Gowdy: Congress May Subpoena Susan Rice to Testify About Unmasking If Necessary

More Kabuki Theatre for the sheeple mass who think Hearings actually produce convictions. What does Trey Gowdy mean, IF?? There's enough evidence against Susan Rice to hang a fucking horse. He's not going to do shit, none of them are because they're as corrupt as Rice is. Susan Rice should have already been brought before a Grand Jury and indicted by AG Jeff Sessions... It's all BULLSHIT.

The more you watch politicians skate the less you believe in our gov.
And after seeing the latest rounds of no accountability I dont see a bright future for this country.

Same.. I'm so disgusted.. I thoroughly loathe all of them to include this lying POTUS who thinks because he has a group of Cultists who would lie on the ground and let him walk over them, the rest of us are as fucking dopey. I won't bother voting again unless a serious 3rd party candidate shows up in 2020.
M There's enough evidence against Susan Rice to hang a fucking horse..

And by 'evidence' you mean bullshit posted on right wing conspiracy sites.
Nah dummy.. Real fucking evidence that you moronic zombies refuse to see be it on the right or left. Get the hell off of my radar.. I'm done with HACKS. Fuck all of you.

'real fucking evidence'

Which you can't provide......

Iggied.. I meant what I fucking said.. I'm done with HACKS.. You're worthless .. Useful idiots for the elite and nothing more.
What will be the Over/Under on Rice saying "I plead the fifth"? I'm going with 20.

I will take that- I bet she goes with 'executive privalege'

What do you think Michael Flynn will do?

Oh wait- the GOP will never subpoena him.....he a Republican....
M There's enough evidence against Susan Rice to hang a fucking horse..

And by 'evidence' you mean bullshit posted on right wing conspiracy sites.
Nah dummy.. Real fucking evidence that you moronic zombies refuse to see be it on the right or left. Get the hell off of my radar.. I'm done with HACKS. Fuck all of you.

'real fucking evidence'

Which you can't provide......


Run away, run away.

You cowards amuse me.
More Kabuki Theatre for the sheeple mass who think Hearings actually produce convictions. What does Trey Gowdy mean, IF?? There's enough evidence against Susan Rice to hang a fucking horse. He's not going to do shit, none of them are because they're as corrupt as Rice is. Susan Rice should have already been brought before a Grand Jury and indicted by AG Jeff Sessions... It's all BULLSHIT.

The more you watch politicians skate the less you believe in our gov.
And after seeing the latest rounds of no accountability I dont see a bright future for this country.

Same.. I'm so disgusted.. I thoroughly loathe all of them to include this lying POTUS who thinks because he has a group of Cultists who would lie on the ground and let him walk over them, the rest of us are as fucking dopey. I won't bother voting again unless a serious 3rd party candidate shows up in 2020.

And the worst part is FakeMalarkey laughs about corruption from both sides of the aisle.
With idiots like that I dont see a path to greatness without some house cleaning.
More Kabuki Theatre for the sheeple mass who think Hearings actually produce convictions. What does Trey Gowdy mean, IF?? There's enough evidence against Susan Rice to hang a fucking horse. He's not going to do shit, none of them are because they're as corrupt as Rice is. Susan Rice should have already been brought before a Grand Jury and indicted by AG Jeff Sessions... It's all BULLSHIT.

The more you watch politicians skate the less you believe in our gov.
And after seeing the latest rounds of no accountability I dont see a bright future for this country.

Same.. I'm so disgusted.. I thoroughly loathe all of them to include this lying POTUS who thinks because he has a group of Cultists who would lie on the ground and let him walk over them, the rest of us are as fucking dopey. I won't bother voting again unless a serious 3rd party candidate shows up in 2020.

And the worst part is FakeMalarkey laughs about corruption from both sides of the aisle.
With idiots like that I dont see a path to greatness without some house cleaning.
I laugh at your lack of honesty, that both sides are doing it. You people need to stop boo hooing, pointing fingers, stop giving yourself wedgies, and get to work to bettering this country. Because there are so few of you, you have to work with others, HWGA.
More Kabuki Theatre for the sheeple mass who think Hearings actually produce convictions. What does Trey Gowdy mean, IF?? There's enough evidence against Susan Rice to hang a fucking horse. He's not going to do shit, none of them are because they're as corrupt as Rice is. Susan Rice should have already been brought before a Grand Jury and indicted by AG Jeff Sessions... It's all BULLSHIT.

The more you watch politicians skate the less you believe in our gov.
And after seeing the latest rounds of no accountability I dont see a bright future for this country.

Same.. I'm so disgusted.. I thoroughly loathe all of them to include this lying POTUS who thinks because he has a group of Cultists who would lie on the ground and let him walk over them, the rest of us are as fucking dopey. I won't bother voting again unless a serious 3rd party candidate shows up in 2020.

And the worst part is FakeMalarkey laughs about corruption from both sides of the aisle.
With idiots like that I dont see a path to greatness without some house cleaning.
I laugh at your lack of honesty, that both sides are doing it. You people need to stop boo hooing, pointing fingers, stop giving yourself wedgies, and get to work to bettering this country. Because there are so few of you, you have to work with others, HWGA.

You know you have to be the biggest clown here on USMB.
Barry told conservatives to basically fuck off and did whatever the hell he wanted to. Then you have Dirty Harry making the nuclear option a fucking option.
And the list goes on.
You're the MFers who went with the scorched earth policies so you have nothing to complain about.
More Kabuki Theatre for the sheeple mass who think Hearings actually produce convictions. What does Trey Gowdy mean, IF?? There's enough evidence against Susan Rice to hang a fucking horse. He's not going to do shit, none of them are because they're as corrupt as Rice is. Susan Rice should have already been brought before a Grand Jury and indicted by AG Jeff Sessions... It's all BULLSHIT.

The more you watch politicians skate the less you believe in our gov.
And after seeing the latest rounds of no accountability I dont see a bright future for this country.

Same.. I'm so disgusted.. I thoroughly loathe all of them to include this lying POTUS who thinks because he has a group of Cultists who would lie on the ground and let him walk over them, the rest of us are as fucking dopey. I won't bother voting again unless a serious 3rd party candidate shows up in 2020.

And the worst part is FakeMalarkey laughs about corruption from both sides of the aisle.
With idiots like that I dont see a path to greatness without some house cleaning.
I laugh at your lack of honesty, that both sides are doing it. You people need to stop boo hooing, pointing fingers, stop giving yourself wedgies, and get to work to bettering this country. Because there are so few of you, you have to work with others, HWGA.
You know you have to be the biggest clown here on USMB. Barry told conservatives to basically fuck off and did whatever the hell he wanted to. Then you have Dirty Harry making the nuclear option a fucking option. And the list goes on. You're the MFers who went with the scorched earth policies so you have nothing to complain about.
Says HWGA Clown. Both sides do it, yes, and I am laughing at you ignoring the right's role in all of this. Who is complaining other than the far right. Really. The GOP now owns ACA-AHCA right along with the Dems. The Senate will write a moderate bill and send it to the House, which will have to adopt it if their members do not want to go down to defeat next year. Trump will not veto it. You were well warned.
The more you watch politicians skate the less you believe in our gov.
And after seeing the latest rounds of no accountability I dont see a bright future for this country.

Same.. I'm so disgusted.. I thoroughly loathe all of them to include this lying POTUS who thinks because he has a group of Cultists who would lie on the ground and let him walk over them, the rest of us are as fucking dopey. I won't bother voting again unless a serious 3rd party candidate shows up in 2020.

And the worst part is FakeMalarkey laughs about corruption from both sides of the aisle.
With idiots like that I dont see a path to greatness without some house cleaning.
I laugh at your lack of honesty, that both sides are doing it. You people need to stop boo hooing, pointing fingers, stop giving yourself wedgies, and get to work to bettering this country. Because there are so few of you, you have to work with others, HWGA.
You know you have to be the biggest clown here on USMB. Barry told conservatives to basically fuck off and did whatever the hell he wanted to. Then you have Dirty Harry making the nuclear option a fucking option. And the list goes on. You're the MFers who went with the scorched earth policies so you have nothing to complain about.
Says HWGA Clown. Both sides do it, yes, and I am laughing at you ignoring the right's role in all of this. Who is complaining other than the far right. Really. The GOP now owns ACA-AHCA right along with the Dems. The Senate will write a moderate bill and send it to the House, which will have to adopt it if their members do not want to go down to defeat next year. Trump will not veto it. You were well warned.

There you go assuming again...
I'm not particularly fond of Trumps plan.
He had to water it down to get enough RINO's to go along.
Same.. I'm so disgusted.. I thoroughly loathe all of them to include this lying POTUS who thinks because he has a group of Cultists who would lie on the ground and let him walk over them, the rest of us are as fucking dopey. I won't bother voting again unless a serious 3rd party candidate shows up in 2020.

And the worst part is FakeMalarkey laughs about corruption from both sides of the aisle.
With idiots like that I dont see a path to greatness without some house cleaning.
I laugh at your lack of honesty, that both sides are doing it. You people need to stop boo hooing, pointing fingers, stop giving yourself wedgies, and get to work to bettering this country. Because there are so few of you, you have to work with others, HWGA.
You know you have to be the biggest clown here on USMB. Barry told conservatives to basically fuck off and did whatever the hell he wanted to. Then you have Dirty Harry making the nuclear option a fucking option. And the list goes on. You're the MFers who went with the scorched earth policies so you have nothing to complain about.
Says HWGA Clown. Both sides do it, yes, and I am laughing at you ignoring the right's role in all of this. Who is complaining other than the far right. Really. The GOP now owns ACA-AHCA right along with the Dems. The Senate will write a moderate bill and send it to the House, which will have to adopt it if their members do not want to go down to defeat next year. Trump will not veto it. You were well warned.
There you go assuming again...I'm not particularly fond of Trumps plan. He had to water it down to get enough RINO's to go along.
You voted for Trump. You were warned. The Senate is really going to water it down then force it down the House's throat.
More Kabuki Theatre for the sheeple mass who think Hearings actually produce convictions. What does Trey Gowdy mean, IF?? There's enough evidence against Susan Rice to hang a fucking horse. He's not going to do shit, none of them are because they're as corrupt as Rice is. Susan Rice should have already been brought before a Grand Jury and indicted by AG Jeff Sessions... It's all BULLSHIT.

The more you watch politicians skate the less you believe in our gov.
And after seeing the latest rounds of no accountability I dont see a bright future for this country.

Same.. I'm so disgusted.. I thoroughly loathe all of them to include this lying POTUS who thinks because he has a group of Cultists who would lie on the ground and let him walk over them, the rest of us are as fucking dopey. I won't bother voting again unless a serious 3rd party candidate shows up in 2020.

And the worst part is FakeMalarkey laughs about corruption from both sides of the aisle.
With idiots like that I dont see a path to greatness without some house cleaning.

I don't tolerate hacks any longer from either side of the aisle. The Sheeple Clowns are just that.
More Kabuki Theatre for the sheeple mass who think Hearings actually produce convictions. What does Trey Gowdy mean, IF?? There's enough evidence against Susan Rice to hang a fucking horse. He's not going to do shit, none of them are because they're as corrupt as Rice is. Susan Rice should have already been brought before a Grand Jury and indicted by AG Jeff Sessions... It's all BULLSHIT.

The more you watch politicians skate the less you believe in our gov.
And after seeing the latest rounds of no accountability I dont see a bright future for this country.

Same.. I'm so disgusted.. I thoroughly loathe all of them to include this lying POTUS who thinks because he has a group of Cultists who would lie on the ground and let him walk over them, the rest of us are as fucking dopey. I won't bother voting again unless a serious 3rd party candidate shows up in 2020.

And the worst part is FakeMalarkey laughs about corruption from both sides of the aisle.
With idiots like that I dont see a path to greatness without some house cleaning.

I don't tolerate hacks any longer from either side of the aisle. The Sheeple Clowns are just that.
Then include yourself, LGS, to be consistent.

Gowdy has every right to subpoena Rice, and she has ever right to take the 5th.
For all you douche bags who whined that Susan Rice didn't take the fifth, now watch her. The next step: indictment.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) told Fox News on Thursday morning that Congress may subpoena Barack Obama's former national security adviser, Susan Rice, to testify about unmasking Trump transition officials. Rice declined an invitation to testify next week before a Senate subcommittee on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. Republicans have asked Rice to appear before lawmakers after reports revealed last month that she requested on several occasions the identities of "masked" U.S. persons in intelligence reports linked to President Trump's transition and campaign.

I tell you I really like Gowdy. From the first time I heard him speak he reminded me of some movie character who is fighting to find the truth at all costs. Nothing seems to more important to him than the highest principles. Like some sheriff in a small town fighting upstream when some shady business occurs on his watch.

American Justice and democracy demands accountability from the highest of power, that's what make it so envied and respected in the world. When I heard she declined an invitation, I couldn't help but think it shouldn't have been an invitation, it should have been an order.
Print this and put it on your fridge door:
Within the next year Comey will "step down to spend more time with his family" and Gowdey will become the new head of the FBI.
100% positive.
NYT's front page: "Today The Obama Administration's Legal Kraken Has Entered His Corner Office At The FBI."
President Trump never forgets and he never forgives.

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