Governor Extends Eviction Moratorium

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?

What policies of his have increased homelessness?

When you do nothing about an issue and it gets worse, then your failure to act exaserbates the situation.

Wow, talk about not being able to actually answer the question.

This article actually answers the question and points to Trump's "failure of leadership", but nice try.

You expect the laziest people in America to actually click the link to read the article?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

In Connecticut there are no homeless veterans, Thanks to Democratic governors.

Not a single one?

And Connecticut can export their homeless to NYC pretty easily due to proximity.

You always have some ludicrous answer, don't you?

No, idiot, we don't export our homeless.

You really think All of NYC's homeless are from NYC?

And you didn't answer my first question.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

In Connecticut there are no homeless veterans, Thanks to Democratic governors.

Not a single one?

And Connecticut can export their homeless to NYC pretty easily due to proximity.

You always have some ludicrous answer, don't you?

No, idiot, we don't export our homeless.
You just let them wallow in the street and crap all over it.

No, you flaming idiot!

If you'd read the thread before posting your bullshit, you'd know that there are no homeless veterans in Connecticut. We actually respect and care for our veterans.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?

What policies of his have increased homelessness?

When you do nothing about an issue and it gets worse, then your failure to act exaserbates the situation.

Wow, talk about not being able to actually answer the question.

This article actually answers the question and points to Trump's "failure of leadership", but nice try.

And it says the issue is mainly driven by California, A Democrat Controlled State.

No it does NOT say that. It said that the Trump Administration is making this claim, but it does not confirm their assertions. Quite frankly, NOTHING coming out of the Trump Administration can be believed because staffers are being forced to politicize their data.

President Trump has been highly critical of the homeless problem in California, and HUD said the increase seen in its January snapshot was caused "entirely" by a 16.4% increase in California's homeless population.

So California doesn't have a large homeless issue?

Dems have controlled cities with large homeless issues for decades, and local government have plenty of power with this regard, why haven't they "fixed" the situation?

Why are you blaming the feds? Oh right because it suits your narrative. Since most of the local governments are Dem controlled, it doesn't allow your TDS to bloom.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Love the dimwit grandstanding..... Tell us what your glorious leaders have done for the homeless besides make more people homeless?

What has Trump done for homelessness? Besides increase it?

What policies of his have increased homelessness?

When you do nothing about an issue and it gets worse, then your failure to act exaserbates the situation.

Wow, talk about not being able to actually answer the question.

This article actually answers the question and points to Trump's "failure of leadership", but nice try.

You expect the laziest people in America to actually click the link to read the article?

Most articles posted by mouth breathers such as you and DragonPussy are useless.

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