Governor Schwarzenegger: Capitol Riot Reminded Me of the Nazis

Or words to that effect.

Arnie’s finest moment. He made me feel proud to be an American again.

It's a fine statement, if a bit overdramatized. But the point about the enablers, who are still in office and unimpeachable, is well taken and their actions should follow them around like new puppies until THEIR next election.

I can't get my head around the fact that multiple Congresscritters, including two Senators, used their first official act in Congress to vote for subversion of the same Constitution that literally three days earlier, swore an Oath to uphold. And ZERO of these Senator wannabees were from any of the states they came to whine about, not even the football coach who had to move to Alabama to be a Senator there, not even his prior state. Moreover ALL of these freshmen Congresscritters in both the House and Senate, just got elected in the same election they're trying to make out as "fraudulent" ----------------- which by their own logic makes THEM fraudulent.

Here are all their names. They own it now.

Oh, and yes they chose to own it AFTER seeing firsthand the effects of what their own mob incited. They knew what it would lead to.... and did it anyway. But none dare call it treason?

As far as the comparison to Nazis? My own freshmen rep --- one of those creatures who voted three days after swearing to uphold the Constitution, for usurping that same Constitution, is an infamously notorious Nazi wannabe. The comparison is entirely apt.

Own it. Thats right. I emailed and called both of my senators to object.

Only one of them did. The Canadian wimp.
A message from Arnold Schwarzenegger. This should resonate with anyone of any party. Thoughtful and inspiring message on what it is to be a leader and an American.

Schwarzenegger is a fool.

Typical. The Goovenator was the darling of the right and republicans far and wide when he was in office. Republican friends and supporters cannot be counted on for long. Too much like donnie, now.
A message from Arnold Schwarzenegger. This should resonate with anyone of any party. Thoughtful and inspiring message on what it is to be a leader and an American.

Schwarzenegger is a fool.

Typical. The Goovenator was the darling of the right and republicans far and wide when he was in office. Republican friends and supporters cannot be counted on for long. Too much like donnie, now.

Yeah cause if ya vote for someone that means ya have to agree with them forever on everything.....what an idiot
A message from Arnold Schwarzenegger. This should resonate with anyone of any party. Thoughtful and inspiring message on what it is to be a leader and an American.

Schwarzenegger is a fool.

Typical. The Goovenator was the darling of the right and republicans far and wide when he was in office. Republican friends and supporters cannot be counted on for long. Too much like donnie, now.

Ahhhhhh, shut up. Schwarzenegger was always a creature of the establishment, and no classical liberal of any repute supported him or his initiatives.
A message from Arnold Schwarzenegger. This should resonate with anyone of any party. Thoughtful and inspiring message on what it is to be a leader and an American.

Schwarzenegger is a fool.

Typical. The Goovenator was the darling of the right and republicans far and wide when he was in office. Republican friends and supporters cannot be counted on for long. Too much like donnie, now.

Yeah cause if ya vote for someone that means ya have to agree with them forever on everything.....what an idiot

Did you hear the video? What part do you not agree with?
He can't even pronounce his own name.
I love this comment! It’s HIS name... if you think he is mispronouncing it then Perhaps it’s YOU who’s got it wrong
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Funny how a few hours erases 4+ years of lies from the commies and their lackey MSM propagandist. Now we have another irrelevant celeb trying to find relevance again. Sad.

A message from Arnold Schwarzenegger. This should resonate with anyone of any party. Thoughtful and inspiring message on what it is to be a leader and an American.

Awnold wasn't born until after the war.
He doesn't know what it was like to live through it.
He's just relating second-hand information looking thru a liberal lens.
He needs to stick to making movies and wait till all of the facts are out before he comments on something.
Race-baiters like Michelle Obama and LeBron James need to keep their lying holes shut.....and Awnold needs to reconsider joining this crowd.
It just makes me lose respect for him.
A message from Arnold Schwarzenegger. This should resonate with anyone of any party. Thoughtful and inspiring message on what it is to be a leader and an American.

Schwarzenegger is a fool.

Typical. The Goovenator was the darling of the right and republicans far and wide when he was in office. Republican friends and supporters cannot be counted on for long. Too much like donnie, now.

Yeah cause if ya vote for someone that means ya have to agree with them forever on everything.....what an idiot

Precisely! As leftists don't grasp the danger of the prevailing culture, they will never grasp the practical necessity of supporting the lesser of two evils as patriots struggle to hold off the impending disaster.
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Funny how a few hours erases 4+ years of lies from the commies and their lackey MSM propagandist. Now we have another irrelevant celeb trying to find relevance again. Sad.


And trying to do so as he tramples over patriots and thinks to ingratiate himself with the statist bootlicks of popular culture.
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A message from Arnold Schwarzenegger. This should resonate with anyone of any party. Thoughtful and inspiring message on what it is to be a leader and an American.

Take a look at the board before posting your pissy pants threads, Buttflap.

I searched Arnold all threads were old. That poster used A R N I E. Reasonable explanation you turd. :)

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