Governor Extends Eviction Moratorium


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
It looks to me that trump and republicans are going to do what they've done with the virus. Which is nothing but pass it off onto other people.

So it looks like it will be up to the governors of the states to protect the people of their state from joining the already growing numbers of homeless in our nation.

Which will result in what we've gotten with the virus. Most republican governors won't renew the moratorium. Most democratic governors will.

So on top of their record breaking numbers of cases and deaths, on top of their record numbers of unemployment with severe food insecurity, the republican governors will force countless people in their states to be homeless and on the streets.

Great. Just what we need.

If this is your idea of making America great, I have some wonderful ocean beachfront property to sell you in Colorado.

I support a moratorium on eviction ----along with a moratorium on PROPERTY TAX for all land owners of rental properties and all payments for UTILITIES----gas, electric and water
It looks to me that trump and republicans are going to do what they've done with the virus. Which is nothing but pass it off onto other people.

So it looks like it will be up to the governors of the states to protect the people of their state from joining the already growing numbers of homeless in our nation.

Which will result in what we've gotten with the virus. Most republican governors won't renew the moratorium. Most democratic governors will.

So on top of their record breaking numbers of cases and deaths, on top of their record numbers of unemployment with severe food insecurity, the republican governors will force countless people in their states to be homeless and on the streets.

Great. Just what we need.

If this is your idea of making America great, I have some wonderful ocean beachfront property to sell you in Colorado.

So are their property taxes cancelled, or pushed off?
It looks to me that trump and republicans are going to do what they've done with the virus. Which is nothing but pass it off onto other people.

So it looks like it will be up to the governors of the states to protect the people of their state from joining the already growing numbers of homeless in our nation.

Which will result in what we've gotten with the virus. Most republican governors won't renew the moratorium. Most democratic governors will.

So on top of their record breaking numbers of cases and deaths, on top of their record numbers of unemployment with severe food insecurity, the republican governors will force countless people in their states to be homeless and on the streets.

Great. Just what we need.

If this is your idea of making America great, I have some wonderful ocean beachfront property to sell you in Colorado.

Actually, practically everybody got $1,200 free stimulus money...

Then they either kept getting their paycheck because they were essential workers, got generous unemployment benefits (in half the cases, up to DOUBLE their usual paychecks), or if they were on government assistance, kept getting the full amount of their check...

The only people that ended up LOSING money were the people making over $1,200/wk (the "breakeven" point on unemployment payments), and very few of THEM rent, since THEY can afford to BUY a home!!!

So where did the money go???

It's simple... SOME of them paid their rent!!!

And the others???

Since they were able to get out of paying rent without getting evicted, they blew it on frivolities while they stiffed their landlord!!!

When the landlords get 6-7 months behind on their mortgages (while the deadbeats enjoyed getting to stiff them without being evicted) you will see a lot of landlords lose their properties when the moratoriums are over and the FULL AMOUNT THEY ARE BEHIND ON THEIR MORTGAGE IS DUE (without rent payments to cover it)...

Then, since the tenants don't have a rental contract with the banks, you will see the situation snowball, and the tenants that made the effort to stay current (or catch up) on their rent will end up getting evicted right along with the deadbeats!!!

It looks to me that trump and republicans are going to do what they've done with the virus. Which is nothing but pass it off onto other people.

So it looks like it will be up to the governors of the states to protect the people of their state from joining the already growing numbers of homeless in our nation.

Which will result in what we've gotten with the virus. Most republican governors won't renew the moratorium. Most democratic governors will.

So on top of their record breaking numbers of cases and deaths, on top of their record numbers of unemployment with severe food insecurity, the republican governors will force countless people in their states to be homeless and on the streets.

Great. Just what we need.

If this is your idea of making America great, I have some wonderful ocean beachfront property to sell you in Colorado.

So are their property taxes cancelled, or pushed off?

no----they are RAISED to pay for BREAD AND CIRCUSES. The circuses of Rome were Gladiators killing each other and anyone Rome did not like---serving as entertaining LUNCH for lions. The circuses
of today----are bombs and fires and looting in the cities
It looks to me that trump and republicans are going to do what they've done with the virus. Which is nothing but pass it off onto other people.

So it looks like it will be up to the governors of the states to protect the people of their state from joining the already growing numbers of homeless in our nation.

Which will result in what we've gotten with the virus. Most republican governors won't renew the moratorium. Most democratic governors will.

So on top of their record breaking numbers of cases and deaths, on top of their record numbers of unemployment with severe food insecurity, the republican governors will force countless people in their states to be homeless and on the streets.

Great. Just what we need.

If this is your idea of making America great, I have some wonderful ocean beachfront property to sell you in Colorado.

I am conflicted on the issue. Not worried about large scale housing, but some people acquire a single family dwelling or two and use the income to get by. On times of mass crises government should help and does, but in some cases it reminds me of picking winners and losers. Not really in on either side of the equation and do not know the extent or how it is managed, if there is an equitable way of managing it.
It looks to me that trump and republicans are going to do what they've done with the virus. Which is nothing but pass it off onto other people.

So it looks like it will be up to the governors of the states to protect the people of their state from joining the already growing numbers of homeless in our nation.

Which will result in what we've gotten with the virus. Most republican governors won't renew the moratorium. Most democratic governors will.

So on top of their record breaking numbers of cases and deaths, on top of their record numbers of unemployment with severe food insecurity, the republican governors will force countless people in their states to be homeless and on the streets.

Great. Just what we need.

If this is your idea of making America great, I have some wonderful ocean beachfront property to sell you in Colorado.

My daughter and I spoke and she is a single mom with three kids, laid off because of the coronavirus, not yet recieved he unemployment from Inslee because they are backlogged. I told her, whatever you do, pay the rent because when the moratorium ends, people will be getting kicked out left and right. The last thing she needs is an eviction that will still allow landlords to go after back rent and penalties. Also, there is a network that landlords use to see people's credit and rent history, so if you are evicted it will show up and make it almost impossible to get into a new place. People are going to get sued for back rent, for the price of eviction and the renter will most certainly lose any deposits. I know the intent sounds good, however the consequences are far worse.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?
In non-democrat run cities the increased wages and jobs has reduced the homeless. Only in democrat run shit holes, where democrats increased taxation has the homeless problem expanded.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?

Considering the governors and mayors don't want Trump involved in local issues, he has put into place help for opiod abuse and other related addictions. To be fair, which I know you want no part of, Obama did nothing for homelessness other than increase it. Again, it is a local issue and where it is on the increase, cities like San Francisco, Seattle and Portland are encouraging the homeless to live in those areas, tough to end something the cities seem to want to keep going.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?

What policies of his have increased homelessness?

When you do nothing about an issue and it gets worse, then your failure to act exaserbates the situation.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?

What policies of his have increased homelessness?

When you do nothing about an issue and it gets worse, then your failure to act exaserbates the situation.

Wow, talk about not being able to actually answer the question.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?

Considering the governors and mayors don't want Trump involved in local issues, he has put into place help for opiod abuse and other related addictions. To be fair, which I know you want no part of, Obama did nothing for homelessness other than increase it. Again, it is a local issue and where it is on the increase, cities like San Francisco, Seattle and Portland are encouraging the homeless to live in those areas, tough to end something the cities seem to want to keep going.

The governors and mayors don't Trump sending federal troops into their cities to harass, and abuse peaceful protestors. That's different than finding solutions to the homeless problem, unless Trump is attempting to round them up and clear the streets.

About two-thirds of the homeless were living in emergency shelters, transitional housing programs and other sheltered locations. And slightly more than a third were in the streets, abandoned buildings and other unsheltered locations considered unsuitable for human habitation.

As for Obama "doing nothing"

"Federal leadership matters. Investments made during the Obama administration are proving effective and have contributed to more than a 50% drop in homelessness among veterans since 2010," Newsom said.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?

What policies of his have increased homelessness?

When you do nothing about an issue and it gets worse, then your failure to act exaserbates the situation.

Wow, talk about not being able to actually answer the question.

This article actually answers the question and points to Trump's "failure of leadership", but nice try.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?

What policies of his have increased homelessness?

When you do nothing about an issue and it gets worse, then your failure to act exaserbates the situation.

Wow, talk about not being able to actually answer the question.

This article actually answers the question and points to Trump's "failure of leadership", but nice try.

And it says the issue is mainly driven by California, A Democrat Controlled State.

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