Graduated 5th from bottom of 899 calls Rhodes Scholar - "not very bright"

USNA ranks their graduates based on academics, leadership and other factors.

Whereas Rhodes Scholars are political picks, especially a black female. A black female can get a Rhodes Scholar spot over a white male 99% of the time by being equal or slightly worse than the white male. White males have to really stand out compared to black females and black males like Obamination.

Oh, McCain was a Naval Aviator compared to a political bloward like Rice that has only moved up in life by being a black female without a criminal record, drug problems and out of wedlock kids.

Gee, the race card is played by a conservative. Just like always
When I hear John McCain, who graduated 5th from the bottom out of a class of 899, calling Susan Rice, a Rhodes Scholar, "Not Very Bright", I just sigh and say to myself, "figures".

Not only that, the Republican Leadership is calling her "incompetent". This is the same party that let Bin Laden go, invaded Iraq, ruined the economy, helped move millions of jobs to China, blew it after Katrina and on and on.

Remember that OTHER Rice who suggested Iraq was developing nuclear weapons????? The one who said "No one ever thought of using passenger jets as weapons"?????? The one who with a report that said, "al Qaeda attack imminent"?????

So Susan Rice repeats the intelligence she is given because Republicans are playing politics with a national tragedy that happened 10,000 miles away in a country that just went through a revolution at an embassy Republicans had cut their security budget?????

And this coming from John McCain? A man whose father and grandfather, using "Rich White People's Affirmative Action" to get him into an academy where he graduated 5th from the bottom???? Out of nearly a thousand graduates???? Probabilities suggest he was the most stupid person in every class he was in.

Only Republicans could look at the most stupid person in EVERY SINGLE CLASS and say, "Wow, let's make them president". Only Republicans. No one else.

And they call someone else "incompetent". If they were wrong about EVERYTHING else, why would they be right now???? Short answer?

This coming from the man who told us Sarah Palin was qualified to be President?

She was more qualified than Obama! In fact, she had more executive experience than Obama, Biden, and McCain COMBINED!
William F "Bull" Halsey graduated at roughly the same level of his graduating class at Annapolis. Halsey still managed to earn his place in that pantheon of American heroes that saved the world.
How's your German or your Japanese? Or if you happen to be Jewish...... the questions that could be asked would be infinitely worse and more offensive.
As always "Its not the dog in the fight, its the fight in the dog."

I don't think Frank Jack Fletcher or Chester Nimitz was top of their respective classes, either. Hell...George S. Patton was barely literate!
When I hear John McCain, who graduated 5th from the bottom out of a class of 899, calling Susan Rice, a Rhodes Scholar, "Not Very Bright", I just sigh and say to myself, "figures".

Not only that, the Republican Leadership is calling her "incompetent". This is the same party that let Bin Laden go, invaded Iraq, ruined the economy, helped move millions of jobs to China, blew it after Katrina and on and on.

Remember that OTHER Rice who suggested Iraq was developing nuclear weapons????? The one who said "No one ever thought of using passenger jets as weapons"?????? The one who with a report that said, "al Qaeda attack imminent"?????

So Susan Rice repeats the intelligence she is given because Republicans are playing politics with a national tragedy that happened 10,000 miles away in a country that just went through a revolution at an embassy Republicans had cut their security budget?????

And this coming from John McCain? A man whose father and grandfather, using "Rich White People's Affirmative Action" to get him into an academy where he graduated 5th from the bottom???? Out of nearly a thousand graduates???? Probabilities suggest he was the most stupid person in every class he was in.

Only Republicans could look at the most stupid person in EVERY SINGLE CLASS and say, "Wow, let's make them president". Only Republicans. No one else.

And they call someone else "incompetent". If they were wrong about EVERYTHING else, why would they be right now???? Short answer?
If you dimwits think you are so smart, why do you guys always sound so stupid and do stupid things?'s a fact that some black female with a good GPA in college can win awards, get a Rhodes Scholar nomination, etc because there are less black females excelling on this planet compared to white males.

Pointing out the bar is lower for minorities, especially black females is not racism you piece of shit.

USNA ranks their graduates based on academics, leadership and other factors.

Whereas Rhodes Scholars are political picks, especially a black female. A black female can get a Rhodes Scholar spot over a white male 99% of the time by being equal or slightly worse than the white male. White males have to really stand out compared to black females and black males like Obamination.

Oh, McCain was a Naval Aviator compared to a political bloward like Rice that has only moved up in life by being a black female without a criminal record, drug problems and out of wedlock kids.

Gee, the race card is played by a conservative. Just like always
USNA ranks their graduates based on academics, leadership and other factors.

Whereas Rhodes Scholars are political picks, especially a black female. A black female can get a Rhodes Scholar spot over a white male 99% of the time by being equal or slightly worse than the white male. White males have to really stand out compared to black females and black males like Obamination.

Oh, McCain was a Naval Aviator compared to a political bloward like Rice that has only moved up in life by being a black female without a criminal record, drug problems and out of wedlock kids.

Gee, the race card is played by a conservative. Just like always
i guess you havent seen posts by Dean,LaKota and Dudley.....they do it quite often....
When I hear John McCain, who graduated 5th from the bottom out of a class of 899, calling Susan Rice, a Rhodes Scholar, "Not Very Bright", I just sigh and say to myself, "figures".

Not only that, the Republican Leadership is calling her "incompetent". This is the same party that let Bin Laden go, invaded Iraq, ruined the economy, helped move millions of jobs to China, blew it after Katrina and on and on.

Remember that OTHER Rice who suggested Iraq was developing nuclear weapons????? The one who said "No one ever thought of using passenger jets as weapons"?????? The one who with a report that said, "al Qaeda attack imminent"?????

So Susan Rice repeats the intelligence she is given because Republicans are playing politics with a national tragedy that happened 10,000 miles away in a country that just went through a revolution at an embassy Republicans had cut their security budget?????

And this coming from John McCain? A man whose father and grandfather, using "Rich White People's Affirmative Action" to get him into an academy where he graduated 5th from the bottom???? Out of nearly a thousand graduates???? Probabilities suggest he was the most stupid person in every class he was in.

Only Republicans could look at the most stupid person in EVERY SINGLE CLASS and say, "Wow, let's make them president". Only Republicans. No one else.

And they call someone else "incompetent". If they were wrong about EVERYTHING else, why would they be right now???? Short answer?

This coming from the man who told us Sarah Palin was qualified to be President?

She was more qualified than Obama! In fact, she had more executive experience than Obama, Biden, and McCain COMBINED!
Exactly. The dimwits hate her because they know she is smarter then they are.
I've met a ton of "academically bright" people who lacked any reasoning skills and were totally unable to translate their knowledge to real world cricumstances.

Rice should have said the attack was being investigated and she wasn't going to speculate on the cuase without more information, instead she continued with the pro-muslim line that Maobama fed her and she is likely to pay the price for it.

Being so bright, she should have recognized the oncoming bus.

That's a bullshit lie and you know it. It's one of those things Republicans say to feel better about themselves. "Smart people have no common sense". Well, the truth is, stupid people have less common sense than anybody.

sometimes Dean you fit right in that category......but then so do most people who have your your not alone.....
Deanie has no smarts or common sense.
That's a bullshit lie and you know it. It's one of those things Republicans say to feel better about themselves. "Smart people have no common sense". Well, the truth is, stupid people have less common sense than anybody.

sometimes Dean you fit right in that category......but then so do most people who have your your not alone.....
Deanie has no smarts or common sense.

Just saying something doesn't make it true. Republicans on this site haven't learned that. When you give evidence, they cry and whine. Poor things. Too bad their hearts are filled with so much hate. Even Mitt Romney knew they couldn't learn. It's why he wanted to bring immigrants here who already have degrees.
The Hanoi Hilton Songbird has been living off the government his entire life.
I've met a ton of "academically bright" people who lacked any reasoning skills and were totally unable to translate their knowledge to real world cricumstances.

Rice should have said the attack was being investigated and she wasn't going to speculate on the cuase without more information, instead she continued with the pro-muslim line that Maobama fed her and she is likely to pay the price for it.

Being so bright, she should have recognized the oncoming bus.

That's a bullshit lie and you know it. It's one of those things Republicans say to feel better about themselves. "Smart people have no common sense". Well, the truth is, stupid people have less common sense than anybody.

Really, when I was in recruiting, I personally saw 5 school teachers who couldn't pass the test to get in the military, on the other side I had a 9th grade drop out max it. In fact he was the only one to score in the 99th percentile in my 5.5 years doing the job. I have personlly worked with engineers that could put a plan to paper but had no idea how to actually build their design. I have a cousin that's a nuclear pharmacist, you get her out of the lab and she's dumb as a rock. Education can only take you so far. So have a nice meal on your BS, I ain't buying it.
When I hear John McCain, who graduated 5th from the bottom out of a class of 899, calling Susan Rice, a Rhodes Scholar, "Not Very Bright", I just sigh and say to myself, "figures".

Not only that, the Republican Leadership is calling her "incompetent". This is the same party that let Bin Laden go, invaded Iraq, ruined the economy, helped move millions of jobs to China, blew it after Katrina and on and on.

Remember that OTHER Rice who suggested Iraq was developing nuclear weapons????? The one who said "No one ever thought of using passenger jets as weapons"?????? The one who with a report that said, "al Qaeda attack imminent"?????

So Susan Rice repeats the intelligence she is given because Republicans are playing politics with a national tragedy that happened 10,000 miles away in a country that just went through a revolution at an embassy Republicans had cut their security budget?????

And this coming from John McCain? A man whose father and grandfather, using "Rich White People's Affirmative Action" to get him into an academy where he graduated 5th from the bottom???? Out of nearly a thousand graduates???? Probabilities suggest he was the most stupid person in every class he was in.

Only Republicans could look at the most stupid person in EVERY SINGLE CLASS and say, "Wow, let's make them president". Only Republicans. No one else.

And they call someone else "incompetent". If they were wrong about EVERYTHING else, why would they be right now???? Short answer?

Rice is so BRIGHT why did she come out on 5 networks and blame a video?
That's not BRIGHT that's incompetence on several levels!!!

1) If she's so bright why didn't she question these "talking points"??? I mean it didn't take a rocket scientist to recognize in real time RPGS!!!
2) And If she's so bright, why would she caveat this simply and easily by saying.."We are not sure,, or it appears, or we just don't know!"
NOPE she said these words exactly:

"based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy –sparked by this hateful video.
Actually, yes, Susan Rice did say the Benghazi attacks were spontaneous |

Her EXACT words! Political COVER 101 teaches you if you've been bragging about "OSAMA IS DEAD"... and "spiking the football" as the Obama campaign had been doing, someone was "BRIGHT" enough to paint a NON-Terrorist, NON-Muslim face and pointed a minor American videographer!

MY god... if she's THAT "BRIGHT" I congratulate her for another "slam dunk"!!!
A new report appears to exonerate Susan Rice for public statements following the Benghazi attack. Will John McCain apologize for his reckless crusade against her? Don’t bet on it.

Just as conservatives couldn’t see that Romney was losing because they believed their own propaganda, I think McCain probably isn’t aware right now of what a joke he’s become.

Michael Tomasky on How John McCain Humiliated Himself on Susan Rice - The Daily Beast
A blistering report, thanks.
From the article:

"Just as conservatives couldn’t see that Romney was losing because they believed their own propaganda, I think McCain probably isn’t aware right now of what a joke he’s become."
A new report appears to exonerate Susan Rice for public statements following the Benghazi attack. Will John McCain apologize for his reckless crusade against her? Don’t bet on it.

Just as conservatives couldn’t see that Romney was losing because they believed their own propaganda, I think McCain probably isn’t aware right now of what a joke he’s become.

Michael Tomasky on How John McCain Humiliated Himself on Susan Rice - The Daily Beast
A blistering report, thanks.
From the article:

"Just as conservatives couldn’t see that Romney was losing because they believed their own propaganda, I think McCain probably isn’t aware right now of what a joke he’s become."

Then, in the final week (October 29 to November 5), a noticeable change occurred: Obama's coverage improved dramatically while Romney's coverage stayed about the same but shrank in volume.

That week, fully 29% of the Obama stories were positive compared to 19% which were negative, a net plus of 10 points.
That was the best week Obama had seen since the week of the Democratic National Convention in early September;
the final week also marked only the second week of the general election when Obama was the subject of more positive stories than negative
Romney's coverage in that final week slipped slightly, but not by a significant amount. That week, 16% of his stories were positive compared to 33% that were negative, a difference of 17 points.

Rather than Romney faltering in the last week, in other words, the difference was largely that Obama benefited from a new media narrative.

Fox News..
From October 1 to 28, 4% of Obama's stories were positive and 47% were negative (a difference of 43 points).
In the final week, however, that tenor changed so that 5% of Obama's stories were positive while 56% were negative-a difference of 51 points.

At the same time, when Romney was receiving negative coverage in the final week from the rest of the press, Fox was different; 42% of its segments about him were positive while only 11% were negative. This was more positive than the earlier part of October when 34% of Fox News' Romney coverage was positive and 9% negative.
Final Weeks in the Mainstream Press | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)

Media coverage of President Barack Obama was largely positive in the final week of the presidential campaign, while coverage of Mitt Romney was mostly negative, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism.

From October 29 to November 5,
positive stories about Obama in mainstream media outlets outnumbered negative ones by 10 percentage points, with 29 percent positive, and 19 negative.
On the other hand, negative stories about the GOP nominee Mitt Romney outweighed positive stories by 17 points, with 33 percent negative compared to 16 positive.

The report, which analyzed 660 stories from 59 media outlets, also notes the positive media coverage of Obama was higher in the final week than it had been in previous weeks. The tone of coverage about Romney stayed roughly the same.

Report: Obama Coverage Turned More Favorable In Final Week Of Election - Washington Whispers (

And why were we NOT surprise? When the editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas said:

With most of the MSM up Obama's leg that he literally is perceived as a "god"..(think I'm kidding? read this quote")

When it came to Bush???

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' |

But then when it comes to Obama???

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
So folks right then and there YOU have to admit the MSM is BIASED..

More and more people are reading FACTS like the above and more and more are believing the BenghaziGate AFTER this biased election and the MSM HAS to start covering this!
I've met plenty of very highly educated people who were just too stupid for words. I'd trust McCain over some empty mouthpiece like Rice anyday.

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