Governor Schwarzenegger: Capitol Riot Reminded Me of the Nazis

He has certainly devolved since the days of terminator. Media is going full drive trying to manufacture faux outrage so that they can justify the new round of bannings / gulags / whatever evil they have in mind.

Fact remains, protesting against illegitimate authority is an American ideal. Perhaps he has trouble with this because... he is NOT an American, but in fact an Austrian like Hitler.
he didnt have to... did he...
Of course he did if you clowns are going to try to smear Trump with the actions of a tiny minority of the
people at the rally. What pathetic loons you all are.

he gathered a huge crowd full of lunatics right in front of the capitol building while law makers are running a democratic process inside the building...

he and his crazy gang agitated the whole crowd for hours...

then he told em to go and save the country...

even if the result was not what he was planning for, that makes him an even bigger failure as a president...
he didnt have to... did he...
Of course he did if you clowns are going to try to smear Trump with the actions of a tiny minority of the
people at the rally. What pathetic loons you all are.

he gathered a huge crowd full of lunatics right in front of the capitol building while law makers are running a democratic process inside the building...

he and his crazy gang agitated the whole crowd for hours...

then he told em to go and save the country...

even if the result was not what he was planning for, that makes him an even bigger failure as a president...
Progs did that in many cities the last year. Why so concerned?
He has certainly devolved since the days of terminator. Media is going full drive trying to manufacture faux outrage so that they can justify the new round of bannings / gulags / whatever evil they have in mind.

Fact remains, protesting against illegitimate authority is an American ideal. Perhaps he has trouble with this because... he is NOT an American, but in fact an Austrian like Hitler.
I was in California when the "Governator" took office there. He was a faux conservative entering into office
opposing Grey Davis who was recalled. That seems like a million years ago when republicans actually
could be a force in California.
After his first term in office he ran as a "centerist" and opposed a border wall with Mexico.

He is a Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush sort of "republican" ...he wants the votes of republicans but doesn't
want to do any of the hard lifting it took to get conservative values put into law and policy.
The swamp was fully operational in California under Arnold.
he gathered a huge crowd full of lunatics right in front of the capitol building while law makers are running a democratic process inside the building...

he and his crazy gang agitated the whole crowd for hours...

then he told em to go and save the country...

even if the result was not what he was planning for, that makes him an even bigger failure as a president...
So at least you have to admit Trump never urged any of this mass who supported him to take the crazy
doomed to failure actions they took. That's something at least.
he didnt have to... did he...
Of course he did if you clowns are going to try to smear Trump with the actions of a tiny minority of the
people at the rally. What pathetic loons you all are.

he gathered a huge crowd full of lunatics right in front of the capitol building while law makers are running a democratic process inside the building...

he and his crazy gang agitated the whole crowd for hours...

then he told em to go and save the country...

even if the result was not what he was planning for, that makes him an even bigger failure as a president...
Progs did that in many cities the last year. Why so concerned?

did what?...
started a fascist revolution to end the democracy?...
i dont think so...
Did the Feminazis storming the Capitol during the Kavanaugh hearings also remind him of Nazi Germany?
He has certainly devolved since the days of terminator. Media is going full drive trying to manufacture faux outrage so that they can justify the new round of bannings / gulags / whatever evil they have in mind.

Fact remains, protesting against illegitimate authority is an American ideal. Perhaps he has trouble with this because... he is NOT an American, but in fact an Austrian like Hitler.
I was in California when the "Governator" took office there. He was a faux conservative entering into office
opposing Grey Davis who was recalled. That seems like a million years ago when republicans actually
could be a force in California.
After his first term in office he ran as a "centerist" and opposed a border wall with Mexico.

He is a Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush sort of "republican" ...he wants the votes of republicans but doesn't
want to do any of the hard lifting it took to get conservative values put into law and policy.
The swamp was fully operational in California under Arnold.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a perfect example of what happens to people who go along to get along with communists.
he is right on: "nazi proud boys"...


Or words to that effect.

Arnie’s finest moment. He made me feel proud to be an American again.

It's a fine statement, if a bit overdramatized. But the point about the enablers, who are still in office and unimpeachable, is well taken and their actions should follow them around like new puppies until THEIR next election.

I can't get my head around the fact that multiple Congresscritters, including two Senators, used their first official act in Congress to vote for subversion of the same Constitution that literally three days earlier, swore an Oath to uphold. And ZERO of these Senator wannabees were from any of the states they came to whine about, not even the football coach who had to move to Alabama to be a Senator there, not even his prior state(s). Moreover ALL of these freshmen Congresscritters in both the House and Senate, just got elected in the same election they're trying to make out as "fraudulent" ----------------- which by their own logic makes THEM fraudulent.

Here are all their names. They own it now.

Oh, and yes they chose to own it AFTER seeing firsthand the effects of what their own mob incited. They knew what it would lead to.... and did it anyway. But none dare call it treason?

As far as the comparison to Nazis? My own freshmen rep --- one of those creatures who voted three days after swearing to uphold the Constitution, for usurping that same Constitution, is an infamously notorious Nazi wannabe. The comparison is entirely apt.
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Or words to that effect.

Arnie’s finest moment. He made me feel proud to be an American again.

It's a fine statement, if a bit overdramatized. But the point about the enablers, who are still in office and unimpeachable, is well taken and their actions should follow them around like new puppies until THEIR next election.

I can't get my head around the fact that multiple Congresscritters, including two Senators, used their first official act in Congress to vote for subversion of the same Constitution that literally three days earlier, swore an Oath to uphold. And ZERO of these Senator wannabees were from any of the states they came to whine about, not even the football coach who had to move to Alabama to be a Senator there, not even his prior state. Moreover ALL of these freshmen Congresscritters in both the House and Senate, just got elected in the same election they're trying to make out as "fraudulent" ----------------- which by their own logic makes THEM fraudulent.

Here are all their names. They own it now.

Oh, and yes they chose to own it AFTER seeing firsthand the effects of what their own mob incited. They knew what it would lead to.... and did it anyway. But none dare call it treason?

As far as the comparison to Nazis? My own freshmen rep --- one of those creatures who voted three days after swearing to uphold the Constitution, for usurping that same Constitution, is an infamously notorious Nazi wannabe. The comparison is entirely apt.

Own it. Thats right. I emailed and called both of my senators to object.

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