Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

All the President can do is make it available....if Andy didn't want to use it, and continue his grandma killing policies that's on him...and hopefully he pays the cost.

You don't need to send fact orginally the mission was to send maybe the younger person without covid there....the problem was hospital space, NY was running out....the President offered solutions.

No, he did what he always does... do a cheap flashy stunt instead of rolling up his sleaves and doing the hard work.

As stated, the ship came with so many restrictions, they couldn't send anyone there.
Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo
Is it wrong for women with "low numbers and limited practice" to get their girl friends who may be complaining about not getting enough sex lately, to "cover for them"? I think most guys will understand.
No, he did what he always does... do a cheap flashy stunt instead of rolling up his sleaves and doing the hard work.

As stated, the ship came with so many restrictions, they couldn't send anyone there.

What restrictions? The Javits center and ship were both built to take care of the overflow of Covid patients, and granny killer barely used either. The problem was that if Cuomo actually used them, he would have had to give Trump all the credit for saving his city. He opted to kill God knows how many seniors for politics.
Realistically. We didn't have enough room in the hospitals for everyone who got sick. The Nursing homes weren't perfect, but they were the best option under the circumstances. Yes, Nursing homes took Covid Patients, and isolated them from the rest.

They took Covid patients because Cuomo forced them to. They told him up front they didn't have the capabilities to take care of Covid patients, and even begged him not to do it.
Here's the thing. Not only did 27 states give special immunity to Nursing Homes, but the Feds did as well.

Giving immunity is not the same as a Governor forcing them to take Covid patients. All it did was legally protect them if they did have an unsuspected outbreak in their facilities. It didn't protect them if they intentionally brought Covid into their facility.
Okay, you tell yourself that the guy who commit impeachable offenses trying to get dirt on Biden's family wouldn't try to use a crazy woman to fabricate dirt.

How is looking into potential corruption by a former US representative in another country impeachable? Facts are that drug head got a job he was unqualified for, and would have never gotten if he were not the VP's son. People don't payoff families unless they are getting something in return. Biden got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired because he was looking into the dealings of his son and the company he worked for which was known for their corruption.

The same thing with his brother John. The guy had no experience in the construction field, and got a high paying job with a construction company. Then that company got a multi-billion dollar federal government deal to build houses in Iraq. What are the odds, huh?
What restrictions? The Javits center and ship were both built to take care of the overflow of Covid patients, and granny killer barely used either. The problem was that if Cuomo actually used them, he would have had to give Trump all the credit for saving his city. He opted to kill God knows how many seniors for politics.

Go back to the link... There were 49 conditions they had to be tested for before the ship would take them, which was why no one bothered.

How is looking into potential corruption by a former US representative in another country impeachable? Facts are that drug head got a job he was unqualified for, and would have never gotten if he were not the VP's son. People don't payoff families unless they are getting something in return. Biden got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired because he was looking into the dealings of his son and the company he worked for which was known for their corruption.

Wow, guy, you keep repeating this.. but Hunter already had an established reputation as a lobbyist. The notion that he wasn't qualified is just silly.

The same thing with his brother John. The guy had no experience in the construction field, and got a high paying job with a construction company. Then that company got a multi-billion dollar federal government deal to build houses in Iraq. What are the odds, huh?

Um, there is no "John" Biden. There is a James Biden. I'm sure the rest of your "facts" are equally faulty.
Go back to the link... There were 49 conditions they had to be tested for before the ship would take them, which was why no one bothered.

Why don't you read your own link? They were re-reporting from the New York Commie Times. Where is this list of 49 restrictions at?

Wow, guy, you keep repeating this.. but Hunter already had an established reputation as a lobbyist. The notion that he wasn't qualified is just silly.

He knew nobody in Ukraine. He didn't speak the language. He had zero experience in the energy field. Yeah, he was the best they could find in the entire world.
Why don't you read your own link? They were re-reporting from the New York Commie Times. Where is this list of 49 restrictions at?

Because I consider Investors and NYT to be credible sources...

He knew nobody in Ukraine. He didn't speak the language. He had zero experience in the energy field. Yeah, he was the best they could find in the entire world.

His firm wasn't being paid to speak Ukranian or to know anything about energy. They already had people for that. They wanted people who could help them with corporate governance and compliance with business in the west. That they did very well.
young Andrew managed Walter Mondale's NY primary campaign, helping him win. everyone on the campaign thought he was "arrogant and obnoxious"
To all of you New York lawmakers who are suddenly all aboard the “investigate Cuomo” train:
We won’t forget those of you who ignored us and tried to silence us about the nursing home massacre. You’re all cowards.
Now a 2nd woman has come forward and Cuomo said he was being "playful."

It's not considered a game unless BOTH parties want to play, you fucking liberal pervert.
the press is already all over it!

“It’s almost like he’s sexually harassing her in front of everybody and they’re just okay with it, probably because they’re used to it":


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