Government By Tantrum: Trump Threatens To Declare Another Emergency To Expand His Power

Trump is fighting our enemies and Democrats so I have no problem with this.

Really? The Russians are IN Venezuela. What's more, after cozying up to NK dictator, Kim Jung Un and talking about how they had fallen in love, the NK dictator starts regularly testing short range missiles. Trump's reaction? It was complete and total nonchalance, which I can assure you was not the reaction of SK's and Japan's elected officials and regular citizens who are within range of those missiles. Meanwhile, even as Trump is AWOL from his presidential duties as the leader of the free world so he can watch TV and tweet about nonsense, agreements between SK and Japan fall apart which a normal and responsible American president would otherwise make sure was mediated in order to prevent such a collapse.

And as Trump headed off to the G7 meeting in France (which was widely reported that he didn't want to attend), and the Amazon rain forest is on fire just a month after record breaking melting in Greenland to the tune of 12 billion tons of ice melt in one day, what is Trump's focus? He wants to bring Russia back into the G8. If this was a movie made in 2012, it would fail because it would be deemed too far-fetched and unbelievable to find an audience.

Trump is a one man wrecking crew to the political, military, and economic alliances that have kept the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, and South Korea both safe and prosperous for 75 years
When Donald Trump couldn’t get the money he wanted through Congress to support his fiction of a border invasion, he dragged out the National Emergency Act and simply obtained that money … by taking it away from funds supposed to build housing, hospitals, and schools for U.S. troops and their families.

The Emergency Economic Powers Act was created to restrict the powers of the executive, which had been given carte blanche to lock down assets and restrict trade under the Trading With The Enemy Act that went back to World War I. This wasn’t an act to give the president more power over American companies. It was an act to give him less.

Government by tantrum: Trump threatens to declare another emergency to expand his power

Let’s see if Mr. guts and glory takes any unconstitutional actions against an American company.

....we are all DUMBER for having read that post...
When Donald Trump couldn’t get the money he wanted through Congress to support his fiction of a border invasion, he dragged out the National Emergency Act and simply obtained that money … by taking it away from funds supposed to build housing, hospitals, and schools for U.S. troops and their families.

The Emergency Economic Powers Act was created to restrict the powers of the executive, which had been given carte blanche to lock down assets and restrict trade under the Trading With The Enemy Act that went back to World War I. This wasn’t an act to give the president more power over American companies. It was an act to give him less.

Government by tantrum: Trump threatens to declare another emergency to expand his power

Let’s see if Mr. guts and glory takes any unconstitutional actions against an American company.
The Corrupt and Racist Democratic Party treats American citizens as their enemy.
C U at the polls.
Though I don't necessarily approve of the tariffs and all the chest thumping on Twitter, Trump is the first politician -let alone president- who has acted as though this nation's economic health is more important than that of foreign adversaries....I used to believe that unilateral free trade would end up freeing the people but in this case, it's easy for me to see that this belief is in error.

The problem is that his actions are doing the damage to our economic health. Our current trade deals is what led us to the longest period of economic expansion in the countries history, they are what led to the longest period of positive job growth in our counties history, they are what led to record low unemployment and more open jobs than people to fill them.
Shipping jobs and trillions of dollars to China has led to our economic growth?...Are you fucking daft?

The proof is in the pudding, all those things that you seem to think are terrible happened under the current trade deals.

The jobs that left were replaced with other jobs, and we as a consumer economy took advantage of the cheap labor of another country to do our grunt work, all the while thriving as a country.

123 months of economic expansion...the longest in our countries history...and you call that a bad thing.

106 months straight of positive job growth....the longest in our countries history...and you call that a bad thing.

43 straight months under 5% unemployment rate...and you call that a bad thing.
Have you ever heard of non sequitur and post hoc fallacies?
Another 60 miles of fence/wall is going up currently. If anyone is against it, you and Hiraldo can sponsor a worthy family. Never gonna happen.

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There is no threat to the nation from international trade.

Said none of the middle class workers who lost their jobs and homes.
Good point, the economy really sucks right now, all those poor unemployed people, no jobs to be found......

Or is the economy doing "the best ever"?

Can't have it both ways kid.

You are as dumb as golfing gator. Work on your reading comprehension.
My reading comprehension is fine my friend, you just don't like your internal contradictions pointed out.
When Donald Trump couldn’t get the money he wanted through Congress to support his fiction of a border invasion, he dragged out the National Emergency Act and simply obtained that money … by taking it away from funds supposed to build housing, hospitals, and schools for U.S. troops and their families.

The Emergency Economic Powers Act was created to restrict the powers of the executive, which had been given carte blanche to lock down assets and restrict trade under the Trading With The Enemy Act that went back to World War I. This wasn’t an act to give the president more power over American companies. It was an act to give him less.

Government by tantrum: Trump threatens to declare another emergency to expand his power

Let’s see if Mr. guts and glory takes any unconstitutional actions against an American company.

....we are all DUMBER for having read that post...
FAR superior to the tommy rot you post and much more honest
When Donald Trump couldn’t get the money he wanted through Congress to support his fiction of a border invasion, he dragged out the National Emergency Act and simply obtained that money … by taking it away from funds supposed to build housing, hospitals, and schools for U.S. troops and their families.

The Emergency Economic Powers Act was created to restrict the powers of the executive, which had been given carte blanche to lock down assets and restrict trade under the Trading With The Enemy Act that went back to World War I. This wasn’t an act to give the president more power over American companies. It was an act to give him less.

Government by tantrum: Trump threatens to declare another emergency to expand his power

Let’s see if Mr. guts and glory takes any unconstitutional actions against an American company.
The Corrupt and Racist Democratic Party treats American citizens as their enemy.
C U at the polls.
No body is treating American citizens as the enemy. All that RWNJ propaganda is rotting your brain.
Trump is fighting our enemies and Democrats so I have no problem with this.
You belong in Russia traitor, you and trump

What makes you think I'm not already in Russia comrade Eddie?
You should be Hope you are Supporting a demented crook like trump leaves me doubting your sanity too

Say's the party that ran Hillary Clinton for pres :auiqs.jpg:
She probably would have been better than the clown we have.
Trump is fighting our enemies and Democrats so I have no problem with this.
You belong in Russia traitor, you and trump

What makes you think I'm not already in Russia comrade Eddie?
You should be Hope you are Supporting a demented crook like trump leaves me doubting your sanity too

Say's the party that ran Hillary Clinton for pres :auiqs.jpg:
She probably would have been better than the clown we have.

Please the Clintons are corrupt to the core. :eusa_hand:
You belong in Russia traitor, you and trump

What makes you think I'm not already in Russia comrade Eddie?
You should be Hope you are Supporting a demented crook like trump leaves me doubting your sanity too

Say's the party that ran Hillary Clinton for pres :auiqs.jpg:
She probably would have been better than the clown we have.

Please the Clintons are corrupt to the core. :eusa_hand:
And yet Bill was like 1000x better than trump.
What makes you think I'm not already in Russia comrade Eddie?
You should be Hope you are Supporting a demented crook like trump leaves me doubting your sanity too

Say's the party that ran Hillary Clinton for pres :auiqs.jpg:
She probably would have been better than the clown we have.

Please the Clintons are corrupt to the core. :eusa_hand:
And yet Bill was like 1000x better than trump.

At what humping interns?

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