Government health care draws sick people away from God’

Kind of reminds me of James Watt, who was appointed Sec. of the Interior under Reagan, and who took the position that we might as well sell the timber in the national parks, since we were in the "End Times", anyway...
Government health care draws sick people away from God’
That’s the view of Dr Mark Green, above, a God-besotted state senator in Tennessee who could soon become Trump’s new US Army Secretary.

In 2015, Green told a church group:

I see our sort of government-based assistance taking God out of the picture. If you look at the Gospels and you go and study the Gospels, every person who came to Christ came to Christ with a physical need. It was either hunger or a disease.

He lamented the fact that that citizens in the United States now rely instead on the government to assist them, thus limiting the role of Christian churches to help the afflicted.

The person who’s in need … they look to the government for the answer, not God, and I think in that way government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the creation of an entitlement welfare state … I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is.

He said that he hoped to personally set up free healthcare clinics at churches throughout Tennessee. Green is President/CEO of Align MD, an emergency department staffing company with businesses in five Southeastern states and he:
The Freethinker - The voice of atheism since 1881 » ‘Government health care draws sick people away from God’

Get rid of this whackadoo.
Mark Green has withdrawn his name.
I'll rely on my doctors rather than resort to Christian Science, thank you.

I am aware of that. He is still a Senator in Tennessee.
The wackadoc is in the emergency care staffing business.

He does not give a hoot about anybody's soul.

He wants to make the poor go to emergency rooms so that he can make a profit.
A coalition of Tennessee patient and health care provider groups backed by major U.S. drug companies is behind a bill that would stop insurance companies from switching the medications they cover to cheaper substitutes midway through a coverage year.

The Reliable Coverage Act would require insurance companies to keep providing the same medication coverage they promise when enrollees sign up each year. Currently insurers can change the medications they cover midway through an enrollment year by ending coverage of a particular drug entirely, which increases out-of-pocket costs for a drug or requires additional approval by the insurance company before a drug is covered.

The bill, introduced last week by Sen. Mark Green, R-Clarksville, and Rep. Bryan Terry, R-Murfreesboro, would provide a direct financial benefit to the nation's drug companies, which have been criticized for sharply raising prices for medications that have long been on the market. But Green and Terry, both physicians, said in a news release the legislation is needed to make sure insurance companies follow through on a promise.
Tennessee bill would nix drug swaps by insurers, benefit drug industry
You need to keep abreast of things. He declined Trump's consideration. Now, you can leave him alone and go back to your regularly scheduled tearing down of this nation.

Dr. Mark Green, Tennessee State Senator for District 22, serves as the Vice-Chair of the Senate Commerce and Insurance Committee as well as a member of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. He is the Chaplain of the Senate GOP Caucus and was selected as the Tennessee Journal’s Rookie of the year in 2013 and has won legislator of the year for numerous organizations. He recently won recognition as the NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business. Mark was also recognized as one of GOPAC’s top 21 Emerging Leaders for the Country.

I know. Get rid of this mother fucker.

Couldn't read and process my post can you? Typical LWNJ.

Have you ever read the Constitution about there not being a religious test to hold any office?

Didn't think so!

Actually Twat- I understand the Constitution just fine. What I dislike is anyone who is proposing putting "free" medical clinics in churches so they can get God.

No, you obviously do not, or at least what you posted indicates you do not.

Since he is not your representative, you can merely stuff your complaints where the sun does not shine.

Grow up.

I grew up a long time ago. When are you going to learn to read?
The wackadoc is in the emergency care staffing business.

He does not give a hoot about anybody's soul.

He wants to make the poor go to emergency rooms so that he can make a profit.
A coalition of Tennessee patient and health care provider groups backed by major U.S. drug companies is behind a bill that would stop insurance companies from switching the medications they cover to cheaper substitutes midway through a coverage year.

The Reliable Coverage Act would require insurance companies to keep providing the same medication coverage they promise when enrollees sign up each year. Currently insurers can change the medications they cover midway through an enrollment year by ending coverage of a particular drug entirely, which increases out-of-pocket costs for a drug or requires additional approval by the insurance company before a drug is covered.

The bill, introduced last week by Sen. Mark Green, R-Clarksville, and Rep. Bryan Terry, R-Murfreesboro, would provide a direct financial benefit to the nation's drug companies, which have been criticized for sharply raising prices for medications that have long been on the market. But Green and Terry, both physicians, said in a news release the legislation is needed to make sure insurance companies follow through on a promise.
Tennessee bill would nix drug swaps by insurers, benefit drug industry

So, do you have a problem with this or it is simply to deflect further from your failed thread premise?
Actually, government health care is going to tear children out of their future. Just who do you think is going to pay or it all, when the government has 20 trillion in debt and a other 100+ trillion in liabilities?

Of course, the young won't stand for this blind robbery. They have a very good idea on who is destined to pay for all these leftist promises. Not surprisingly, the new generation, which should be called the "betrayed generation" is somewhere to the Right of Hitler.

Only a leftist is crazy enough to enslave his children in pursuit of the Marxist utopia.
The wackadoc is in the emergency care staffing business.

He does not give a hoot about anybody's soul.

He wants to make the poor go to emergency rooms so that he can make a profit.
A coalition of Tennessee patient and health care provider groups backed by major U.S. drug companies is behind a bill that would stop insurance companies from switching the medications they cover to cheaper substitutes midway through a coverage year.

The Reliable Coverage Act would require insurance companies to keep providing the same medication coverage they promise when enrollees sign up each year. Currently insurers can change the medications they cover midway through an enrollment year by ending coverage of a particular drug entirely, which increases out-of-pocket costs for a drug or requires additional approval by the insurance company before a drug is covered.

The bill, introduced last week by Sen. Mark Green, R-Clarksville, and Rep. Bryan Terry, R-Murfreesboro, would provide a direct financial benefit to the nation's drug companies, which have been criticized for sharply raising prices for medications that have long been on the market. But Green and Terry, both physicians, said in a news release the legislation is needed to make sure insurance companies follow through on a promise.
Tennessee bill would nix drug swaps by insurers, benefit drug industry

So, do you have a problem with this or it is simply to deflect further from your failed thread premise?

I don't have a failed premise. He needs to go. Yes, it's a problem.
Actually, government health care is going to tear children out of their future. Just who do you think is going to pay or it all, when the government has 20 trillion in debt and a other 100+ trillion in liabilities?

Of course, the young won't stand for this blind robbery. They have a very good idea on who is destined to pay for all these leftist promises. Not surprisingly, the new generation, which should be called the "betrayed generation" is somewhere to the Right of Hitler.

Only a leftist is crazy enough to enslave his children in pursuit of the Marxist utopia.


I pay taxes.
Dr. Mark Green, Tennessee State Senator for District 22, serves as the Vice-Chair of the Senate Commerce and Insurance Committee as well as a member of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. He is the Chaplain of the Senate GOP Caucus and was selected as the Tennessee Journal’s Rookie of the year in 2013 and has won legislator of the year for numerous organizations. He recently won recognition as the NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business. Mark was also recognized as one of GOPAC’s top 21 Emerging Leaders for the Country.

I know. Get rid of this mother fucker.

Couldn't read and process my post can you? Typical LWNJ.

Have you ever read the Constitution about there not being a religious test to hold any office?

Didn't think so!

Actually Twat- I understand the Constitution just fine. What I dislike is anyone who is proposing putting "free" medical clinics in churches so they can get God.

No, you obviously do not, or at least what you posted indicates you do not.

Since he is not your representative, you can merely stuff your complaints where the sun does not shine.

Grow up.

I grew up a long time ago. When are you going to learn to read?

No. I don't think you did grow up. You have anything intelligent to say or are you just here to troll?
Government health care draws sick people away from God’
That’s the view of Dr Mark Green, above, a God-besotted state senator in Tennessee who could soon become Trump’s new US Army Secretary.

In 2015, Green told a church group:

I see our sort of government-based assistance taking God out of the picture. If you look at the Gospels and you go and study the Gospels, every person who came to Christ came to Christ with a physical need. It was either hunger or a disease.

He lamented the fact that that citizens in the United States now rely instead on the government to assist them, thus limiting the role of Christian churches to help the afflicted.

The person who’s in need … they look to the government for the answer, not God, and I think in that way government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the creation of an entitlement welfare state … I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is.

He said that he hoped to personally set up free healthcare clinics at churches throughout Tennessee. Green is President/CEO of Align MD, an emergency department staffing company with businesses in five Southeastern states and he:
The Freethinker - The voice of atheism since 1881 » ‘Government health care draws sick people away from God’

Get rid of this whackadoo.

You need to keep abreast of things. He declined Trump's consideration. Now, you can leave him alone and go back to your regularly scheduled tearing down of this nation.

Dr. Mark Green, Tennessee State Senator for District 22, serves as the Vice-Chair of the Senate Commerce and Insurance Committee as well as a member of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. He is the Chaplain of the Senate GOP Caucus and was selected as the Tennessee Journal’s Rookie of the year in 2013 and has won legislator of the year for numerous organizations. He recently won recognition as the NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business. Mark was also recognized as one of GOPAC’s top 21 Emerging Leaders for the Country.

I know. Get rid of this mother fucker.
Government health care draws sick people away from God’
That’s the view of Dr Mark Green, above, a God-besotted state senator in Tennessee who could soon become Trump’s new US Army Secretary.

In 2015, Green told a church group:

I see our sort of government-based assistance taking God out of the picture. If you look at the Gospels and you go and study the Gospels, every person who came to Christ came to Christ with a physical need. It was either hunger or a disease.

He lamented the fact that that citizens in the United States now rely instead on the government to assist them, thus limiting the role of Christian churches to help the afflicted.

The person who’s in need … they look to the government for the answer, not God, and I think in that way government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the creation of an entitlement welfare state … I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is.

He said that he hoped to personally set up free healthcare clinics at churches throughout Tennessee. Green is President/CEO of Align MD, an emergency department staffing company with businesses in five Southeastern states and he:
The Freethinker - The voice of atheism since 1881 » ‘Government health care draws sick people away from God’

Get rid of this whackadoo.
Damn. He was overqualified.

For what, hon?
Any federal role. Communism is anti-religion. He would be a good guy to place in charge of cutting government waste.

No. This is not a communist country. Try again.

If the libs had their way, it would be in a heartbeat!
What makes anybody think being a communist is not a religion?
They follow one book just like a religion right?

They have a power structure just like a religion right?
They have a pre determined form of punishment just like many religions right?
You must belong or you are as n outcast right?

Being a communist is like following a terrorist religion without using the name religion.
Government health care draws sick people away from God’
That’s the view of Dr Mark Green, above, a God-besotted state senator in Tennessee who could soon become Trump’s new US Army Secretary.

In 2015, Green told a church group:

I see our sort of government-based assistance taking God out of the picture. If you look at the Gospels and you go and study the Gospels, every person who came to Christ came to Christ with a physical need. It was either hunger or a disease.

He lamented the fact that that citizens in the United States now rely instead on the government to assist them, thus limiting the role of Christian churches to help the afflicted.

The person who’s in need … they look to the government for the answer, not God, and I think in that way government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the creation of an entitlement welfare state … I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is.

He said that he hoped to personally set up free healthcare clinics at churches throughout Tennessee. Green is President/CEO of Align MD, an emergency department staffing company with businesses in five Southeastern states and he:
The Freethinker - The voice of atheism since 1881 » ‘Government health care draws sick people away from God’

Get rid of this whackadoo.

You need to keep abreast of things. He declined Trump's consideration. Now, you can leave him alone and go back to your regularly scheduled tearing down of this nation.

Dr. Mark Green, Tennessee State Senator for District 22, serves as the Vice-Chair of the Senate Commerce and Insurance Committee as well as a member of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. He is the Chaplain of the Senate GOP Caucus and was selected as the Tennessee Journal’s Rookie of the year in 2013 and has won legislator of the year for numerous organizations. He recently won recognition as the NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business. Mark was also recognized as one of GOPAC’s top 21 Emerging Leaders for the Country.

I know. Get rid of this mother fucker.
Damn. He was overqualified.

For what, hon?
Any federal role. Communism is anti-religion. He would be a good guy to place in charge of cutting government waste.

No. This is not a communist country. Try again.

If the libs had their way, it would be in a heartbeat!
What makes anybody think being a communist is not a religion?
They follow one book just like a religion right?

They have a power structure just like a religion right?
They have a pre determined form of punishment just like many religions right?
You must belong or you are as n outcast right?

Being a communist is like following a terrorist religion without using the name religion.

This is not a communist country.
Government health care draws sick people away from God’
That’s the view of Dr Mark Green, above, a God-besotted state senator in Tennessee who could soon become Trump’s new US Army Secretary.

In 2015, Green told a church group:

I see our sort of government-based assistance taking God out of the picture. If you look at the Gospels and you go and study the Gospels, every person who came to Christ came to Christ with a physical need. It was either hunger or a disease.

He lamented the fact that that citizens in the United States now rely instead on the government to assist them, thus limiting the role of Christian churches to help the afflicted.

The person who’s in need … they look to the government for the answer, not God, and I think in that way government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the creation of an entitlement welfare state … I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is.

He said that he hoped to personally set up free healthcare clinics at churches throughout Tennessee. Green is President/CEO of Align MD, an emergency department staffing company with businesses in five Southeastern states and he:
The Freethinker - The voice of atheism since 1881 » ‘Government health care draws sick people away from God’

Get rid of this whackadoo.

You need to keep abreast of things. He declined Trump's consideration. Now, you can leave him alone and go back to your regularly scheduled tearing down of this nation.

Dr. Mark Green, Tennessee State Senator for District 22, serves as the Vice-Chair of the Senate Commerce and Insurance Committee as well as a member of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. He is the Chaplain of the Senate GOP Caucus and was selected as the Tennessee Journal’s Rookie of the year in 2013 and has won legislator of the year for numerous organizations. He recently won recognition as the NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business. Mark was also recognized as one of GOPAC’s top 21 Emerging Leaders for the Country.

I know. Get rid of this mother fucker.

Couldn't read and process my post can you? Typical LWNJ.

Have you ever read the Constitution about there not being a religious test to hold any office?

Didn't think so!

Actually Twat- I understand the Constitution just fine. What I dislike is anyone who is proposing putting "free" medical clinics in churches so they can get God.
What's it to you if someone else is providing "free medical clinics". Do you have a problem with other people having freedom of choice or it that merely for you and those who think like you?
Actually, government health care is going to tear children out of their future. Just who do you think is going to pay or it all, when the government has 20 trillion in debt and a other 100+ trillion in liabilities?

Of course, the young won't stand for this blind robbery. They have a very good idea on who is destined to pay for all these leftist promises. Not surprisingly, the new generation, which should be called the "betrayed generation" is somewhere to the Right of Hitler.

Only a leftist is crazy enough to enslave his children in pursuit of the Marxist utopia.


I pay taxes.
You pay them in Tennessee too? I say he stays.
Government health care draws sick people away from God’
That’s the view of Dr Mark Green, above, a God-besotted state senator in Tennessee who could soon become Trump’s new US Army Secretary.

In 2015, Green told a church group:

I see our sort of government-based assistance taking God out of the picture. If you look at the Gospels and you go and study the Gospels, every person who came to Christ came to Christ with a physical need. It was either hunger or a disease.

He lamented the fact that that citizens in the United States now rely instead on the government to assist them, thus limiting the role of Christian churches to help the afflicted.

The person who’s in need … they look to the government for the answer, not God, and I think in that way government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the creation of an entitlement welfare state … I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is.

He said that he hoped to personally set up free healthcare clinics at churches throughout Tennessee. Green is President/CEO of Align MD, an emergency department staffing company with businesses in five Southeastern states and he:
The Freethinker - The voice of atheism since 1881 » ‘Government health care draws sick people away from God’

Get rid of this whackadoo.

You need to keep abreast of things. He declined Trump's consideration. Now, you can leave him alone and go back to your regularly scheduled tearing down of this nation.

Dr. Mark Green, Tennessee State Senator for District 22, serves as the Vice-Chair of the Senate Commerce and Insurance Committee as well as a member of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. He is the Chaplain of the Senate GOP Caucus and was selected as the Tennessee Journal’s Rookie of the year in 2013 and has won legislator of the year for numerous organizations. He recently won recognition as the NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business. Mark was also recognized as one of GOPAC’s top 21 Emerging Leaders for the Country.

I know. Get rid of this mother fucker.
For what, hon?
Any federal role. Communism is anti-religion. He would be a good guy to place in charge of cutting government waste.

No. This is not a communist country. Try again.

If the libs had their way, it would be in a heartbeat!
What makes anybody think being a communist is not a religion?
They follow one book just like a religion right?

They have a power structure just like a religion right?
They have a pre determined form of punishment just like many religions right?
You must belong or you are as n outcast right?

Being a communist is like following a terrorist religion without using the name religion.

This is not a communist country.
I was talking about communists in general idiot not this country!
Government health care draws sick people away from God’
That’s the view of Dr Mark Green, above, a God-besotted state senator in Tennessee who could soon become Trump’s new US Army Secretary.

In 2015, Green told a church group:

I see our sort of government-based assistance taking God out of the picture. If you look at the Gospels and you go and study the Gospels, every person who came to Christ came to Christ with a physical need. It was either hunger or a disease.

He lamented the fact that that citizens in the United States now rely instead on the government to assist them, thus limiting the role of Christian churches to help the afflicted.

The person who’s in need … they look to the government for the answer, not God, and I think in that way government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the creation of an entitlement welfare state … I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is.

He said that he hoped to personally set up free healthcare clinics at churches throughout Tennessee. Green is President/CEO of Align MD, an emergency department staffing company with businesses in five Southeastern states and he:
The Freethinker - The voice of atheism since 1881 » ‘Government health care draws sick people away from God’

Get rid of this whackadoo.

You need to keep abreast of things. He declined Trump's consideration. Now, you can leave him alone and go back to your regularly scheduled tearing down of this nation.

Dr. Mark Green, Tennessee State Senator for District 22, serves as the Vice-Chair of the Senate Commerce and Insurance Committee as well as a member of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. He is the Chaplain of the Senate GOP Caucus and was selected as the Tennessee Journal’s Rookie of the year in 2013 and has won legislator of the year for numerous organizations. He recently won recognition as the NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business. Mark was also recognized as one of GOPAC’s top 21 Emerging Leaders for the Country.

I know. Get rid of this mother fucker.

Couldn't read and process my post can you? Typical LWNJ.

Have you ever read the Constitution about there not being a religious test to hold any office?

Didn't think so!

Actually Twat- I understand the Constitution just fine. What I dislike is anyone who is proposing putting "free" medical clinics in churches so they can get God.
What's it to you if someone else is providing "free medical clinics". Do you have a problem with other people having freedom of choice or it that merely for you and those who think like you?

It's placing the free clinics which are government funded inside churches so that people can "get God". That is an issue.
You need to keep abreast of things. He declined Trump's consideration. Now, you can leave him alone and go back to your regularly scheduled tearing down of this nation.

Dr. Mark Green, Tennessee State Senator for District 22, serves as the Vice-Chair of the Senate Commerce and Insurance Committee as well as a member of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. He is the Chaplain of the Senate GOP Caucus and was selected as the Tennessee Journal’s Rookie of the year in 2013 and has won legislator of the year for numerous organizations. He recently won recognition as the NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business. Mark was also recognized as one of GOPAC’s top 21 Emerging Leaders for the Country.

I know. Get rid of this mother fucker.
Any federal role. Communism is anti-religion. He would be a good guy to place in charge of cutting government waste.

No. This is not a communist country. Try again.

If the libs had their way, it would be in a heartbeat!
What makes anybody think being a communist is not a religion?
They follow one book just like a religion right?

They have a power structure just like a religion right?
They have a pre determined form of punishment just like many religions right?
You must belong or you are as n outcast right?

Being a communist is like following a terrorist religion without using the name religion.

This is not a communist country.
I was talking about communists in general idiot not this country!

And you responded to an idiot that insisted it was this country.
Actually, government health care is going to tear children out of their future. Just who do you think is going to pay or it all, when the government has 20 trillion in debt and a other 100+ trillion in liabilities?

Of course, the young won't stand for this blind robbery. They have a very good idea on who is destined to pay for all these leftist promises. Not surprisingly, the new generation, which should be called the "betrayed generation" is somewhere to the Right of Hitler.

Only a leftist is crazy enough to enslave his children in pursuit of the Marxist utopia.


I pay taxes.
You pay them in Tennessee too? I say he stays.

Doncha think you ought to see what he is about before cheer leading or is it just because he is a Republican? You're starting to sound like a Democrat.
Actually, government health care is going to tear children out of their future. Just who do you think is going to pay or it all, when the government has 20 trillion in debt and a other 100+ trillion in liabilities?

Of course, the young won't stand for this blind robbery. They have a very good idea on who is destined to pay for all these leftist promises. Not surprisingly, the new generation, which should be called the "betrayed generation" is somewhere to the Right of Hitler.

Only a leftist is crazy enough to enslave his children in pursuit of the Marxist utopia.


I pay taxes.

You pay so much that a debt of 20 trillion and unfunded liabilities of 120 trillion is what is still unpaid for. The monolithic debt just calls for more government programs to be paid by the innocent young, doesn't it? It was easy to pretend these leftist policies are the be all end all, when all the costs were rolled to the unborn, wasn't it? No one bothered asking what happens when the payment is due.

And of course, almost half the people don't even pay income taxes. Just roll it all to children, and then wonder why they became so RW, when your policies destroyed their future.

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