Govt now murdering 9-11 truthers and witnesses

Damn right. Anyone who sees a video of bldg 7 collapsing, instantly knows that was controlled demo. No plane hit 7 and even if one had, it wouldn't cause a unitary collapse.


calling people names is a great way to educate them.
Damn right. Anyone who sees a video of bldg 7 collapsing, instantly knows that was controlled demo. No plane hit 7 and even if one had, it wouldn't cause a unitary collapse.


calling people names is a great way to educate them.


I have been wanting to comment on this thread for some time, but quite frankly, I have to admit, I'm embarrassed to. I think this thread really should belong in the flame zone.

I don't really ever post in threads there. Once they degrade to that point, they aren't worth my time.

To the point that some posters might be paid? What of it, who cares? Due to personal restrictions and the inability to work a nine to five job, I once thought about doing paid forum work. It is a pretty rigorous process. I can assure the people that are in the so called "Truth and Freedom" movement that if there are "paid" posters, 9/11 is not the only topic they post on, they post on many many other topics, and they post only what is really in their heart. They are good people, and they aren't "paid to lie." They only post what they really believe. If they do purposely post disingenuous garbage? Well, it the supposed betrayal of their nation and their own double crossing of their conscious that they have to live with, not your damn approval, right?

For what ever the reason they have chosen to work from home, either they have a child or aging parent they need to care for, they have a disability, or what ever reason, being paid to post does not lessen the credibility of one's point of view. So can we seriously get off the "paid shill," ad hominem attacks? Seriously, these are dire issues tearing our nation apart. If someone is getting paid to defend the status quo, whatever, they need to feed themselves and their family, it doesn't mean that isn't what they truly believe.

Secondly. What if there IS a conspiracy by elements within the government? Isn't it about time we wise up and say, yeah, okay, maybe it could be possible there are large networks within our government that are trying to keep things together. If this is true, and people that are trying to expose it, either citizens that have seen evidence, people in government, or in the media, end up dead, in jail, committed, or disappeared, what of it?

I don't know if you have bothered to look at what is going on in D.C., or taken a gander at the State of the nations budget and finances, but things aren't looking that great. In fact, they are down right putrid. If the dollar collapses, 9/11 truth will be the LAST thing on anyone's mind. And if you tell them that collapsing the world trade center delayed the collapse of the dollar by a decade, chances are they won't care if it was nineteen Islamic fundamentalists, or a network of CFR linked crypto-fascists, they'll just be glad their grand-kids had an opportunity to see Disney world before it all went to shit.

I remember reading or hearing a quote somewhere, sometime, something like; It's all very good to criticize the status quo and agitate for a revolution, but you will find that you miss civilization very much once it is gone.

I'm sure that is not the exact wording, but that is much how it went. To be sure, now more than ever, you have to be asleep to not understand just how blatantly corrupt our system is. Yes, I don't think all these deaths are mere coincidence, and sure, a greater percentage of the world's population doesn't believe that what was spelled out in the 9/11 report was the truth. But one of two things are going to happen. Either what happened is the truth, or the corruption of the state will eventually cause it's own demise and the truth will eventually be known.


Here it is instructive for us to hypothesize, if it IS a conspiracy, why, why would they do it? Maybe it was all for the right reasons? What if 9/11 had never happened? Where would America be today with out a metastasizing military-industrial-complex to keep it all alive? All of her industry jobs were shipped out at the end of the Nineties. The country has become increasingly partisan. Before the end of the last century, some great thinkers projected a new American Civil War, or at least a nation divided, between East and West. . . that was decades ago, when the computer industry was in it's infancy, when partisanship, both social and economic was fracturing the nation, this was in it's infancy, it really looked like the West Coast and Colorado would eventually secede. That all changed on 9/11. American had a united enemy again.

I recommend everyone go to and watch The Power of Nightmares. Our unity is only as much of an illusion as we agree it is. Likewise, our "enemy's" power is only as scary as our politicians make us believe it is. Where once politicians gave the electorate dreams to get elected, now they save them from nightmares for the same jobs.
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as heard in the illuminati boardroom:

g w bush: some obscure woman is out there saying she heard bombs in the wtc basements.

dick cheney: should i go after her with my shotgun?

g w b: no. That's too obvious. Call silverstein and tell him to have someone run over her with a car.

d c: okey doke. By the way, dickie the gage is having another truth conference. What should we do about him??

g w b: nothing. He's harmless. He's on our payroll. He's spreading disinformation about who did it, how it was done, and why it was done. Leave him be. After he's done his work, the population won't know what to believe.

No plane hit 7 and even if one had, it wouldn't cause a unitary collapse.

Based on what?

Common sense? You have no idea how certain structures will behave under certain circumstances.

So tell us. What are you basing your above claim on?
No plane hit 7 and even if one had, it wouldn't cause a unitary collapse.

Based on what?

Common sense? You have no idea how certain structures will behave under certain circumstances.

So tell us. What are you basing your above claim on?

He's basing it on the fantasies of Dickie Gage and his merry band of landscape architects and sanitation engineers.
No plane hit 7 and even if one had, it wouldn't cause a unitary collapse.

Based on what?

Common sense? You have no idea how certain structures will behave under certain circumstances.

So tell us. What are you basing your above claim on?

He's basing it on the fantasies of Dickie Gage and his merry band of landscape architects and sanitation engineers.
No plane hit 7 and even if one had, it wouldn't cause a unitary collapse.

Based on what?

Common sense? You have no idea how certain structures will behave under certain circumstances.

So tell us. What are you basing your above claim on?

He's basing it on the fantasies of Dickie Gage and his merry band of landscape architects and sanitation engineers.


So Gage and his cronies have a scientific paper, complete with calculations, showing how explosives/thermite were deployed in WTC7 in order to match what we saw in videos and pictures?

I wonder if Shoot could point me to that definitive piece of work?
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So Gage and his cronies have a scientific paper, complete with calculations, showing how explosives/thermite were deployed in WTC7 in order to match what we saw in videos and pictures?

I wonder if Shoot could point me to that definitive piece of work?

HAHAHA. You paid govt shills are pathetic. The collapse of bldg 7 was obviously by controlled demo and if want to say otherwise, the burden of proof is on you!!

I have been wanting to comment on this thread for some time, but quite frankly, I have to admit, I'm embarrassed to. I think this thread really should belong in the flame zone.

The board notes your demand that this subject be censored.
No plane hit 7 and even if one had, it wouldn't cause a unitary collapse.

Based on what?

Common sense? You have no idea how certain structures will behave under certain circumstances.

So tell us. What are you basing your above claim on?

You're making a fool of yourself when you deny the obvious.

So enlighten me "O Great Structural Engineer"! What's "obvious" about it? What characteristics about the collapse of WTC7 shows you, with 100% certainty, that it was thermite/explosives?
So Gage and his cronies have a scientific paper, complete with calculations, showing how explosives/thermite were deployed in WTC7 in order to match what we saw in videos and pictures?

I wonder if Shoot could point me to that definitive piece of work?

Let me hit you with some knowledge. Did you not make this claim:

The collapse of bldg 7 was obviously by controlled demo...

So show us why? I bet you can't.

So Gage and his cronies have a scientific paper, complete with calculations, showing how explosives/thermite were deployed in WTC7 in order to match what we saw in videos and pictures?

I wonder if Shoot could point me to that definitive piece of work?

HAHAHA. You paid govt shills are pathetic. The collapse of bldg 7 was obviously by controlled demo and if want to say otherwise, the burden of proof is on you!!

[ame=]Laugh harder - YouTube[/ame]

I have been wanting to comment on this thread for some time, but quite frankly, I have to admit, I'm embarrassed to. I think this thread really should belong in the flame zone.

The board notes your demand that this subject be censored.

It was never a demand, it was just an observation. See, this, this is exactly why I am embarrassed to post in this thread. The people who suspect that there might be some odorous clandestine plot to engineer events in such a way to keep the truth ever seeing the light of day, tend to be too obtuse to see an impartial mediator stepping in to try to bring sanity to a discussion.

Can't you see I am on nobody's side? Don't you understand I am for the nation, not for the establishment, not for the "truther's." Did it ever occur to you, that in your own midst there might be "agent provocateurs?" Did you ever wonder why even amongst yourselves you can't even come to agreements on one conspiracy?

There is no censorship in the flame zone. That's why it's called, "The flame zone." You get to be as obnoxious as you want to be there. And most of the pages in this thread have been pretty off topic, wouldn't you say?

What do think happens to topics of conversation when they are moved to the " Conspiracy Theories" sub-forum? Do you think sane and sober individuals take ANYTHING that happens in this sub-forum seriously? The best way to keep the rest of the internet from seeing what you post at USMB is to move the thread out of the main Forum, that is, Politics. If it isn't in that forum, chances are, non-members aren't going to read it. You aren't raising awareness on the rest of the net. You might as well go to FB or somewhere else to tilt at windmills, because no one here is listening. Here they have advertisers that are worried about their image, so they tuck the "nutcases and cranks," safely away in a sub-forum called "Conspiracy Theories." By the very title of the sub-forum, a priori, you've already lost the premise of your thread, don't you get that? :cuckoo: You might as well be in the flame zone for all the good it would do ya. . .

Do you take this thread seriously?
HAHAHA. You paid govt shills are pathetic. The collapse of bldg 7 was obviously by controlled demo and if want to say otherwise, the burden of proof is on you!!

That's not how it works, ShitSpreader. You're the one making the unfounded "controlled demolition" claim, so the burden of proof is on you.
HAHAHA. You paid govt shills are pathetic. The collapse of bldg 7 was obviously by controlled demo and if want to say otherwise, the burden of proof is on you!!

That's not how it works, ShitSpreader. You're the one making the unfounded "controlled demolition" claim, so the burden of proof is on you.

yeh but you know what, you want to defend the official story which has never been proven to anyones satisfaction.

start there.
If 9-11 truthers get murdered....will anyone really care?

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