Government Run: There is a Difference Between Running it Efficently and Profitably


Apr 22, 2007
There is no question then when the government runs business like entity or service it never runs it profitably, there is always waste and they always go above their budget! One just needs to look the Post Office to see it government run businesses not run profitably!

However, there is a big difference between profitably and efficiently. Most government run business are not run well. In fact some are god awful. Take inner-city schools. They are horrendous. However, while some aren't run profitably, so are still run very well. Take the post office. With all the mail run through it, they get the postcard to the right place and really within a short period of time. I know Fedex is more efficent and get it quicker, but for a price and not anywhere near the volume the US Postal service deals with. If the US postal service was privatize like many on the right want, expect normal postage to be $2. Expect mass-mailing campaigns that many EMPLOYERS rely on to be a thing of the past.

Same can be said for the military and police. The finest fighting unit in the world is not Blackwater, its the US Special Forces! The FBI, CIA and DHS keep us safe. I would fear the day it was a private company running those organizations.

Everyone complains about the cost of medicare. That medicare is so in the red that it's bad, but take to the majority of the elderly and they have a DIFFERENT view. Their view is that its a great and necessary program. That they elderly would not be able to afford their healthcare without. Again the program is not run profitably, but its run effectly!

That gets me to healthcare. Their is such a conflict of interest with the private healthcare system. For healthcare to be run profitably it needs the customer needs to pay, people need to be cut off and cost cutting must occur. There is a direct conflict of interest between the insurer and the insuree! We at least for the major surgeries, injuries and illness. You know the typically the unfortunate things people buy insurances to insure against.

I don't know the solution to healthcare, but people must start recognizing that just because a government organization like medicare and the Post Office are run unprofitably, doesn't mean they are not services the customer doesn't want or need.
I know of no gov't agency whatsoever that is run efficiently, not even the military. We have bases open that we don't need, weapon systems that are way overpriced and in some cases unneeded, ever hear the stories about $500 hammers? Our military is the finest on the planet, nobody and I mean nobody can prosecute a war better. But they will spend money they don't have to spend to make sure next year's budget is not reduced. And that goes for every other gov't run organization.

Why? Politics. Special Interest groups. Everybody is all for budget cuts of somebody else's programs are the ones getting cut. Personally, I don't see siginificant changes until we finally go over the financial cliff and are facing a depression worse than the 1930s. THEN maybe this country will get their stuff together.
The government did nothing to earn that tax money. It just flows in off the backs of us the taxpayers. It's the old adage that if you don't work for something you won't appreciate it as much. That's why our government is run inefficiently....not to mention that accountability and responsibility within the government is virtually nil.
There is no question then when the government runs business like entity or service it never runs it profitably, there is always waste and they always go above their budget! One just needs to look the Post Office to see it government run businesses not run profitably!

However, there is a big difference between profitably and efficiently. Most government run business are not run well. In fact some are god awful. Take inner-city schools. They are horrendous. However, while some aren't run profitably, so are still run very well. Take the post office. With all the mail run through it, they get the postcard to the right place and really within a short period of time. I know Fedex is more efficent and get it quicker, but for a price and not anywhere near the volume the US Postal service deals with. If the US postal service was privatize like many on the right want, expect normal postage to be $2. Expect mass-mailing campaigns that many EMPLOYERS rely on to be a thing of the past.

Same can be said for the military and police. The finest fighting unit in the world is not Blackwater, its the US Special Forces! The FBI, CIA and DHS keep us safe. I would fear the day it was a private company running those organizations.

Everyone complains about the cost of medicare. That medicare is so in the red that it's bad, but take to the majority of the elderly and they have a DIFFERENT view. Their view is that its a great and necessary program. That they elderly would not be able to afford their healthcare without. Again the program is not run profitably, but its run effectly!

That gets me to healthcare. Their is such a conflict of interest with the private healthcare system. For healthcare to be run profitably it needs the customer needs to pay, people need to be cut off and cost cutting must occur. There is a direct conflict of interest between the insurer and the insuree! We at least for the major surgeries, injuries and illness. You know the typically the unfortunate things people buy insurances to insure against.

I don't know the solution to healthcare, but people must start recognizing that just because a government organization like medicare and the Post Office are run unprofitably, doesn't mean they are not services the customer doesn't want or need.

Health care is nearly 18% of GDP. Medicare is between 3 and 6% max. Yet Medicare takes care of many more sick people because they have all those disabled elderly. Why does Medicare cost so much less? Because they don't have to worry about a $100,000,000.00 dollar CEO paycheck.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

Aetna CEO
Ronald A. Williams
2007 Compensation
$23 million
2008 Compensation (Forbes)
Total Value of Unexercised Options (Forbes)
Williams is in the top
ten of Forbes'
"$100 Million CEO Club."

This is what Republicans are fighting for?
I know of no gov't agency whatsoever that is run efficiently, not even the military. We have bases open that we don't need, weapon systems that are way overpriced and in some cases unneeded, ever hear the stories about $500 hammers? Our military is the finest on the planet, nobody and I mean nobody can prosecute a war better. But they will spend money they don't have to spend to make sure next year's budget is not reduced. And that goes for every other gov't run organization.

Why? Politics. Special Interest groups. Everybody is all for budget cuts of somebody else's programs are the ones getting cut. Personally, I don't see siginificant changes until we finally go over the financial cliff and are facing a depression worse than the 1930s. THEN maybe this country will get their stuff together.
Don't get me wrong, government running things is rarely. Just look at the student loan mess, the secondary mortgage market and social security (yep this should be privatized).

The government never runs anything profitably, but there is a difference between effectively and profitably. Take the meters in downtown Chicago. Just a few years ago they were publicly owned. The cost of parking on the Street was low. No cost on the weekends or after hours. No cost on holidays. With the budget crisis, since Chicago spends like a drunken sailor, they sold it off to private industry.

What was the result? A ginormous increase in meter fees, many times higher than garages! No weekends, no holidays and no after hours. You park then you pay. The incentive for us suburb folk to go to the city to shop and for the night life just became much more expensive. In effect many stores have moved out of the city. Many burbiates stay in the burbs! The Chicago business community is pissed and the Chicago residents are pissed. See the government could provide cheaper prices, since they never run in the black. A business can't do it that way.
There is no question then when the government runs business like entity or service it never runs it profitably, there is always waste and they always go above their budget! One just needs to look the Post Office to see it government run businesses not run profitably!

However, there is a big difference between profitably and efficiently. Most government run business are not run well. In fact some are god awful. Take inner-city schools. They are horrendous. However, while some aren't run profitably, so are still run very well. Take the post office. With all the mail run through it, they get the postcard to the right place and really within a short period of time. I know Fedex is more efficent and get it quicker, but for a price and not anywhere near the volume the US Postal service deals with. If the US postal service was privatize like many on the right want, expect normal postage to be $2. Expect mass-mailing campaigns that many EMPLOYERS rely on to be a thing of the past.

Same can be said for the military and police. The finest fighting unit in the world is not Blackwater, its the US Special Forces! The FBI, CIA and DHS keep us safe. I would fear the day it was a private company running those organizations.

Everyone complains about the cost of medicare. That medicare is so in the red that it's bad, but take to the majority of the elderly and they have a DIFFERENT view. Their view is that its a great and necessary program. That they elderly would not be able to afford their healthcare without. Again the program is not run profitably, but its run effectly!

That gets me to healthcare. Their is such a conflict of interest with the private healthcare system. For healthcare to be run profitably it needs the customer needs to pay, people need to be cut off and cost cutting must occur. There is a direct conflict of interest between the insurer and the insuree! We at least for the major surgeries, injuries and illness. You know the typically the unfortunate things people buy insurances to insure against.

I don't know the solution to healthcare, but people must start recognizing that just because a government organization like medicare and the Post Office are run unprofitably, doesn't mean they are not services the customer doesn't want or need.

Health care is nearly 18% of GDP. Medicare is between 3 and 6% max. Yet Medicare takes care of many more sick people because they have all those disabled elderly. Why does Medicare cost so much less? Because they don't have to worry about a $100,000,000.00 dollar CEO paycheck.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

Aetna CEO
Ronald A. Williams
2007 Compensation
$23 million
2008 Compensation (Forbes)
Total Value of Unexercised Options (Forbes)
Williams is in the top
ten of Forbes'
"$100 Million CEO Club."

This is what Republicans are fighting for?

Our government is spending 3.4 TRILLION dollars this year. Do you think it was all spent wisely with no waste. If you do I guess you feel the government knows what to do with OUR money better than we do and we all need n a nanny to guide us.
There is no question then when the government runs business like entity or service it never runs it profitably, there is always waste and they always go above their budget! One just needs to look the Post Office to see it government run businesses not run profitably!

However, there is a big difference between profitably and efficiently. Most government run business are not run well. In fact some are god awful. Take inner-city schools. They are horrendous. However, while some aren't run profitably, so are still run very well. Take the post office. With all the mail run through it, they get the postcard to the right place and really within a short period of time. I know Fedex is more efficent and get it quicker, but for a price and not anywhere near the volume the US Postal service deals with. If the US postal service was privatize like many on the right want, expect normal postage to be $2. Expect mass-mailing campaigns that many EMPLOYERS rely on to be a thing of the past.

Same can be said for the military and police. The finest fighting unit in the world is not Blackwater, its the US Special Forces! The FBI, CIA and DHS keep us safe. I would fear the day it was a private company running those organizations.

Everyone complains about the cost of medicare. That medicare is so in the red that it's bad, but take to the majority of the elderly and they have a DIFFERENT view. Their view is that its a great and necessary program. That they elderly would not be able to afford their healthcare without. Again the program is not run profitably, but its run effectly!

That gets me to healthcare. Their is such a conflict of interest with the private healthcare system. For healthcare to be run profitably it needs the customer needs to pay, people need to be cut off and cost cutting must occur. There is a direct conflict of interest between the insurer and the insuree! We at least for the major surgeries, injuries and illness. You know the typically the unfortunate things people buy insurances to insure against.

I don't know the solution to healthcare, but people must start recognizing that just because a government organization like medicare and the Post Office are run unprofitably, doesn't mean they are not services the customer doesn't want or need.

Health care is nearly 18% of GDP. Medicare is between 3 and 6% max. Yet Medicare takes care of many more sick people because they have all those disabled elderly. Why does Medicare cost so much less? Because they don't have to worry about a $100,000,000.00 dollar CEO paycheck.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

Aetna CEO
Ronald A. Williams
2007 Compensation
$23 million
2008 Compensation (Forbes)
Total Value of Unexercised Options (Forbes)
Williams is in the top
ten of Forbes'
"$100 Million CEO Club."

This is what Republicans are fighting for?

Medicare is going broke you numbnut.
There is no question then when the government runs business like entity or service it never runs it profitably, there is always waste and they always go above their budget! One just needs to look the Post Office to see it government run businesses not run profitably!

However, there is a big difference between profitably and efficiently. Most government run business are not run well. In fact some are god awful. Take inner-city schools. They are horrendous. However, while some aren't run profitably, so are still run very well. Take the post office. With all the mail run through it, they get the postcard to the right place and really within a short period of time. I know Fedex is more efficent and get it quicker, but for a price and not anywhere near the volume the US Postal service deals with. If the US postal service was privatize like many on the right want, expect normal postage to be $2. Expect mass-mailing campaigns that many EMPLOYERS rely on to be a thing of the past.

Same can be said for the military and police. The finest fighting unit in the world is not Blackwater, its the US Special Forces! The FBI, CIA and DHS keep us safe. I would fear the day it was a private company running those organizations.

Everyone complains about the cost of medicare. That medicare is so in the red that it's bad, but take to the majority of the elderly and they have a DIFFERENT view. Their view is that its a great and necessary program. That they elderly would not be able to afford their healthcare without. Again the program is not run profitably, but its run effectly!

That gets me to healthcare. Their is such a conflict of interest with the private healthcare system. For healthcare to be run profitably it needs the customer needs to pay, people need to be cut off and cost cutting must occur. There is a direct conflict of interest between the insurer and the insuree! We at least for the major surgeries, injuries and illness. You know the typically the unfortunate things people buy insurances to insure against.

I don't know the solution to healthcare, but people must start recognizing that just because a government organization like medicare and the Post Office are run unprofitably, doesn't mean they are not services the customer doesn't want or need.

Health care is nearly 18% of GDP. Medicare is between 3 and 6% max. Yet Medicare takes care of many more sick people because they have all those disabled elderly. Why does Medicare cost so much less? Because they don't have to worry about a $100,000,000.00 dollar CEO paycheck.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

Aetna CEO
Ronald A. Williams
2007 Compensation
$23 million
2008 Compensation (Forbes)
Total Value of Unexercised Options (Forbes)
Williams is in the top
ten of Forbes'
"$100 Million CEO Club."

This is what Republicans are fighting for?

Medicare is going broke you numbnut.

Medicare is going broke, like social security, but they have become essential services/entitlements. I think social security can be privatized like Chile has done. But I don't think healthcare can. Not anymore.
At some point the government seized the Mustang Ranch in Nevada for back taxes. They ran it as a going enterprise.
The went broke quickly. They could not make money selling whiskey and running whores. How can they do anything profitably?

(NB: The story of the Mustang is urban legend but it could be true, which is what counts)
There is no question then when the government runs business like entity or service it never runs it profitably, there is always waste and they always go above their budget! One just needs to look the Post Office to see it government run businesses not run profitably!

However, there is a big difference between profitably and efficiently. Most government run business are not run well. In fact some are god awful. Take inner-city schools. They are horrendous. However, while some aren't run profitably, so are still run very well. Take the post office. With all the mail run through it, they get the postcard to the right place and really within a short period of time. I know Fedex is more efficent and get it quicker, but for a price and not anywhere near the volume the US Postal service deals with. If the US postal service was privatize like many on the right want, expect normal postage to be $2. Expect mass-mailing campaigns that many EMPLOYERS rely on to be a thing of the past.

Same can be said for the military and police. The finest fighting unit in the world is not Blackwater, its the US Special Forces! The FBI, CIA and DHS keep us safe. I would fear the day it was a private company running those organizations.

Everyone complains about the cost of medicare. That medicare is so in the red that it's bad, but take to the majority of the elderly and they have a DIFFERENT view. Their view is that its a great and necessary program. That they elderly would not be able to afford their healthcare without. Again the program is not run profitably, but its run effectly!

That gets me to healthcare. Their is such a conflict of interest with the private healthcare system. For healthcare to be run profitably it needs the customer needs to pay, people need to be cut off and cost cutting must occur. There is a direct conflict of interest between the insurer and the insuree! We at least for the major surgeries, injuries and illness. You know the typically the unfortunate things people buy insurances to insure against.

I don't know the solution to healthcare, but people must start recognizing that just because a government organization like medicare and the Post Office are run unprofitably, doesn't mean they are not services the customer doesn't want or need.

Health care is nearly 18% of GDP. Medicare is between 3 and 6% max. Yet Medicare takes care of many more sick people because they have all those disabled elderly. Why does Medicare cost so much less? Because they don't have to worry about a $100,000,000.00 dollar CEO paycheck.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

Aetna CEO
Ronald A. Williams
2007 Compensation
$23 million
2008 Compensation (Forbes)
Total Value of Unexercised Options (Forbes)
Williams is in the top
ten of Forbes'
"$100 Million CEO Club."

This is what Republicans are fighting for?

Medicare is going broke you numbnut.

Nothing like really stupid people calling names.

Medicare was never a "business". Cut revenues and government services go broke. Did that really need to be explained?
Health care is nearly 18% of GDP. Medicare is between 3 and 6% max. Yet Medicare takes care of many more sick people because they have all those disabled elderly. Why does Medicare cost so much less? Because they don't have to worry about a $100,000,000.00 dollar CEO paycheck.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

Aetna CEO
Ronald A. Williams
2007 Compensation
$23 million
2008 Compensation (Forbes)
Total Value of Unexercised Options (Forbes)
Williams is in the top
ten of Forbes'
"$100 Million CEO Club."

This is what Republicans are fighting for?

Medicare is going broke you numbnut.

Nothing like really stupid people calling names.

Medicare was never a "business". Cut revenues and government services go broke. Did that really need to be explained?
It was an "insurance" program. And it isn't working.
You forgot to mention the fraud is 10 times what it is in private insurance.
There is no question then when the government runs business like entity or service it never runs it profitably, there is always waste and they always go above their budget! One just needs to look the Post Office to see it government run businesses not run profitably!

However, there is a big difference between profitably and efficiently. Most government run business are not run well. In fact some are god awful. Take inner-city schools. They are horrendous. However, while some aren't run profitably, so are still run very well. Take the post office. With all the mail run through it, they get the postcard to the right place and really within a short period of time. I know Fedex is more efficent and get it quicker, but for a price and not anywhere near the volume the US Postal service deals with. If the US postal service was privatize like many on the right want, expect normal postage to be $2. Expect mass-mailing campaigns that many EMPLOYERS rely on to be a thing of the past.

Same can be said for the military and police. The finest fighting unit in the world is not Blackwater, its the US Special Forces! The FBI, CIA and DHS keep us safe. I would fear the day it was a private company running those organizations.

Everyone complains about the cost of medicare. That medicare is so in the red that it's bad, but take to the majority of the elderly and they have a DIFFERENT view. Their view is that its a great and necessary program. That they elderly would not be able to afford their healthcare without. Again the program is not run profitably, but its run effectly!

That gets me to healthcare. Their is such a conflict of interest with the private healthcare system. For healthcare to be run profitably it needs the customer needs to pay, people need to be cut off and cost cutting must occur. There is a direct conflict of interest between the insurer and the insuree! We at least for the major surgeries, injuries and illness. You know the typically the unfortunate things people buy insurances to insure against.

I don't know the solution to healthcare, but people must start recognizing that just because a government organization like medicare and the Post Office are run unprofitably, doesn't mean they are not services the customer doesn't want or need.

Health care is nearly 18% of GDP. Medicare is between 3 and 6% max. Yet Medicare takes care of many more sick people because they have all those disabled elderly. Why does Medicare cost so much less? Because they don't have to worry about a $100,000,000.00 dollar CEO paycheck.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

Aetna CEO
Ronald A. Williams
2007 Compensation
$23 million
2008 Compensation (Forbes)
Total Value of Unexercised Options (Forbes)
Williams is in the top
ten of Forbes'
"$100 Million CEO Club."

This is what Republicans are fighting for?

Our government is spending 3.4 TRILLION dollars this year. Do you think it was all spent wisely with no waste. If you do I guess you feel the government knows what to do with OUR money better than we do and we all need n a nanny to guide us.

You know what? You are right. A CEO payday of $194,496,797.00 is money so much more wisely spent.

Of course there is waste anywhere there are greedy fingers. But voters have power over government. They have no power of HC companies. If they did, would you have paychecks of over a hundred million? Did that really have to be explained? Aren't some things obvious? You would think.
Medicare is going broke you numbnut.

Nothing like really stupid people calling names.

Medicare was never a "business". Cut revenues and government services go broke. Did that really need to be explained?
It was an "insurance" program. And it isn't working.
You forgot to mention the fraud is 10 times what it is in private insurance.

First, you didn't prove anything.

Second, even it fraud is 10 times more, it's still a deal considering what HC companies are doing.
the govt. is controlled by the corporate elite with their lobbyist organizations. They do not care how efficently or profitability as long as they get what they want.
Nothing like really stupid people calling names.

Medicare was never a "business". Cut revenues and government services go broke. Did that really need to be explained?
It was an "insurance" program. And it isn't working.
You forgot to mention the fraud is 10 times what it is in private insurance.

First, you didn't prove anything.

Second, even it fraud is 10 times more, it's still a deal considering what HC companies are doing.

CBO estimates $520B in fraud in Medicare in 2010. How many million-dollar-executives could you pay with that money? How many poor people could you hire a personal physician for?
fuck you with your government this and corporate warfare. Assholes like you voted Obama in and continue to support policies that are bankrupting this country and destroying the middle class.
Health care is nearly 18% of GDP. Medicare is between 3 and 6% max. Yet Medicare takes care of many more sick people because they have all those disabled elderly. Why does Medicare cost so much less? Because they don't have to worry about a $100,000,000.00 dollar CEO paycheck.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

Aetna CEO
Ronald A. Williams
2007 Compensation
$23 million
2008 Compensation (Forbes)
Total Value of Unexercised Options (Forbes)
Williams is in the top
ten of Forbes'
"$100 Million CEO Club."

This is what Republicans are fighting for?

Our government is spending 3.4 TRILLION dollars this year. Do you think it was all spent wisely with no waste. If you do I guess you feel the government knows what to do with OUR money better than we do and we all need n a nanny to guide us.

You know what? You are right. A CEO payday of $194,496,797.00 is money so much more wisely spent.

Of course there is waste anywhere there are greedy fingers. But voters have power over government. They have no power of HC companies. If they did, would you have paychecks of over a hundred million? Did that really have to be explained? Aren't some things obvious? You would think.

At least it was their money to waste and not our tax dollars. They are free to do what ever they want with their company funds. If the stock holders don't complain why should we.
I know of no gov't agency whatsoever that is run efficiently, not even the military. We have bases open that we don't need, weapon systems that are way overpriced and in some cases unneeded, ever hear the stories about $500 hammers? Our military is the finest on the planet, nobody and I mean nobody can prosecute a war better. But they will spend money they don't have to spend to make sure next year's budget is not reduced. And that goes for every other gov't run organization.

Why? Politics. Special Interest groups. Everybody is all for budget cuts of somebody else's programs are the ones getting cut. Personally, I don't see siginificant changes until we finally go over the financial cliff and are facing a depression worse than the 1930s. THEN maybe this country will get their stuff together.

The absolute FIRST thing that needs to get cut is DEFENSE...or in the case of USSSA...OFFENCE.

Bill Maher had it exactly right:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bill Maher Stop Eating All the Food!‬‏[/ame]

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