Government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men

Is that the main reason why women take birth control? Also, does viagra and penis pumps increase stroke risk cause cancer etc?

Birth-control pills reduce some kind of cancers, but increase others:

* A number of studies suggest that current use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills) appears to slightly increase the risk of breast cancer, especially among younger women. However, the risk level goes back to normal 10 years or more after discontinuing oral contraceptive use.
* Women who use oral contraceptives have reduced risks of ovarian and endometrial cancer. This protective effect increases with the length of time oral contraceptives are used.
* Oral contraceptive use is associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer; however, this increased risk may be because sexually active women have a higher risk of becoming infected with human papillomavirus, which causes virtually all cervical cancers.
* Women who take oral contraceptives have an increased risk of benign liver tumors, but the relationship between oral contraceptive use and malignant liver tumors is less clear.
Oral Contraceptives and Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute
Are you going to post the link for the stroke risk or are you going to pretend it doesn't exist?

"Smoking and oral contraceptives increase women's risk for stroke"
Smoking and oral contraceptives increase women's risk for stroke

"Low-Dose Estrogen Pill Safer

Researchers also confirmed that new-generation, low-dose estrogen oral birth control is far safer than early versions of the pill.

"Risk today is significantly lower than it was decades ago in the era of high-dose pills," says University of Copenhagen professor Ojvind Lidegaard, MD, who led the research.

Hormonal contraceptives that did not contain estrogen, such as the progestin-only IUD sold in the U.S. as Mirena, were not found to raise the risk for blood clot-related heart attack and strokes at all."
Study: Heart Attack, Stroke Risk Low with Birth Control Pills

(Wasn't Mirena recalled? ...Googling it, yes it was.)
Mirena Recall - Side Effects, Adverse Events & Bayer Conduct

"Birth Control Pills: Women who take even a low-estrogen birth control pill may be twice as likely to have a stroke than those who don’t and the risk may increase if other risk factors are present."
Hidden Stroke Risk Factors for Women

("twice a slikely" is a loaded phrase, if your chance is just 1 in 10,000, twice as likely is just 1 in 5,000.
Are you going to post the link for the stroke risk or are you going to pretend it doesn't exist?
That's it, when cons get caught red handed on their war on women, they try to change the subject.
And by the way, I think taxpayers paying for shit like this is just as ridiculous as paying for someone elses birth control.

Of course when you have an entire political party that trains people to believe they are entitled, you get crap like this.
And by the way, I think taxpayers paying for shit like this is just as ridiculous as paying for someone elses birth control.

Of course when you have an entire political party that trains people to believe they are entitled, you get crap like this.

What's ridiculous, is wasting $5 trillion on installing Sharia law in Iraq, and giving millions of dollars in cash to Hamid Karzai, and giving chemical weapons to Saddam Husein, and $5 billion worth of weapons to the Taliban. Those are con entitlements.
Once again the low information radical left expects conservatives to prove a negative while the freaking Country falls apart under a liberal democrat administration.
Jon Stewart made a great point the other night on the Daily Show, about how the government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men, and the cons haven't made one single objection to it. But the cons have already made 40 attempts to cut off government paid birth control for women.
That is conclusive proof of the GOP war on women.

Impotence is a medical condition. Hate to break the news to you.

So is endometrisosis.
I wish we could have a war on stupid, it would solve so many problems. Especially when conclusive proof entails a one liner worth about $.02.

if we could just round up the stoopid and ship them off to a remote Island, a lot of problems, and other wars would stop./

^What an enormously off-topic and bullshit post.

Anyways, healthcare/taxpayer funded Viagra, Cialis and Penis Pumps haven't been challenged once by Republicans. But birth control, which has several benefits and isn't solely about the "war on religion" or whatever the fuck republicans are claiming its about these days, has been brought up 40 times by the cons.


Viagra and Cialis are for guys with sexual problems know like diabetes and the like....just thought you should know....
Jon Stewart made a great point the other night on the Daily Show, about how the government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men, and the cons haven't made one single objection to it. But the cons have already made 40 attempts to cut off government paid birth control for women.
That is conclusive proof of the GOP war on women.

I still don't get this. Why compare Viagra to birth control? Its not the same. Viagra helps men have sex. Compare Viagra and Penis pumps to Premarin Cream which help women have sex.

Both are needed about the same age frame, sometimes sooner for women who have experienced premature menopause and or had to have hysterectomies. Why not compare two of the same things.
Jon Stewart made a great point the other night on the Daily Show, about how the government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men, and the cons haven't made one single objection to it. But the cons have already made 40 attempts to cut off government paid birth control for women.
That is conclusive proof of the GOP war on women.

Government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men

... so they can impregnate women and then run out of their kids.

To the pubs, that makes sense.

Especially since most of them are utterly impotent in their jobs.
And by the way, I think taxpayers paying for shit like this is just as ridiculous as paying for someone elses birth control.

Of course when you have an entire political party that trains people to believe they are entitled, you get crap like this.

What's ridiculous, is wasting $5 trillion on installing Sharia law in Iraq, and giving millions of dollars in cash to Hamid Karzai, and giving chemical weapons to Saddam Husein, and $5 billion worth of weapons to the Taliban. Those are con entitlements.

While pushing sharia law right here in the US.
Is that the main reason why women take birth control? Also, does viagra and penis pumps increase stroke risk cause cancer etc?

Are you a woman? What the fuck do you know about periods steve? You're ridiculous

You sound like those libqueers at that community college taht says that whites cannot attend any discussion about "diversity"... You sound so tolerant.

I guess gynecologists who aren't female should immediately stop practice, since they can't possibly know anything. Let women step up and work those long hours.. And not part time.

I'll agree with you on this one. The people at your community college should not have banned you from your right to discuss "diversity" lol
Government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men
We have a national deficit of 17 trillion dollars, and the government is wasting money on this?

The Government has it's own video game....While Welfare fraud is an issue, the real expense is WAR. ONE JAVELIN MISSLE COSTS $80,000.00. Yet we don't want to think about the war we are in, we want to say our debt is due to the few commiting welfare fraud. Meanwhile, we are cutting welfare to the people who need it, because some people think all the money is going to the fraud, and we are still at war driving up the national debt every day.
To be fair........

The reason Penis Pumps were brought up was because birth control was.

The point was that the Right want penis pumps, but not birth control. I was sad to see that the Left made this thread to entrap the Right and they openly accepted the penis pump because it was good for the man.

I think this thread and the point kind of completed itself before today, but today, it solidified itself.
Jon Stewart made a great point the other night on the Daily Show, about how the government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men, and the cons haven't made one single objection to it. But the cons have already made 40 attempts to cut off government paid birth control for women.
That is conclusive proof of the GOP war on women.

No he didn't. The good point would have been we shouldn't be paying for any of this shit.
I wish we could have a war on stupid, it would solve so many problems. Especially when conclusive proof entails a one liner worth about $.02.

if we could just round up the stoopid and ship them off to a remote Island, a lot of problems, and other wars would stop./

^What an enormously off-topic and bullshit post.

Anyways, healthcare/taxpayer funded Viagra, Cialis and Penis Pumps haven't been challenged once by Republicans. But birth control, which has several benefits and isn't solely about the "war on religion" or whatever the fuck republicans are claiming its about these days, has been brought up 40 times by the cons.


Viagra and Cialis are for guys with sexual problems know like diabetes and the like....just thought you should know....

Wow! I did not know you could die from having a limp dick. Cons are so knowledgeable about these things.
Jon Stewart made a great point the other night on the Daily Show, about how the government pays for penis pumps and Viagra for men, and the cons haven't made one single objection to it. But the cons have already made 40 attempts to cut off government paid birth control for women.
That is conclusive proof of the GOP war on women.

Impotence is a medical condition. Hate to break the news to you.

That's true, often due to diabetes and/or medications. What an ignorant OP!:cuckoo:

Dumbass liberal thinking sucks! More diversion from their own "gimme this" habit.
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^What an enormously off-topic and bullshit post.

Anyways, healthcare/taxpayer funded Viagra, Cialis and Penis Pumps haven't been challenged once by Republicans. But birth control, which has several benefits and isn't solely about the "war on religion" or whatever the fuck republicans are claiming its about these days, has been brought up 40 times by the cons.


Viagra and Cialis are for guys with sexual problems know like diabetes and the like....just thought you should know....

Wow! I did not know you could die from having a limp dick. Cons are so knowledgeable about these things.

you are a stupid fuck....if you know anyone with those problems you stupid ass and the guy is using one of them ask him about how nice it makes him feel that he can still have sex with his wife or whomever....but of course you actually have to be a person who has been laid to relate to sex....try a woman instead of your hand and you might understand....
^What an enormously off-topic and bullshit post.

Anyways, healthcare/taxpayer funded Viagra, Cialis and Penis Pumps haven't been challenged once by Republicans. But birth control, which has several benefits and isn't solely about the "war on religion" or whatever the fuck republicans are claiming its about these days, has been brought up 40 times by the cons.


Viagra and Cialis are for guys with sexual problems know like diabetes and the like....just thought you should know....

Wow! I did not know you could die from having a limp dick. Cons are so knowledgeable about these things.

now im a Conservative again.....last week i was called "Libturd" are the jerk that was trying to say he was an Independent a few weeks back.....yea sure you are Hangover....your posts sure prove that....

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