Govt now murdering 9-11 truthers and witnesses

If you have credible evidence that will stand up in court then you can sue the government for failing to investigate. However if you are relying on building 7 that doesn't meet the criteria for credible evidence. The reason for the collapse was established.

HAHAHA. You can sue for anything you moron, but if you sue the govt for not investigating the judge will laugh your case out of court.

And yes, the reason for the collapse was established. It was controlled demo and everybody knows it.
and dude, its not worth debating the physics and engineering aspects of the collapses with people who don't understand the difference between dynamic and static loads, think fire can't melt or even weaken steel, and think weakened steel at half the melting point temps doesn't lose its strength.

HAHAHA. Another paid govt shill exposes himself. Thank you.
You don't have to constantly prove your ignorance, eots. It was already been established well beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Forces like gravity. Ever heard of it? How about shear and compression forces?

Obviously you haven't because you would never have made such an ignorant comment otherwise.

HAHAHA. Standard paid govt shill crapola. When someone asks "Other than controlled demo what could cause bldg 7 to undergo unitary collapse at free fall speed" , the shills can only say "'there were fires and then gravity took over".
One more important point to remember about bldg 7 is the media blackout on it. You have a 600 foot high scraper that collapses for no reason the govt can give - that should be a big story. But no - the media blacked it out cause they know what it proves.
One more important point to remember about bldg 7 is the media blackout on it. You have a 600 foot high scraper that collapses for no reason the govt can give - that should be a big story. But no - the media blacked it out cause they know what it proves.

Just a reality check: You are saying that our gov't and our media and pretty much everyone except you and me are in on the 9/11 conspiracy?
One more important point to remember about bldg 7 is the media blackout on it. You have a 600 foot high scraper that collapses for no reason the govt can give - that should be a big story. But no - the media blacked it out cause they know what it proves.

Why did the government do it?
As heard in the Illuminati boardroom:

G W Bush: Some obscure woman is out there saying she heard bombs in the WTC basements.

Dick Cheney: Should I go after her with my shotgun?

G W B: No. That's too obvious. Call Silverstein and tell him to have someone run over her with a car.

D C: Okey doke. By the way, Dickie the Gage is having another Truth Conference. What should we do about him??

G W B: Nothing. He's harmless.
Nope, I have an engineering background, I understand strengths of materials and the unique design of building 7. Given the loads, the damage and the effect of the fires on one third of the floors the findings are all credible from an engineering standpoint in my opinion.
I also have an engineering background, and I have the drawings for the building, and I totally disagree with your analysis, and I made the video, so I know it to be accurate, I checked.

Accurate? Here is a screenshot of one part of your video:

Can you explain how your "explanation" using the screenshot above matches what NIST claims happened? Here is an analysis picture of what NIST found when doing their calculations:

Can you please point out in NIST's paper where they claim the beam fell because the flange failed?

Can you provide a couple of screen shots from your computer analysis? Did you include shear studs on the beam between 79 and 44 in your analysis?

That is a screenshot of an illustration. No-one is claiming it to be a finite element analysis. The screenshot that you posted is not an accurate representation of the column 79 connection at all. You need to go look at NCSTAR 1-9 and see what NIST used to represent the connection again. They even contradict themselves. The plate 'pg' is wrong by 90 degrees and is totally different and there are no stiffener plates as per the structural drawings for the building. As for expansion and resistance, this is unrestrained, so, no shear studs.
One more important point to remember about bldg 7 is the media blackout on it. You have a 600 foot high scraper that collapses for no reason the govt can give - that should be a big story. But no - the media blacked it out cause they know what it proves.

Why did the government do it?

Collapse Bldg 7? I don't know and i think it's important to find out. People say the 9-11 attacks were done to give america an excuse to invade iraq, but they didn't need to collapse 7 for that. I suspect there was some extremely damaging info in 7, either of a financial or criminal nature. That's just speculation on my part - our govt definitely collapsed 7 but no one knows why.
One more important point to remember about bldg 7 is the media blackout on it. You have a 600 foot high scraper that collapses for no reason the govt can give - that should be a big story. But no - the media blacked it out cause they know what it proves.

Why did the government do it?

Collapse Bldg 7? I don't know and i think it's important to find out. People say the 9-11 attacks were done to give america an excuse to invade iraq, but they didn't need to collapse 7 for that. I suspect there was some extremely damaging info in 7, either of a financial or criminal nature. That's just speculation on my part - our govt definitely collapsed 7 but no one knows why.

I suspect there was some extremely damaging info in 7, either of a financial or criminal nature.

Yeah, when I want to destroy some damaging info, I don't sneak out a box of documents to shred, I destroy a huge building, after having 2 jumbo jets crash into 2 nearby, even larger buildings, because that's easier.
I also have an engineering background, and I have the drawings for the building, and I totally disagree with your analysis, and I made the video, so I know it to be accurate, I checked.

Accurate? Here is a screenshot of one part of your video:

Can you explain how your "explanation" using the screenshot above matches what NIST claims happened? Here is an analysis picture of what NIST found when doing their calculations:

Can you please point out in NIST's paper where they claim the beam fell because the flange failed?

Can you provide a couple of screen shots from your computer analysis? Did you include shear studs on the beam between 79 and 44 in your analysis?

That is a screenshot of an illustration. No-one is claiming it to be a finite element analysis. The screenshot that you posted is not an accurate representation of the column 79 connection at all. You need to go look at NCSTAR 1-9 and see what NIST used to represent the connection again. They even contradict themselves. The plate 'pg' is wrong by 90 degrees and is totally different and there are no stiffener plates as per the structural drawings for the building. As for expansion and resistance, this is unrestrained, so, no shear studs.

Why does your illustration show the flange bending/failing when that is not what NIST says happened?
Thanks for proving you're a paid govt shill.

you guys think anyone who doesn't accept 9-11 Truth, is a paid govt. shill.

there you go putting words in our mouth paid shill.further proof that you paid shills here lie all the time because no,not everyone on this thread that accepts the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission report are paid shills like you.the majority that have posted here and defended the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission and the NIST report are yes,paid shills like you.

Go guys give it away with your lies you make up when your cornered with facts you cant refute.the other sjust come back with childish one liner insultes when they are cornered.

The few on here that are just brainwashed idiots in denial and afraid of of the truth would be ,toto freedombecki,and one or two others.they are not paid shills like you and the majority that have posted on here are.
Govt has little choice i guess. The controlled media is, as always, completely on their side but the internet is decidedly not. The net continues to expose the preposterousness of the official story and murder is really the only weapon our govt has to fight the truthers.

PressTV - US continues to gag, murder 9/11 truth-seekers

Oct 11, 2013 5:30AM

Is the US government using assault, intimidation, even murder - and killing free speech worldwide - to cover up the insider crimes of September 11th, 2001?

One of the leading scientists challenging the US government's version of 9/11, Dr. Crockett Grabbe, has gone on the record charging 9/11 cover-up forces with a series of murders and attempted murders - including attempts on his own life. And information sciences expert Elizabeth Woodworth has published evidence that the National Security Agency (or some other agency with similar capabilities) has been jamming the Internet to prevent 9/11 evidence from reaching a wider public.

In a recent interview on my radio show, Dr. Grabbe, a physics professor with a Ph.D. from Cal Tech, described a series of attempts on his life that followed the publication of his 2011 book National Swindle of the World Trade Center. (Dr. Grabbe has also published pro-9/11-truth articles in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics and other peer-reviewed scholarly journals.)

Referring to his new book Anatomy of Mass Murders, Dr. Grabbe said: "I'm not just referring to the murders that occurred on 9/11, but also the unexplained murders of both 9/11 witnesses and truth-seekers: Michael Doran, David Graham, Bertha Champagne … and the interesting thing is, Bertha Champagne and Nancy Hamilton both had unexplained deaths from automobiles running over them. And the thing that made me a believer, is that when I published my first book in 2011, there were unexplained, strange attempts to hit me with an automobile. It was just unbelievable! I'm not a 9/11 witness or anything; I'm just a physicist showing that nothing supports the official version of 9/11."

If the government intended to "murder" conspiracy nutters it would not be making so many failed attempts. It has better and more reliable means of killing people.

Let me repeat what I posted earlier;

All paranoids are not conspiracy nutters but all conspiracy nutters are paranoid.

paranoid nutters would be you paid shills who have to lie when you are cornered and dont know anything about the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for a thousand years that were violated that day.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Dickie Gage goes around the country telling people that 9/11 was an inside job. He's still walking, talking, and raking in $85,000 per year from the Dupes.

Some obscure woman says she heard bombs in the basement, so the govt runs her over with a car.

Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

you just proved the case for the truthers that politicians get away with crimes americans cant.

yeah dick gage gets handsomely rewarded for his mass murders getting paid very well for it,some unknown patriotic woman tells the truth about bombs going off and gets murdered for it.

the fact you find that to be a joke that that woman got murdered for telling the truth just shows what a sick paid fuck you are.:fu:
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Thanks for proving you're a paid govt shill.

you guys think anyone who doesn't accept 9-11 Truth, is a paid govt. shill.

there you go putting words in our mouth paid shill.further proof that you paid shills here lie all the time because no,not everyone on this thread that accepts the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission report are paid shills like you.the majority that have posted here and defended the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission and the NIST report are yes,paid shills like you.

Go guys give it away with your lies you make up when your cornered with facts you cant refute.the other sjust come back with childish one liner insultes when they are cornered.

The few on here that are just brainwashed idiots in denial and afraid of of the truth would be ,toto freedombecki,and one or two others.they are not paid shills like you and the majority that have posted on here are.

two farts in a row from you rat in the ass.:clap2:

as always,you prove your childish obsession you have with meposting within seconds like you always do.wonder how much longer before you post under your sock puppet rockland.
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I have always believed the government was behind 9/11. Nothing has ever changed my mind, its just a gut feeling I have always had.

thats because you arent afraid of the truth and dont ignore the laws of physics and dont go into it seeing only what you want to see like the frady cat octa deniars and the paid shills on this site do.

Nor do you ignore witness testimonys from credible people like firemen or disregard what expert pilots,architects and engineers and high ranking officials in the government say.

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