Governor Abbott is doing a horrible job in Texas regarding the crisis

Wonder how those power companies that decided not to join ERCOT in it's...'the hell with merging with other power grids and having to be under U.S regulatory rules' ..we will be our own independent power grid and run it our way' mantra. Seems disruption was not that serious as they upgraded their grids to handle sub-zero temps like those under U.S regulatory rules suggested...The parts of Texas not on its ERCOT power grid appear to have weathered the freeze with few outages
Or, they can just dispense with the wind mills and go back to using fossil fuels. They never had any statewide power failures in those days.
You actually one of those who thinks the Texas power grid is all windmills?? 90% of the ERCOT power source is already fossil fuled..nice try

90% of the ERCOT power source is already fossil fuled..nice try

Try 64% dumbass, with the vast majority of that clean natural gas.

View attachment 458839
' According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), "Coal, crude oil, and natural gas are all considered fossil fuels because they were formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago." So, to answer the headline question - yes, natural gas is a fossil fuel'....dumbass
Never claimed natural gas wasn't a fossil fuel, Fuckwit.

It is included in the 64% figure, Asswipe.

You lied and claimed Texas gets "90% from fossil fuel", you lying sack of dogshit.

You lose again, liar.
Still waiting for a link.............

Still waiting for a link.............

1 day of rolling blackouts? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You claimed the grid collapsed, liar.

How many voluntary power outages (high wind conditions) in California are counted in that graph. Texas doesn't have a lot of high power lines going through thick forested areas does it..

So when Edison cuts power to thousands of homes and many hospitals without warning, that's considered voluntary?
Talking about PG&E primarily but what was the reason Edison cut power??
How many voluntary power outages (high wind conditions) in California are counted in that graph. Texas doesn't have a lot of high power lines going through thick forested areas does it..

Kalifornia doesn't get a pass because they are stupid enough to run power lines up high thru forests.
Where are they supposed to run them??
Not my problem.
How many voluntary power outages (high wind conditions) in California are counted in that graph. Texas doesn't have a lot of high power lines going through thick forested areas does it..

Kalifornia doesn't get a pass because they are stupid enough to run power lines up high thru forests.
Where are they supposed to run them??

Considering all the money the utilities "donate" to politicians, how about investing some of that money to bury the power lines.
Governor Abbott was caught by surprise.
No preparation to evacuate people. No short or long-term preparation to make sure the energy gridline wouldn't collapse.
He now joins Ron DeSantis and Andrew Cuomo as the worst governors around.

Not defending Abbot because in my personal opinion he failed but this crisis has been in the making for thirty plus years and five Governors have failed to fix this issue and let me say it will never be fixed because those in control care about the dollars and not lives...
How many voluntary power outages (high wind conditions) in California are counted in that graph. Texas doesn't have a lot of high power lines going through thick forested areas does it..

So when Edison cuts power to thousands of homes and many hospitals without warning, that's considered voluntary?
Talking about PG&E primarily but what was the reason Edison cut power??

Because there was a breeze and the last law suit caught them with their pants down.
How many voluntary power outages (high wind conditions) in California are counted in that graph. Texas doesn't have a lot of high power lines going through thick forested areas does it..

So when Edison cuts power to thousands of homes and many hospitals without warning, that's considered voluntary?
Talking about PG&E primarily but what was the reason Edison cut power??

Because there was a breeze and the last law suit caught them with their pants down.
So it was voluntary then..thanks
How many voluntary power outages (high wind conditions) in California are counted in that graph. Texas doesn't have a lot of high power lines going through thick forested areas does it..

So when Edison cuts power to thousands of homes and many hospitals without warning, that's considered voluntary?
Talking about PG&E primarily but what was the reason Edison cut power??

Because there was a breeze and the last law suit caught them with their pants down.
So it was voluntary then..thanks

So when Biden decides to tax the hell out of you for some of his "green" energy projects...guess that would be voluntary too...dumbass.
Still waiting for a link.............

1 day of rolling blackouts? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You claimed the grid collapsed, liar.

Competent people would have figured out their grid was vulnerable but this is Texas, so there you go.
Still waiting for a link.............

1 day of rolling blackouts? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You claimed the grid collapsed, liar.

Competent people would have figured out their grid was vulnerable but this is Texas, so there you go.
Hey stupid, you claimed the grid collapsed when it only had some rolling blackouts for one day.

You are a clown and a liar. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Still waiting for a link.............

1 day of rolling blackouts? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You claimed the grid collapsed, liar.

Competent people would have figured out their grid was vulnerable but this is Texas, so there you go.
Hey stupid, you claimed the grid collapsed when it only had some rolling blackouts for one day.

You are a clown and a liar. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You’re as short sighted as the idiots running Texas’s power grid.

People like you shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions. You’d get people killed.

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