Govt now murdering 9-11 truthers and witnesses

----Naw only rat in the ass here is using a sockpuppet on this thread-rockland at least of the KNOWN sock oh my god what a fucking hypocrite you are.

----Its you agent trolls that demostrate classic routine standard truth deflection.

----you paid shills not only run off with your tail everytime you are cornered with bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission ignoring how there were other buildings in thew aream much closer to the towers with far more extensive damamgae doen to them and far more sever fires than bld 7 yet they did not collapse,but you agent trolls also always liek the chickenshit cowards you are,run away from the facts in just these two videos here when asked to try and counter the many facts and lies exposed in just these two videos here below which I would say are the two best ones out there.

----you chickenshit cowards always run off with your tail between your legs everytime you are asked to debink the facts in these videos.

----you paid shills would be laughed out of a debating hall within a minute if you debated there they way yo do here...

wow, talk about paranoid!!!

you think everyone who doesn't accept your lies is a sockpuppet, agent, paid shill, troll, or chickenshow coward.

this is exactly why 9-11 Truth has failed.


again like all paid shills you demonstrate you have reading comprehension problems in the fact for the HUNDRETH time,I have said there are a couple others on here who also believe the lies of the government who are just brainwashed and afraid of the truth and only see what they want to see ,that they arent paid shills like yourself.:lol:

you also show you have reading comprehension problems when i CLEARLY said only ONE poster on here has a sock puppet.did i say you did or anybody else troll? no i did not. learn to read troll.:D
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----Naw only rat in the ass here is using a sockpuppet on this thread-rockland at least of the KNOWN sock oh my god what a fucking hypocrite you are.

----Its you agent trolls that demostrate classic routine standard truth deflection.

----you paid shills not only run off with your tail everytime you are cornered with bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission ignoring how there were other buildings in thew aream much closer to the towers with far more extensive damamgae doen to them and far more sever fires than bld 7 yet they did not collapse,but you agent trolls also always liek the chickenshit cowards you are,run away from the facts in just these two videos here when asked to try and counter the many facts and lies exposed in just these two videos here below which I would say are the two best ones out there.

----you chickenshit cowards always run off with your tail between your legs everytime you are asked to debink the facts in these videos.

----you paid shills would be laughed out of a debating hall within a minute if you debated there they way yo do here...

wow, talk about paranoid!!!

you think everyone who doesn't accept your lies is a sockpuppet, agent, paid shill, troll, or chickenshow coward.

this is exactly why 9-11 Truth has failed.


again like all paid shills you demonstrate you have reading comprehension problems in the fact for the HUNDRETH time,I have said there are a couple others on here who also believe the lies of the governmen who are just brainwashed and afraid of the truth,that they arent paid shills like yourself.:lol: you also show you have reading comprehension problems when i CEALRY said only ONE poster on here has a sock puppet.diod i say you did or anybody else troll? no i did not. learn to read troll.:D

Like all Gage Dupes, you demonstrate spelling problems for the HUNDREDTH time.

Among all the psychological problems you demonstrate with every post you make. :thup:
whatever you say paid shill.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

how much does Alex Jones pay you to troll these forums?

no witnesses are being killed.

sure paid troll.tell that to barry jennings and that lady who came on jones show who heard explosions in the basements and mentioned if she died,not to believe the official version,that she would never take her own life and then was found hanging from the ceiling.i guess in YOUR warped drughead mind,she changed her mind and decidied to commit suicide right?:lol::lol::lol::lol:

now that is some funny stuff.that cracks me up how you paid shills always act like alex jones is where we get all our information from.comedy gold.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
i see your obession with me is in full force tonight rat in the i said,im surprised you havent posted under your sockpuppet rockland yet.amazing.:lol:
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i see your obession with me is in full force tonight rat in the i said,im surprised you havent posted under your sockpuppet rockland yet.amazing.:lol:

yep,your obsession with me is in full force again tonight i see.

you and that other paid shills handlers are obviously worried this truth is getting out the way they sent you two here so quickly to try and derail this thread.:lol::lol:

You guys handlers are sure worried the way they have sent so many shills such as yourself and that other one with reading comprehension problems here so fast.:lol::lol::lol:
i see your obession with me is in full force tonight rat in the i said,im surprised you havent posted under your sockpuppet rockland yet.amazing.:lol:

yep,your obsession with me is in full force again tonight i see.

you and that other paid shills handlers are obviously worried this truth is getting out the way they sent you two here so quickly to try and derail this thread.:lol::lol:

You guys handlers are sure worried the way they have sent so many shills such as yourself and that other one with reading comprehension problems here so fast.:lol::lol::lol:

Oh great. ShitSpreader is another scrambled egg who starts babbling about paid government shills every time he gets his ass handed to him. :cuckoo:

You wouldn't be a friend of 9/11 Whackjob, would you, Shitspreader? Are you also gonna start accusing us all of being sockpuppets? :lol:

Its classic, routine, standard Truther deflection.

When you get your ass pushed into a corner, just accuse the opposition of being paid govt. shills.

Naw only rat in the ass here is using a sockpuppet on this thread-rockland at least of the KNOWN sock oh my god what a fucking hypocrite you are.Its you agent trolls that demostrate classic routine standard truth deflection.

you paid shills not only run off with your tail everytime you are cornered with bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission ignoring how there were other buildings in thew aream much closer to the towers with far more extensive damamgae doen to them and far more sever fires than bld 7 yet they did not collapse,but you agent trolls also always liek the chickenshit cowards you are,run away from the facts in just these two videos here when asked to try and counter the many facts and lies exposed in just these two videos here below which I would say are the two best ones out there.

you chickenshit cowards always run off with your tail between your legs everytime you are asked to debunk the facts in these paid shills would be laughed out of a debating hall within a minute if you debated there they way yo do here.

you got to actually TRY and counter the facts "which included videos" that your opponent presents.I have never seen an OCTA whoever tried who did not run away with their tail between their legs when cornered with these facts in these 2 videos.:lmao::lmao:

I somehow doubt you will be the first one who tries either.:lol:

[ame=]9/11 - Missing Links ( full movie ) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]9/11 The Road to Tyranny - A Film by Alex Jones - YouTube[/ame]

okay paid zionist shills rat in the ass and hoffstra,im not going to play your game anymore of taking your bait replying to deflections trying to deny your a paid shill,

rat in the ass has ran off every single time in the past when cornered with these facts in these two videos which is why i have him and his sock puppet rockland on ignore,lets see if the other zionist paid shill hoffstra "and anybody else is welcomed as well of course? to debunk these facts that 9/11 was an inside job from these two videos.

somhow i dont think hoffstra will be the first to try and counterthem this since he is playing dodgeball ignoring there were other buildings in the area much close to the towers than bld 7 with far more severe damage and far more severe fires to them,evading those facts..:cuckoo:
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..somhow i dont think hoffstra will be the first to try and counter this since he is playing dodgeball ignoring there were other buildings in the area much close to the towers than bld 7 with far more severe damaage and far more severe fires to them,evading the facts going back to the towers.:cuckoo:

name these buildings.

25% of WTC 7's floors were on fire.
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Naw only rat in the ass here is using a sockpuppet on this thread-rockland at least of the KNOWN sock

9/11 inside job said:
rat in the ass has ran off every single time in the past when cornered with these facts in these two videos which is why i have him and his sock puppet rockland on ignore

9/11 Whackjob thinks I'm similar enough to Rat in the Hat to be his sockpuppet.

I'll accept that compliment, Whackjob. Thanks.
you think everyone who doesn't accept your lies is a sockpuppet, agent, paid shill, troll, or chickenshow coward.

this is exactly why 9-11 Truth has failed.


911 truth has not failed. Most americans now know the official story is an outrageous lie and that's all we can hope for. Getting the govt to actually prosecute govt officials for the monstrous crime never was in the cards. Just like nothing was ever done about bush lying us into invading iraq, a far worse crime and one that everyone agrees he is guilty of.
911 truth has not failed. Most americans now know the official story is an outrageous lie and that's all we can hope for.....

you're lying.

most Americans accept that 19 Muslim extremist hijackers took over four planes, crashed three into buildings, one into the ground, and that the collapses were due to fire, physical damage, weakened steel, and gravity.

you've lost the war. :)
25% of WTC 7's floors were on fire.

Maybe 25% of the floors had SOME fire in them but none of the floors were entirely on fire. From the north, Bldg 7 looked fine!! How can such skimpy fires cause a unitary collapse?
[most Americans accept that 19 Muslim extremist hijackers took over four planes, crashed three into buildings, one into the ground, and that the collapses were due to fire, physical damage, weakened steel, and gravity.


hahaha. You wish, hate-boy.
911 truth has not failed. Most americans now know the official story is an outrageous lie and that's all we can hope for.....

you're lying.

most Americans accept that 19 Muslim extremist hijackers took over four planes, crashed three into buildings, one into the ground, and that the collapses were due to fire, physical damage, weakened steel, and gravity.

you've lost the war. :)

You definitely know you've lost the war when you're reduced to selling coffee to gouge money from the Dupes.

Justice Through Java: "Wake Up" Coffee Supports AE911Truth Mission

"Wake Up" to the Truth! :rofl: :rofl:

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