Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then how did Bush lower it in 2008?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
President Obama says there's not much the federal government can do to bring down gas prices any time soon. Michael Bromwich, Obama's chief bureaucrat in charge of issuing permits for oil and gas companies to drill off-shore, said the same thing today:

Both Obama and Bromwich either are purposely lying or they simply don't know what they are talking about. Check out the chart that accompanies this post. Notice what happened on July 14, 2008? Oil prices suddenly plummeted from their historic high of $145 a barrel. Why?

Because that was the day President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico and off the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Overnight, the price per barrel of oil plunged, and that plunge was reflected at the pump soon thereafter.

In other words, Obama could with the stroke of a pen sign an executive order telling his appointees at EPA, the Department of Interior and the Department of Energy to stop throwing up obstacles to increased U.S. oil and natural gas production and instead work with the energy industry on a crash program to "drill here, drill now."


Read all here: Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then why did this happen in 2008? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

That means this hike in oil prices is DELIBERATE, because Obama could end it tomorrow with a stroke of his pen.

Liberals can argue otherwise, but what are they going to say? It's not deliberate, Obama is just that stupid?

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Wasn't it also President Bush's fault that the price of gas increased?
President Obama says there's not much the federal government can do to bring down gas prices any time soon. Michael Bromwich, Obama's chief bureaucrat in charge of issuing permits for oil and gas companies to drill off-shore, said the same thing today:

Both Obama and Bromwich either are purposely lying or they simply don't know what they are talking about. Check out the chart that accompanies this post. Notice what happened on July 14, 2008? Oil prices suddenly plummeted from their historic high of $145 a barrel. Why?

Because that was the day President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico and off the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Overnight, the price per barrel of oil plunged, and that plunge was reflected at the pump soon thereafter.

In other words, Obama could with the stroke of a pen sign an executive order telling his appointees at EPA, the Department of Interior and the Department of Energy to stop throwing up obstacles to increased U.S. oil and natural gas production and instead work with the energy industry on a crash program to "drill here, drill now."


Read all here: Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then why did this happen in 2008? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

That means this hike in oil prices is DELIBERATE, because Obama could end it tomorrow with a stroke of his pen.

Liberals can argue otherwise, but what are they going to say? It's not deliberate, Obama is just that stupid?


"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:

President Obama says there's not much the federal government can do to bring down gas prices any time soon. Michael Bromwich, Obama's chief bureaucrat in charge of issuing permits for oil and gas companies to drill off-shore, said the same thing today:

Both Obama and Bromwich either are purposely lying or they simply don't know what they are talking about. Check out the chart that accompanies this post. Notice what happened on July 14, 2008? Oil prices suddenly plummeted from their historic high of $145 a barrel. Why?

Because that was the day President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico and off the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Overnight, the price per barrel of oil plunged, and that plunge was reflected at the pump soon thereafter.

In other words, Obama could with the stroke of a pen sign an executive order telling his appointees at EPA, the Department of Interior and the Department of Energy to stop throwing up obstacles to increased U.S. oil and natural gas production and instead work with the energy industry on a crash program to "drill here, drill now."


Read all here: Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then why did this happen in 2008? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

That means this hike in oil prices is DELIBERATE, because Obama could end it tomorrow with a stroke of his pen.

Liberals can argue otherwise, but what are they going to say? It's not deliberate, Obama is just that stupid?


"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:


Oh please! They can't even find any oil now!

It might interest you to know that oil naturally seeps into the ocean every day.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2000) — Twice an Exxon Valdez spill worth of oil seeps into the Gulf of Mexico every year, according to a new study that will be presented January 27 at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

The fact is, the ocean breaks it up naturally.
Read all here: Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then why did this happen in 2008? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

That means this hike in oil prices is DELIBERATE, because Obama could end it tomorrow with a stroke of his pen.

Liberals can argue otherwise, but what are they going to say? It's not deliberate, Obama is just that stupid?


"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:


Oh please! They can't even find any oil now!

It might interest you to know that oil naturally seeps into the ocean every day.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2000) — Twice an Exxon Valdez spill worth of oil seeps into the Gulf of Mexico every year, according to a new study that will be presented January 27 at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

The fact is, the ocean breaks it up naturally.

NOW you believe what scientists have to say? :lol:

Do you now agree with them on global warming?

The Saudi "king" Likes blowjobs. Dubya delivered.:cuckoo:

Douger the Obamarrhoidal Idiot: By cutting oil production, or rather ELIMINATING oil production in the United States, and not initiating any Nuclear facilities the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, Pathological LIAR, amd MuslimArselicking MARXIST Obami Salaami is not only giving BJs, but is buttfucked by the Saudis, you fucking moron.

THERE IS NO OTHER VALID INTERPRETATION of this POS's behaviour as America's Prez.
The market collapsing, econmic shit storm, and lack of demand for oil is the most significant reason oil and gas prices fell in 2008. To think anything else is retarded... but I got to consider the OP I guess.
President Obama says there's not much the federal government can do to bring down gas prices any time soon. Michael Bromwich, Obama's chief bureaucrat in charge of issuing permits for oil and gas companies to drill off-shore, said the same thing today:

Both Obama and Bromwich either are purposely lying or they simply don't know what they are talking about. Check out the chart that accompanies this post. Notice what happened on July 14, 2008? Oil prices suddenly plummeted from their historic high of $145 a barrel. Why?

Because that was the day President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico and off the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Overnight, the price per barrel of oil plunged, and that plunge was reflected at the pump soon thereafter.

In other words, Obama could with the stroke of a pen sign an executive order telling his appointees at EPA, the Department of Interior and the Department of Energy to stop throwing up obstacles to increased U.S. oil and natural gas production and instead work with the energy industry on a crash program to "drill here, drill now."


Read all here: Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then why did this happen in 2008? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

That means this hike in oil prices is DELIBERATE, because Obama could end it tomorrow with a stroke of his pen.

Liberals can argue otherwise, but what are they going to say? It's not deliberate, Obama is just that stupid?


"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:


No that would be Obama....


1. The Bush administration. The oil-drilling lease was sold to BP by the George W. Bush administration in 2007 under its 2007–2012 Five-Year Offshore Oil-drilling Plan.

2. The Obama administration. The actual exploratory drilling was approved by the Obama administration on April 6, 2009.

Within days of the 2009 approval, the Center and our allies won a court order vacating the Bush Five-Year Offshore Oil-drilling Plan. Rather than use the court order as a timeout on new offshore oil drilling to develop a new plan, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar filed a special motion with the court to exempt approved oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. He specifically identified BP’s operation as one that should be released from the vacature.

In July 2009, the court agreed to Salazar’s request, releasing all approved offshore oil drilling — including the BP operation — from the vacature.

3. BP. BP has the worst environmental and safety record of any oil company operating in America. Even after the 2005 Texas City Refinery blast that killed 15 people, BP has continued to rack up safety violations. Despite the dangerous nature of all offshore oil drilling and BP’s own egregious safety record, the company’s exploration plan downplayed the possibility of a spill, repeatedly asserting that it was unlikely or virtually impossible. Amazingly, Secretary Salazar’s Minerals and Management Service approved BP’s exploration plan without any consideration of the environmental consequences of an oil spill.

4. The oil industry and its political backers. The Gulf crisis shows that the glib safety claims of the oil industry cannot be trusted.

There’s no way to guarantee that a massive oil rupture will not occur. And if one does occur, there’s no way to contain it quickly and fully enough to avert unacceptable environmental damage.

Ultimately, it’s the inherently dangerous nature of offshore oil drilling that led to this disaster. That’s why the Center is calling on the Obama administration to 1) revoke its 2010 decision to open up Alaska, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast to offshore oil drilling; 2) revoke all leases to drill off Alaska, including those held by Shell Oil; 3) not permit any new offshore drilling anywhere; and 3) transition the nation away from fossil fuel so the pressure to continue offshore oil drilling dissipates.
Read all here: Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then why did this happen in 2008? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

That means this hike in oil prices is DELIBERATE, because Obama could end it tomorrow with a stroke of his pen.

Liberals can argue otherwise, but what are they going to say? It's not deliberate, Obama is just that stupid?


"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:


No that would be Obama....


1. The Bush administration. The oil-drilling lease was sold to BP by the George W. Bush administration in 2007 under its 2007–2012 Five-Year Offshore Oil-drilling Plan.

2. The Obama administration. The actual exploratory drilling was approved by the Obama administration on April 6, 2009.

Within days of the 2009 approval, the Center and our allies won a court order vacating the Bush Five-Year Offshore Oil-drilling Plan. Rather than use the court order as a timeout on new offshore oil drilling to develop a new plan, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar filed a special motion with the court to exempt approved oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. He specifically identified BP’s operation as one that should be released from the vacature.

In July 2009, the court agreed to Salazar’s request, releasing all approved offshore oil drilling — including the BP operation — from the vacature.

3. BP. BP has the worst environmental and safety record of any oil company operating in America. Even after the 2005 Texas City Refinery blast that killed 15 people, BP has continued to rack up safety violations. Despite the dangerous nature of all offshore oil drilling and BP’s own egregious safety record, the company’s exploration plan downplayed the possibility of a spill, repeatedly asserting that it was unlikely or virtually impossible. Amazingly, Secretary Salazar’s Minerals and Management Service approved BP’s exploration plan without any consideration of the environmental consequences of an oil spill.

4. The oil industry and its political backers. The Gulf crisis shows that the glib safety claims of the oil industry cannot be trusted.

There’s no way to guarantee that a massive oil rupture will not occur. And if one does occur, there’s no way to contain it quickly and fully enough to avert unacceptable environmental damage.

Ultimately, it’s the inherently dangerous nature of offshore oil drilling that led to this disaster. That’s why the Center is calling on the Obama administration to 1) revoke its 2010 decision to open up Alaska, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast to offshore oil drilling; 2) revoke all leases to drill off Alaska, including those held by Shell Oil; 3) not permit any new offshore drilling anywhere; and 3) transition the nation away from fossil fuel so the pressure to continue offshore oil drilling dissipates.

So then you're saying no more drilling for oil in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico?

"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:


No that would be Obama....


1. The Bush administration. The oil-drilling lease was sold to BP by the George W. Bush administration in 2007 under its 2007–2012 Five-Year Offshore Oil-drilling Plan.

2. The Obama administration. The actual exploratory drilling was approved by the Obama administration on April 6, 2009.

Within days of the 2009 approval, the Center and our allies won a court order vacating the Bush Five-Year Offshore Oil-drilling Plan. Rather than use the court order as a timeout on new offshore oil drilling to develop a new plan, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar filed a special motion with the court to exempt approved oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. He specifically identified BP’s operation as one that should be released from the vacature.

In July 2009, the court agreed to Salazar’s request, releasing all approved offshore oil drilling — including the BP operation — from the vacature.

3. BP. BP has the worst environmental and safety record of any oil company operating in America. Even after the 2005 Texas City Refinery blast that killed 15 people, BP has continued to rack up safety violations. Despite the dangerous nature of all offshore oil drilling and BP’s own egregious safety record, the company’s exploration plan downplayed the possibility of a spill, repeatedly asserting that it was unlikely or virtually impossible. Amazingly, Secretary Salazar’s Minerals and Management Service approved BP’s exploration plan without any consideration of the environmental consequences of an oil spill.

4. The oil industry and its political backers. The Gulf crisis shows that the glib safety claims of the oil industry cannot be trusted.

There’s no way to guarantee that a massive oil rupture will not occur. And if one does occur, there’s no way to contain it quickly and fully enough to avert unacceptable environmental damage.

Ultimately, it’s the inherently dangerous nature of offshore oil drilling that led to this disaster. That’s why the Center is calling on the Obama administration to 1) revoke its 2010 decision to open up Alaska, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast to offshore oil drilling; 2) revoke all leases to drill off Alaska, including those held by Shell Oil; 3) not permit any new offshore drilling anywhere; and 3) transition the nation away from fossil fuel so the pressure to continue offshore oil drilling dissipates.

So then you're saying no more drilling for oil in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico?


Try sticking to the point Skippy
It's not lack of supply that's driving up prices. It's uncertainty about Middle East governments and rampant speculation.

There are groups and individuals bidding up the price of crude with no intention of receiving a delivery of crude. They just want to profit on the price.

If I were president, I would ask congress to make a legal provision that if you speculate on the price of a commodity, you must have the facilities to receive delivery of that commodity.
"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:


Oh please! They can't even find any oil now!

It might interest you to know that oil naturally seeps into the ocean every day.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2000) — Twice an Exxon Valdez spill worth of oil seeps into the Gulf of Mexico every year, according to a new study that will be presented January 27 at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

The fact is, the ocean breaks it up naturally.

NOW you believe what scientists have to say? :lol:

Do you now agree with them on global warming?


When you have evidence I stated I do not believe what all scientists say, do let me know.

Until then, unless you have evidence that the the posted article is wrong, yours is just a desperate deflection, and a pathetic one at that.

Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then how did Bush lower it in 2008?

He didn't.

The market did.


Demand was down.


The economy collapsed.

Nice work, Brownie!

Yeah, ignore the evidence!

Just because Bush opened up offshore drilling and the oil price fell immediately after that . . I mean that's Nooooooooooo evidence Bush had any effect on the oil price.

You keep insisting that!

The market collapsing, econmic shit storm, and lack of demand for oil is the most significant reason oil and gas prices fell in 2008. To think anything else is retarded... but I got to consider the OP I guess.

Notice I HAVE evidence to PROVE the oil price fell after Bush opened up offshore drilling AND THE LIBERALS HAVE NONE??????

They have no tone shred of evidence to refute that chart or the evidence. They just INSIST what they say is true, BECAUSE THEY SAY SO!

Typical liberalism, and HILARIOUS!

Liberalism isn't fact, it's just mindless dogma!


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