Governor Moonbeam signs law giving non doctors the right to perform abortions


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
LA Times


So more abortions but a cap on help for cancer patients.

Death panels sound familiar. Killing babies and the cancer patients.

But thank god illegals can drive now and get Obamacare.

This place has gone insane.
I am in favor of NPs being more autonomous in this area. Most of them are women and this entire issue was a non issue way back when women were in charge of it. Politicians and male doctors need to stay out of it.
LA Times


So more abortions but a cap on help for cancer patients.

Death panels sound familiar. Killing babies and the cancer patients.

But thank god illegals can drive now and get Obamacare.

This place has gone insane.

Umm... how does a cap on drug costs amount to a "cap on help"?
Posted from Oppositeland?
LA Times


So more abortions but a cap on help for cancer patients.

Death panels sound familiar. Killing babies and the cancer patients.

But thank god illegals can drive now and get Obamacare.

This place has gone insane.

Umm... how does a cap on drug costs amount to a "cap on help"?
Posted from Oppositeland?

drugs in cancer treatment is exactly HELP - if you cap their costs - you are denying this help.
I am in favor of NPs being more autonomous in this area. Most of them are women and this entire issue was a non issue way back when women were in charge of it. Politicians and male doctors need to stay out of it.

The law is not about you - so you might want to step down of the ambitions horse. I get it - you wanted to be a doctor, but failed and just happened to be a NP.
The law is about denigrating women - no man would ever undergo stupid vasectomy not being done by an MD, never mind that abortion is much more dangerous procedure
But for a woman it can be done.
More abortions, great news for Dimocrats.

What do you want? Big government to step in with a "my belief is right" panel and say no abortions?

You sound anti Democrat, are you one of the types against red tape? I see a nurse practicioner most of the time. If I feel like I get equal care at a lower cost shouldn't that be fine?

I am as much for regulations on economic matters as the next guy now but I do not understand this anti Democrat love of government in my body and regulations. It just seems inconsistent.
I am in favor of NPs being more autonomous in this area. Most of them are women and this entire issue was a non issue way back when women were in charge of it. Politicians and male doctors need to stay out of it.

The law is not about you - so you might want to step down of the ambitions horse. I get it - you wanted to be a doctor, but failed and just happened to be a NP.
The law is about denigrating women - no man would ever undergo stupid vasectomy not being done by an MD, never mind that abortion is much more dangerous procedure
But for a woman it can be done.

That makes no sense whatsoever. And no, I didn't want to be a medical doctor. If I had I would have gone to medical school. I do have a doctorate, but it is in law. You have nothing but your mistaken notions and nonsensical posts. And I can tell you, it will not be long before NPs will be doing surgery on everyone. You simply don't know what it takes to be one. But I do and you wouldn't even be accepted into a CNA course.
Governor Moonbeam balanced the budget in California. That happened as soon as the Democrats got a supermajority. That's not a coincidence.

Anyways, childbirth is much more dangerous than abortion, yet NP's can be certified midwives. It's kind of insane to bar them from the much safer abortion procedures.
LA Times


So more abortions but a cap on help for cancer patients.

Death panels sound familiar. Killing babies and the cancer patients.

But thank god illegals can drive now and get Obamacare.

This place has gone insane.

Umm... how does a cap on drug costs amount to a "cap on help"?
Posted from Oppositeland?

drugs in cancer treatment is exactly HELP - if you cap their costs - you are denying this help.

Uh... nnnnnno, you're doing the exact opposite.

>> The governor also signed legislation Wednesday that requires health insurers to cover prescribed, orally administered anti-cancer medications and to limit the patient's total cost to no more than $200 per 30-day supply. <<

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Governor Moonbeam balanced the budget in California. That happened as soon as the Democrats got a supermajority. That's not a coincidence.

Anyways, childbirth is much more dangerous than abortion, yet NP's can be certified midwives. It's kind of insane to bar them from the much safer abortion procedures.

"Jerry Brown, soon to be California’s longest-serving Governor, is obsessed with his legacy. Legacies, however, are judged retrospectively. For now, Brown has been receiving much credit nationally for “balancing” the budget. In truth, the budget is not really balanced and Brown is setting California up to fall like a house of cards."

Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

Soon you'll be burning witches. :/
I am in favor of NPs being more autonomous in this area. Most of them are women and this entire issue was a non issue way back when women were in charge of it. Politicians and male doctors need to stay out of it.

The law is not about you - so you might want to step down of the ambitions horse. I get it - you wanted to be a doctor, but failed and just happened to be a NP.
The law is about denigrating women - no man would ever undergo stupid vasectomy not being done by an MD, never mind that abortion is much more dangerous procedure
But for a woman it can be done.

That makes no sense whatsoever. And no, I didn't want to be a medical doctor. If I had I would have gone to medical school. I do have a doctorate, but it is in law. You have nothing but your mistaken notions and nonsensical posts. And I can tell you, it will not be long before NPs will be doing surgery on everyone. You simply don't know what it takes to be one. But I do and you wouldn't even be accepted into a CNA course.

I also have a doctorate but never wanted to be a physician.

You are absolutely correct about abortion.

Women should be in charge of their own bodies and there's no reason why NPs can't do abortions. An idea whose time is way past due.

What I can see happening now is women learning to do safe abortions and then doing exactly that.

This is very much like what was happening in the 70s. Women got together and took control of their own bodies.

Men like Vox don't want to pay child support, don't adopt and raise unwanted children and yet, they want to pass more and more laws to control women's reproduction.

Do rw's ever really THINK about this?

It is unthinkable that the state should have control of women's bodies.

If you don't believe in free choice, fine. But, get out of our bedrooms. Stop peeking in bedroom windows. MYOB.
Democrats do love their abortion...

Actually, those who are pro-choice, pro-freedom, pro-equality absolutely despise abortion.

The right wants an end to freedom and basic rights and that usurps everything else. THAT is what we must stop. - at any cost.
It's darwin's law in action, and thank God too. The majority of the women how opt to get abortions at the local 7-11, will be democrats anyway. We don't need those idiots breeding.

Never thought of it that way. Kinda gives me hope that the dumbocrats will be extinct form overuse of abortion some day?
Democrats do love their abortion...

Actually, those who are pro-choice, pro-freedom, pro-equality absolutely despise abortion.

The right wants an end to freedom and basic rights and that usurps everything else. THAT is what we must stop. - at any cost.

But you have freedom without abortion,it's called birthcontrol. The pills been around since the 1960's and is very effective on it's own. Add a condom and chances are nobody's gonna get pregnant. When the left advocates for abortion they advocate for irresponsibility and the continued use of an antiquated barbaric practice. Time for the libs and so called feminists to enter the 21st century. BTW three sexually active daughters,24,21,16, all on birthcontrol and I have no grandkids. Isn't that amazing, those little pills actually work!

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