Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

They’ve criminalized being Italian.

As an Italian American, I can tell you I can tell you, what Cuomo did isn't Italian.
America embraced Cuomo because the country was desperate for a mature, stable, realistic, believable leader in a very troubled time. Understandable.

Looks like that person was also some other things. From what I've seen, people in NY aren't exactly shocked at these allegations. Tough shit for him.
I am so glad Mrs Clinton finally spoke up.....she seems to have learned a lot from the days of calling her husband's victims "trailer trash," or threatening them.......I guess old Andy the Grandma Killer, figures if it worked for the Clintons it might work for him.....but in the wake of the genocide and coverup he attempted, the DNC is going to roll right over him, so this won't work
Gov. Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide | Fox News

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her -- including unwanted kissing and touching -- and says his top female staffers "normalized" the behavior.
"Let’s play strip poker," Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.
In another encounter in December 2016, Boylan said Cuomo arranged through a handler to meet her in his Albany office, to which she agreed reluctantly. She said he gave her a tour of his office, "smirked" and showed off a cigar box he said was given to him by former President Bill Clinton while he served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Boylan said she interpreted that to be an innuendo referencing the affair between Clinton and his then-intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s. :lol:

Boylan said his behavior "was all so normalized — particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him — that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was."

It keeps getting worse for ol' Cuomo
Hillary to Sexual Assault Victims: "You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"
if Andrew Cuomo didn't want power and the notoriety that comes with it, he should have never run for political office, my friends
But that argument can be made for Trump, too. Except Trump had to cheat relatives out of their share of the inheritance to get extra money to blow on failed business ventures.

You can't cheat anybody out of their inheritance. The will is made and the court enforces it.

I'm sure he did... So do most rich people. Not sure what your point here is.

Most rich people don't get a position in government to advance their family. If they put their family into high paying positions in their company, that's their business. But when politicians do it, it's because of what they will get in return which is corruption. A politician is supposed to look out for Americas interest, not their family.
and they were worried that Trump would never leave? what about Cuomo? or as i call him, Hamlet on the Hudson!
Woman that led Kavanaugh attacks, is silent on Cuomo allegations...her name rhymes with Mamala!
You can't cheat anybody out of their inheritance. The will is made and the court enforces it.

Read up on the subject and get back to me. Fred Trump Senior was pretty much senile when Trump put a new will in front of him and got him to sign it.

Most rich people don't get a position in government to advance their family. If they put their family into high paying positions in their company, that's their business. But when politicians do it, it's because of what they will get in return which is corruption. A politician is supposed to look out for Americas interest, not their family.

Okay, if you need to believe that. Tell you what, let's look at the last 20 years of Biden's tax returns, the ones he's made public, and let me know when you find that corruption.

Then let's look at Trump's tax returns...oh, wait, he's trying to hide those still.
Hillary to Sexual Assault Victims: "You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"

A sloppy kiss at a wedding is hardly sexual assault...

Frankly, the Democrats need to stop this "Me Too" crap. They end up destroying their best people and Republicans just keep on with the same behavior.
Read up on the subject and get back to me. Fred Trump Senior was pretty much senile when Trump put a new will in front of him and got him to sign it.

I never heard of that and I read up on that subject many times. The only lawsuit that came about was Fred's granddaughter, and that was settled within the family. Also Fred Jr was not in the will because they were at odds with each other for years. I don't know which granddaughter sued, so it might have been Fred's daughter. FactCheck didn't go into that detail. Nor did it say anything about Fred trying to get any money. What I do know is that it was divided six ways.

Okay, if you need to believe that. Tell you what, let's look at the last 20 years of Biden's tax returns, the ones he's made public, and let me know when you find that corruption.

Then let's look at Trump's tax returns...oh, wait, he's trying to hide those still.

Trump doesn't want to make his tax returns public, and I can't blame him. However like most very wealthy business owners, Trump has been audited repeatedly. If the Biden's are involved in corruption, do you think they would file that on their tax returns????
I never heard of that and I read up on that subject many times. The only lawsuit that came about was Fred's granddaughter, and that was settled within the family. Also Fred Jr was not in the will because they were at odds with each other for years. I don't know which granddaughter sued, so it might have been Fred's daughter. FactCheck didn't go into that detail. Nor did it say anything about Fred trying to get any money. What I do know is that it was divided six ways.

Again, I can't argue about you if you are ignorant on the subject.

Trump doesn't want to make his tax returns public, and I can't blame him. However like most very wealthy business owners, Trump has been audited repeatedly. If the Biden's are involved in corruption, do you think they would file that on their tax returns????

I think it would be impossible to hide it... But his tax returns are an open book, have been for decades.

Unlike Trump, who is hiding them still, and absolutely in a panic now that the District Attorney has them.
Hillary to Sexual Assault Victims: "You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"

A sloppy kiss at a wedding is hardly sexual assault...

Frankly, the Democrats need to stop this "Me Too" crap. They end up destroying their best people and Republicans just keep on with the same behavior.
It certainly is, when it was the victim claimed.
I never heard of that and I read up on that subject many times. The only lawsuit that came about was Fred's granddaughter, and that was settled within the family. Also Fred Jr was not in the will because they were at odds with each other for years. I don't know which granddaughter sued, so it might have been Fred's daughter. FactCheck didn't go into that detail. Nor did it say anything about Fred trying to get any money. What I do know is that it was divided six ways.

Again, I can't argue about you if you are ignorant on the subject.

Trump doesn't want to make his tax returns public, and I can't blame him. However like most very wealthy business owners, Trump has been audited repeatedly. If the Biden's are involved in corruption, do you think they would file that on their tax returns????

I think it would be impossible to hide it... But his tax returns are an open book, have been for decades.

Unlike Trump, who is hiding them still, and absolutely in a panic now that the District Attorney has them.
Hiding them by filing with the proper Govt agencies every year? oooooooook
It certainly is, when it was the victim claimed.

Bullshit, it was a party. I'm sure a lot of people had a few drinks and loosed up. Now if he dragged her into a back room and ripped her panties off, you might have a case.

Me Too reminds me of LBJ's remark that the difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Hiding them by filing with the proper Govt agencies every year? oooooooook

Why not show them to the public like every presidential candidate has done since the 1970's. That sounds... you know... kind of reasonable.

Trump claims that he can't show them because he is under audit. That begs the question, how questionable are your taxes if the IRS has you under audit for years, even when you are their ultimate boss?
It certainly is, when it was the victim claimed.

Bullshit, it was a party. I'm sure a lot of people had a few drinks and loosed up. Now if he dragged her into a back room and ripped her panties off, you might have a case.

Me Too reminds me of LBJ's remark that the difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

Hiding them by filing with the proper Govt agencies every year? oooooooook

Why not show them to the public like every presidential candidate has done since the 1970's. That sounds... you know... kind of reasonable.

Trump claims that he can't show them because he is under audit. That begs the question, how questionable are your taxes if the IRS has you under audit for years, even when you are their ultimate boss?

No, that would be rape, or attempted rape....far worse then just sexual assault

Why should he? The vast majority of Presidents haven't....nor have member of Congress. No need to, moreover what his tax rate is, really doesn't matter much. I do care about fin disclosures and they are required to be released.
No, that would be rape, or attempted rape....far worse then just sexual assault

Uh, dummy, Sexual Assault is the legal term for rape.

A kiss during a wedding when everyone is half in the bag is not sexual assault.

Why should he? The vast majority of Presidents haven't....nor have member of Congress. No need to, moreover what his tax rate is, really doesn't matter much. I do care about fin disclosures and they are required to be released.

Actually every presidential candidate since the 1970's has released his taxes.

Frankly, I want to know where his money is coming from and who he owes money to. I think that's actually a pretty important thing to know when selecting a president.

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