Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

Trey Gowdy? The guy who redacted FBI documents before he released them to his committee?

That piece odf shit?
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

I know this will be a shock to you, but Pelosi does not give a flying fuck what Gowdy thinks or says.

Betcha she'll fill her Depends if Gowdy is appointed as Special Counsel. Rumors have been flying around Capitol Hill for the past week. Dems will go bugfuk if that happens.

Gowdy would be a terrible choice. If he was a decent investigator Hillary would have been in jail years ago and much of the Obama corruption would have been prosecuted

Gowdy is not an investigator. He was a States Attorney and a Federal Prosecutor and has a brilliant law record. He was thwarted by the Clinton Cartel during Benghazi and uncovered Hillary's e-mail crimes.

Actually, Gowdy Doody was outwitted by Hillary Clinton. He was shamed out of office.

Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

I know this will be a shock to you, but Pelosi does not give a flying fuck what Gowdy thinks or says.

Betcha she'll fill her Depends if Gowdy is appointed as Special Counsel. Rumors have been flying around Capitol Hill for the past week. Dems will go bugfuk if that happens.

Gowdy would be a terrible choice. If he was a decent investigator Hillary would have been in jail years ago and much of the Obama corruption would have been prosecuted

Gowdy is not an investigator. He was a States Attorney and a Federal Prosecutor and has a brilliant law record. He was thwarted by the Clinton Cartel during Benghazi and uncovered Hillary's e-mail crimes.
Trey Gowdy was appointed by President Bill Clinton as a Federal prosecutor... and you claim it was a Clinton Cartel that was out to get him.... seriously, all of ya'll need some psychological help with your paranoia deep state bull crud....
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

I know this will be a shock to you, but Pelosi does not give a flying fuck what Gowdy thinks or says.
We know, she doesnt care what the people want either, we're aware, but she doesnt have 60 votes in the senate to jam any other bullshit down our throats...sucks for her. I thought all these freshmen democrats were voting against her....it's not like they blatanly lied on the campain trail is it?

She has enough votes in the House to stop anything the Repubs try to shove down our throats...which is a damn good thing. Nothing better for the people than gridlock in DC
I dont disagree.....she's a tool...but a useful one...….and now that those freshmen lied......2020 is gonna be fun...
What about all of Trump's lies that you praise daily, Mr. Two Faced?

You've got to be kidding! :lol:

Did Gowdy insist Nunes be removed as chairman when he was working with Trump behind the scenes.... remember his midnight ride to the whitehouse fiasco?

Or when Nunes refused to investigate Russia and the trump team, let them lie to him and let the witnesses refuse to testify, never subpoenaed a soul when they gave their convoluted answers of an alleged privilege that they did not legally have.... then closed the case exonerating Trump and team without ever doing or finishing the investigation?

Spare us all from this garbage, please! SERIOUSLY!

You are such an ignorant Tard....

All of the Trump/Russia collusion from you on left is BULLSHIT.....

The real Russian collusion was all on the left.....

The truth is out and you Tards still deny it because you are IGNORANT ZEALOTS...
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

I know this will be a shock to you, but Pelosi does not give a flying fuck what Gowdy thinks or says.

We all know you lying Tards don’t let FACTS get in your way...
Wasn't Goudy that idiot that ran all those investigations and found no wrong doing? He's a real winner, isn't he?

No you ignorant ass Tard....

It was you Alt left wing nuts that ran all of those investigations that found no wrong doing....

You are real winners aren’t you....:fu:

You've got to be kidding! :lol:

Did Gowdy insist Nunes be removed as chairman when he was working with Trump behind the scenes.... remember his midnight ride to the whitehouse fiasco?

Or when Nunes refused to investigate Russia and the trump team, let them lie to him and let the witnesses refuse to testify, never subpoenaed a soul when they gave their convoluted answers of an alleged privilege that they did not legally have.... then closed the case exonerating Trump and team without ever doing or finishing the investigation?

Spare us all from this garbage, please! SERIOUSLY!
Did the Progs when they held a massive advantage in 2009 and 2010 investigate Obama's past. We know more about Jesus from teenager to adult then Obama.
What about President Obama's past, was connected to licking the murderous Valdimir's Putin's ass, that needed to be investigated for our National Security? What close up, personal connections did Obama have with an enemy foreign dictator thug, was there to investigate? What did Obama try to hide from the American people of any importance? His college grades? Which President Trump is hiding himself, via threat, from his crony thug lawyer Michael Cohen?
Wasn't Goudy that idiot that ran all those investigations and found no wrong doing? He's a real winner, isn't he?

No you ignorant ass Tard....

It was you Alt left wing nuts that ran all of those investigations that found no wrong doing....

You are real winners aren’t you....:fu:
you're lying.

You leftards are the liars....

All of your media in all of it's forms have been proven to be liars......

And yet you Tards still keep your head up cnn and msnbctards ass.
Gowdy would be a terrible choice. If he was a decent investigator Hillary would have been in jail years ago and much of the Obama corruption would have been prosecuted
Not a fan of Gowdy at all.

That said, congressional investigators have no power to issue indictments....That power belongs in the DOJ, which acted as consiglieries for the Oboingo regime.
Gowdy lays out why Pelosi MUST remove Schiff from House Intel panel, and it’s brutally honest

Trey Gowdy lays out why Nancy Pelosi MUST remove Adam Schiff from House Intelligence Committee, and it’s brutally honest
3/30/19 ~ By Jon Dougherty
Since special counsel Robert Mueller filed his mandatory report with the Justice Department a week ago officially clearing POTUS Donald Trump of the “Russian collusion” hoax, some Democrats have continued to push the lie. One of them just happens to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
Everyone in D.C. knows that the collusion narrative was a hoax from the outset, a fabrication designed by the Obama regime and carried out by Deep State operatives in the Justice Department, FBI, and Intelligence Community to undermined POTUS and, frankly, to depose him.

Trey Gowdy on next steps for Mueller report, Schiff's future

If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
If not for Gowdy pushing on Benghazi and forcing the production of documents Obama did not want to produce, we would never have learned of Hillary’s secret server. The election was close enough that the blowback from that may have been a deciding factor in Trump winning.
Gowdy at least tried to uncover the truth. That is more than we can say for all but a few so I am puzzled by the venom he gets from the Left.
Congress critters talk. It is what they do. The only one of them that wields serious power is the speaker of the house and senate majority leader. The rest are just one of the hundreds.

Trey Gowdy was appointed by President Bill Clinton as a Federal prosecutor... and you claim it was a Clinton Cartel that was out to get him.... seriously, all of ya'll need some psychological help with your paranoia deep state bull crud....
No more a credible argument than saying that Mueller is a republican...They're all from the same slimy swamp.
Gowdy would be a terrible choice. If he was a decent investigator Hillary would have been in jail years ago and much of the Obama corruption would have been prosecuted
Not a fan of Gowdy at all.

That said, congressional investigators have no power to issue indictments....That power belongs in the DOJ, which acted as consiglieries for the Oboingo regime.
That's true, that congress has no power.... to charge someone with a crime, and limited power on their investigations, compared to an FBI/Justice department investigation.

But congress can acquire facts to convince the Justice department, to investigate....like they did with the Hillary Clinton server, and the Investigations in to Bill Clinton when he was president, it was his Justice department that did hire the independent counsel...

If they can find enough facts, not just made up partisan bull crud, but facts to show alleged criminality, the Justice department does open investigations... even if the "opposition" party is the one with the accusations, the Justice Department will do the right thing... at least most of the time, imo.
Gowdy would be a terrible choice. If he was a decent investigator Hillary would have been in jail years ago and much of the Obama corruption would have been prosecuted
Not a fan of Gowdy at all.

That said, congressional investigators have no power to issue indictments....That power belongs in the DOJ, which acted as consiglieries for the Oboingo regime.
That's true, that congress has no power.... to charge someone with a crime, and limited power on their investigations, compared to an FBI/Justice department investigation.

But congress can acquire facts to convince the Justice department, to investigate....like they did with the Hillary Clinton server, and the Investigations in to Bill Clinton when he was president, it was his Justice department that did hire the independent counsel...

If they can find enough facts, not just made up partisan bull crud, but facts to show alleged criminality, the Justice department does open investigations... even if the "opposition" party is the one with the accusations, the Justice Department will do the right thing... at least most of the time, imo.
Yeah....Like Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch were ever going to launch a serious investigation and seat a grand jury to hear evidence about Hillary Clinton.

Oh, you sooooo funnah! :blowpop::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao::laugh2:
Trey Gowdy was appointed by President Bill Clinton as a Federal prosecutor... and you claim it was a Clinton Cartel that was out to get him.... seriously, all of ya'll need some psychological help with your paranoia deep state bull crud....
No more a credible argument than saying that Mueller is a republican...They're all from the same slimy swamp.
I don't think Mueller was slimy, nor do I think he comes from the same swamp, or is a swamp creature. There is NOTHING out there, that is truthful, to support that, other than in someone's imagination, or the fake news spread on the right, imo.

I see what you call the swamp, getting deeper and more spread out, under this president.... you just can't get more slimy, than his picks...and what he has done to simple honesty... this president to my eyes, has doubled and tripled down on all the slime that may have been there previous to him....

He is NOT helping the situation you think is there, with politicians, he is hurting us, as a Nation, again... imo.

We are just going to have to settle on us disagreeing on this Oddball.
Wait wasn't Gowdy on the same committee with Schiff when all this was happening?I don't recall Gowdy being of much support to Nunes who has turned out to have been right on numerous things.

Still not a fan of Gowdy.
Wasn't Goudy that idiot that ran all those investigations and found no wrong doing? He's a real winner, isn't he?

No you ignorant ass Tard....

It was you Alt left wing nuts that ran all of those investigations that found no wrong doing....

You are real winners aren’t you....:fu:

No . That was Goudy dumb ass.
Wasn't Goudy that idiot that ran all those investigations and found no wrong doing? He's a real winner, isn't he?

No you ignorant ass Tard....

It was you Alt left wing nuts that ran all of those investigations that found no wrong doing....

You are real winners aren’t you....:fu:

No . That was Goudy dumb ass.


Trump just keeps making fools of you ignorant Tards......

Can't wait to see which Tard you send to be slaughtered in 2020.....

Are we having fun or what?

Wasn't Goudy that idiot that ran all those investigations and found no wrong doing? He's a real winner, isn't he?

No you ignorant ass Tard....

It was you Alt left wing nuts that ran all of those investigations that found no wrong doing....

You are real winners aren’t you....:fu:

No . That was Goudy dumb ass.


Trump just keeps making fools of you ignorant Tards......

Can't wait to see which Tard you send to be slaughtered in 2020.....

Are we having fun or what?


Doesn't take much to entertain a simple child like you, does it?

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