Govt now murdering 9-11 truthers and witnesses

911 truth has not failed. Most americans now know the official story is an outrageous lie and that's all we can hope for.....

you're lying.

most Americans accept that 19 Muslim extremist hijackers took over four planes, crashed three into buildings, one into the ground, and that the collapses were due to fire, physical damage, weakened steel, and gravity.

you've lost the war. :)

You definitely know you've lost the war when you're reduced to selling coffee to gouge money from the Dupes.

Justice Through Java: "Wake Up" Coffee Supports AE911Truth Mission

"Wake Up" to the Truth! :rofl: :rofl:

:lmao: :lmao:

They're selling COOKIES too. :rofl:

911 Truth and Cookies

:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
I have never seen an OCTA whoever tried who did not run away with their tail between their legs when cornered with these facts in these 2 videos.:lmao::lmao:

okay paid zionist shills rat in the ass and hoffstra,im not going to play your game anymore of taking your bait replying to deflections trying to deny your a paid shill

Gee, Whackjob, it sounds like you're running away with your tail between your legs. :lmao:

911 truth has not failed.

..somhow i dont think hoffstra will be the first to try and counter this since he is playing dodgeball ignoring there were other buildings in the area much close to the towers than bld 7 with far more severe damaage and far more severe fires to them,evading the facts going back to the towers.:cuckoo:

name these buildings.

25% of WTC 7's floors were on fire.

[ame=]WTC 7 fire before collapse (FOIA NIST).mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Bad Ass Skyscraper Fires and Destruction!! Awesome!! - YouTube[/ame]
I go by the internet and 90% of netties say inside job. case closed

There's an accurate demographic to pull from. Would that be "netties" who think like you and make up the the majority of the posting community in the conspiracy pushing, government hating, paranoid forums you frequent?
I go by the internet and 90% of netties say inside job. case closed

There's an accurate demographic to pull from. Would that be "netties" who think like you and make up the the majority of the posting community in the conspiracy pushing, government hating, paranoid forums you frequent?

No answer Shoot?

I guess we can safely assume that you pulled that number straight from your ass.
He appears to have punted on his "Charlie Sheen's career is over" thread too.

He's much better at starting threads based on bullshit than actually defending their premise.
was wondering when you were going to come back and fart again under your sock puppet XXX.:clap2::D

Assertion is unfounded
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you think everyone who doesn't accept your lies is a sockpuppet, agent, paid shill, troll, or chickenshow coward.

this is exactly why 9-11 Truth has failed.


911 truth has not failed. Most americans now know the official story is an outrageous lie and that's all we can hope for. Getting the govt to actually prosecute govt officials for the monstrous crime never was in the cards. Just like nothing was ever done about bush lying us into invading iraq, a far worse crime and one that everyone agrees he is guilty of.

Indeed,around the world its well known that it was an inside job,its ony the sheep here in america that worship their CIA controlled news who are still asleep.yeah I notice how they ignore those facts how Bush lied and got off scott free just like all presidents do.they commit crimes everyday and get off scott free.when has a president EVER gone to jail?

the shills are out in full force worried about your thread.
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25% of WTC 7's floors were on fire.

Maybe 25% of the floors had SOME fire in them but none of the floors were entirely on fire. From the north, Bldg 7 looked fine!! How can such skimpy fires cause a unitary collapse?

they've done no research into can tell he is a shill cause he has been caught LYING denying facts that other buildings closer had far more sever damaage and far worse fires.thats well known.:rolleyes:
..somhow i dont think hoffstra will be the first to try and counter this since he is playing dodgeball ignoring there were other buildings in the area much close to the towers than bld 7 with far more severe damaage and far more severe fires to them,evading the facts going back to the towers.:cuckoo:

name these buildings.

25% of WTC 7's floors were on fire.

[ame=]WTC 7 fire before collapse (FOIA NIST).mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Bad Ass Skyscraper Fires and Destruction!! Awesome!! - YouTube[/ame]

Like clockwork,the shills show how predictable they usual,they have no answers for these facts posted by Eots.
was wondering when you were going to come back and fart again under your sock puppet rat.:clap2::D

I'm my own man, Whackjob. But please, keep believing what you will. Anything to convince yourself there isn't one more sane person on this board, right? :badgrin:


they've done no research into can tell he is a shill cause he has been caught LYING denying facts that other buildings closer had far more sever damaage and far worse fires.thats well known.:rolleyes:

WTF is "sever damaage"? Did you drop out of kindergarten, Whackjob?

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