GOVT WASTE: Why are US Marines fighting drug dealers in Nicaragua???? Tea Party??


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Tea Party folks: Is this govt waste, or not? 200 U.S. Marines join anti-drug effort in Guatemala

Why is the US military fighting drug dealers in Nicaragua? Intercepting drug boats, like how Miami PD does.

They are the military. Fighting drugs is NOT war.

Why is it that we gladly slash domestic police budgets, which fight drugs here, yet, SOME will defend at ALL COST the defense budget...which now is being spent to fight drugs. In Nicaragua??

So, Romney says cutting defense is "reckless" and indefensable. Well....I think we must have PLENTY of room to cut if we are using Marines to fight freakin' dope dealers in Nicaragua.

But, SOME are gonna argue that it's a valid cause. Yet, once those drugs make it to our borders, the men and women who fight the same drugs INSIDE our borders...well, they're expendable, and we simply can't afford to pay them any longer. The military, oh no, thats "reckless" to cut. But inside our borders? Hell yeah, slash and burn baby!!!!

So, is it, or is it not, govt waste to fight dope dealers in a shithold that is not a military threat to us?
You are a broken record.

Nobody cares if your locals overpay your firemen and cops or pay them minimum wage.

That is your problem, and it is your responsibilty to handle it LOCALLY.
So, after a whole day, only 2 people had an opinion on this?

"SniperFire", so you think it is a good use of taxpayer money to use Marines to do LAW ENFORCEMENT jobs in Nicaragua? We aren't at war with that country. Why the fuck is our us MILITARY, aka, defense dollars, being spent doing cop work in a foreign country?

Romney says it is "reckless" to even daydream about cutting military spending. WHY? There is waste all over the military and Dept of Defense.

Why is defense spending such a sacred cow? I thought WE WERE BROKE???

Why are we still in Germany and Japan? Many of the reservists I worked with at the PD joked about getting "deployed" to non-combat areas, basicallly having a big vacation to rack up govt paychecks, while using per diem to live off of.

There are HUGE amounts we can cut from defense. Why is the GOP so unwilling to even think about doing so?
They need to be on OUR BORDER.... not in that shithole Nicaragua.

Completely agree. If we can afford to have Marines fighting "side by side" with Nicaraguan police to basically do cop work going after dope dealers....then why cant we have our Marines operating side by side with Miami PD, NYPD, LAPD, and the Mexican border counties to stop it here? Not only would it be for OUR country, but we'd SPEND LESS money on them because they'd be HERE, not deployed, thus eliminating the need for per diem, housing, "combat pay", etc.

Im sure Romney and "spend less" fanatic Ryan would agree!
Sorry didn't see this until now. I agree with you bucs90 they have no business being in Nicaragua they need to be on our borders and another thing this "war on drugs" has been a miserable failure and needs to come to an end.
Sorry didn't see this until now. I agree with you bucs90 they have no business being in Nicaragua they need to be on our borders and another thing this "war on drugs" has been a miserable failure and needs to come to an end.


Exactly right. So I dont get why Romney says that suggesting cuts to defense spending is "reckless". There are huge amounts we could cut from that budget. Time to end all these deployments to non-war zones for military folks who joke about how it's like a mini-vacation: rack up big paychecks while living off per diem in Germany, Japan, S Korea, Norway, Denmark, or whatever other non-war zone they spend 6 months in. Total waste. If we aren't at war with a country, we shouldn't be there. Cut the waste.

Sure, that means we'll have FAR too many personnel in the military, since we wont have as many places to send them. BUT......oh well, downsize, and let them get jobs in the private sector like the rest of us.

And yes, the "war on drugs" is a joke, especially weed. Right wingers preach "freedom", but dont like it when other people are free to do stuff right wingers dont like. They want freedom to do what they want, but not for others to do stuff they dont like. BTW, never smoked weed a day in my life, and never would. Just find it to be fucking stupid that people are being jailed, and cops are being killed, to keep a damn plant illegal, when another plant (tobacco) that is just as harmful/harmless is legal, and another plant-like substance, hops, is brewed into a drink that is legal and kills more people than the other two plants combined. A fucking joke.
Tea Party folks: Is this govt waste, or not? 200 U.S. Marines join anti-drug effort in Guatemala

Why is the US military fighting drug dealers in Nicaragua? Intercepting drug boats, like how Miami PD does.

They are the military. Fighting drugs is NOT war.

Why is it that we gladly slash domestic police budgets, which fight drugs here, yet, SOME will defend at ALL COST the defense budget...which now is being spent to fight drugs. In Nicaragua??

So, Romney says cutting defense is "reckless" and indefensable. Well....I think we must have PLENTY of room to cut if we are using Marines to fight freakin' dope dealers in Nicaragua.

But, SOME are gonna argue that it's a valid cause. Yet, once those drugs make it to our borders, the men and women who fight the same drugs INSIDE our borders...well, they're expendable, and we simply can't afford to pay them any longer. The military, oh no, thats "reckless" to cut. But inside our borders? Hell yeah, slash and burn baby!!!!

So, is it, or is it not, govt waste to fight dope dealers in a shithold that is not a military threat to us?

You are blaming the Tea Party because Obama sent Marines into another country? Instead of fighting a battle we cannot win, we should legalize drugs and tax them.
They need to be on OUR BORDER.... not in that shithole Nicaragua.

Completely agree. If we can afford to have Marines fighting "side by side" with Nicaraguan police to basically do cop work going after dope dealers....then why cant we have our Marines operating side by side with Miami PD, NYPD, LAPD, and the Mexican border counties to stop it here? Not only would it be for OUR country, but we'd SPEND LESS money on them because they'd be HERE, not deployed, thus eliminating the need for per diem, housing, "combat pay", etc.

Im sure Romney and "spend less" fanatic Ryan would agree!

Because we don't want the military doing our policing. That's what banana Republics do, especially when they are run by dictators.
Well, taking out drug dealers that send drugs to the a good idea.

Or maybe your strategy is to let drug dealers and dictators to just rule from Mexico down to tip of Chile, it won't bother us in the USA......not.
Ask our current president ,.He is the CIC ...Oh yeah that is right he is to busy campaigning and getting our border people shot from Fast and Furious .

Tea Party folks: Is this govt waste, or not? 200 U.S. Marines join anti-drug effort in Guatemala

Why is the US military fighting drug dealers in Nicaragua? Intercepting drug boats, like how Miami PD does.

They are the military. Fighting drugs is NOT war.

Why is it that we gladly slash domestic police budgets, which fight drugs here, yet, SOME will defend at ALL COST the defense budget...which now is being spent to fight drugs. In Nicaragua??

So, Romney says cutting defense is "reckless" and indefensable. Well....I think we must have PLENTY of room to cut if we are using Marines to fight freakin' dope dealers in Nicaragua.

But, SOME are gonna argue that it's a valid cause. Yet, once those drugs make it to our borders, the men and women who fight the same drugs INSIDE our borders...well, they're expendable, and we simply can't afford to pay them any longer. The military, oh no, thats "reckless" to cut. But inside our borders? Hell yeah, slash and burn baby!!!!

So, is it, or is it not, govt waste to fight dope dealers in a shithold that is not a military threat to us?
Tea Party folks? I thought the Tea Party was nothing but an insignificant fringe group whose opinion meant nothing? Their opinion sure seems to matter a hell of a lot to Liberals.
Yeah, you and your new psycho friend admit you do drugs.

Oh, marijuana is more dangerous since it causes lung damage and brain damage, whereas tobacco has yet to be linked to brain damage.

As for Marines taking out your drug dealers in Latin America...cry me a river. Marines taking out the source is a better plan than just hiring more overweight donut eaters like you to patrol your little city. The cops "bought" by Obaminaion with just a year long salary weren't Dirty Harry or Detective, more like a speed trap cop until the salary money ran out.

Marines in Latin America killing naro-terrorists and destroying their crops means less drugs in the USA and less donut-eaters the local city needs to hire to run speed traps.

Sorry didn't see this until now. I agree with you bucs90 they have no business being in Nicaragua they need to be on our borders and another thing this "war on drugs" has been a miserable failure and needs to come to an end.


Exactly right. So I dont get why Romney says that suggesting cuts to defense spending is "reckless". There are huge amounts we could cut from that budget. Time to end all these deployments to non-war zones for military folks who joke about how it's like a mini-vacation: rack up big paychecks while living off per diem in Germany, Japan, S Korea, Norway, Denmark, or whatever other non-war zone they spend 6 months in. Total waste. If we aren't at war with a country, we shouldn't be there. Cut the waste.

Sure, that means we'll have FAR too many personnel in the military, since we wont have as many places to send them. BUT......oh well, downsize, and let them get jobs in the private sector like the rest of us.

And yes, the "war on drugs" is a joke, especially weed. Right wingers preach "freedom", but dont like it when other people are free to do stuff right wingers dont like. They want freedom to do what they want, but not for others to do stuff they dont like. BTW, never smoked weed a day in my life, and never would. Just find it to be fucking stupid that people are being jailed, and cops are being killed, to keep a damn plant illegal, when another plant (tobacco) that is just as harmful/harmless is legal, and another plant-like substance, hops, is brewed into a drink that is legal and kills more people than the other two plants combined. A fucking joke.
Nicaragua a big player in drug trafficking...
Big cash seizure puts light on Nicaragua drug role
Aug 31,`12 -- Most days the only vehicles on Highway 15 are battered trucks shuttling grain, coffee beans and cooking oil through the lush, mountainous highlands on the Honduras-Nicaragua border.
Then one recent morning, a convoy of six vans cruised down the two-lane road. All were emblazoned with the logo of the world's largest Spanish-language television network, Televisa, and inside were 18 Mexicans with press badges, high-definition video cameras, microphones and a satellite dish. Nicaraguan police were waiting. Acting on an anonymous tip from Honduras, officers pulled over the vans and after two days of investigation determined the occupants were falsely posing as employees of Televisa's news division. Hidden beneath the sound boards and screens in three of the vans, officers found black gym bags stuffed with $9.2 million in cash.

The Aug. 20 seizure has pulled back the curtain on Nicaragua's role as a conduit between South American cocaine producers and the Mexican drug cartels that move their product into the United States. It also shows how the gangs are resorting to ever-more inventive ways to move their profits out of the U.S. as authorities crack down harder on suspicious bank transfers and other relatively easy ways of moving money. "It's been a case that has drawn our attention. We are studying the way organized crime is operating," said Nicaragua's National Police spokesman, Commander Fernando Borge. "Organized crime is powerful and has many resources and it will try in every different way to get across our country."

Nicaraguan police say the cash was destined for Costa Rica, where the fake journalists planned to pay for a load of drugs that had been smuggled into the United States. Authorities here aren't saying which cartel employed the woman and 17 men arrested - most of them in their 20s or 30s and most with addresses in Mexico City or its suburbs. Testimony in a high-profile trial in progress in Nicaragua has alleged, however, that Nicaragua and Costa Rica are being used as transfer points in the trade between Colombian drug traffickers and the Sinaloa drug cartel, which is one of Mexico's two most powerful criminal organizations.

Tea Party folks: Is this govt waste, or not? 200 U.S. Marines join anti-drug effort in Guatemala

Why is the US military fighting drug dealers in Nicaragua? Intercepting drug boats, like how Miami PD does.

They are the military. Fighting drugs is NOT war.

Why is it that we gladly slash domestic police budgets, which fight drugs here, yet, SOME will defend at ALL COST the defense budget...which now is being spent to fight drugs. In Nicaragua??

So, Romney says cutting defense is "reckless" and indefensable. Well....I think we must have PLENTY of room to cut if we are using Marines to fight freakin' dope dealers in Nicaragua.

But, SOME are gonna argue that it's a valid cause. Yet, once those drugs make it to our borders, the men and women who fight the same drugs INSIDE our borders...well, they're expendable, and we simply can't afford to pay them any longer. The military, oh no, thats "reckless" to cut. But inside our borders? Hell yeah, slash and burn baby!!!!

So, is it, or is it not, govt waste to fight dope dealers in a shithold that is not a military threat to us?

Our military has been fighting the drug war for a looooooong time. :eusa_whistle:
The drug war is LOST. Lost. I could care less about the drug dealers. Waste of time, money, and resources. Less govt intervention = no business with illegal drugs.
Tea Party folks: Is this govt waste, or not? 200 U.S. Marines join anti-drug effort in Guatemala

Why is the US military fighting drug dealers in Nicaragua? Intercepting drug boats, like how Miami PD does.

They are the military. Fighting drugs is NOT war.

Why is it that we gladly slash domestic police budgets, which fight drugs here, yet, SOME will defend at ALL COST the defense budget...which now is being spent to fight drugs. In Nicaragua??

So, Romney says cutting defense is "reckless" and indefensable. Well....I think we must have PLENTY of room to cut if we are using Marines to fight freakin' dope dealers in Nicaragua.

But, SOME are gonna argue that it's a valid cause. Yet, once those drugs make it to our borders, the men and women who fight the same drugs INSIDE our borders...well, they're expendable, and we simply can't afford to pay them any longer. The military, oh no, thats "reckless" to cut. But inside our borders? Hell yeah, slash and burn baby!!!!

So, is it, or is it not, govt waste to fight dope dealers in a shithold that is not a military threat to us?

No Government waste is when we spend 10 Million dollars studying the Dating Habits of College Girls, or Loan Half a Billion dollars to a Company everybody says is going to fail in the name of going Green.

What you are talking about is the Government Actually doing it's Job and trying to Defend this Country from an Influx of Hard Drugs that is doing us Harm.
Yeah, you and your new psycho friend admit you do drugs.
LOL where in my reply did I say I do drugs? I don't actually.

Oh, marijuana is more dangerous since it causes lung damage and brain damage, whereas tobacco has yet to be linked to brain damage.

As for Marines taking out your drug dealers in Latin America...cry me a river. Marines taking out the source is a better plan than just hiring more overweight donut eaters like you to patrol your little city. The cops "bought" by Obaminaion with just a year long salary weren't Dirty Harry or Detective, more like a speed trap cop until the salary money ran out.

Marines in Latin America killing naro-terrorists and destroying their crops means less drugs in the USA and less donut-eaters the local city needs to hire to run speed traps.

Sorry didn't see this until now. I agree with you bucs90 they have no business being in Nicaragua they need to be on our borders and another thing this "war on drugs" has been a miserable failure and needs to come to an end.


Exactly right. So I dont get why Romney says that suggesting cuts to defense spending is "reckless". There are huge amounts we could cut from that budget. Time to end all these deployments to non-war zones for military folks who joke about how it's like a mini-vacation: rack up big paychecks while living off per diem in Germany, Japan, S Korea, Norway, Denmark, or whatever other non-war zone they spend 6 months in. Total waste. If we aren't at war with a country, we shouldn't be there. Cut the waste.

Sure, that means we'll have FAR too many personnel in the military, since we wont have as many places to send them. BUT......oh well, downsize, and let them get jobs in the private sector like the rest of us.

And yes, the "war on drugs" is a joke, especially weed. Right wingers preach "freedom", but dont like it when other people are free to do stuff right wingers dont like. They want freedom to do what they want, but not for others to do stuff they dont like. BTW, never smoked weed a day in my life, and never would. Just find it to be fucking stupid that people are being jailed, and cops are being killed, to keep a damn plant illegal, when another plant (tobacco) that is just as harmful/harmless is legal, and another plant-like substance, hops, is brewed into a drink that is legal and kills more people than the other two plants combined. A fucking joke.

Why I even bother replying to the mental midget but yeah.

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