Government scientists:"Sea ice growing due to global warming"

No one cares what you think about anything. Not even you.
No one cares what you think about anything. Not even you.

Oh.......I know s0n.....doesn't matter for shit what I think!!!

Matters only what the masses are thinking!!!:up:

Hey Crick.....check out that thread, PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINING!!! Dang s0n........:fu:
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How about you stop being so stupid and stop being such a bigot? They're both your choice.
How about you stop being so stupid and stop being such a bigot? They're both your choice. are no kid but still have not learned to buckle up your chinstrap. The hell kind of a role model are you anyway?? You get offended at the drop of a hat!!! What the fuck is up with that s0n???!!! The limpwristed attitude has to go :D:D:D .....just sayin'!!!

When you get pwned, you need to learn to laugh it off s0n!! A good lesson for the young. When you get hysterical over little blips in life = highly ghey.:gay:

Or go over and post at
Back on topic.......

So is this the new AGW k00k a world where icebergs are still TODAY floating around Lake Superior, these jarjeads are going to blame global warming!! That's good stuff......wouldn't be my Plan B but then again, nothing these clowns talk about makes much sense anyway except to other religious clowns.
History is going to be so cruel to these warming nut balls. In 50 years, you will be more likely to find people who supported eugenics than people who believed in AGW. Their narrative is so outrageously over the top stupid that one simply has to assume mass hysteria on their part when one looks back over it.
I think it more likely that noteworthy deniers will be pursued by lynch mobs of the displaced. But that's neither here nor there.

What is, is that your position is held by a diminishing proportion of climate scientists currently approaching 1%. The possible solutions to that are limited: those thousands of PhD climate scientists are ALL in a massive conspiracy or they are ALL incompetent and yet somehow managed to all come up with the same wrong answer or you and yours - a group noteworthy for its lack of average science education, tendency to distrust government, tendency to believe conspiracy theories - have all fallen for a scam that the exceedingly well-funded fossil fuel industry has put together in response to what it perceives, perhaps correctly, as an existential threat; a scam tailored precisely for people like you.
I think it more likely that noteworthy deniers will be pursued by lynch mobs of the displaced. But that's neither here nor there.

Wan't that "exodus" supposed to already be taking place? Yet another failed prediction by warmer wackos.

What is, is that your position is held by a diminishing proportion of climate scientists currently approaching 1%.

Of course that is a lie. Pathetic that you are so desperate to believe it and equally pathetic that you believe that even if the percentage were that high that it would make it true. Less than 1% of chemists believed in quasicrystals till they were recently proven to exist. One observation made 100% of all chemists who thought quasicrystals didn't exist wrong...and observation makes 100% of all climate scientists who believe in AGW wrong.
You would expect scientists to believe something for which there was no evidence? I see. Is it foresight you demand of them or omniscience?

When scientists find that global warming isn't actually taking place or that it isn't being caused by human activity and a majority of the experts accept some new paradigm, so will I. But your view isn't driven by science. I'm not sure what it's driven by but it's not by science.
You can always tell when some kook blog breathlessly reports some bit of denier retardation, because we'll then see multiple threads here on the same nonsense. Deniers, if nothing else, are reliable parrots.

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