Governor Palin: Caribou Have To 'Take One For The Team' So We Can Expand Oil Pipelines (So True!)

Caribou are simply unlicensed reindeer. Which is stating the same thing but from the opposite perspective. Reindeer are caribou which are a couple of generations removed from the original caribou which were native to Alaska. The "originals" were dying out of their own accord in the last century and a small herd was imported from Scandinavia and turned over to natives who had no history of herding anything but who made it work though they stayed with dogs to pull the sleds rather than harnessing up the reindeer as, particularly, native Finnish peoples did. No, reindeer don't have license plates; they have ear tags. Caribou do not.

Yes, they do mate under the elevated sections of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Yes, I have seen them do it though they weren't too pleased with being watched. Maybe that's why there are no caribou porn films to delight you libbies.

A favourite place to visit, briefly, is the village of Anaktuvuk Pass.
In fairness, I haven't been there in many years; last back around the time I took the photos (for AP) of the friggin' California idiot who set out to row a bathtub to Russia (which he could easily see from Alaska). See the "Black & White" thread if you want to gawk.

Now, a few things ya gotta understand:

The village (Wikipedia calls it a "city") is at the foot of a mountain pass to which the approach is steep. The caribou migrated through the pass twice each year.

"Tuvuk" is the native name for caribou (used interchangeably for reindeer).
"Anak" is the native word for shit.

So the village name, translated into words you might be able to pronounce, is "Caribou Shit Pass".

That's because caribou are smarter than liberals. They understand that it's easer to aspire to heights if you shit first rather than on each other along the way.

But Governor Palin was a tad too polite to explain that.
After the discovery of oil in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, it didnt take long for environmentalists to cry gloom and doom and for the media to hype those claims. From caribou dying to earthquakes to all hell breaking loose, there was no shortage of catastrophic predictions though the Alaska pipeline now boasts great success roughly 30 years later.

Alaska Pipeline Doomsayings Revisited Media Research Center
We have everything that works, oil, gas, coal and nuclear, anything else is politics and greed.
Tell us about her fetish for black guys.

Do you find it similar to your crush on America's Quadroon President? Do you find "blacks" so distasteful that you're willing settle for 1/4 to satisfy your Democrat Party membership requirements?
And Palin speaks the common sense truth.

Tell us about her fetish for black guys.

Tell us one example of Sarah Palin being stupid.


That seems to be all the proof you Leftwats have always had, being called stupid is proof of being stupid. You vermin have never been able to cite a single reason that she's stupid, but that doesn't stop you from screaming it at the top of your lungs. So the only one I see here being stupid is you.
We'd do better putting money into fusion research.

ITER - the way to new energy
Whom says that is not being done?....There is a nuclear fusion accelerator in Texas that has been in use for years....To date, fusion technology has not advanced significantly...
Don't forget, if fusion is ever made affordable, it would turn the energy production world on it's head. There are many interests who would rather new energy technology be sent to the corner. These are very powerful interests.
And Palin speaks the common sense truth.

Tell us about her fetish for black guys.

Tell us one example of Sarah Palin being stupid.


That seems to be all the proof you Leftwats have always had, being called stupid is proof of being stupid. You vermin have never been able to cite a single reason that she's stupid, but that doesn't stop you from screaming it at the top of your lungs. So the only one I see here being stupid is you.
Its true that she sounds stupid because of her accent and the way she forms her sentences.

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