Governor Brewer to sue Federal Government. It's on, bitches!

I don't see this going very far in the end. Their complaint basically comes down to the federal government not executing its own laws the way Arizona wants it to. That's a matter for voters. And for the court to issue a ruling in AZ's favor would be interfering in constitutional separation of powers.
I don't see this going very far in the end. Their complaint basically comes down to the federal government not executing its own laws the way Arizona wants it to. That's a matter for voters. And for the court to issue a ruling in AZ's favor would be interfering in constitutional separation of powers.
No, it's actually about the Federal Government not executing ANY of it's own laws.
It's outrageous the United States Department of Justice sued the people of Arizona to stop Senate Bill 1070," Brewer said. "Our message for the federal government is very simple -- use federal resources to combat the cartels who are breaking the federal law." Arizona plans to sue on five different counts, including a claim that the federal government has failed to enforce immigration laws enacted by Congress and a claim it has failed to reimburse the state for costs associated with jailing criminal immigrants.

I don't see this going very far in the end. Their complaint basically comes down to the federal government not executing its own laws the way Arizona wants it to. That's a matter for voters. And for the court to issue a ruling in AZ's favor would be interfering in constitutional separation of powers.

What? The Voters? What?

This is about the Federal Gov't not enforcing their own laws and at the same time not allowing the state of Arizona to take steps to protect their citizens.

This has legs. It will most likely end up in the Supreme Court and I think Arizona will win at the end of the day.

Ultimately, secession will be a route some of the states will take if the courts fail to deal with the issue. The people in the border states have had enough.
No, it's actually about the Federal Government not executing ANY of it's own laws.

Really? So the federal government has stopped prosecuting serious crimes? It's stopped collecting taxes? Oh, I bet there will be lots of people happy to hear that right about now! Please don't venture into gross hyperbole. Especially when it still does not establish a point.
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What? The Voters? What?

Yeah, it's this crazy experiment called democracy. People elect government officials, and if they do a good job people can reelect them in a couple years. If they do a bad job, then people have the chance to elect new people.

This is about the Federal Gov't not enforcing their own laws and at the same time not allowing the state of Arizona to take steps to protect their citizens.

That's the federal government's prerogative. The it's the federal government's laws, it will execute them or not at its choosing. The state of Arizona does not have the power to enact immigration laws. If the citizens of Arizona disapprove of an INADEQUATE job being done by the executive branch, then they can take that issue up through the democratic process as described by our constitution. If the state has issue with laws that are, or are not, being enacted, then the state has representation in both houses of Congress just like every other state. Maybe the people of AZ need to question whether their Representatives and Senators are good enough to warrant reelection.

This has legs. It will most likely end up in the Supreme Court and I think Arizona will win at the end of the day.

No, I don't see any legs to this. Probably the ultimate kicker is going to be constitutional separation of powers. The judiciary is not going to want to get involved in a matter that is between elected officials and their constituents. If not in the district court, then on appeal.

Ultimately, secession will be a route some of the states will take if the courts fail to deal with the issue. The people in the border states have had enough.

Secession is illegal, and the Supreme Court has affirmed that fact. If AZ wants to withdraw from the Union, then it will either have to do so through "revolution" or through consent of the states. Might want to have those Congressmen and Senators start introducing measures.
If the obamturds administration wasn't so incompotant the states wouldn't have to try to do the feds job themselves.
If the obamturds administration wasn't so incompotant the states wouldn't have to try to do the feds job themselves.

Then the people's recourse is the ballot. He was legally elected. There is no guarantee of competence when someone is elected.
you go girl. it's about time someone sue the government for not doing their job protecting the american people from foreign invaders.
My oh my... looks like we have a modern 'nullification' crisis looming where a state is (properly) refusing the fed's stance on immigration enforcement (or lack thereof).
Cool. I hope the people of the families that died as a result of her "Death Panel" cuts will sue her as well.
The feds owe the state mega bucks for having to spend on the illegals. Maybe it won't go far as to the stopping the illegal crossers, but it will certainly make the feds live up to what they are suppose to do for not having the guts to secure the border many moons ago!!!
I predict that other states are waiting to see what happens in AZ - again - and might just jump on that bandwagon as so many have done on the bandwagon Bill SB1070.

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