Government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men

Viagra and Cialis are for guys with sexual problems know like diabetes and the like....just thought you should know....

Wow! I did not know you could die from having a limp dick. Cons are so knowledgeable about these things.

you are a stupid fuck....if you know anyone with those problems you stupid ass and the guy is using one of them ask him about how nice it makes him feel that he can still have sex with his wife or whomever....but of course you actually have to be a person who has been laid to relate to sex....try a woman instead of your hand and you might understand....

One moron equates a limp dick with diabetes, and you concur form you own experience. You obviously can't get it up. You need aid in being a man. So nice of the government to help you.
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Wow! I did not know you could die from having a limp dick. Cons are so knowledgeable about these things.

you are a stupid fuck....if you know anyone with those problems you stupid ass and the guy is using one of them ask him about how nice it makes him feel that he can still have sex with his wife or whomever....but of course you actually have to be a person who has been laid to relate to sex....try a woman instead of your hand and you might understand....

One moron equates a limp dick with diabetes, and you concur form you own experience. You obviously can't get it up. You need aid in being a man. So nice of the government to help you.

and you call me a Conservative? have the same attitude as the Far righties here......Medical Science?.....who believes that? are a fucking low life Far Righty trying to pass yourself off as a aint working asswipe.....i guess you dont read what you have to be consistent dipshit.....
you are a stupid fuck....if you know anyone with those problems you stupid ass and the guy is using one of them ask him about how nice it makes him feel that he can still have sex with his wife or whomever....but of course you actually have to be a person who has been laid to relate to sex....try a woman instead of your hand and you might understand....

One moron equates a limp dick with diabetes, and you concur form you own experience. You obviously can't get it up. You need aid in being a man. So nice of the government to help you.

and you call me a Conservative? have the same attitude as the Far righties here......Medical Science?.....who believes that? are a fucking low life Far Righty trying to pass yourself off as a aint working asswipe.....i guess you dont read what you have to be consistent dipshit.....
#1. I didn't call you a conservative.
#2. Republicans aren't conservative, they're cons, as in con artists.
#3. Your post proves you are a moron.
Jon Stewart made a great point the other night on the Daily Show, about how the government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men, and the cons haven't made one single objection to it. But the cons have already made 40 attempts to cut off government paid birth control for women.

Is Viagra and penis pump coverage a mandate?
Jon Stewart made a great point the other night on the Daily Show, about how the government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men, and the cons haven't made one single objection to it. But the cons have already made 40 attempts to cut off government paid birth control for women.
That is conclusive proof of the GOP war on women.

Jon Stewart is a comedian. I'm sure he never ever embellishes facts.
One moron equates a limp dick with diabetes, and you concur form you own experience. You obviously can't get it up. You need aid in being a man. So nice of the government to help you.

and you call me a Conservative? have the same attitude as the Far righties here......Medical Science?.....who believes that? are a fucking low life Far Righty trying to pass yourself off as a aint working asswipe.....i guess you dont read what you have to be consistent dipshit.....
#1. I didn't call you a conservative.
#2. Republicans aren't conservative, they're cons, as in con artists.
#3. Your post proves you are a moron.

you didnt?....look at post 37 dumbass.....around here Cons means conservative...and if you did not know that by now....i guess you are also a moron....
If it wasn't for penis pumps and Viagra, women wouldn't have to use contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies with horny old men.
Hmmm...penis pumps and VIAGARA have to do with male performance and pleasure....contraceptives have to do with female health and ability to manage pregnancy...and no one questioned coverage of male sexual aides until the idea that female contraceptives should also be covered...ANYBODY SEE THE DOUBLE STANDARD HERE?

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Hmmm...penis pumps and VIAGARA have to do with male performance and pleasure....contraceptives have to do with female health and ability to manage pregnancy...and no one questioned coverage of male sexual aides until the idea that female contraceptives should also be covered...ANYBODY SEE THE DOUBLE STANDARD HERE?

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viagara and the other drugs like it are for men with physical sexual is that a double standard?....if you have no problems fucking you dont need viagara....
Hmmm...penis pumps and VIAGARA have to do with male performance and pleasure....contraceptives have to do with female health and ability to manage pregnancy...and no one questioned coverage of male sexual aides until the idea that female contraceptives should also be covered...ANYBODY SEE THE DOUBLE STANDARD HERE?

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viagara and the other drugs like it are for men with physical sexual is that a double standard?....if you have no problems fucking you dont need viagara....

It kills me that women have the same type of drugs made for them, to enable them to have sex ( Premarin Cream) but Viagra ( enabling men to have sex) is always compared to the pill. Apples and oranges.
Hmmm...penis pumps and VIAGARA have to do with male performance and pleasure....contraceptives have to do with female health and ability to manage pregnancy...and no one questioned coverage of male sexual aides until the idea that female contraceptives should also be covered...ANYBODY SEE THE DOUBLE STANDARD HERE?

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Yes. None of them should be getting paid for.

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