write a letter to the President to ask for help for the people in his state and WHY IS THAT?

think people and never vote for the Democrat/progressives to run this country again

and how sick are people who use people's suffering just to make his Dear Leader look like some hero we should all be thanking the heaven above for?
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MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

It couldn't possibly be because the Federal government is partly responsible for the propane shortage? Nah, that couldn't be, because Obama is not responsible for anything that goes awry.

And how is the Federal government "partially responsible" for a shortage of propane?
Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

It couldn't possibly be because the Federal government is partly responsible for the propane shortage? Nah, that couldn't be, because Obama is not responsible for anything that goes awry.

And how is the Federal government "partially responsible" for a shortage of propane?

because BO is catering to his 'green' base by not approving the Keystone Pipeline the railroads are overloaded with oil deliveries which in turn has obstructed propane deliveries....there is only so much infrastructure available and this is also pushing prices up....
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

It couldn't possibly be because the Federal government is partly responsible for the propane shortage? Nah, that couldn't be, because Obama is not responsible for anything that goes awry.


You do know that you make profit from having less of a thing then more of a thing. Right?
It couldn't possibly be because the Federal government is partly responsible for the propane shortage? Nah, that couldn't be, because Obama is not responsible for anything that goes awry.

And how is the Federal government "partially responsible" for a shortage of propane?

because BO is catering to his 'green' base by not approving the Keystone Pipeline the railroads are overloaded with oil deliveries which in turn has obstructed propane deliveries....there is only so much infrastructure available and this is also pushing prices up....

That's a pretty neat stretch.

Who's is it?

Rush or Mark?
Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

It couldn't possibly be because the Federal government is partly responsible for the propane shortage? Nah, that couldn't be, because Obama is not responsible for anything that goes awry.

And how is the Federal government "partially responsible" for a shortage of propane?

S'funny most of them do NOT support infrastructure spending.

It couldn't possibly be because the Federal government is partly responsible for the propane shortage? Nah, that couldn't be, because Obama is not responsible for anything that goes awry.

And how is the Federal government "partially responsible" for a shortage of propane?

S'funny most of them do NOT support infrastructure spending.


you people and this claim we don't support "infrastructure spending" are a real joke
We PAY taxes to our STATE Government for that purpose..
do you know anything how government works or just parrot all the bs you hear on left wing sites?
What part of obamas policies have raised the cost of propane to dangerous levels is over your head?

:lmao: at you blaming Obama for rising energy costs

I can remember not so long ago you guys praised Obama for lowering energy cost. You cant have it both ways.. Plus I also can remember liberals blaming BUSH for the energy prices .. Again, you cant have it both ways!
And how is the Federal government "partially responsible" for a shortage of propane?

S'funny most of them do NOT support infrastructure spending.


you people and this claim we don't support "infrastructure spending" are a real joke
We PAY taxes to our STATE Government for that purpose..
do you know anything how government works or just parrot all the bs you hear on left wing sites?

You pay taxes?
What part of obamas policies have raised the cost of propane to dangerous levels is over your head?

:lmao: at you blaming Obama for rising energy costs

I can remember not so long ago you guys praised Obama for lowering energy cost. You cant have it both ways.. Plus I also can remember liberals blaming BUSH for the energy prices .. Again, you cant have it both ways!

Feel free.

Fish out some posts.

I said the same thing during the Bush administration too.

The government has little effect on oil prices.

Unless you start a war or something, oil prices are on a totally different track.
There was a programmer from Waukesha
Who didn't like the votes at all she saw
Thinking wouldn't it be neat
To hit control-alt-delete
And no one could find fault or saw
What part of obamas policies have raised the cost of propane to dangerous levels is over your head?

:lmao: at you blaming Obama for rising energy costs

I can remember not so long ago you guys praised Obama for lowering energy cost. You cant have it both ways.. Plus I also can remember liberals blaming BUSH for the energy prices .. Again, you cant have it both ways!

But you can have it both ways? When did you praise Obama for lowering energy prices?
You're not intelligent enough for this discussion, sorry. I'm not going to spell it out for you since you wouldn't get it even if I did.

What's funniest is you probably honestly think you're the first guy-on-messageboard to try to pull that move.
Maybe he isn't the first guy-on-messageboard to reach the conclusion that he has.

You ever think about that? :lol:

He pretended to know something he doesn't. Is that new on messageboards?

:lmao: just can't make this stuff up.

So, still not addressing the points (because you can’t) and still trying to equate social funds to military spending.

No sallow, you can’t make the stupidity that you are displaying in this thread up.

Addressing talking points?

Dude..we are spending some 400 Billion dollars to build a plane we aren't even going to be using.

Now that's a huge gift to Lockheed Martin from people that may not even know that the tax money, they sweat for and hand over to the government, is going toward that.

Add in the income inequality that goes on there.

Social Spending yields MUCH better results. It allows people in distress to get through the bad times. It allows for people to send their kids to school. It allows for old folks to live out their retirement in dignity.

So, I am not trying to "equate" anything. Because one, military spending, is completely fucking wasteful and one Social Spending, is not.

THEN, you have Governor Scott Walker, who enjoyed a SURPLUS, giving it back to, RICH PEOPLE. Why that's the very SAME FOLKS that benefit from all the military spending.

THEN, you have the SAME governor, hat in hand, ask for approximately the same amount of money he JUST PISSED away making rich folks RICHER, from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

And THAT DOESN'T make you mad?


I never said anything against or supporting the F-22 program. I stated that it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CASE. And it doesn’t. It has no relation or resemblance to what walker is doing. The fact that you are still stuck on this really speaks to your inability to support your arguments.

Even BETTER is the fact that I have not said anything against social spending in this thread – that is ALL YOU. YOU are the one bemoaning social spending because Walker is the one requesting it. You have still not addressed the legal point that was brought up by another poster, the fact that you push for these programs and the fact that here you are upset that Walker is taking advantage of something that you would be just fine with a democrat governor doing.

IOW, you are showing your hyper partisanship all the while trying to change the subject to military contract programs. Pathetic.
Sounds like the Governor is availing himself to all the options open to him on behalf
of the people of his State....

Good job Governor....

He's doing his job. Liberals are confused because he is not behaving according to their narrative. No one on the right is supposed to care about people and they've repeated so many lies regarding the mean right that they make a big deal out of it when people don't think the way liberals think they should.

I'm glad he gave some tax money back to it's rightful owners, most of which are average Americans. Liberals were pissed because once government has money, it's supposed to go to groups of their choosing, not the people who earned it in the first place. They say it's greedy if you let average tax payers hang on to more of their earnings, as if we all don't need our money.

The same tax payers also paid plenty to the feds, so why not send some back to the states.
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Sounds like the Governor is availing himself to all the options open to him on behalf
of the people of his State....

Good job Governor....

He's doing his job. Liberals are confused because he is not behaving according to their narrative. No one on the right is supposed to care about people and they've repeated so many lies regarding the mean right that they make a big deal out of it when people don't think the way liberals think they should.

I'm glad he gave some tax money back to it's rightful owners, most of which are average Americans. Liberals were pissed because once government has money, it's supposed to go to groups of their choosing, not the people who earned it in the first place. They say it's greedy if you let average tax payers hang on to more of their earnings, as if we all don't need our money.

The same tax payers also paid plenty to the feds, so why not send some back to the states.

they've become so brainwashed in how they think everyone should rely on the Federal government, we get these kinds of horrible threads

So, still not addressing the points (because you can’t) and still trying to equate social funds to military spending.

No sallow, you can’t make the stupidity that you are displaying in this thread up.

Addressing talking points?

Dude..we are spending some 400 Billion dollars to build a plane we aren't even going to be using.

Now that's a huge gift to Lockheed Martin from people that may not even know that the tax money, they sweat for and hand over to the government, is going toward that.

Add in the income inequality that goes on there.

Social Spending yields MUCH better results. It allows people in distress to get through the bad times. It allows for people to send their kids to school. It allows for old folks to live out their retirement in dignity.

So, I am not trying to "equate" anything. Because one, military spending, is completely fucking wasteful and one Social Spending, is not.

THEN, you have Governor Scott Walker, who enjoyed a SURPLUS, giving it back to, RICH PEOPLE. Why that's the very SAME FOLKS that benefit from all the military spending.

THEN, you have the SAME governor, hat in hand, ask for approximately the same amount of money he JUST PISSED away making rich folks RICHER, from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

And THAT DOESN'T make you mad?


I never said anything against or supporting the F-22 program. I stated that it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CASE. And it doesn’t. It has no relation or resemblance to what walker is doing. The fact that you are still stuck on this really speaks to your inability to support your arguments.

Even BETTER is the fact that I have not said anything against social spending in this thread – that is ALL YOU. YOU are the one bemoaning social spending because Walker is the one requesting it. You have still not addressed the legal point that was brought up by another poster, the fact that you push for these programs and the fact that here you are upset that Walker is taking advantage of something that you would be just fine with a democrat governor doing.

IOW, you are showing your hyper partisanship all the while trying to change the subject to military contract programs. Pathetic.

Do you think there's some magic pot of gold for military spending?


It's all the same kitty.

When the Fed spends money on the military, it doesn't have money to spend on other things.

And that's germane to the topic.

Given that Walker, who enjoyed a surplus, then gave that money back, instead, say, creating a "Rainy Day Fund" then asked the government for funds, that's also in keeping with the topic. It's not a stretch at all.

Again, it's all the same kitty. Walker pissed away the state kitty and went to the Fed kitty.

Tell me again how you guys are fiscally conservative again?
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Interstate Commerce, you stupid fuck. ONLY the Federal Government.

No wonder you're a dimocrap. You're too stupid to walk and chew gum

Dumbass, I'm a Republican. You don't know what you're talking about, and you aren't making any damned sense.

Walker wants more and better rail lines serving the propane centers of the State.

ONLY the Federal Government can authorize that because the Rail Lines cross State Borders. In the article itself Walker says “The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions

Which includes pipelines. ONLY the Federal Government can authorize the building of pipelines across State Lines.

As to LIHEAP? So what? It's about time obama did his freaking job for a change. And LIHEAP is a Federal Program established under President of The United States of America, Ronald Wilson Reagan.

None of this is as the scumbag OP suggested.... That Walker is asking for 'help'. He is, in fact, asking the Federal Government to do its job.... Allow rail and pipeline transportation of gas to and through Wisconsin and, in the short term, provide assistance as prescribed in the LIHEAP legislation.

Just another lie-fest from our dimocrap posters

Hey edgy, I see your stupidity on building rail road lines is on a par with everything else I have seen you write.

Edgy, if you think those cold people in Wisconsin can wait for heat while a rail road line is laid.......... or a pipeline built.......that's some funny bull shit right there.

And whats with supporting HEAP. Those are POOR people getting that money. And what good is money if there is no propane to purchase.

Make up your fucking mind. Is there a supply and no money to purchase or is there no supply and no amount of money will make a supply happen in the next couple weeks?
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Governor Scott Walker on Thursday, January 30th asked the Obama Administration for help with the state’s propane shortage.

“We went through the list I sent to the President and checked off all the things I’d asked for assistance on. They’re acting on it, our partners are, so we’re glad to see that,” Gov. Walker said.

250,000 people across the state of Wisconsin use propane to heat their homes — and those that use propane are now paying some three times more than normal.

Gov. Walker spoke with one of President Obama’s advisors about an hour before the President landed in Milwaukee on Thursday to speak to hundreds of workers at GE’s Gas Engine Plant in Waukesha.

“The federal government’s gonna help us out with rail service and some other federal restrictions,” Gov. Walker said.

Gov. Walker says the Obama administration also set aside $450 million dollars to go the state’s low income home energy assistance program.

Waaiitttt a second.

Didn't this guy just give back a billion dollar surplus?

What the heck is he doing asking the Federal government for help? :eusa_eh:

What will he be asking for next, the Medicaid expansion?

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