Government Preparing for Collapse


Oct 22, 2013
Land of the "So called free."
I’ve put some thought into wether the following information should really be posted in the conspiracy theory section or not, though it seems a little far fetched like many theories, this one is backed up by government documents, the foundation for this theory lies on rock solid facts, but its still up to you, the individual, to decide whether or not to believe in the sad reality your about to learn of.

The US economy is headed for a collapse, this is an inevitable fact, but the national government them self sees this collapse coming, and are making their own preparations. Our nation debt as reached a point that it can never be fixed, it will never be fixed. Currently the US national debt stands at about $17,070,712,130,725.80, and if were to pay off this debt, each citizens would have to pay $53,866, we can never recover from this, this is the direct result is a debt based currency, Thomas Jefferson warned of this, and those in power ignored him.

The preparation for this inevitable collapse should scare every american citizen. Earlier this year there was a leaked government document titled “Internment and Resettlement Operations”, also known as FM 3-39.40. This was never ment for us to see, and that makes it even more terrifying. It clearing outlines the plans for military internment camps for US citizens, within the US. I am now going to go into much more detail about FM 3-39.40.

The document very clearly states the detainment of US citizens within these internment camps. It states that the Social Security Numbers are to be recorded, along with a photo and their fingerprints. The document later outlines the use of Psychological Operation Officers within these camps, and how they will be used to reduce antagonistic attitudes, and they identify political activists. These officers are also going to be used for pacifying the population and ensuring the cooperation of all citizens. Now these camps may seem like they are intended for us, and our safety, but that false reality is crushed when they go into detail about the use of deadly force. Among the list of reasons to use deadly force it states to terminate anyone involved in an escape attempt from these camps, and even states for officers to aim at vital points in the body when firing, now that is absolutely frightening. The document goes into detail about the use of snipers during riots, and to seek out and deploy lethal rounds into the leaders of these riots. Each of these camps is designed to hold an approximate 4,000 prisoners (prisoners meaning US citizens). The facility will be surrounded with double layered barbed wire and 24 watchtowers.

Now lets think about this, in the case of an international catastrophe, resettlement camps may be needed to help the citizens of the crashing United States, but no resettlement camps should be surrounded with barbed wire, have numerous interrogation rooms, and kill anyone who does not wish to be a part of this. Within FM 3-39.40 there is multiple illustrations on the layout of the camps, and there is a special facility created for the non-compliant prisoners (once again meaning US citizens). Now some of you may think these camps are just models for a worst case scenario, and are likely not even to be ever used, but think again, these camps are clearly planned to be used considering they have been hiring since 2009, directed mostly at military personal. If they are hiring already, yet are trying to keep this as under-the-radar as possible, then the government is beyond the shadow of a doubt planning something big, something to help them keep power even when order is lost, a plan to help them prevent us from making the rules after the crash, a plan to prevent the people in office from having to take action from their traitorous actions, remember each member of the nation government takes an oath to protect the constitution, if they even go against the constitution one time, they are considered a traitor, and they surely do not want to take responsibility for such a crime.

Now remember everything I said can be easily verified, just read the “Internment and Resettlement Operations” document yourself, unfortunately i’m not yet qualified to post links so just do a simple google search, and verify all the information I just told you, its there, the document is a quite long but is quite worth reading all the way through, and I suggest you download it incase the sites holding the document go down, because this has happened before, and it will happen again.

This future for america should come as no surprise to you, Obama has already done very unconstitutional things, Obama has already signed the “Indefinite Detention of the National Defense Authorization Act” which allows the kidnapping of American citizens indefinitely without a trial, so if your skeptical that this could actually happen, it can, and its already starting. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is not a matter of if this will happen, but rather a matter of when it will.
Provide link
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um...the economy isn't headed for collapse.

it keeps growing every quarter.
...This future for america should come as no surprise to you, Obama has already done very unconstitutional things, Obama has already signed the “Indefinite Detention of the National Defense Authorization Act” which allows the kidnapping of American citizens indefinitely without a trial, so if your skeptical that this could actually happen, it can, and its already starting....

Obama never signed any document with such a name.

No Americans have been or can be "kidnapped" by Federal authorities, nor held without trial or charge indefinitely, by President Obama.
...This future for america should come as no surprise to you, Obama has already done very unconstitutional things, Obama has already signed the “Indefinite Detention of the National Defense Authorization Act” which allows the kidnapping of American citizens indefinitely without a trial, so if your skeptical that this could actually happen, it can, and its already starting....

Obama never signed any document with such a name.

No Americans have been or can be "kidnapped" by Federal authorities, nor held without trial or charge indefinitely, by President Obama.

what about the vice president? can he do it?

maybe the cia? fbi? you certainly have a narrowly cherry picked interpretation.

seems to me under the patriot act the government granted to themselves the power tro do that.
I have very good reason to assume that you didn't read this post in 1 minute, nor did you take in the information correctly. The bill you claim he never signed is also known as the NDAA and was signed in 2012, such a bill does exist.

You are absolutaly correct that the economy is growing, but the true irony of your point is that the fact you present is a leading reason causing many economics to predict a much more devastating crash then the previous one, and if it turns out that it is so serious that the economy nor the government itself will truly recover, that's when the plans take affect. Now back to the ironic part of your argument.

Some people may want you to think that the steadily growing economy is going to continue indefinitely, but sadly history has shown us that is not the case. The amount of homeless and those living in poverty have been growing at an increasing rate, so even when an economy is "growing" it is not necessarily getting better, to find that out you have to look at the facts. We are currently in what you could call a "bubble", the stocks are doing well and the economy is doing fine, but this is actual part of a natural cycle that our economy has been experiencing for over a century, since the beginning of the 1900's there have been 33 boom markets. The average length for these are 2.1 years, and the longer these go, the bigger the crash. Now the current boom market which you are talking about is over 4.5 years old, and that should actually be a cause for alarm, historically speaking. If you still think there is nothing to worry about may I remind the markets always look their best right before they fall. According to some of the worlds leading economists our current boom campared to the one before the 2007 crash in 95% identicle, and some red flags should be that our current bubble has lasted twice as long, mostly because of the federal reserve constantly pumping money into the system to keep it standing, but in the end, this will lead to a much more disastrous crash, once again I have history to back these statements up. Since 2009 the federal reserve have been blowing up a bubble a massive proportions, and one that a pop is inevitable. The fed even sees the crash coming but unfortunately only have 2 tools at their disposal, either lowering interest rates or making more money, well interest rates can hardly even be lowered anymore, and each month the fed is creating 85 billion dollars each month.

Now before you respond I suggest you read the military document mentioned in this post, it will help you open your eyes to the reality of our current predicament, otherwise your blindness to the current situation may get the best of you, if you actual believed that the current state of the economy isn't a cause for the prediction of a crash, that even the government sees coming, then I suggest you do some research on how the economy functions as well, as this will not only benifet yourself but also the economy itself, best of luck to you Hoffstra
SavingAmerica.. don't let that moron get to you, he lacks all social graces...
Earlier this year there was a leaked government document titled “Internment and Resettlement Operations”, also known as FM 3-39.40.
Hah hah "leaked" is an interesting way to describe a US Army field manual that was published in 2010 and immediately available in the public domain.

It is a manual for US Military Police regarding handling detainees, which is one of the primary missions of the MPs. They have recently managed thousands of military prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq. The manual is clearly for dealing with military prisoners overseas during army operations, not domestically. From the introduction of the "leaked" manual:

Typically, overpopulated third world societies suffer from a lack of legitimate and effective enforcement mechanisms, which is generally accepted as one of the cornerstones of a stable society. Stability within a population may eliminate the need for direct military intervention. The goal of military police conducting detainee operations is to provide stability within the population, its institutions, and its infrastructure. In this rapidly changing and dynamic strategic environment, U.S. forces will compete with local populations for the
same space, routes, and resources. The modular force’s ability to positively influence and shape the opinions, attitudes, and behaviors of select populations is critical to tactical, operational, and strategic success.

You are doing nothing unusual, going right from the standard fear-mongering conspiracy theorist playbook... first you imply an exposed secret when there wasn't by implying a published military field manual is only known because of a leak, then completely misinterpreting the point of it to fit your claim of impending domestic military actions.
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it is a manual for us military police regarding handling detainees, which is one of the primary missions of the mps. They have recently managed thousands of military prisoners in afghanistan and iraq. The manual is clearly for dealing with military prisoners overseas during army operations, not domestically.

I wish that what you speak was the truth, but if you read it through you will find that information to be unfortunately false.

The document clearly states on page 38 that it applies domestically, and it clearly identifies the procedures for US prisoners, as stated on page 146. The document also mentions organizations that will be used in, including the department of homeland security, which performs most of their operations within the US.
The document clearly states on page 38 that it applies domestically, and it clearly identifies the procedures for US prisoners, as stated on page 146.

Here is page 146, including part of page 145 where the section starts. You do realize "US Military Prisoner" doesn't mean a prisoner from the US right? It means a prisoner of the US military.

7-10. Processing, classification, and identification requirements for U.S. military prisoners are critical
when operating a confinement facility. Accurate documentation allows the classification and identification
process to run smoothly.
7-11. . Each time the control of a U.S. military prisoner is transferred, the receiving organization
acknowledges receipt of the prisoner and his property using DD Form 2708 and DA Form 4137.
7-12. Prisoners begin their confinement by in-processing into the FCF. In-processing is typically
conducted by an I/R company prisoner operations section. Part of the in-processing procedure is to assist
the prisoners’ integration into the confinement environment. Newly confined prisoners are processed
according to guidelines to ensure that— Chapter 7
7-4 FM 3-39.40 12 February 2010
z DD Form 2707 is accurate.
z Property is searched and segregated (authorized and unauthorized).
z Prisoners are strip-searched.
z Prisoners are issued the appropriate health and comfort supplies and complete a DD Form 504
(Request and Receipt for Health and Comfort Supplies).
z Prisoners are photographed and fingerprinted.
z All documentation is complete. If available, use the Army Corrections Information System
Centralized Operations Police Suite. (See AR 190-47.)
z Prisoners are informed of mail and visitation rights.
7-13. A medical officer examines each prisoner within 24 hours of confinement and completes
DD Form 503. Newly confined prisoners are segregated from other prisoners while they undergo initial
processing. Tattoos, scars, and identifying marks are noted on DD Form 2710 (Inmate Background
Summary). The prisoner’s personal property (such as clothing, money, official papers, and documents) is
7-14. Newly confined prisoners complete training that is designed to explain facility rules and regulations,
counseling procedures, UCMJ disciplinary authority and procedures, and work assignment procedures as
soon as possible. The rights of prisoners and the procedures governing the presentation of complaints and
grievances according to AR 20-1 are fully and clearly explained. Pretrial prisoners are carefully instructed
as to their status, rights, and privileges. They participate in the correctional orientation or treatment
program phases that are determined necessary by the facility commander to ensure custody and control,
employment, training, health, and welfare. Confined officers and NCOs do not exercise command or
supervisory authority over other individuals while confined, and they comply with the same facility rules
and regulations as other prisoners. They are not permitted special privileges that are normally associated
with their former rank.
7-15. U.S. military prisoners in an FCF are classified into two categories⎯pretrial and posttrial:
z Pretrial prisoners must be segregated from posttrial prisoners. Pretrial prisoners must be further
segregated, by gender, into the following categories: officers, NCOs, and enlisted. Pretrial
prisoners are individuals who are subject to trial by court-martial and have been ordered by
competent authority into pretrial confinement pending disposition of charges.
z Posttrial prisoners are individuals who are found guilty and sentenced to confinement. Posttrial
prisoners include in-transit prisoners who are evacuated to another facility and prisoners retained
at the FCF during short-term sentences.
7-16. Individual identification photographs are taken of all prisoners. The prisoner’s last name, first name,
and middle initial are placed on the first line of a name board, and the prisoner’s social security number is
placed on the second line. A prisoner registration number may be added on the third line. Two front and
two profile pictures are taken of the prisoner. Fingerprints are obtained according to AR 190-47.
7-17. One of the many challenges that military police commanders and leaders face when operating a
facility is ensuring that the basic treatment standards for U.S. military prisoners are met and sustained to
include, but not limited to—
z Proper clothing for all seasons and types of weather.
z Meals that are properly rationed and distributed.
7-18. Special security concerns are a factor for dining facilities. Military police who are guarding U.S.
military prisoners must always be vigilant in areas where prisoners congregate, such as a dining facility
Okay I see the section on page 38, it is about supporting civil authorities in the event of "natural or man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories ", and is a tiny section that is obviously an exception to the thrust of the entire document.

No reasonable person could read a 300 page document related to handling of military prisoners by the military police that contained a brief subsection saying civil support would be similar and come to the conclusion it provides proof the US Government is preparing for collapse. What you are doing is called fear-mongering, and if you search thru these forums you'll find posters similar to yourself who have predicting martial law just around the corner and economic collapse only to disappear when they are proven wrong with the passage of time. I expect you'll be no different.
It is a manual for US Military Police regarding handling detainees, which is one of the primary missions of the MPs. They have recently managed thousands of military prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq. The manual is clearly for dealing with military prisoners overseas during army operations, not domestically. From the introduction of the "leaked" manual:

Typically, overpopulated third world societies suffer from a lack of legitimate and effective enforcement mechanisms, which is generally accepted as one of the cornerstones of a stable society. Stability [POLICE STATE EUPHEMISM] within a population may eliminate the need for direct military intervention. The goal of military police conducting detainee operations is to provide stability within the population, its institutions, and its infrastructure.

Like katrina right?

In this rapidly changing and dynamic strategic environment, U.S. forces will compete with local populations for the same space, routes, and resources. TRESPASS in the name of do gooder da-MOB-cracy The modular force’s ability to positively influence and shape the opinions, attitudes, and behaviors of select populations is critical to tactical, operational, and strategic success. MASS SOCIAL CONTROL at the end of the barrel of a gun
You are doing nothing unusual, going right from the standard fear-mongering conspiracy theorist playbook... first you imply an exposed secret when there wasn't by implying a published military field manual is only known because of a leak, then completely misinterpreting the point of it to fit your claim of impending domestic military actions.

americans have thousands of guns, how can their be legitimate enforcement?

do you have the exact legal definitions for each of those words they used? How do you know people or certain people in america do not fit that definition.

You are doing nothing unusual, going right from the standard fear-mongering conspiracy theorist playbook...

and you got your head up your ass if you think this is legal and nothing more than my gus are bigger than yours and if you dont like it you can appeal to the court of we will shoot your ass!

what we have here is failure to communicate!

and a lot of

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...This future for america should come as no surprise to you, Obama has already done very unconstitutional things, Obama has already signed the “Indefinite Detention of the National Defense Authorization Act” which allows the kidnapping of American citizens indefinitely without a trial, so if your skeptical that this could actually happen, it can, and its already starting....

Obama never signed any document with such a name.

No Americans have been or can be "kidnapped" by Federal authorities, nor held without trial or charge indefinitely, by President Obama.

what about the vice president? can he do it?

maybe the cia? fbi? you certainly have a narrowly cherry picked interpretation.

seems to me under the patriot act the government granted to themselves the power tro do that.

It might seem that way to you in the context of your ignorance or partisanism, but that in fact is not the case.
The document clearly states on page 38 that it applies domestically, and it clearly identifies the procedures for US prisoners, as stated on page 146.

Here is page 146, including part of page 145 where the section starts. You do realize "US Military Prisoner" doesn't mean a prisoner from the US right? It means a prisoner of the US military.

7-10. Processing, classification, and identification requirements for U.S. military prisoners are critical
when operating a confinement facility. Accurate documentation allows the classification and identification
process to run smoothly.
7-11. . Each time the control of a U.S. military prisoner is transferred, the receiving organization
acknowledges receipt of the prisoner and his property using DD Form 2708 and DA Form 4137.
7-12. Prisoners begin their confinement by in-processing into the FCF. In-processing is typically
conducted by an I/R company prisoner operations section. Part of the in-processing procedure is to assist
the prisoners’ integration into the confinement environment. Newly confined prisoners are processed
according to guidelines to ensure that— Chapter 7
7-4 FM 3-39.40 12 February 2010
z DD Form 2707 is accurate.
z Property is searched and segregated (authorized and unauthorized).
z Prisoners are strip-searched.
z Prisoners are issued the appropriate health and comfort supplies and complete a DD Form 504
(Request and Receipt for Health and Comfort Supplies).
z Prisoners are photographed and fingerprinted.
z All documentation is complete. If available, use the Army Corrections Information System
Centralized Operations Police Suite. (See AR 190-47.)
z Prisoners are informed of mail and visitation rights.
7-13. A medical officer examines each prisoner within 24 hours of confinement and completes
DD Form 503. Newly confined prisoners are segregated from other prisoners while they undergo initial
processing. Tattoos, scars, and identifying marks are noted on DD Form 2710 (Inmate Background
Summary). The prisoner’s personal property (such as clothing, money, official papers, and documents) is
7-14. Newly confined prisoners complete training that is designed to explain facility rules and regulations,
counseling procedures, UCMJ disciplinary authority and procedures, and work assignment procedures as
soon as possible. The rights of prisoners and the procedures governing the presentation of complaints and
grievances according to AR 20-1 are fully and clearly explained. Pretrial prisoners are carefully instructed
as to their status, rights, and privileges. They participate in the correctional orientation or treatment
program phases that are determined necessary by the facility commander to ensure custody and control,
employment, training, health, and welfare. Confined officers and NCOs do not exercise command or
supervisory authority over other individuals while confined, and they comply with the same facility rules
and regulations as other prisoners. They are not permitted special privileges that are normally associated
with their former rank.
7-15. U.S. military prisoners in an FCF are classified into two categories⎯pretrial and posttrial:
z Pretrial prisoners must be segregated from posttrial prisoners. Pretrial prisoners must be further
segregated, by gender, into the following categories: officers, NCOs, and enlisted. Pretrial
prisoners are individuals who are subject to trial by court-martial and have been ordered by
competent authority into pretrial confinement pending disposition of charges.
z Posttrial prisoners are individuals who are found guilty and sentenced to confinement. Posttrial
prisoners include in-transit prisoners who are evacuated to another facility and prisoners retained
at the FCF during short-term sentences.
7-16. Individual identification photographs are taken of all prisoners. The prisoner’s last name, first name,
and middle initial are placed on the first line of a name board, and the prisoner’s social security number is
placed on the second line. A prisoner registration number may be added on the third line. Two front and
two profile pictures are taken of the prisoner. Fingerprints are obtained according to AR 190-47.
7-17. One of the many challenges that military police commanders and leaders face when operating a
facility is ensuring that the basic treatment standards for U.S. military prisoners are met and sustained to
include, but not limited to—
z Proper clothing for all seasons and types of weather.
z Meals that are properly rationed and distributed.
7-18. Special security concerns are a factor for dining facilities. Military police who are guarding U.S.
military prisoners must always be vigilant in areas where prisoners congregate, such as a dining facility

The introduction makes it clear that this is about other populations in countries where we would be at war. From the link he could not post:

I/R operations facilitate the ability to conduct rapid and decisive combat operations; deter, mitigate, and defeat threats to populations that may result in conflict; reverse conditions of human suffering; and build the capacity of a foreign government to effectively care for and govern its population. This includes capabilities to conduct shaping operations across the spectrum of military operations to mitigate and defeat the underlying conditions
for conflict and counter the core motivations that result in support to criminal, terrorist, insurgent, and other destabilizing groups. I/R operations also include the daily incarceration of U.S. military prisoners at facilities throughout the world.
seems that this country is at war with every one however, how about the "war on drugs"
"I’ve put some thought into wHether the following information should really be posted in the conspiracy theory section or not, though it seems a little far fetched like many theories, this one is backed up by government documents, the foundation for this theory lies on rock solid facts, but its still up to you, the individual, to decide whether or not to believe in the sad reality your about to learn of."

"The US economy is headed for a collapse, this is an inevitable fact, but the national government them self sees this collapse coming, and are making their own preparations. Our nation debt as reached a point that it can never be fixed, it will never be fixed. Currently the US national debt stands at about $17,070,712,130,725.80, and if were to pay off this debt, each citizens would have to pay $53,866, we can never recover from this, this is the direct result is a debt based currency, Thomas Jefferson warned of this, and those in power ignored him. The preparation for this inevitable collapse should scare every american citizen. Earlier this year there was a leaked government document titled “Internment and Resettlement Operations”, also known as FM 3-39.40. This was never meAnt for us to see, and that makes it even more terrifying. It clearing outlines the plans for military internment camps for US citizens, within the US. I am now going to go into much more detail about FM 3-39.40. The document very clearly states the detainment of US citizens within these internment camps. It states that the Social Security Numbers are to be recorded, along with a photo and their fingerprints. The document later outlines the use of Psychological Operation Officers within these camps, and how they will be used to reduce antagonistic attitudes, and they identify political activists. These officers are also going to be used for pacifying the population and ensuring the cooperation of all citizens. Now these camps may seem like they are intended for us, and our safety, but that false reality is crushed when they go into detail about the use of deadly force. Among the list of reasons to use deadly force it states to terminate anyone involved in an escape attempt from these camps, and even states for officers to aim at vital points in the body when firing, now that is absolutely frightening. The document goes into detail about the use of snipers during riots, and to seek out and deploy lethal rounds into the leaders of these riots. Each of these camps is designed to hold an approximate 4,000 prisoners (prisoners meaning US citizens). The facility will be surrounded with double layered barbed wire and 24 watchtowers. Now lets think about this, in the case of an international catastrophe, resettlement camps may be needed to help the citizens of the crashing United States, but no resettlement camps should be surrounded with barbed wire, have numerous interrogation rooms, and kill anyone who does not wish to be a part of this. Within FM 3-39.40 there is multiple illustrations on the layout of the camps, and there is a special facility created for the non-compliant prisoners (once again meaning US citizens). Now some of you may think these camps are just models for a worst case scenario, and are likely not even to be ever used, but think again, these camps are clearly planned to be used considering they have been hiring since 2009, directed mostly at military personal. If they are hiring already, yet are trying to keep this as under-the-radar as possible, then the government is beyond the shadow of a doubt planning something big, something to help them keep power even when order is lost, a plan to help them prevent us from making the rules after the crash, a plan to prevent the people in office from having to take action from their traitorous actions, remember each member of the nation government takes an oath to protect the constitution, if they even go against the constitution one time, they are considered a traitor, and they surely do not want to take responsibility for such a crime. Now remember everything I said can be easily verified, just read the “Internment and Resettlement Operations” document yourself, unfortunately i’m not yet qualified to post links so just do a simple google search, and verify all the information I just told you, its there, the document is a quite long but is quite worth reading all the way through, and I suggest you download it incase the sites holding the document go down, because this has happened before, and it will happen again. This future for america should come as no surprise to you, Obama has already done very unconstitutional things, Obama has already signed the “Indefinite Detention of the National Defense Authorization Act” which allows the kidnapping of American citizens indefinitely without a trial, so if your skeptical that this could actually happen, it can, and its already starting. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is not a matter of if this will happen, but rather a matter of when it will.

"unfortunately i’m not yet qualified to post links...."

was that you still talking...or some "classified documents/stupid website" 'paragraphs' you just cut and pasted, snowden ??, do you think YOU'LL end up in one of these military 'inter...mingle camps ?


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