Governor Abbott is doing a horrible job in Texas regarding the crisis

Fact checkers forced Abbott to walk back his lie about green energy being responsible for the crisis.
Expect message board members to talk about Antifa, Pelosi or Benghazi in this thread.
Their beloved Governor being caught on a light is not something they want to comment on.
Until Texas turns total blue, they are on the rise. States that are blue are either stagnant or in decline. Adding tax after tax to support people or fill in the resources needed fills the gaps.
Texas wished it had the GDP of California.
Ironic how just a few weeks ago some wingers were on here making snarky comments about California's power grid. Those in California are enjoying some nice early spring weather (60s - 70s) and are having no power grid problems.

Californias grid is in trouble but that's the least of their worries. They have a third world state run by a tyrant with illegals running rampant. The fun is about to end.
Tin foil hats have been saying that for decades..still waiting..

I've been out there recently. It aint no tin foil going on. Its about to blow.
Fact checkers forced Abbott to walk back his lie about green energy being responsible for the crisis.
Expect message board members to talk about Antifa, Pelosi or Benghazi in this thread.
Their beloved Governor being caught on a light is not something they want to comment on.
Until Texas turns total blue, they are on the rise. States that are blue are either stagnant or in decline. Adding tax after tax to support people or fill in the resources needed fills the gaps.
Texas wished it had the GDP of California.
Ironic how just a few weeks ago some wingers were on here making snarky comments about California's power grid. Those in California are enjoying some nice early spring weather (60s - 70s) and are having no power grid problems.

Californias grid is in trouble but that's the least of their worries. They have a third world state run by a tyrant with illegals running rampant. The fun is about to end.
Tin foil hats have been saying that for decades..still waiting..

I've been out there recently. It aint no tin foil going on. Its about to blow.
Again..first time I heard something like that was about forty years ago. California is about to experience economic collapse..about to experience an uprising of angry taxpayers about to experience a take over by illegals..yada ..yada..yada..
They dont work dumbass.
They were all shut down due to ice.
They work better if you don’t buy the cheap ones.

Ya got a link for that?
I dont care how much you spend on a windmill,when it gets coated with ice it's fucked.
Not if it has heated blades or there is an external method of de-icing. This is not yer great grandpa's windmill.

You mean, an external method like this?

That Texas attitude of not wanting to have anything to do with being under U.S regulatory provisions in regards to being part of other power grids around the country and go it alone has come back to bite them in the ass.
Abbott and Texas will be fine next week, Soy Boy Newsome and California? Doomed
They will be fine next week trying to figure out how to recover from an $2 billion dollar disaster..

Meanwhile Newsome and California has nearly one trillion in unfunded public debt....

You probably should get informed before spouting off little dude
One trillion..LOL!!

Google it...if not I will and make you look like the ridiculous little left loon you are, kid

I'll give you some time to admit you're clueless and acknowledge it....or laugh at you when I post it.

Click starts now..... watches as Benny shits himself and runs away
Found this..California Sees Upbeat Budget Cushioned by $15 Billion Surplus

Unfunded debt you Econ challenged dumfuck

Cripes you're fcking stupid and an Econ illiterate. Never ever pretend like you do.... you're fcking stupid
Your talking about pension fund debt, not overall're fcking stupid

I'm talking about unfunded debt, clownshoes. That means it's not being addressed and growing

You found some idiot site about budgets and neglect to realize the unfunded debt wasn't addressed.

Now econ illiterate shut the fck up, sit down and never ever pretend you know anything about economics, budgeting or numbers again.

Do you understand? You're in waaaaay over your public teaching head.

Yes....I am mocking you
Your talking about pension debt dumbass, not budget debt. Pensions are paid into by employees, not state taxpayers..Jesus..

Indeed you fcking wannabe....aka unfunded public debt.

Sit the fck down, kid you're more ridiculous by the post

Good gawd
They dont work dumbass.
They were all shut down due to ice.
They work better if you don’t buy the cheap ones.

Ya got a link for that?
I dont care how much you spend on a windmill,when it gets coated with ice it's fucked.
Not if it has heated blades or there is an external method of de-icing. This is not yer great grandpa's windmill.

You mean, an external method like this?

View attachment 458692
Maybe Texas can learn something from these people..World's Largest Southernmost Wind Farm Now Operational in Antarctica
They dont work dumbass.
They were all shut down due to ice.
They work better if you don’t buy the cheap ones.

Ya got a link for that?
I dont care how much you spend on a windmill,when it gets coated with ice it's fucked.
Not if it has heated blades or there is an external method of de-icing. This is not yer great grandpa's windmill.

Give it a rest....your precious windmills failed
Nope they did not, sorry. Windmills have been in use for many more years than petroleum.
Well then, maybe windmills are causing global warming.
Fact checkers forced Abbott to walk back his lie about green energy being responsible for the crisis.
Expect message board members to talk about Antifa, Pelosi or Benghazi in this thread.
Their beloved Governor being caught on a light is not something they want to comment on.
Until Texas turns total blue, they are on the rise. States that are blue are either stagnant or in decline. Adding tax after tax to support people or fill in the resources needed fills the gaps.
Texas wished it had the GDP of California.
Ironic how just a few weeks ago some wingers were on here making snarky comments about California's power grid. Those in California are enjoying some nice early spring weather (60s - 70s) and are having no power grid problems.
Our power grid problems come when the temperatures get to over 100. California like Texas has been forced by the left to divert funding from maintenance and improvements to useless renewable energy.
California's rolling blackouts during the summer is normal for a state that size with millions of customers/users. Here's the record as of today on how California is handling blackouts. One column is the number of customers in service areas and the other is how many of them are currently experiencing blackouts. Compare it to what Texas is going through this week..California Power Outages Map
Texas has one rolling blackout ever..................due to a once in 100 years cold snap.

KKKalifornia has them every summer, multiple times.

You lose.
Governor Abbott was caught by surprise.
No preparation to evacuate people. No short or long-term preparation to make sure the energy gridline wouldn't collapse.
He now joins Ron DeSantis and Andrew Cuomo as the worst governors around.

Texas is a prime example of ignorant NaziCon nuts who want smaller government and deregulation. Hell, they can't even plow the snow - let alone winterize their power generation systems. And then they talk about "seceding" from the union. I thought it was hilarious when Governor Abbott tried to blame green energy for their current clusterfuck. What a joke.

That Texas attitude of not wanting to have anything to do with being under U.S regulatory provisions in regards to being part of other power grids around the country and go it alone has come back to bite them in the ass.
Abbott and Texas will be fine next week, Soy Boy Newsome and California? Doomed
They will be fine next week trying to figure out how to recover from an $2 billion dollar disaster..

Meanwhile Newsome and California has nearly one trillion in unfunded public debt....

You probably should get informed before spouting off little dude
One trillion..LOL!!

Google it...if not I will and make you look like the ridiculous little left loon you are, kid

I'll give you some time to admit you're clueless and acknowledge it....or laugh at you when I post it.

Click starts now..... watches as Benny shits himself and runs away
Found this..California Sees Upbeat Budget Cushioned by $15 Billion Surplus

Unfunded debt you Econ challenged dumfuck

Cripes you're fcking stupid and an Econ illiterate. Never ever pretend like you do.... you're fcking stupid
Your talking about pension fund debt, not overall're fcking stupid

I'm talking about unfunded debt, clownshoes. That means it's not being addressed and growing

You found some idiot site about budgets and neglect to realize the unfunded debt wasn't addressed.

Now econ illiterate shut the fck up, sit down and never ever pretend you know anything about economics, budgeting or numbers again.

Do you understand? You're in waaaaay over your public teaching head.

Yes....I am mocking you
Your talking about pension debt dumbass, not budget debt. Pensions are paid into by employees, not state taxpayers..Jesus..

Indeed you fcking wannabe....aka unfunded public debt.

Sit the fck down, kid you're more ridiculous by the post

Good gawd
You don't know the difference between public debt and pension fund debt do you..and you keep calling other people dumb..(chuckle)
Fact checkers forced Abbott to walk back his lie about green energy being responsible for the crisis.
Expect message board members to talk about Antifa, Pelosi or Benghazi in this thread.
Their beloved Governor being caught on a light is not something they want to comment on.
Until Texas turns total blue, they are on the rise. States that are blue are either stagnant or in decline. Adding tax after tax to support people or fill in the resources needed fills the gaps.
Texas wished it had the GDP of California.
Ironic how just a few weeks ago some wingers were on here making snarky comments about California's power grid. Those in California are enjoying some nice early spring weather (60s - 70s) and are having no power grid problems.
Our power grid problems come when the temperatures get to over 100. California like Texas has been forced by the left to divert funding from maintenance and improvements to useless renewable energy.
California's rolling blackouts during the summer is normal for a state that size with millions of customers/users. Here's the record as of today on how California is handling blackouts. One column is the number of customers in service areas and the other is how many of them are currently experiencing blackouts. Compare it to what Texas is going through this week..California Power Outages Map
Texas has one rolling blackout ever..................due to a once in 100 years cold snap.

KKKalifornia has them every summer, multiple times.

You lose.
Texas could not handle one cold snap??...damn
They dont work dumbass.
They were all shut down due to ice.
They work better if you don’t buy the cheap ones.

Ya got a link for that?
I dont care how much you spend on a windmill,when it gets coated with ice it's fucked.
Not if it has heated blades or there is an external method of de-icing. This is not yer great grandpa's windmill.

You mean, an external method like this?

View attachment 458692
Maybe Texas can learn something from these people..World's Largest Southernmost Wind Farm Now Operational in Antarctica

Why would we spend the money for that when this kind of weather rarely happens here?
Fact checkers forced Abbott to walk back his lie about green energy being responsible for the crisis.
Expect message board members to talk about Antifa, Pelosi or Benghazi in this thread.
Their beloved Governor being caught on a light is not something they want to comment on.
Until Texas turns total blue, they are on the rise. States that are blue are either stagnant or in decline. Adding tax after tax to support people or fill in the resources needed fills the gaps.
Texas wished it had the GDP of California.
Ironic how just a few weeks ago some wingers were on here making snarky comments about California's power grid. Those in California are enjoying some nice early spring weather (60s - 70s) and are having no power grid problems.
Our power grid problems come when the temperatures get to over 100. California like Texas has been forced by the left to divert funding from maintenance and improvements to useless renewable energy.
California's rolling blackouts during the summer is normal for a state that size with millions of customers/users. Here's the record as of today on how California is handling blackouts. One column is the number of customers in service areas and the other is how many of them are currently experiencing blackouts. Compare it to what Texas is going through this week..California Power Outages Map
Texas has one rolling blackout ever..................due to a once in 100 years cold snap.

KKKalifornia has them every summer, multiple times.

You lose.
Texas could not handle one cold snap??...damn

And how many hurricanes could you withstand?
Fact checkers forced Abbott to walk back his lie about green energy being responsible for the crisis.
Expect message board members to talk about Antifa, Pelosi or Benghazi in this thread.
Their beloved Governor being caught on a light is not something they want to comment on.
Until Texas turns total blue, they are on the rise. States that are blue are either stagnant or in decline. Adding tax after tax to support people or fill in the resources needed fills the gaps.
Texas wished it had the GDP of California.
Ironic how just a few weeks ago some wingers were on here making snarky comments about California's power grid. Those in California are enjoying some nice early spring weather (60s - 70s) and are having no power grid problems.
Our power grid problems come when the temperatures get to over 100. California like Texas has been forced by the left to divert funding from maintenance and improvements to useless renewable energy.
California's rolling blackouts during the summer is normal for a state that size with millions of customers/users. Here's the record as of today on how California is handling blackouts. One column is the number of customers in service areas and the other is how many of them are currently experiencing blackouts. Compare it to what Texas is going through this week..California Power Outages Map
Texas has one rolling blackout ever..................due to a once in 100 years cold snap.

KKKalifornia has them every summer, multiple times.

You lose.
Texas could not handle one cold snap??...damn

And how many hurricanes could you withstand?
I can drink at least five.
Governor Abbott was caught by surprise.
No preparation to evacuate people. No short or long-term preparation to make sure the energy gridline wouldn't collapse.
He now joins Ron DeSantis and Andrew Cuomo as the worst governors around.

Texas is a prime example of ignorant NaziCon nuts who want smaller government and deregulation. Hell, they can't even plow the snow - let alone winterize their power generation systems. And then they talk about "seceding" from the union. I thought it was hilarious when Governor Abbott tried to blame green energy for their current clusterfuck. What a joke.

View attachment 458694

If Texas were to secede dont you think they'd change how they run the state?
If you dont think so you're a far bigger idiot than I ever thought.
Bet somebody is making a ton of money off this situation..' Next-day power for Thursday at the ERCOT North hub, which includes the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, were mired near a record high of $8,800 per MWh hit the previous day. Prices were below $50 per MWh before the cold blast'.
Governor Abbott was caught by surprise.
No preparation to evacuate people. No short or long-term preparation to make sure the energy gridline wouldn't collapse.
He now joins Ron DeSantis and Andrew Cuomo as the worst governors around.
You forgot Charlie Baker in MA....thats OK, I am here to remind you. You also forgot Gavin Newsom. You are very stupid.

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